VA 008 SE Documents, STW

Release to Third Parties

by Special Authorisation

of Management only

Control of Documents and Data of the Safety

and Environmental Protection Management System



Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG's “Safety and Environmental Protection Management System Manual“ contains all of the documentation which is important for the safe operation of the ship. It must therefore be ensured that all editions always contain the latest Status of Revision.



This Documented Procedure applies to the Shorebased Organisation and on all ships managed / operated by Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG.


Definitions and Abbreviations (refer to VA-001)



The Designated Person is responsible for the Document Control of the Management System.


Description of Routines

  • All Manuals and Emergency Response Manuals have a registration number.

  • Information copies receive a registration number and the owner is known; However, these copies are not updated.

  • All documents are marked with number, Status of Revision and date.

  • After the revision of a document has been approved, the original document with the new Status of Revision is made up.

  • If the number of pages in the revised document is different from the number in the original, the relevant table of contents must also be updated, made up with the new Status of Revision.

  • At the same time, the relevant Revision Table of Contents is updated, made up with the new Status of Revision.

  • The Designated Person then compiles the sorting instruction on page 2 of Fo-023, with the revisions are consecutively numbered.

  • The Designated Person copies the Revision original in the necessary numbers and sends the copies with Fo-023 to the Manual holders.

  • The Designated Person documents the distribution on Fo-024 “Supervision of System Revisions“.

  • The Manual holders carry out the System Revision in accordance with the Sorting Instruction and confirm this using the lower section of page 1 of Fo-023, which they detach and send back to the Designated Person.

  • The Manual holders ensure that the revision is brought to the notice of affected members of staff and that it is implemented immediately.

  • The Manual holders ensure that revised documents which are also used outside of the Manual (e.g. forms, checklists etc.), are destroyed and replaced by the new Status of Revision. Records which already exist on consequently outdated forms remain unchanged.

  • The Designated Person documents the return of confirmations on Fo-024. After Fo-024 has been completely processed and countersigned (all returns have been made), the return forms can be destroyed.

  • The Revision System originals are sorted into Original Manuals and the Original Emergency Response Manuals. The outdated documents taken from the original are marked “invalid / outdated“ and stored by the Designated Person in a file specially marked for the purpose.

  • The versions of the Manual and of the Emergency Response Manual which are stored on data carrier are also replaced by the files with the new Status of Revision. The files with the old Status of Revision are moved to the “Waste basket”.

  • Sometimes amendments to ship-specific data are necessary in the Emergency Response Manual. These amendments are carried out by the Master in those Emergency Response Manuals which are located on board. At the same time, the Master sends a copy of the amendments to the Designated Person in order to complete the Original Shorebased Emergency Response Manual.


References and Remarks


Reference Documents

  • HB-011 Documents and other records



  • none



  • none



The system revisions are documented as mentioned in Section 5.


Revision of Documents

Party responsible for the editorial revision of this procedure:

Designated Person



All Safety Management Manuals

Additional Copies:

  • none



  • none

0x01 graphic


Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden

GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelm-Schröder-Str. 3

D-21726 Oldendorf


Revision 2


Page 2 of 2

0x01 graphic


Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden

GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelm-Schröder-Str. 3

D-21726 Oldendorf

prepared: 12.09.02

approved: 12.09.02

released: 12.09.02

Revision 2

Procedure No.:


M. Blohm


M. Blohm

Page 1 of 2


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VA 022 Navigation Waters, STW
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VA 014 Treatment Bulk, STW
VA 011 Loading Bulk, STW
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