Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE05

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE05

Test Unit 29

Blockbuster 2


................................................. DATĘ:..,


.................................................. MARK:

10 (Time: 10 minutes)

Choose thc correct iteni.

1    Samantha is a big................of chocolate.

A lovc    B fan

2    The chicken is really mouth-.................Weil done!

A watering    B    tasty

3    The curry we................ycsterday was veiy hot and spicy.

A have had    B    had

4    I think it is vcry important for a rcstaurant to havc a nicc warm...........

A aroma    B    atmosphcrc

5    The vanilla icc crcam is................with chopped nuts and cream.

A scrvcd    B    givcn

6    “Havc you cvcr madę salmon steak?"

MNo, I................."

A haven t    B    have

7    Since Tony’s Place opened two weeks ago, it................fuli evcry night.

A has bccn    B    was

8    He was very hungry................he ate the spring rolls.

A during    B    until

9 that ncw rcstaurant on Saturday evcning.

A have bccn    B    went

10 I think temon juice is................

A sour    B hcavy


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