Roleplay 09(1)

Rolplay 9

C: Yes, officer how can i help you?

E: I would like to check some details in your statement. Is that OK?

C: Yes, of course. What do yow want to know ?

E: Could you tell me which driver was wrong ?

C: I saw that the passenger car hit a lorry.

E: OK, and which side of the crossing was it ?

C: It was on London Road on the north of the crossroads with Green Lane.

E: But yesterday you said, it was on the south side on the crossing.

C: Let me think... I am sure. It was on the north side of the crossroads.

E: What was the weather yesterday just before the accident. Do you remember well ?

C: Yes. I remember very well. It was raining earlier and at the moment of accident the road was slippery, but the rain had stopped.

E: OK. The next problem- what can you tell me about speed of the passenger car?

C: In my opinion the car was doing about 70 km per hour.

E: Yesterday you said, that the car was doing 70 miles per hour. How can you explain it.

C: I'm sure it was 70 km per hour.

E: Yesterday you wasn't sure why the accident happened. What do you remember now?

C: Let me think.... Yes. The lorry stopped suddenly. The car driver tried to stop but the road was to slippery. It is everything what I remember.

E: Thank You , Sir. You have been very helpful.


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