Dydaktyka wykłady


Approach - General belief what language is and how it should be taught

Method - Principles of teaching (the dos and don'ts) [ theoretical ]

Technique - Activities

Communicative competence should be developed in students.

- Linguistic competence (grammar, vocabulary, phonology)

- Sociolinguistic competence (behaving appropriately in a particular situation)

- Discourse (ability to build complex utterances)

- Strategic competence (knowledge of communicative strategies) [ Using strategies to overcome limitations of knowledge (like explaining instead of saying something when you forget a word)

Performance - Actual use of one's knowledge

Language skills : listening / speaking / reading / writing



Language sub-systems : vocabulary / grammar / phonology

We develop accuracy [correctness] and fluency [natural use of the language] in students.

They are mutually exclusive : the more accurate, the less fluent you are.

Learning uczenie się - a conscious process [helps with accuracy]

Acquisition przyswajanie - subconscious [helps with fluency]


Behaviourism: language is a habit [a thoughtless behaviour] learning as a way of habit formation

Stimulus → Response → Reinforcement

Language error is unacceptable in the behaviouristic approach.

The teaching method here is Audiolingual [also called the Army Method]. The method is based on repetition of a correct model [drills] and then using this memorized model to use a grammatical rule.

Nativism: language is an inborn ability [LAD - language acquisition device (an inborn mechanism to learn a language)]

Language learning: hypotheses testing + rule formation.

[children point at an apple and say “apple” and when you give them one they correlate saying it with your response.] Error is necessary.

Cognitivism: Language is a skill. [for example learning abstract vocabulary when you are able to understand abstract terms]. It is learned by consciously experimenting with the language and constructing one's personal meaning of it.

Language learning : conscious development of a language system. [error is acceptable]

Interactionism: language is obtained by interaction

Language learning : mediation [simplifications of the language to the level of one's students ] + zone of proximal development [ZPD] [ a mediator is an important person ].

Mediation is also called negotiation of meaning. It leads to making the language comprehensible.

[errors are acceptable]




Humanistic approach: focus on the learner [making them comfortable] / holistic development [language / artistic skills etc.] / obj. lowering anxiety / they teach the language with different tools (music / physical activity colours) [This method is not very efficient and does not develop communicative skills.]

example : Suggestopedia - tech = baroque music + listening / teaching in mid-sleep [makes memorization more efficient but you do not get any communication practice.]

Total Physical Response [TPR]: tech. = physical activity [best used with small children but vocabulary is limited to action words only]

Concentration span: how long you can concentrate for.

Community Language Learning [CLL]: tech. = speaking and translation [gather in a circle and speaking about trivial every day activities in L1 then the teacher translates it and students can say the same things in L2 later.]

The Silent Way: tech. = speaking with the use of colourful sticks &charts. [the teacher is supposed to be silent].


Warm up: Focus attention / activate vocabulary [the topic useful during the lesson] / motivate /


Pre-stage: introduce necessary vocabulary [remove obstacles for the main objective]

While-stage: the main objective of the lesson [general activities connected with a given skill]

Post-stage: detailed activities

Follow up: putting theory into practice [has to be related to what has been done during the lesson]

You always have to go through all these stages. [it's better to make a part shorter than to omit it]


Pre-listening stage: we use pictures / conversations / brainstorming which all give us vocabulary presentation. [we realise what the students don't know]

While-listening: marking / ordering / drawing / acting out / cloze test [txt with missing words] / true/false / comprehension questions / taking notes /

1st listening is for gist [general information] 2nd is for detail.

Post-listening: vocabulary practice / pronunciation practice

Follow up: speaking / writing [activities should be natural]


Listening material should:


Start with a pre-communicative activity which is focused on 2 structures : vocabulary / structures

Grading : when you ask students to speak you start from controlled and move on to free practice.

Fluency - oriented - selective error correction [you only correct mistakes that brake communication.] / delayed correction - you correct the student when the activity is finished

Elicitation technique - used to make students speak (asking questions / visual (showing pictures and talking about them) auditory

Role play simulation

Using real life situations (topics connected with real life) practising intentions / styles / forms /

Skills connected with speaking:

Conditions for teaching SPEAKING:


Sources of pronunciation errors:


To teach intonation we need to use graphic representation.


Based on the material already practised during listening

Start from guided activities (like copying) to free practice

Start with pre-writing activities.

Students should practice useful texts / cv / E-mail / lecture summary

Techniques : questionnaire'

Parallel writing

Completing sentences or writing/reading stories.

Plan (key words)

Respond (for example to an advertisement.


In earlier learning teaching grammar is not as important as training fluency.




Language drills:

Imitation drill [students repeat what the teacher has said]


Transformation [changing one structure into another] / ← intermediate level and up



Teaching communication

What makes a lesson artificial:

Group work:

Lock step - material presented to the whole class / teacher centred / student speaking time is limited.

Pair work - work in pairs

Group work - groups of at leat 3

^^/ autonomy is developed in studetns

Lowering anxiety

Learning cooperation

Homogenous groups vs heterogenous groups [different people]

When organizing group work, we should:

- Introduce all the necessary grammar and vocabulary,

[in a precommunication activity]

- Give clear instructions

- Define the product. Presenting the text for example

- Assign roles. [the time keeper / a note taker / linguistic, controller / spokesman ./

- Give a time limit.

-You should allow whispering.

- At the end you can [but don't have to] talk about specific errors.

Selective Error Correction:

immediate / delayed

teacher/ peer / self correction

implicit [asking “what did you mean?” / explicit correction - there is something wrong with the language production


Role - the behaviour of the teacher in different stages of the lesson.

Style - a stable behaviour of the teacher. [approach to group management]

Competences (skills):

Strategies: the actions of the teacher that prevent conflicts in the classroom.


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