Frodd h. 1T.—Ring atolcn, 152 Frakom lis—lluuaebrcaking on, 45 .
Franio .7.—Br ouch condns. to-OM
Franiu ,T.’ O.—A .^aul i- oeoiision-ing boclily lumn, 573, 084 Francais i). -Break condus. rc Leasc, 259
France—G. Purwet wanted in, for swhnliing, 146 Franc.ics S.—Slealing, F.O., 457 Francis E. C.— Mining, 494 Francis J., alias A. Apps, &c.— Falso pretences; forgery and uttiriiig; disuhargyd on U* consft, 000
Francis W.—Watyli stolcu, 4o4 Francisco D.—Maro stolon, 283 Frank N.—Commitinent war-rar?i for wago* duo, 511 Frankham W.—(Jlolhir.g, &e., stolon, 520
Frankkuizen J.—Malic. datn-Hgo. 525. 558; F.O., 583 Frank land W.—.TrwcMoTy sto-l«n, 103
“Franklin," alias J. Walali, An. —-Break and oiitcr, iiilrnt steul; break, euier, uud sieni, •112, 518; straliiig, 5(>2 Franklin A„ alias E. J. Barry. —Attompt steal froro person, 45; (Viw-havgcd, 020 Franklin U. A.—Kobbery, beiug arr.Kal, 041
Franklin F. ił. —IłlognJly uae horst*, 70
Franklin T. and Sons Ltd., 04, 182
Franklin W., alias “Thornt.on," &’.iaa "Snowtlcn’*—(Jonspiracy,
M E. TJ.—Xav;il doserter;
wt. caocollod, 130 Franka O., alias A. Flnmkrs, &(*.—Sten ling. Ir; disehnTjycd, 420
Franks J. A.—Fnlso protnneoH, 193
Franka S.—Kefusn to pny for a r.nd aceommodation (sec S. JM. F/anka)
Franka -S. hi. (or $. Frank?;. — to nay for tnt»nl« and ncconimodation, 482, 503 "Frankston/ alias H. Lowrie, Ł?.—StcaMng, 93, 327 Fifinkstor. C., alias J■ Karmem —Attempt stenl; sieni fmm person; disehurgod, 272: su*}-pcctcd person, 111 Frawr A.—Falso preTcnees, 03 Fraam- A. A.—Ibsobey M.O., 247
Fraser A. M., alias M. Frasrr—■ Attempt conceal biith infant, 375; dccoased, 548 pTaacr fi.—\Vifc dusjc-rltr, 355 Traser ii.—Assault and roli-bory, 90, 232; dischargcd on, 083
Twer J. W.—Albert, &c., sto . len, 168
Traser M., alias A. M. Frascr— Attcmpt conceal birth infant, 375; dccoased, 548 Frascr M. hfoT.v—Brooch sto-len, 102
Frasfr K.—Assanlt intent rob,
’ 889
Traser R.—Fatse pretenee*, 647
Traser U. I?. —-Hcirse sleuliug; fitealing, 41)8; uso motor cv«l« n>itbout conecnt o w ner, 547, 596
Fracirr V. A.. I.—Oanially knewn. -14
Traepr W,—Watrli and albcrl itolen, 31.2
Traser W. J,—Falso prcćonce? \ on, 534
Fratua E,—Miasing, 57
1’ruaonfeldor V. J.—Bicyclc fłtiden, 675
Frazę i & Co. Lt-d., Grafion, 658 Frajer A.—lndeecnt aaaautt, OS, 9*2; disebargod, 234 Frazo- C‘. C.—J)isobt-v M. O., 95, 4 U
Fr<; E. E. M.—Watek atolen, 103
rruaeFs Crcek StatiOft, 216 Frorbl C., aliys (r. Biytt, &C.—• Aflompted murder; grit:v. bodily h»rm; wnrrant for fajJing to appcar, 600, 688 Frodoriek 1\, alias A. Byrncs, &c.—-Kronk, onter xu:rt vteul; dischargcd on liccuso, 467 Frcdiuicki? 1T. M. Stcaling, ro-t’0iv;ng, 344; acqiu}ted, 371 Frcderiksc-n A. At.—Break, cu-tor and steat; hare unllcenscd gun; iKegttl mistody o£ goods, 433; reco:ving, 507 Fredot Jj. E.—■JStcaling; F.O., 61
Freebairn A., 84 Frccbairn A. Fnlsc protences on, 633
Fret*ba!ni F. V.—False prcttni-c.Ca on, 633
Froednnin \V. —Cump!t. fran-
duicnt cvriBion payirumt taxi Idro, 659
Freud i ng E. F., alias J. J. Tl.
Ciarkę, &e.—Jbcak, «i:ter and
steal, 123, )7», 22*2, 231 Frcen:nn 13. R.--‘F,’ul proiide prcliws. 420
Frrrmnu O.—Htolcu t.ronsors sold to, 670
Freeman E.— Ki:ig stolcu, 62 Froomar. 13.—Broocdi stolon ; rc-eovtre.l, 186, 223 Frconwn I)., alias P. Taylor, &c. — Broach lironso; fuisc pre-teuoos, 03, 1-.1S; dischargcd, 492; fnlso pj ol r ra-n.s1, 513 Frcemni; F.—Ne.oal d'xsovJcr. 437
Freeman H. St. A. Diwbcy M.O., 336
Frcomaa M.—JewcUcry stolon, 502
Frcoman K., alias U. .Nelson, lloo.civine; dmcluirgod on liconsc, 429; i*cvcked, 6:}3 Fiwmaii R. K., ulios 11. Nelson, &t\—BeeeiYing; diseliarged
on lieense. 429; r.»vc>kcd. 68*3 Fretonati T.j alias U. Ftcpln-n son, &.e.—J*areony; discharg-<‘i|; uiissing, 01 fł, 6,10 FrceiMiin T. Jl.y alias 1). 8lr-phcnsoTi, ifre. -Luroeny, ciis-chargod, 272; missing, OB1, 630
Freeiłi.-m W.—Ftcaling; lirenk, cnftfr, and sieni, 375. -142; on liccnso to Cosford Farm Horn?, 451
Frecinnu AV. W.—8t<‘.nlijig : F.O. dischargcd, 387
FreeinasoirH Hotel, Eisnmro, 31 Frecmasoii’s Hotel. Molong, 63 Froi dar L.—Parcel adddcsscd to, st.olen. 490
''Proieli1’ Olicquo diawi; 'by, stolon, 454
Fiuicb A.—Albert, cloihing, niMiey, &ę.., slolen, 681 Fit neh B.—Ootfiing. razor, and kni/o stolcu, 647, 676
Froneh G. W.—Attoinpt break and <‘i:t<u* iiłtewt coimnit fclony, 330, 442
F ren cl i —Wnteh stolcu. 578 French E. 8.-— Albert, &e., stolcu, 280, 332 \
Frcfili Food and !▼<• Ofimpaiiy, Hf.lbont-Street, Sydney. 27-1*
Fried.andcr P.—Bieycle stolcu. 197
Frieud L.—Bing stolen, 592
Frisk W. J.—Complt. stealiug Furst T^.—Dwolling ontered, 98 as co parlm*r, 047 Funs A.—Shopbroaklng on, 84
Pfijdum li. J.—Complt. refune Fyfe Ił. O.—Watek, Ac., stnlcn, pny tnxi hivc, 495, 496, 57 I 152 Frith M.—Watek, albort, ^c.t Fyfc T. -Disobcy M.O.. *3*22 śbłJim, oo<>; n>w»vi»rc*U, 550 Froglcy and Jones, 263 O
Prost A. W.—C-hequc in favou»*
of, stolon, 281 Gabriel T/. A.— Stculing, 6.13
Prost E.—T Ile gaiły ugc molor G.aJiricl V.—8ell liquov \vitho\it car, 131 liccnse, 38S, 574
Prost, E. M.—ll.mdbag eon taili- Gabriel sou J..—Pcrjory, 232, ing moucy anatehed from, 371.
243 Gadd B.-Watcli, &c.; aloicn,
Frosf J.—Watehes, &e., stolon, 438
397 Gac.lcy C.—Watch, ring3, &p.,
Prost I\. alias P. W. Prost, Sc. s4olen, 4 79
Fulso prctcuoes; diselmvg«*d, Oatfney O. 1.. alias (1. T.-. Wil-300 son -lilię and disorderly per*
Prost T. W., alias P. Fvost, non; stealing, 358 alias T. Taylor—Falso pretc-n- GaiTuey L.—Wife dcseiter, 44, eoe; disehnrgcd, 300 4.97
Prost T.—K»«g stolca, 396 (lago A. li.— Kablpt ykins
Prost W.—Ring stolon, 312 stolon, 412
Prost W. O.—Clothing. 5-1 > Gagie M. E.— Brooeli stolon,
len, 03 054
Fry A.—Missing, ;>73 Gai V.—Money stoku, 331
Pry ar W.—Fnil pay prelim. Guiley (i.—Cos tu mes, eutlory, csjieises, 178, 293^ &c.^ stolon, 681
Fryer F., alias W. E. Johnson, Gnie i\f.—Fnlse pretcriees on, —Break, en ter and sfeal, 4.34 10G Cfllbraith P. F. — Cast-iron
Fryer J.—Ifing stolen, 439, 548 stolcn, (512 Frysnn lt. P.—Btcnbiig. F.O., GalbraitU G.—Refuse pay for 4-’7 n:cal9 and aceonunodation,
Fugitire offemlci*«. - Not i cc to 44
iNdiee, resfnvtinR, 2 G.llbraitb G. K.—Stealing, 45
Fulford G. F.—Nanie forged to Galbrnith J. alias T. Aspinu.J, chipie, 245, 344 *Jęc.—Forgery and nttoring;
Fulker J— on, frl|*e protences; eacajie fibm 277, 435 eustody; tłisebgd. on lieęnst',
Fuliarton lt.—Break, euter and 658 stml; stealiug; falsc; preteu- Galbraith M.—Propcrty stolcu, ces (sec “Fullcrion”) c>7
Fuller A. J. P. •—JTortuim-tcł- Guldwin IT. W.—Nacal <leser*ev.
ling, F.O., 494 27i
Fuller A. V.— Froperty stolcu, Gnie t\—Compll. Prawił, era-dlś nion faxi lir.-?, 532
Fuller B.—Emlnzr.lcnięjil, 534. Gnie C. J.--Ououos, &c„ stolcu.
FulU-r 0. II.—8iafo nn«l nioney Gnie E. ().—Wał. h, &c., stolcu, stoh i>. 297 }<;s
Fuller F.. alias J. Fuller, alias f;nle J.—T)inoliev Af. O., 82, 887 • F. Stirr, alias 4,l:,nlto:i”— Unio J. alias J. Poole, Aa.— SieaUmr: mcgnliy use hor^e. pflise p.oicnec-s; la remy; dl.^. ^ 4 cl;g(i. 01. litensi*, 369; belicced
Fitllnr .I., rdms F. Fuller. Ae.~ • idcnllcal J. J. Nolnn, false Si en ling; lllegally tt<e lirusc, pretemos. 372, 435
13 Gnie W. K.—Attemptod sfealing
James. U. ». 0»..r, (,arl™, A “W,re <icscr,l;r-
alias J. James. Break, onfer .. >,1>" .. ,,,
and Ktcal; falao proterces; |s*4 l' B^b^zicnicnt,
ru*uSm"5,A.''!i.2ni«r.lwi- M.O. Ca”“Rh,;r. A—A«*1«U femulOi
-Warrant cnn^llwl. U; .lis- .J89 „
oWy nr.o., 32S OftBiiptM- A.- Clothmg, &c.,
Fultr.or (!.—»is«liov M.O., Sii n ’^3 „ , ..
"P11U1111,’' «ti*« P. .Fuller, &c.— OotlagW. D. O.-SIauslaugliter
Ft^aling; illegaily uso hor.s*, .. V, ’ , t-, . , , ,
n b * t/ E.--Assault and rob-
Fulton A. E.—Wufeblowhig on. Vf r-v*
Grulagher L.—Assault and rob-.
łNmazzi D.—In docent aw»ault, ~ rw,>L, ^
Gallngher K. M.—^Fraudt. r.ns-
Fumieil E.—Suspoctod stealiug, aPPł,-i y3» s7()
397 Gałln.glier F. J. alias J. Me-
PunnclI E. A.—-Nr,, cal deser ter, CaKthy, <ve.— Attcmpt to 327; anproheiided, 358 l>ivak and e.nter with inlont,
Purlong li.—Steal from tho jut- 13 sou. 831 Gnllngher .T.—Disolicy M.O., 329
Furnell W., alias J. T,. Lfin- Gallaglier J.—A!bort and lockot tłumi, alias J. 1*. Denreuk, stolcu, 669 :»liux W. O. PenncM, alias C. Galloglier J'. aliu.-t .T. hte-Fernell.—Tńconso Tovokcfl, OarM.y, Ac.—Attcmpt to 107 break aiul entor with intont,
hhm\cv .T., nlina M. Grane, 13
— Fftlse prefences, 328 GaHagber M.—.8icnliug; F.O.
Furncss A.—Misging, 57 dioehgd., 338
Puin Limited, Sydney, 270, 282, Galkghcr Jf. C.--Bul!oek 317, 67ó '' stolon. 79, 143
Furscy J.—^Dwelling entered, Gallaghcr P.—Cattle stolon,
13G 428; recorored, 430