VA 012 Loading Container, STW

Release to Third Parties

by Special Authorisation

of Management only

Loading and Discharging of Container Vessels



A ship's safety at sea depends to a great extent on the correct and proper stowage and lashing of her cargo. Nor should cargo come to any harm in the course of loading and discharging.



This Documented Procedure applies on all ships managed / operated by Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG.


Definitions and Abbreviations (refer to VA-001)





The Master is ultimately responsible for a ship's safety, and therefore also for the correct and proper loading and discharging of the vessel. He should therefore inspect loading and discharging operations at appropriate intervals and be ready to offer the Cargo Officer advice and help when needed.


Cargo Officer

The Cargo Officer is responsible for loading and discharging operations, whereby he should pay particular attention to the following:

  • Receiving and checking cargo documents

  • Instructing and supervising officers / crew members on deck duty

  • Ensuring that the vessel's stability is adequate and that she is fit for loading and discharging operations throughout her entire berthing period

  • Planning and supervising ballast operations

  • Ensuring that instructions are adhered to - for dangerous cargo, for example

  • Making arrangements with the person(s) responsible ashore should any changes have to be made

  • Making sure that loading papers are complete

  • Drawing up and checking stability calculations


Officers of the Watch

With the assistance of crew members on duty, deck Officers of the watch are responsible for supervising loading and discharging operations, whereby due care and attention should be paid that:

  • loading and discharging operations are carried out and supervised according to the stowage plan

  • checks are made that markings are all available and correct, particularly in the case of dangerous cargo

  • as far as possible, checks are made on cargo for damage

  • hatch covers, if any, are opened and closed

  • the vessel is trimmed correctly and her heeling action is correct while gantry cranes are in operation

  • safety patrols are carried out

  • any damage to the ship, her cargo and/or lashing material is reported

  • lashing is correct and in good order according to the lashing plan / Cargo Securing Manual

  • draughts are checked

  • checks are made on mooring ropes and gangway

  • adherence to Safety at Work / Accident Prevention Regulations Work is supervised

  • information is passed on to the Cargo Officer when necessary or when requested


Engineers of the Watch

The Engineer of the watch should assist the Officer of the watch as need be, particularly when supplying adequate electrical power for operating the following:

  • Cargo handling equipment

  • Hatch covers

  • Mooring winches

  • Ballast equipment

  • Reefer containers


Description of Routines


Preparation of Loading and Discharging Operations


Before loading and discharging operations commence, the Cargo Officer should establish what the vessel's arrival particulars are, whereby due note should be given to the following:

  • Vessel's draught upon arrival

  • Vessel's ballast situation and cargo conditions as a basis for the maximum amount of cargo to be loaded

  • Vessel's current stability and any changes expected in the course of discharging

  • Any preliminary ballast operations for optimising the vessel's trim and heeling action during loading and discharging operations


The Cargo Officer co-ordinates loading operations with representatives from the stevedoring company, the agents and/or the Charterer, and in particular:

  • arranges details concerning the scope and particular features of the handling activities planned

  • checks that loading documents are complete, particularly in the case of IMDG cargo, reefer containers, etc.

  • checks that stability criteria and bending moments are adhered to during loading, and that loading is changed where need be

  • checks that the maximum permissible draught is observed, and at the same time due attention paid to specific port and tidal conditions

  • checks that arrangements for any special action are made


The Cargo Officer draws up a ballast plan for the vessel during loading / discharging operations. He assembles all the information required for the correct and proper supervision of loading and discharging operations, and hands it to the Officer of the watch. In particular this comprises information on:

  • ballast operations

  • discharging and loading plans

  • details on special cargo, e.g. dangerous cargo, reefer containers, special project cargo etc.

  • any special features for the port / terminal in question


Loading and Discharging Operations


The Officer of the watch and the deck crew members on duty supervise loading and discharging operations. They check cargo being taken on board, its stowage and lashing, paying due care and attention that:

  • containers are discharged and loaded according to the stowage plan;

  • the doors of dry cargo containers point aft;

  • containers are undamaged;

  • containers with dangerous cargo are marked in the correct and proper manner;

  • tarpaulins on open-top containers are undamaged;

  • the doors of empty containers are locked;

  • cargo on flat racks is securely lashed;

  • lashing of containers complies with the Cargo Securing Manual.


During handling of reefer containers, the following also have to be undertaken:

  • Supply connections disconnected in good time before discharging, and temperatures recorded by hand;

  • After reefer containers have been loaded

  • their temperature setting and actual temperature are compared with the Reefer Manifest;

  • containers are checked for damage and whether they are correctly closed;

  • the reefer aggregate is connected and switched on. If the aggregate does not start, arrangements are made with a representative from the stevedore company for servicing / repairs to be carried out by a shore-based company, or for the container to be discharged if repairs cannot be undertaken or are unsuccessful.


With the assistance of the deck crew members on duty, the Officer of the watch opens and closes hatch-covers according to the discharging and loading plan. He also carries out the necessary ballast operations. Should irregularities arise, the Cargo Officer should be consulted.


Safety Measures

The Officer of the watch supervises the requisite and appropriate safety measures during discharging and loading operations. The following criteria may be expanded upon by additional points which refer specifically to certain vessels, ports or cargo:

  • Vessel

  • Safe mooring of the vessel at her berth, with due care and attention being paid to tides and any draught, trim and heeling action fluctuations which occur during handling operations.

  • Safe gangway access

  • Setting the necessary signals and erecting notice boards when handling dangerous cargo

  • Deck and Cargo Holds

  • Lighting for upper deck, holds and access hatchways to holds

  • Access hatchways to holds being kept free of obstructions and hatchway lids secured

  • Free access being maintained to lashing zones, with lashing equipment not in use removed

  • Upper deck being kept free from oil and other substances likely to cause accidents

  • Hatch Covers

  • Hatch covers should only be opened and closed in the presence of the Officer of the watch

  • Hatch covers operated by the vessel's staff should only be manned by crew members trained for the job

  • Hatch covers should only to be set down on blocks intended for the purpose and duly be secured when open

  • Safety protection should be available on all open hatches

  • Danger zones around hatch covers should not be frequented.

  • Access over hatch covers should only be permitted once they have been set down / closed correctly

  • Safety at Work

  • No unauthorised person(s) should have access to loading zones

  • Correct working and protective clothing should be worn

  • Areas below suspended cargo should not be frequented

  • Danger zones should not be frequented when lashing operations above are in progress

  • No smoking on deck (dangerous cargo on board)

  • Free access should be available across the deck

  • No other work, or only if absolutely unavoidable, should be carried out in the cargo area


Measures after Completion of Loading Operations


With the assistance of the Officer of the watch and other deck crew members on duty, the Cargo Officer checks loading zones for the following once loading and discharging operations are complete:

  • that hatch-covers and access hatchways are closed and bolted in the correct and proper manner,

  • that containers have been stowed and lashed in compliance with the Cargo Securing Manual,

  • that lashing material not in use has been stored in rooms / lockers intended for the purpose.


Following loading and discharging operations the Cargo Officer establishes the vessel's sailing conditions, paying particular attention to:

  • her stability and bending moments within permissible limits during sailing and en route to the next port of call

  • Draught at sailing

  • Trim

  • Checks on final stowage plan

  • Checks on whether loading documents are complete


References and Remarks


Reference Documents

  • VA-024 Dangerous Cargo

  • VA-015 Treatment and Supervision of Cargo - Container Vessels

  • Charter Party, Charterer's Instructions

  • Stability Booklet, Software

  • Cargo Securing Manual





  • IMDG Code

  • CSS Code

  • Accident Prevention Regulations



Some of the operations already described may be carried out by third parties. Even so, the vessel's Officers are still responsible for supervising operations.



  • Stowage Plan

  • Load Lists

  • Manifests

  • Stability Calculation

  • Deck Log Book

  • Port Log

  • Check Lists


Revision of Documents

Party responsible for the editorial revision of this procedure:

Fleet Manager / Designated Person



All Safety Management Manuals

Additional Copies

  • None



  • None

0x01 graphic


Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden

GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelm-Schröder-Str. 3

D-21726 Oldendorf


Revision 0


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Reederei Heinz Corleis

Kampweg 4a

D-21706 Drochtersen

prepared: 16.09.02

approved: 16.09.02

released: 16.09.02

Revision 2

Procedure No.:


M. Blohm



Page 1 of 5


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