PC — Porozumienie Centrum
PIS — Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
PPChD — Porozumienie Polskich Chrześcijańskich Demokratów
RKN — Ruch Katolicko-Narodowy
S. — Samoobrona
SLD — Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
SN — Stronnictwo Narodowe
UP — Unia Pracy
ZChN — Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańsko-Narodowe
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The Rhetoric of Personal Forms in a Political Discourse Summary
The article is an analysis of ways of transposition of personal forms featuring in political language. They are studled regarding to the role of the speaker and the addressee as well as to the role of the object in the process of communication. There are transpositions which: 1) evoke a false sense of Identification of the speaker and the addressee: 2) strengthen their close relationshlp; 3) create the im-pression of their direct or diaiogue Uke contact, while in fact it is indirect or orato-rical: 4) shorten or lengthen the distance towards the contents being communlcated (Iowering or heightening the responsibility for the contents); 5) change the hierarchie relations between the speaker and the addressee.