DE student Karm Zib rnt1vd $500 scholatshlp award front NI? Kobcfl I Manager of Brverly Wootl* Krwiaurant Jack NIKIann went ovrr mmii a i rangę
Carroll. prrsident of Illinois Foundation for I)Utr(butive Kducation Mr. Wallacr menu w lih l>K student MlkrKmbkr
Wtrtb was the I>K leachcr<oordlnaior ai III.K
Oseo Drug Manager F.d Mor/rk went over tdllng putni* of elecirtc kutie wlih student learner Tom Stewart.
l)istrihutłvc Kducation was a coopcrativc training program aroong the school, local businesses and parents of students who had career objcctivcs In the flelds of marketing, merchandlsing and/or management. One of the primary goals of sucli a program was the devclopmcnt of futurę icadcrs for marketing and distribution. In the II. L Kichards' 1)K program (his year, there werc slxtccn student learners. These students werc placed in traln-ing stations (local businesses) which were co mm en su ratę wlth thelr career objcctives. The student learners rccelvcd one unit of credit for their dassroom theory and also one unit of credit for their on-the-Job trainlng. Kach student's sched ule was arranged to coincidc with his timc S|>enl as an apprcntice wlth his super-vlsor and his actual dass linie spent in school. l)lstributive Kd-ucation was designed to prepare the young adulls ol today for lomorrows business world.
Slufiml Collcrn Krlly praciKtd Information operator unłmujuo * ii Ii Sliirlrv pks. a graduatc of ll!J< and a fornter l)iMrłbutłvc Kducatiofi student.