5 vijf
In this seciiop you will be ghrcn eicamples of Dutch syntax. The wny words are pul together in Dutch to form phrases, eta u u es and sen fences is often quite differenl than in English
The columns ha w be en so arranged thal a correc! sen-tence .s fprmed whenever you tako one element kom each cotumn I! phrases in a colurnn a re m parentheses it means thal a correct senience can bc formed even w hen these are omitted
As rapidty as possible, repeat aloud the various senleri-ces that you have composed with the different elements. This wili help you team correct sentence siri/cfuire ki a naturai way The number ot possibie combinaiions is mdicated beside each exercise
The senfences are easy. You should have no trouble understanding thom. Try to pronounce the words correc tly. placing the stress on the proper syllables.
de- c ontf8'9(^ ^ ^ . an f s- c
1 hAYfruu Vhuls?
uw dochter mewrouw De Vos meneer Varten
uw schoonzoon
uw dochter
uw schoonmoeder uw vrouw meneer De Vos uw schoonzoon Hans
mevrouw Kets
3 Mijnyrouw Meneer De Vos Mijn dochter Tom
Mijn zoon Wim
Mijn schoordochter Mevrouw Marek
maakt het
goed ook goed niet goed hee! goed ook heel goed niet heel goed
At the Tax Office
(At the Receiver)
1 — Do you havc a house (Havc you a house)? OPMERKING
(1) One can also say neb! u. Act-al-y nee.'( :S th rd person srgjla' ,• k heh il have:. u hebt iyou nave;. hi; heell 'Ue hasi But heef! is common y used wi!h o. and is not considered
2- LES