SOPHOMORK WRESTLING SQUAI>, FRONT ROW: Mark Newman. BlU Byrne, ager Greg l>r Young. BACK ROW: Cooch Ou*taf»on. Rkk Slevcrt*oo. Milce
Bill Grlcsinger. John Be*. Kd Martig. SECOND ROW: Manager Jamę# Lurquln, Rkkrtls. Kd Stcffnn. Jim Gaudy. Dan Kelly, Kai Grolh. and John Johnson.
Don Sternberg. Bruce Bohne. Jay Fredrtekson. Frank Quinn. Bill Frełberg. Mon-
During a mairh. Coarh ('.ustafson gave helpful suggntions (o John Ahle-bodled Charlie Srhufleri. overpowered his opponrot In a inatch with Crrte-Monre Best ahoui u»e of lndlvidual technlques (o ihrotlle his opponent.