Torg Infiniverse Magazine 28

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
Volume 1, Number 28 C A M P A I G N G A M E October, 1992  $2.00
Trick or treat, and guess what? That Berlin Rezoned, the inside story of the
seven-foot tall vaguely lizard-looking new Tharkoldu-Nile mixed zone in
thing with the sword at your door that city (yes, that s what we said) will
would really rather have your possi- be ready for your eager eyes in Octo-
bilities than, say, a bag of Mobius ber of next year.
Munchos or Gaunt Gum. In other novel news, Greg Farshtey s
More novel talk, folks. By now, you The River of God, the novel which intro-
have hopefully seen Nigel Findley s duces the universe of Shatterzone, hits
Out of Nippon stealth into your stores the stands in November (just in time
Rumor Report
(and if you haven t, go have a long talk for Christmas shopping for that SF fan
and News ....................... 2
with the store manager, preferably on your list). The second Shatterzone
with a ninja by your side). Those of novel, Sole Survivor, by Shane Hensley
Index to Torg:
you lucky enough to snap up early (author of Temple of Rec Stalek and
copies now know why we ve been so When Axioms Collide) arrives at book-
Basic Set, G-R ............... 3
excited about this project here at WEG stores in January of  93. And the third
 not only is it good Torg fiction, it s SZ book, Beyond the  Zone, by our own
Dispatches ..................... 7
just good fiction. Ed Stark, will appear in April.
We do have some changes to our Finally, there are tentative plans (so
Your Letters ................. 11
novel schedule, as discussed last don t tell anybody) for a Paranoia/
month. Interview With Evil, the Gaunt Torg crossover novel or anthology for
Herald Messages ........ 12
Man autobiography, has been moved next fall. So be alert (or play an Alert-
up to May of  93. City in the Sky, Bill ness card), trust no & um & High
Slavicsek s Space Gods novel, has Lords and keep your & er & um &
Contributors This Issue:
landed in August of next year. And eternity shard handy.
Greg  Big-ticket item Farshtey,
Brian  The front page again?
Schomburg, Bill  But Albany is
beauitful this time of year &  Smith,
Ed  Card deck a day Stark, Randle
W.  Along for the ride Hodge, Jr.,
Pete  If this keeps up there won t be
any more room on the front page,
guys Venters
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 / October, 1992
Rumors and News
Terra are trying to go home  real soon. 1. No paid vacation or dental plan.
irst Indication reports on
Rises to True (19).  Randle Hodge,
the newest batch of ru-
3. Storm Knights and an Akashan Napa, CA
mors to which you have
Monitor have reached Marketplace.
responded. Continuing
Top Ten False Identities of
The Akashans are taking an active
Report updates the rumors as more
hand in trying to save Marketplace Dr. Mobius
responses come in. The Wrap-Up gives
from an  eco-hell. Calling Greenpeace
you the tally after the rumor has rever- 10. Elvis, pre-Vegas.
 it s True (40).
9. George Bush, articulating his
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
The Wrap-Up: Issue #24
long-term hopes for the economy
about three months. The wrap-up will
1. Akashans volunteering their as-
( Fools! I will crush you all! )
be the last report for that rumor in
sistance, as edeinos and other Living
8. Five of 3327 s six clones.
Land creatures flee troubled Eastern
7. Clemeta.
Land. Finishes at True (19).
6. Greg Gorden and/or Ray
2. Yugoslavia becoming a focus of
Rumor Report Winninger ( Oh, no! I have failed! )
conflict between the Cyberpapacy and
5. Skippy the edeinos
The results are given a true or false, Mobius. Almost a new record  True
4. Oprah Winfrey ( Today: High
followed by a parenthetical number. (85).
Lords  Murdering Monsters, or Just
That number represents the strength 3. Paris a vampiric battlefield, as
Misunderstood? )
of the truth or falsehood throughout one of Sabathina s minions seems to
3. Delphi Council Director Ellen
the Infiniverse. For example, a be running the show with a new gang
Connors masseuse.
statement which is False (15) is false called the Night Stalkers. A nice jump
2. The Unknown Comic.
unless the gamemaster decides to test to end at True (30).
And the number one false identity
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better, 4. Have a Nile weird scientist and a
of Dr. Mobius:
the statement is actually true. Roll Victorian occultist worked together to
1. Cindy Crawford ( Wow, what
again on 10 and 20 when testing the create an  Isle of Doom? A definite
great & gizmos. )
truth or falsity of a reported rumor. no  False (35).
Top Ten Reasons Infiniverse
5. New Orleans facing numerous
First Indication: Issue #26
Orrorshan intrusions. A squeaker, fin-
#26 Shipped Late
1. A new cartoon,  Reality Rang-
ishing at True (13).
ers, depicts Japan as the site of an
10.  Star Wars, 2nd Edition is al-
invading realm. Controversy is swirl-
Top Ten Storm Knight
most done!
ing around it, but it s False (11).
9.  I thought YOU had the stamps!
Pet Peeves
2. Ayslish Corsairs sailing the Medi-
8. We were waiting for the economy
terranean, sacking Cyberpapal cargo
10. Possibility expenditure not tax
to recover.
ships and Nile Empire military ves-
7. The Post Office declared Hones-
sels. True (15).
9. Martyr cards.
dale a  no-fly zone.
3. Kanawa Corporation exploratory
8. People are afraid it s contagious.
6. We wanted it to be perfect.
oil-drigging rigs vanishing in the
7. Perseverance checks.
5. Mail carrier got lost in the Deep
Antartic. True (15).
6. Those pesky, rule-enforcing
4. Yakuza attempting to forge
4. We wanted to keep up with ev-
alliances with the Mafia and South
5. Darkness Devices always in a
eryone else in the industry.
American drug cartels. False (11).
bad mood.
3. Our printer ran out of eternium.
4. Trying to invoke reality storm
2.What do you mean, they changed
Continuing Report: Issue #25
after spring break at Kennedy s.
the calendar 600 years ago??
1. Techno-demons creating havoc
3. High Lords tend to never get the
And the number one reason Infini-
in Surrey, England, while dark mages
punchline to jokes.
verse #26 shipped late:
seek them out for exchanges of spells.
2. Ammo rationing.
1. What s your security clearance,
Slight jump to True (18).
And the number one Storm Knight
2. Rumors of secret rocket launch
pet peeve:
sites in the Sudan  Martians from
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
Index to Torg: Basic Set, A-F
his month: letters G-R in
GodNet  #$ R 4; WB 33-40; AB 15 Gwendolyn  R 111, 113, 120
the continuation of the combat in  WB 37-38
defenses of  WB 38
comprehensive index to
entities of  WB 38-39, and see
Torg: Roleplaying the Possi-
individual entries
bility Wars.
jacking into  see neural interfac-
Key Haiti  R 97
regions of  WB 39 andsee
haggling  #$ R 72, 74
R#$ Torg Rulebook
individual entries
half-folk  WB 26, 30
WB  Torg Worldbook
skill use in  WB 36
hardpoints  R 98-99; WB 4, 21, 33
AB  Torg Adventure Book
tools in  WB 36
harpies  WB 30
golem  R 112
Hatac-Four, Ingen  #$ R 48
Gon-Tin  #$ R 31
Heart of Coyote  R 106-107
Goringa  #$ R 66
Heaven (GodNet)  WB 39
gospog  R 42, 62, 89-90; WB 4, 23,
G Heights of Eilgeborn  R 97
26, 32; AB 1, 13, 37
Hell (GodNet)  WB 39
Orrorshan  WB 11, 19
Her Majesty s London Institute
plantings  R 89-90
gamemaster  AB 2-5
(Orrorsh)  #$ WB 12
Gospog Chart  R 89
describing the scene  AB 4
Hespera  WB 50
gospog field  WB 4-5
player s wishes, responding to 
High Lords  #$ R 1, 4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 20,
gospog seed  #$ R 42, 89; WB 21
AB 5
27, 82-86, 88-91, 97, 99, 101, 103-
gotak  WB 21, 24
role of  AB 2
104, 106, 109; WB 1, 4, 8, 13
Gray Ghost, The  #$ R 54
setting the tone  AB 4-5
Hindu  WB 10
great ape  AB 10
suspension of disbelief  AB 5
Holy Grail  R 106
Great Schism  WB 33
gamemaster characters  WB 3; AB
home cosm advantage  R 105; AB
Great Slave Lake  WB 20
Greece  WB 7
gamemaster fiat  R 39; AB 12
Home-Domo  WB 52
Greenland  WB 8
gamemaster refereeing  AB 3
horses  #$ R 49; WB 14
grimoire  R 111
gatekeepers  WB 39
Horus  WB 49
grimoire spells  See spells
Gaunt Man  #$ R 1, 4, 89-90, 101, 106;
hossraf  R 34
Grod the Ogre  R 77
WB 1,3-4, 7-8, 10-15, 18-19,21, 26,
hrockt shoot  WB 20
group powers  R 106-110
34, 48; AB 31-33, 42, 44, 48
bearer of  R 107
Gemini News Service  WB 4
coordination  R 108
General and Push Results Table 
create hardpoint  R 107-109 I
#$ R 39-40; AB 23
difficulty  R 108
General Gear Chart  R 134
duration  R 108
genres  AB 14-15
effect  R 108
Germany  WB 6-7, 29; AB 47
Springfield  #$ R 27, 29, 31
gate  R 109
Bonn  WB 7
Illmound Keep  WB 12
herald  R 109
Ruhr Valley  R 98
inclination  WB 44
life thread  R 109
ghosts  R 112; WB 4, 11, 18
India#$  R 135; WB 6, 10-11
purchase  R 108
ghouls  WB 18, 32
New Delhi  R 67
range  R 108
giants  #$ R 20, 23, 81; WB 26-27, 29;
Indian Ocean  WB 8; AB 32, 38-39,
send  R 109-110
AB 10
shift possibility  R 107, 110
giant eagle  WB 18
Indiana  R 98; AB 17
sparking  R 107
Gibberfat  AB 33, 42-43
Indonesia  #$ R 4, 109, 135; WB 4, 6-
stelae sense  R 107, 110
gizmos  WB 46
7, 10, 12-13, 15-16; AB 19, 38, 41, 45
use cost  R 108
goblins  WB 26, 30
Jakarta  WB 10
Gulf of Bothnia  WB 4, 29
God  WB 33, 39
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 / October, 1992
Indonesian Sea  AB 41 Kanawa, Ryuchi (3327)  R 1, 4; Lizard Hunt  WB 52
infiniverse  #$ R 1, 4, 126 WB 5, 48, 51, 54 location attack  R 78
initiative  #$ R 17, 21, 38, 76 karate  #$ WB 55 Lockpicking Chart  #$ R 50
Inquisition  WB 33-35, 38, 40; AB Kentucky  WB 20; AB 17, 18, 34, logarithmic scale  #$ R 39
15, 48 36-37 London, Duke of  #$ R 62
inspiration  #$ R 22, 60; AB 13 Kenya  WB 6 Lost Dauphin  AB 13
Interaction Results Table  R 40, Kerkeremtis  WB 47
71-72, 74, 79; AB 23 Keta Kalles  WB 20-23
interrogate  #$ R 74 Khem  WB 47-48
Invasion Diagram  R 83 ki  WB 55
invocations  R 127 Knight Protectors  WB 26
Iran  WB 7 Knights Templar  AB 13
M-16  AB 9, 39
Iraq  WB 7 Korea  WB 6, 51
Macintosh II  R 98-99
Ireland  WB 4, 28 Kosmos, Hippolyta  WB 50
Maelstrom  #$ R 20, 88, 105-106; WB
Belfast  WB 28 Krakatoa  WB 10
Castelbellingham  WB 28 Kurst  #$ R 17
maelstrom bridge  R 82-85, 88-89,
Inishark Island  WB 28 kylot  WB 25
97, 101-102, 109; WB 26, 34
Kerry  WB 28
Ayslish  WB 4, 30
Knockadoon Head  WB 28
Living Land  WB 4
Irish Republican Army  WB 28
Nile  WB 48
Irianese  WB 10
Nippon  WB 5
Islam  WB 7, 10
Orrorshan  WB 4, 12
Israel  WB 5-6, 48, 50
 LA Action  AB 19 Tharkoldan  WB 5
Masada  WB 50
laanit  WB 29 magic  R 111-122, 131
Italy  R 99; WB 7
laity  R 95 illusions  R 114-115
Rome  WB 7
lakten  #$ R 32, 101; WB 4, 25 disbelief  R 114-115
Iwesaka  #$ R 15
Lanala  WB 20-21, 23, 25 primary rule of,  R 115
Land Below  WB 21 principle of definition  See
Land of the Dead  WB 50 individual entry
Land Vehicle Specification Chart  skills  R 111
R 139 spells  See individual entry
Language Chart  #$ R 55 structure of,  R 111
jackpriest  WB 38 laser pistol  WB 14 magicians  R 141; AB 9
Jakatts  WB 23-25 last ditch effort  R 63 Magna Verita  WB 33-35
James Bay  WB 20 Law of Action  WB 44-45 Malaysia  #$ R 4; WB 10-11
Japan  #$ R 4, 138; WB 6-7, 51-52, 54 Law of Drama  WB 44 Kuala Lumpur  WB 10
Kyoto  R 133 Law of Intrigue  WB 52-54 Malraux, Cyberpope Jean  R 1;
Tokyo  WB 6 Law of Morality  WB 44 WB 3-4, 7, 33-35, 41-42. 48
Java  WB 6, 10 Law of Profit  WB 53, 56 manes  WB 26
Java Trench  WB 7; AB 32 Law of Vengeance  WB 53-54 Manotep  AB 38
Jaz  WB 41-42 lead character  #$ R 47, 107 manticores  WB 26
Jet-Powered Aircraft Specification Lefleur, Cptn.  AB 38-39 many on one  #$ R 45
Chart  R 135 Le Monde  WB 4 maps  AB 30
Jordan  WB 7, 50 Lee-Hollings rifle  WB 14 Assault on the Digging Device 
Judaism  R 125-126 Lee-Metford rifle  WB 14 AB 21
judo  WB 55 Leyden, Dr. Andy  AB 4 Incredible Digging Device  AB
jujitsu  WB 55 Liberty Bell  R 98 37
Libya  WB 6, 50 Secret Air Base  AB 27
lieutenants  R 90 Undersea Pirate Ship  AB 28
limit value  #$ R 42, 44, 50 Mara-Two, Dr. Hachi  #$ R 18, 109
Link Difficulty Chart  R 100; AB Marketplace  WB 51-52
23 Marlen, Dr. Heinrich  AB 32-38
lion  AB 10 Marlen, Hildy  AB 33-35, 37
Kaah, Baruk  #$ R 1, 4, 27-29, 32-33,
Living Land  R 4, 13, 19, 23, 25, 27- martial arts  WB 55, and see entry
35, 91; WB 3-4, 7, 20-24, 34, 48; AB
35, 48, 53, 83, 85, 98-102, 125; WB 1, under skills
14, 17, 37, 44
4, 7, 20-25, 50, 52; AB 14-15, 17, 19- martial arts disciplines  WB 55-56
Kal-toonk  #$ R 48
20, 32-34 invisibility  WB 56
Kanawa Co.  #$ R 16, 18, 74, 133; WB
creatures of  WB 25 jump  WB 56
3-6. 51-52, 54
miracles of  WB 23-25 lightning fist  WB 55-56
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
major  WB 55-56 intense fear  WB 24 Manhattan  WB 21
master  WB 55-56 Living Land  WB 23-25 Central Park  WB 21
minor  WB 55-56 multiply food  R 130 Queens
no-one walk  WB 56 net damnation  WB 35, 39 Flushing Meadow Park 
spring attack  WB 56 pain sacks  WB 24 WB 21
stunning attack  WB 56 range  R 129-131 Night of Covers  R 97
martial arts styles  WB 55 refresh  R 113, 131 Nile Empire  #$ R 4, 14, 16, 17, 42, 51,
ninjutsu  WB 55-56 ritual of hope  R 125-126, 130 56, 66, 73, 81, 83, 97, 103, 138; WB
Red Lotus  WB 56 ritual of purification  R 125-127, 1-3,5-7, 21, 43-50; AB 4-5, 7, 9, 14-
Shao-Lin  WB 56 131 15, 32-33, 36,38-40, 47
tall crane  Wb 56 see through mist  WB 23-24; AB 34 creatures of  WB 49
martial arts tests  WB 55-56 simple spear  WB 24 locations  WB 49-50
bucket walk  WB 56 soothe  R 131 military of  WB 48
log run  WB 56 staff of righteousness  WB 15 Nile Basin  WB 49
pole jump  WB 56 Victorian  WB 15 Nile River  #$ R 48, 65; WB 44
rabbit chase  WB 56 ward danger  R 131 ninja  WB 56; AB 7, 47
rice paper test  WB 56 ward enemy  R 131 ninja-werewolf  AB 9
shadow stealth  WB 56 Mobius, Dr.  #$ R 1, 4, 17, 54, 61, 65- Nippon Tech  R 48-49, 53, 106,
maximum value  R 77 66, 90; WB 3-7, 34, 43-50; AB 4, 8, 133, 140; WB 1-7, 48, 51-56; AB 7,
Measure Conversion Chart  #$ R 40, 13, 31, 38-41, 44, 47 14
42; AB 26 plans of  WB 48; AB 32-33, 35-36 equipment of  WB 56
measures  R 5, 12, 41 Possibility Wars and  WB 48 No dab, Harish  #$ R 65
Medicine Chart  #$ R 56 modifiers  #$ R 42, 44-45, 47, 126-127 Norse myth  R 125
Meecham water-cooled moment of crisis  #$ R 5, 101 North America  WB 4, 7-8, 20-21;
machinegun  WB 14 monotheism  R 126 AB 34
melee defense  #$ R 17 Morocco  WB 5 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Menhotep Excavations  #$ WB 4 Morrison, Cpl.  AB 31  WB 7
mer-folk  WB 30 movement (action)  #$ R 17, 75 Northern Land  WB 21
Mexico  WB 7 movement, primary modes of  #$ R Norway  WB 4, 26, 29
Middle East  #$ R 4 44 Kola Peninsula  WB 29
Military Vehicle Specification movement rate  #$ R 17, 19, 44, 81 Svarlbard Islands  WB 29
Chart  R 139 Mozambique  WB 5 Vardo  WB 29
Miller, Wendy  R 110 Muab  WB 48, 50 Norwegian Sea  WB 4
minions  R 89 Multi-Action Charts  #$ R 45, 63-64;
Minnesota AB 26
Minneapolis  #$ R 27, 29 extending  #$ R 47
minotaurs  WB 30 mummification  WB 44
miracles of faith  R 123-131; AB 9 mummy  R 62, 80; WB 49
animate plant  AB 34 mythos  R 123-125
octi-grenades  AB 41-43
beneficiaries of  R 124-125
ogre  R 77
bless  R 129
ogre club  R 77
bless missile  WB 15
Ohio  AB 17, 20, 34
blessing vow  R 129
Omegatron  WB 46-47
calm  R 129
one on many  #$ R 45, 51
common ground  R 129
NEC; Mitsubishi  WB 52 quick method  R 46-47
communicate with animal spirit  R
Nagara Security 44TS Robot  WB opportunity attack  R 78
52 opposed actions  R 14
communicate with elemental spirit 
Nameless One  R 86; WB 1 optant  WB 21, 23; AB 34-35
R 130
nanotech  R 133 Ords  #$ R 20, 48, 58, 65, 74, 76, 85-86,
communicate with plant spirit  R
Natatiri  WB 49 90, 99, 101; AB 9
natural tools  WB 2 Orrorsh (cosm) (Gaea)  WB 11-12,
cure disease  R 130
Near Now  R 1; WB 1, 43; AB 31 15-16, 26, 32
curse  WB 15
neural interfacing  WB 35-36 Orrorsh (realm)  R 17, 89, 97, 103,
duration  R 129-131
EpiphaNeur  WB 40 111-112, 138; WB 1-4, 6-7, 10-19;
effect  R 129-131
J-Jack  WB 40 AB 4-5, 14, 16, 31-32, 41-42, 45-47
enhance food  R 130
New Guinea  WB 10 monsters of  WB 18-19
healing  R 127, 130
New Khem  WB 48 Other, worship of the  R 125
heightened sight  WB 25
New York  #$ WB 6, 20 Others  WB 19
increase fear  WB 25
New York City  WB 21 Overgovernors  WB 48-49
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 / October, 1992
oxen  WB 14 Possibility Wars  #$ R 7, 65, 82, 84, 98 Railroad Specification Chart  R
prayers  R 127 139
pressing the issue  #$ R 15, 71 Rama-tet  WB 48
primary item  #$ R 58 Randall, Dr.  AB 48
Principle of Definition  R 112-113 ranged attacks  R 76
Protestantism  WB 28 short  R 76
pulp powers  WB 44-46 long  R 76
Pacific Coastal Highway  AB 8
dazzle  WB 46 medium  R 76
Pacific Ocean  AB 8
flight  WB 46 modifiers  R 77
panentheism  R 126
fog screen  WB 46 Rauru Block  WB 54
pantheism  R 126
invisibility  WB 46 ravagon  R 80, 88, 90, 103-104; WB
Patagonia  R 138
mega-hearing  WB 46 11, 13, 21, 26; AB 31
range  WB 45 reality  #$ R 14, 58, 85, 99-102
Philadelphia  R 66, 98, 124; ;WB
running  WB 46 reality bombs  #$ WB 5, 48-49
21; AB 13, 37
value  WB 45 reality bubbles  #$ R 14, 101-102
Peru  WB 7
tech rating  WB 45 reality, conquering  R 84
Phillipines  WB 6, 10
ultra sight  WB 46 reality storms  #$ R 1, 19, 20, 29, 33,
physical energy  WB 7
x-ray eyes  WB 46 58, 82, 84-85, 98, 101, 103-106; WB
Piston Aircraft Specification Chart
Purgatory  WB 35, 42 4-5
 R 134
Psychic Research, Bureau of  WB invoked  R 105
pixies  WB 4
5 realms  R 1, 5, 7, 10, 83
Place, The  WB 1
push, power  R 44 realm runner  WB 23
Plassurid  R 91
Push Results Table  #$ R 44, 118-120, reclaim the people  R 104
player s call  R 79-80
122 Red Sea  WB 7
plots  AB 30
push, speed  #$ R 44, 50-52 religious artifacts  R 126
gathering  AB 30
pyramid power  WB 44 resistance communities  WB 21-22
gauntlet  AB 30
result points  #$ R 39, 44, 74
quest  AB 30
result table  R 37-38
plot twists  AB 20
Rhodesland (Orrorsh)  WB 12
PolyDeb matrix  WB 41
Riddafjarden  WB 29
polytheism  R 126
Rimward Seas  WB 32
Pope  WB 7
rituals  R 127
possible setback  #$ R 63 Quartermain, Dennis, US President
robots  AB 10-11
possibility energy  #$ R 1, 5, 8, 11,  WB 7, 21
rocket boots  AB 8
14, 15, 18-20, 25, 27-30, 32, 34-35, Quebert  AB 47
Rotary Aircraft Specification Chart
58, 65, 82-83, 89, 91-92, 99-100, 102- Queen Erika  AB 13
 R 135
103, 106, 126, 141; WB 1,3, 7 Queen s Own 17th Lancers (Victo-
rounds  #$ R 21-22, 38
countering  R 14 rian)  WB 12-13
royals  R 73
draining  R 84-86, 92
sorting  R 90; WB 7
transferring  R 88
possibility nexi  #$ R 103; WB 3
possibility potential  WB 2
Possibility Raiders  R 83-84, 91,
Ra  WB 46, 48-49
100-103, 127; WB 1, 3, 20
radius value  R 98-99
possibility-rated  #$ R 19, 42, 48, 76,
Raiders of the Lost Ark  AB 41
88, 90, 98, 105; AB 9
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
Dispatches and Rumors
next time they enter the Net. Even
the past, hiding an eternity shard so
should they fail to capture one, there is
that their brothers who followed the
the possibility that they will blow the
Gaunt Man could not make use of it. It
D agents cover and destroy the
D now rests atop an altar in the temple
effectiveness of the CFR.
and is guarded by the brood mother
and her charges. She feels certain that
Critical Event: The Knights learn
ravagons wil return to this place to
of the planned ambushes and must
reclaim this artifact that reeks of
protect the CFR agents, quite possibil-
Paris Liberté has begun the long
Tz Ravok, and she intends to be there
ity by posing as cyberpriests them-
struggle to retake France from the anti-
to  welcome them.
selves and acting as bodyguards, both
pope Malraux. The Paris Commune
inside and outside the Net. Stopping
has found itself receiving support from
Seltrak Brood Mother
the Nippon and Tharkoldu ambushes
a new group called the Citizens of Free
so the CFR can continue its work is a
Resistance (CFR). The CFR, apparently
Dodge 9, flight 15, maneuver 12, un-
Good result (6 or more); allowing them
an amalgram of advanced technology
armed combat 18
to ambush or expose the CFR agent is
professionals, academicians and mili-
a Bad result (3 or less).
tary strategists, have finally put forth
Lifting 28
a concrete strategy for fighting the all-
consuming ways of the Cyberpapacy.
They have been testing their theories
Find 18, tracking 20, trick 17
The Storm Knights are hired by a
in the Seine-et-Marne area of the Re-
member of the Sign of Six, the
gion Parisienne, and finding remark-
Survival 19, test (25)
Orrorshan secret society, to investi-
able success.
gate reports that an ancient horror has
First, they have been posing as
Charm (25), persuasion (30), taunt (16)
been unleashed in New Guinea.
cyberpriests and begun the slow, la-
When the Knights arrive, they find
borious process of deprogramming
Intimidation 21, reality (Tz Ravok) 14
that Papua is under attack by a horde
those addicted to HolyVids. Using
Possibilities: 20
of what appear to be small, winged
their false credentials, they have also
Natural Tools: wings, speed value
serpents. They attack in swarms and
gained access to the GodNet, encoun-
9; fangs, damage value STR+4/29
savagely tear at their victims with their
tering minimal problems with church
Description: The Seltrak brood
needle-sharp fangs.
guardians. Under this guise, they have
mother is a much larger (roughly three
Further investigation reveals that
been retrieving the orders given to
meters long) version of the hordes that
they seem to be concentrated in an
various arms of Malraux s
have been attacking Papua. It has
area in the jungles just outside of
CyberChurch. Then, using distant,
leathery wings like those of a bat, with
Papua. It is here, in a ruined temple,
quasi-independent operatives, they
a wingspan of six meters. Its body and
that the Knights will find a seltrak
have been disrupting these plans, so
head are those of a serpent.
brood mother and the secret behind
that the Church believes the distur-
the attacks. The creatures are
bances are coming from unconnected
Seltrak (20)
Tz Ravokian, émigrés from the cosm
gangs and revoloutionaries, rather
of the ravagons. The brood mother
than from a well-disciplined military
Dodge 15, flight 13, maneuver 13, un-
came to Earth as a larva incubating
armed combat 14
inside the body of a larger creature.
Unfortunately for the CFR, their
Shortly after arriving, the brood
doings have not gone unnoticed by
mother exploded from its  nest and
Nippon and Tharkoldu agents in the
rapidly grew to full size. Sensing that
Net. While neither side has any love
Find 12, tracking 11, trick 12
ravagons had been in this temple some-
for the Cyberpope, they would prefer
time before, it took up residence here
that any information on his plans be
Survival 11, test (20)
and began to give birth.
turned over to them rather than to the
Its senses did not lie  ravagon
Resistance. Both sides are planning
Charm (25), persuasion (30), taunt (15)
Denyers were here at some point in
ambushes of CFR representatives the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 / October, 1992
SPIRIT 4 family and an upstart group that
Yakuza Soldiers (50)
Intimidation 17 wishes to take over Hokkaido.
Additional Skills: one at +2 adds Things will be relatively quiet when
Dodge 10, fire combat 13, melee weap-
Possibility Potential: some (70) the Knights first arrive at the ware- ons 10, unarmed combat 11
Natural Tools: wings, speed value house, and the crate will be where
10; fangs, damage value STR+4/15 they were told it would be. As soon as
the Knights get their hands on it, the
Mask Of Ershan
gospog will smash through one of the
Find 9, trick 9
Cosm: Tz Ravok
walls of the warehouse and attack.
Possibilities: 40
They want the crate back  once they
Test 8
Tapping Difficulty: 16
get it back, they ll leave. But if the
Purpose: To enable the strong to bet-
Knights stand between them and what
Taunt 9
ter dominate the weak
they want, they ll gladly incinerate
Powers: Provides a +3 bonus to uses of
the obstacles.
Intimidation 9
taunt, intimidation, and test
When (and if) the Knights move
Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
Group Power: Create Talisman
outside, they ll find themselves in the
Possibility Potential: some (50)
Restrictions: The powers of this shard
middle of a Yakuza gang war. Their
Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai,
cannot be used by Nile characters with
auto (if they had one) will be in the line
damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3-
Good inclinations or characters with
of fire. But if they re smart, maybe
10/40/50; Sansu 11mm, damage value
adds in honor.
they can find a way to set one menace
17, ammo 10, range 3-15/35/100
Description: The Mask is a thin stone
against the other, while making clean
mask which moulds its shape to fit the
their escape.
contours of any wearer. The stone is
veined in red and blue. Gospog of the Fifth Planting (5)
A maxim of the Nile Empire is that
men who try to rise above humanity
Critical Event: The Knights must
Energy weapons 10, fire combat 10,
often fall below. Such is the case with
defeat the brood mother and her chil-
melee weapons 10, missile weapons
the Mystery Man named the Golden
dren and claim the shard. Doing so is
10, unarmed combat 10
Sun. In an effort to increase his already
a Good result (6 or above). Failing to do
formidable powers, the Sun consumed
so is a Bad result (3 or below).
a bizarre potion which altered his body
chemistry. Though it did increase his
height, strength and powers exponen-
The small, winged serpents  émigrés from the cosm
tially, it also drove him mad, filling
of the ravagons  attack in swarms and savagely tear
him with an urge to kill and destroy.
Unfortunately, his altered state
at their victims with their needle-sharp fangs.
gives him the power he needs to do so.
He now towers more than five meters
high, and his powers are such that no
Climbing 9
Mystery Man or group of Mystery
Men have been able to stop him. Dr.
The Storm Knights are contacted by Alexus Frest believes that he may have
Find 14, tracking 12, trick (25)
Rauru Block agents who inform them
a cure for the Golden Sun, but he will
that a successful raid has been carried need the berserk man-monster sub-
Willpower 11
out against a Hachiman Arms factory, dued first.
thanks in part to information gathered
That s where the Storm Knights
Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt (20)
by the Knights in a previous adven- come in. The Golden Sun has taken to
ture. The Knights reward is waiting stalking only at night, when his light-
Intimidation (20)
in a warehouse in the city of Sapporo
based powers can be used to their
Equipment: armor, TOU+7/28;
on the island of Hokkaido: a crate of greatest effect (since the luminescence
shimsi sword, damage value STR+5/
SC Kyogo 144s and hand lasers. All of his electro-ray blast, for instance,
13; two SC Kyogo 144, damage value
the Knights have to do is claim it.
can dazzle unwary onlookers). He
18, ammo 15, range 3-15/40/150; chest-
Unfortunately, that won t be as easy seems to be working his way eastward
mounted flame-thrower, damage
as it sounds. The Kanawa Corporation from Cairo  perhaps some dim
value 18, range 3-10/40/100; heat-
has been tracing the stolen goods and
memory is spurring him on toward
seeking throwing stars, damage value
five fifth-planting gospog have been Thebes. At any rate, the Knights will
11, range 3-5/10/15; jet-pack, TOU 17,
dispatched to retrieve it. need to set up an ambush and try and
speed value 13; self-destruct
As if that were not bad enough, this
stop the Golden Sun before he causes
mechanism, damage value 32, blast
particular warehouse is on territory any more destruction.
radius 0-5/15/40
claimed by both the Sebaru Yakuza
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
To make things worse, Mobius has The island of Kulakai has been re- give the spirits an actual physical pres-
learned of his old foe s condition and named  Storm Island. A staff of train- ence, as well as resurrecting the ves-
is plotting to turn him into a tool of ers in various disciplines potentially sels lost in the operation. This undead
evil. It is possible that some useful to stormers has been installed, fleet will be sent to attack Tokyo.
shocktroopers might show up at an and the search has begun for Knights Among Ho s allies in this operation
inconvenient time and try to capture willing to accept training in exchange are the sister of the infamous sorcerer
the Golden Sun, no doubt wrecking for future services. Kibos (see High Lord of Earth), a ravagon
whatever plans the Knights might have One of the most useful aspects of veteran, 30 first-planting gospog and
made. the Guildmaser s program is the ad- chthon. The blood has formed itself
aptation of military simulation tech- into a blood golem, which must be
The Golden Sun (altered)
nology to the process. The trainers set defeated in order to shatter the spell.
up  war games between various  Steve Crow,
Dodge 15, energy weapons 18, fire
groups of Storm Knights. Their weap- No. Liberty, IA
combat 18, maneuver 15, unarmed
ons are refitted with laser sights which
combat 19 3
are connected to the firing systems.
The guns are then loaded with blanks
Lifting 25
The legendary resting place of King
for proper recoil (or energy weapons
Arthur, Glastonbury Tor, has become
are modified to fire harmless beams of
the focus of intense scrutiny by the
light), and each participant is fitted
Find 12, trick (20)
Ayslish Home Guard. A number of
with a laser-sensitive harness, which
Storm Knight groups have vanished
registers hits. However, spell casters
Survival 9, test (25)
in the area under mysterious circum-
are given small computers the size of a
stances, and a woman who matches
TV remote control. The computer is
Charm (30), persuasion (30), taunt (30)
the literary descriptions of sorceress
given the specifics of the spell and,
when a button is pushed, the com- Morganna LeFey has been spotted
Intimidation 20, reality (Nile Empire)
puter sends a signal to the harness,
Ayslish mages sent to investigate
which registers the effect.
Possibilities: 30
The training and simulations com- the site have detected faint traces of
Powers: electro-ray, value 33, range
magic that may be associated with an
bine to produce some of the most
3-10/25/60; teleportation, value 25;
extradimensional gate spell. It has also
skilled stormers anywhere, and both
adventure cost : 9
been reported that a young woman
Knights and servants of the High Lords
Description: The Golden Sun wears
are clamoring for inclusion in the pro- apparently  emerged from the Tor,
a gold and white bodysuit and cowl
claiming that Avalon was in danger
(which, fortunately for the sensibili-
and aid was needed. She then van-
 Ron Strong,
ties of countless Nile residents, grew
ished before a hundred witnesses.
Carson City, NV
with him). He had always been a rela-
 John Kahane,
tively nonviolent Mystery Man, pre- 2
Ontario, Canada
ferring to use his powers only to stun
adversaries. But the serum that af- As a master of  technological hor-
fected his mind has convinced him
ror, Skutharka is well-suited to chal-
that everything about the Nile Empire The Philippine Islands have become
lenging Nippon Tech. His most recent
is evil and must be destroyed. Anyone a center of Storm Knight activity, as
scheme is particularly cunning. The
who tries to stop him is obviously a several factions search for Yamashita s
Nightmare has sent his primary agent,
tool of Mobius and must also be gold. This vast treasure was stolen
Mr. Ho, to the Philippines. Ho, along
crushed. from the Philippines and other nearby
with several occultists, have recruited
Note that the serum s effects have, islands by the Japanese during World
some remnants of the Hukbong
for all intents and purposes, trans- Mopogpalaya ng Bayan, the former
War II, but they were unable to re-
formed the Golden Sun into a crea- People s Liberation Army who fought
move it before the Americans retook
ture. Therefore, he can violate the cosm the region. The treasure is said to in-
against the Japanese in World War II.
attribute limits without fear of contra- Convincing the  Huks that the
clude gold, other precious metals and
diction. religious artifacts and be scattered
Japanese are once more a threat, Ho
about the islands.
has used them to gather the blood of
66 individuals who witnessed the land- Both Nippon Tech and the Cyber-
papacy have dispatched agents to
ing of General MacArthur and his
search for the treasure, while
troops at Lingayen Bay in the northern
Tharkoldu and Orrorshan emissaries
Philippines. The blood is to be used in
are attempting to prevent either side
an occult ritual that will summon the
spirits of those who died in the land- from getting their hands on it.
The Guildmaster has set up a Storm
 Ron Strong,
ing. So powerful is the ritual that it will
Knight training facility on a remote
Carson City, NV
Hawaiian island.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 / October, 1992
Your Letters
the GodNet are not one and the same.
Just what happened to the Dark- the range of this weapon? If so, how?
Physically, the Darkness Device
ness Device the Carredon offered  Roger Myhre,
resides in Malraux s palace at Avignon.
Decker in Storm Knights? Oslo, Norway
There will be more details on the
Also, the Torg Rulebook made
Cyberpapal Darkness Device in Infini-
moving a Darkness Device seem like Yes, it is possible, Roger. We have
a big deal. In the case of Drakacanus, already established that once charac- verse Update, Volume II.
Malgest and Daikoku, can t they sim- ters have acquired the group power
1. Is Mobius nuclear-capable yet?
ply be hefted up and carried around? from a shard, they no longer need to
Can Darkness Devices move by them- possess it to use that power. If some- Malraux? Jezrael? 3327?
2. To what extent has Magna Verita
selves or resist being moved by char- one new joins your party, he may
built up its technology?
acters? spend a Possibility to become eligible
3. Why doesn t Baruk Kaah invade
 Christopher Hudson, to support the power s use. Or he can
Newark, DE be  sparked by one of the bearers 
 Patrick Flanagan,
the new character must spend as many
Freehold, NJ
Interesting questions, Chris. First Possibilities as the bearer originally
off, the Darkness Device the Carredon spent. He will then become a bearer of
1. Mobius scientists are still study-
showed Decker does not exist. Remem- the power in his own right.
ing the bomb confiscated from the
ber, it was supposed to be a  gift from Yes, it is possible to increase the
Libyan oil fields. Malraux and 3327
the Gaunt Man. Had Decker accepted range of this weapon using a booster.
this, he would have received a heap of You can either mark one of the exist- are certainly capable of nuclear de-
Corruption points and be that much ing boosters on your blueprint as ap- struction (but why bother? It s hard to
get possibility energy from piles of
closer to falling under the Gaunt Man s plying to range, or you can rebuild the
ash.) As for Jezrael  Tharkoldu tech-
sway. gizmo and add another booster that
nology may have gone in a different
John Terra s upcoming novel, Inter- will apply to range.
direction and not emphasized nuclear
view With Evil, gives some insight into
devices as some other cosms did.
the nature of Darkness Devices, a bit If a Storm Knight rolls a 1 on a
of which we ll share with you. Dark- reality skill check, does he discon- 2. Not a lot. Magna Verita, despite
its increased Tech axiom, remains
ness Devices begin their existences as nect or transform?
locked in a medieval mindset.
animate beings, portions of the Name-  Scott Mitchell,
3. Baruk Kaah has been losing terri-
less One s lifeforce. Until they become Chicago, IL
tory, maelstrom bridges, and possibil-
fully attuned to their first High Lord,
ity energy at a frightening pace. He is
they retain some humanoid features No, you can t disconnect using your
battling 3327 and enjoying an uneasy
and can be carried around by their reality skill. You have just rolled really
alliance with Jezrael. His Darkness
High Lord. They will violently repel badly.
Device is paying an increasing amount
any attempts by anyone else to lay
of attention to the Land Below. He
hands upon them. As I understand it, the Cyberpapal
can t afford to split his forces and it s
Once they become fully attuned to Darkness Device is the GodNet. Does
doubtful Rec Pakken would back an-
High Lord and reality, they take on the this mean that a device (such as a
shape of an inanimate object connected nuclear bomb) that causes an electro- other risky venture at this point.
to that reality and the Torg rules gov- magnetic pulse could destroy it? Also,
Can an Orrorshan shapeshifter be
erning movement restrictions on Dark- where is the Cyberpapal Darkness
transformed to Aysle and retain the
ness Devices kick in. Device located?
shapeshifting skill? Can she be trans-
 Sam Thornton,
formed to Nile and keep it as a pulp
If someone knows a group power, Essex, England
can that person teach it to someone
 Will Cinburri,
else without using an eternity shard? Sorry, Sam, no such luck. On page
Bethpage, NY
One of my players is a Mystery 19 of The Cyberpapacy, it states that the
Man. Recently, he designed a Darkness Device is  linked to the
If your character has the shape-
FireBlaster pistol. He found the range GodNet, and a VX image of it resides
shifting skill and is transformed to
a bit limited. Is it possible to boost at the center of the GodNet. But it and
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 28 /October, 1992
another reality, she still possesses the
skill. But it s now a contradiction for
Herald Messages
her to use it anywhere  a one-case in
Orrorsh, a four-case everywhere else,
In alliance with the Warrior of the
 Ninja are just thugs in funny clothes.
because she can no longer support it.
Dark, techno-demons have created a magi-
Stick a big gun in their face and they spill
cal gateway between Los Angeles and the
I noticed in Rumor #3 of Infini- tunnels beneath Aysle. The demons are
 Dr. Christine  Doc Boom
assisting the potential High Lord by us-
verse 22 you reference the collapse of Howitzer
ing occultech implants to provoke key
the Soviet Union. Huh? Why would
half-folk into rioting, while Dark mages
Tharkoldu expansion proceeds apace,
the Soviet Union collapse on Core
inscribe new spells for the demons.
with San Diego under siege. Sterret is
Earth? It makes no sense. Why would
 Steve Crow,
currently in the Living Land, holding talks
the republics disband from a nation
North Liberty, IA
with Kaah.
with the strongest military in the
Comaghaz plague now reported as far
 If you like your men hard and shiny,
world? Besides, the Communist Party north as Regina. Substantial cell activity
I m the one for you, babe.
found in Los Angeles. Massive combat
has a great propaganda tool: none of
 The last smart comment
reported between the Comaghaz and the
the invading realms have affected
Skyjack makes to Eliza Roma
Japanese scientists claim the Earth may
 Richard Tomasso,
Dear governments of the world:
be slowing down again. The truth of this
Merrimack, NH
We ve left corporate ninja splattered,
is unknown.
battered and tied up at crime scenes all
 Patrick Flanagan,
over the world. Haven t any of you no-
Freehold, NJ
This is the kind of question we like
ticed a trend developing here?
here at Infiniverse: the kind that can
 Scott Darley,
 Stanley and the Puppeteer are ban-
precipitate a nice, juicy debate. You
Coryville, FL
ished from the Abbey of Skellig Michael.
raise some valid points, Richard, so
Their evil did not prevail.
here s our take on the subject:
 A Core Earth reality tree in Tokyo!
 Father Paul Morning
Yes, the Soviet Union repelled the It ll be destroyed! You made it invisible
 Don t be so sure, Father Morning.
with a Nile gadget and hid it on top of a
Tharkoldu invasion. They then sat
Don t be so sure.
skyscraper? Are you serious? Oh God, is
there and did nothing to help anyone
 Victor Manwaring
3327 going to be ticked off!
else, their mighty military machine
 Arthur Hill, agent of the
 Tell Reality Solutions, Inc. that  those
lying dormant. Those within the USSR
Whisper, upon receiving a
damned demons are already aware of
who wanted to encourage closer ties
Storm Knight s report
Zonec of Akasha and the Kat. Our hunt-
with the West saw it as the squander-
ing packs are eagerly seeking them out,
 Abomination before God? I got your
ing of an opportunity to gain allies.
and we promise to give them a proper
 abomination before God right here!
Those of a more militaristic bent didn t
burial  in the gospog field.
 Rex the edeinos paladin
understand why (a) the Soviet army
while fighting Cyberpapal
wasn t sent against, say, Aysle and (b)
why the USSR wasn t taking advan-
tage of confusion in the West to con-
quer Western Europe, etc.
culty keeping up with the fast pace involved with Infiniverse. The answer
All of this led to a semi-successful
the wars go at. Even though I am a is absolutely not. If, say, Tharkold has
coup against Gorbachev, and Yeltsin s
year behind, should I still send in my not come down in your campaign yet,
subsequent stand against the conser-
adventure results? there are Nile, Aysle and Cyberpapal
vative elements in the land. Those re-
 Joe Nikolaus, dispatches and rumors you can use.
publics who wanted independence
Hartland, WI And when you do drop one of our
(fearing domination by the old-style
newer realms in, Infiniverse will be
hardliners in the Kremlin) were
Yes, yes, yes. While you may be there for you to use.
granted it, for a civil war in the face of
behind the official WEG campaign, We ve received a ton of new sub-
the Possibility Wars would be a bad
that does not mean we are not inter- scriptions in the last few weeks, so
ested in what your group has or has we re proud to say that, more than
There s more on this in the Delphi
not accomplished. We re interested in two years into this grand experiment,
Council Worldbook, but that s the an-
what every group that plays this game Infiniverse is still going strong.
swer in a nutshell.
does, thinks and feels  it helps us to
judge the strength of past products,
I m sorry that this is the first re-
gives us ideas for possible future ones,
sponse I have submitted, ever. I ve
and also hints at directions people
been playing ever since the game
would like to see the overall campaign
came out, and frankly, I must say that
Torg is a revolutionary concept in
We had a number of people at
roleplaying games. A welcome one,
GenCon as us if it was too late to get
as well. Unfortunately, I have diffi-


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