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Summary . ■
In biologlcal and dcmographic studies on prehistorio] populalloni, the chana of ualng known ostcological methods łs badly llmltcd, II wo hnve tb doili only with fragmonta of charred bonos. The latter dug out of cremation grayet have certainly undcrgonc thermai alleratiooa. Thcir buming has cousad mlcro- and macroscopic cbangos of shapc and dimensions. While studying that kind of materiał we have no posslbłlity of additional łnrestigalinf the skuli or the pehia as a wtok. We know that the hip bonę and the pubie bonę are easiest subjectad to destruc-tian during crcmation, but we mastly Jack tbooe areas of the peleis that might proviae information conccrning the deać inairiduaTs aez. as as the puMc bonę able to tell his age at the moment of his death. Ab© the skuli ls aften se badly crushed that only single fragments maj cvidence aez bcionging. Suturcs persisting in particular fragments of the skuITs vault, reąoire eiact determlnatloo of the place they had hetd, as particular parta of a głeen sutme show diflerent rates of obliteration.
The specific chnractcr of charred bonę materiał reąuiied Ute etoboration of a particular investigation mothod. On the tyute of experimental corabustion proces-ses. accomplished in a gaz operated crematory, the so far publlahed pupers estlmat-ed the generał sin te of kccping of burnt booes, altcrations of their shape and dimensions duo to crcmation, tho rclatlon betwoen anatomie structure and their conscrvation, the rcliablllty of denotatlpns concernłńg sex and ago ioglhla on cremat-ed bonos and tho chanco of rcconstructlon of somo physical eharacterłsUc***
The mentionsd invcsUgatioos aUowed to dłscuss chaoges occurring in bonos due to high temperaturo1. It had beto shown that the combustion of booe tłsaoa consista in the calclnating of its organie element1, fint of all cotagcn fibrrs. being
Numbers refor to notes in the Polish test