Torg Infiniverse Magazine 17

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Volume 1, Number 17 C A M P A I G N G A M E November, 1991  $2.00
Here is the fourth card face for the his courage and mettle tested, as did
drama deck. It is designed for use in Aysle, those of yore.
but its effects can extend into other realms The card may also be turned in for
as well. a Possibility if the player so chooses.
Dual Setback
The Quest
A dual setback that appears on the
conflict line indicates something has
The heroic quest is an integral part
of most fantasy genre fiction. This sub- occurred in this round which affects
Rumors and News ....... 2
both the heroes and the villains. It may
plot card is designed to allow a player
be a sudden cataclysm, like an earth-
to attain such a quest for his character.
quake in the Living Land, or the unex-
The Quest subplot must be played
pected appearance of a third force on
within the realm of Aysle. Once it is
of Orrorsh ...................... 3
played, the gamemaster has the op- the scene, like a rampaging dragon in
tion of having someone (whether it be
Dispatches ..................... 7
How the players and the gamemas-
Pella Ardinay, Tolwyn Tancred, or
simply an average mage) ask the char- ter deal with the cause of the dual
Your Letters ................. 11
setback following the appearance of
acter to undertake a quest on his/her
this card is up to them. It may be that
behalf. There should be some reward
Herald Messages ........ 12
the villains and heroes will have to
offered for successful completion of
team up to defeat this menace to both
this mission.
of them, or it may be that one side or
The object of the quest may lie in
another realm, and if used as a cam- the other will attempt to escape in the
confusion engendered by the incident.
paign subplot, may take many months
Attack/Defend are approved actions
of game time to retrieve. Along the
on this card.
way, the questing Knight should have
Contributors This Issue:
Greg Farshtey, Patrick Flanagan, Ed
"Lefty" Stark, and the long-awaited
When suddenly &
return of Bill Smith
S: H Setback V Setback
D: V Up H Fatigued
Critical Problem
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
may turn this in for a Possibility.
chance to embark on a quest, or
Subplot. Character is offered a
The Quest
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Rumors and News
Land, leads the way toward greater
irst Indication reports on
New Stuff
public acceptance of dinosaur meat as
the newest batch of ru-
Space Gods should be reaching your
a dietary choice. Despite an emphatic
mors to which you have
nearest hobby or book store mere mil-
 False! from a subscriber, it starts out
responded. Continuing
liseconds after you open this issue.
at True (16).
Report updates the rumors as more
Creatures of Aysle, the first Torg prod-
Continuing Report: Issue #14
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
uct generated by Infiniverse subscrib-
1. President Quartermain attempt-
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
ers, was just released in October, and
ing to suspend 1992 elections for na-
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
to tell you the truth, everyone in the
tional security reasons. Rockets to True
about three months. The wrap up will office was blown away by the book. It
(80)  it s unanimous at this point,
features a bold new graphic design,
be the last report for that rumor in
and lots of interesting creatures. Once
2. Weird science submarines sink-
again, our thanks to everyone who
ing Cyberpapal ships in the Mediter-
Rumor Report
submitted creatures for this book 
ranean. Climbs even more to True (30).
#$ you folks made it happen.
The results are given a true or false,
3. Dr. Sconce sewing gospog vic-
followed by a parenthetical number.
tims together to create a new horror.
Character Template Contest
That number represents the strength
Could still swing either way  False
The winners for the Character Tem-
of the truth or falsehood throughout
plate Contest have been decided:
the Infiniverse. For example a
4. Yakuza operative attempting to
Marc Brenowitz, of Marietta, GA
statement which is False (15) is false
undermine Haragawa. Law of Intrigue
for his Cyberpapal cat burglar.
unless the gamemaster decides to test
working to dismantle Yakuza plans,
Pati Conley, of Middletown, RI, for
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better,
staying at True (20).
Dara Jarnel, a Cyberpapal priestess of
the statement is actually true. Roll
The Wrap-Up: Issue #13
again on 10 and 20 when testing the
1. Orrorshan mad scientist has dis-
Dan Viger, of Bronx, NY, for Cap-
truth or falsity of a reported rumor.
covered means of trapping human
tain Verdigris, an edeinos Rocket
First Indication: Issue #15
souls in marionettes. Storm Knights
1. War between the Chamkatt and
murdered by demonically-possessed
Bill Olmesdahl, of Johnson City, NY,
Polja giant tribes escalating, as Polja
compatriots. Surges at the line to fin-
for Vito Taltaglia, an Aysle giant ma-
giants are preparing to cross the mael- ish True (23).
strom bridge into Northern Ireland.
2. Jeff Mills, creator of  Five Realms
Steve Tanner, of Rheindahler, Ger-
True (16).
game, fleeing the Delphi Council and
many, for Kevin Middleton, a Core
2. Mobius forces gathering near
currently in hiding in Oregon. Dis-
Earth Storm Knight.
the Israeli front  #$ is a complete con- tributors calling and looking for cata-
The winning characters are set for
quest of the Middle East far away?
logs, and finishes at True (25).
an adventure tentatively titled  Kami-
True (19).
3. Hypnotic billboard in Thebes forc-
kaze, set for a late 1992 release.
3. Video tape footage of fifth gen- ing dignitaries to surrender classified
Overall, we purchased 40 entries
eration gospog being held by a Storm
info to Mobius. Just barely True (11).
from our Infiniverse subscribers. Con-
Knight who survived the attack. If
4. Ninja vampyres stalking Tokyo.
gratulations to all of the winners, and
distributed, Nippon Tech s true na- Guess we know how everybody will
thank you to everyone who submit-
ture could be exposed. True (19).
be dressing for Halloween  a popu-
ted an entry for this contest. The re-
4.  Burger Rex, a fast food chain
lar True (60).
sponse to these products has been
featuring lizard meat from the Living
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Nightmares of Orrorsh
actions came to the attention of Eire s PERCEPTION 18
he Nightmares of Orrorsh
Nightmare, who informed her master Find 22, language 20, trick 25
are the primary architects
of the imp s potential. The Gaunt Man MIND 17
of Orrorsh s terrors, an-
asked McGee if he wished a position Occult 24, test 20, willpower 18
swering only to the High
as a Nightmare for his coming inva- CHARISMA 20
Lord (or his regent) and the Hellion
sion of Earth. McGee, fearful of the Charm 22, persuasion 26, taunt 26
Court. Their perverse and odious na-
Gaunt Man s angry response if he re- SPIRIT 14
tures are legendary, even in the realm
fused, and eager to torment new souls, Faith (Orrorsh) 16, reality 19
of horror. But each Nightmare has its
readily agreed. Possibilities: 20
own unique manner of approaching
Ceanhir McGee s province runs Powers: animal control, hypnosis,
its work, its own morbid tastes and
along the northern coast of Majestic, resistance to normal weapons
powers. Like hellish snowflakes, no and is centered around the city of Corruption Value: 22
Medan. McGee and his fellow  de- Fear Rating: 2
two are alike.
mon pixies spend their time thinking Perseverance DN: 20
There are roughly 200 Nightmares
up new horrors (usually reminiscent Weakness: sunlight
in the realm of Orrorsh. Here are a
of faeries, pookas, banshees, and other True Death: Must be slain with a
select few:
Celtic myths), drinking, and having golden weapon made from the gold of
 fun with the locals. This can mean his crock
Ceanhir McGee
anything from tricking a man into kill- Goals: To entertain himself with
the misfortunes of others
Ceanhir (SHAY-neer) McGee is not
the most gruesome of Orrorsh s hor-
She hides a horrifying
rors; in fact, his appearance is quite
Lady Eleanor
pleasant. Less than a meter high, slight
secret: an obsession
of frame and possessing a certain
with death.
spring in his step, Ceanhir looks like
Lady Eleanor Allenton is a beauti-
the mischievous leprechauns that live
ful noblewoman with a great man-
in the emerald fields of Ireland (or, in
ing for the promise of riches to goad-
sion, a dashing and successful hus-
Gaea, Eire). This is his most terrifying
ing village children into playing with
band, and high status in Victorian so-
aspect: the fact that so joyful and be-
 that nice man who doesn t have any
ciety. She also hides a horrifying se-
nevolent an appearance hides a soul
skin (a perennial favorite).
cret: an obsession with death.
so horribly foul
Ceanhir makes a concerted effort
Ever since she was a young girl, the
When the Gaunt Man invaded Gaea
not to appear too frightening to the
former Eleanor Richards has been fas-
300 years ago, magic suddenly flowed
inhabitants of his province, so they
cinated with making things die 
unchecked over the whole of the world.
will not shun him and will continue to
plants, animals, and people, especially
A number of myths were  substanti-
seek him out. He is aware of the Gaunt
people. When she was seven, her
ated by this magic, gaining form 
Man s disappearance, but does not
nursemaid mysteriously fell out of a
though it was usually a form twisted
think it strange. As long as he can
moving carriage and was crushed
and evil, suited to the Gaunt Man s
amuse himself with lesser beings and
under its wheels. Everyone around
new order. In the lands of Eire, a great
is undisturbed, he will remain loyal to
Eleanor was consoling, but she found
number of Horrors were unleashed in
Thratchen (or whoever assumes the
the experience strangely thrilling.
the guise of harmless faerie creatures.
reins of power in Orrorsh).
Thereafter, people around Miss Ellie
One of these creatures was Ceanhir
suffered horrible luck: food poison-
McGee, who delighted in leading peas- Ceanhir McGee
ing, falling down staircases, tripping
ants to horrible ends by granting them DEXTERITY 13
onto knives carelessly left about. When
three  wishes and interpreting them Dodge 17, flight 17, melee weapons
she was 18, her parents were slain by a
in the worst possible ways (such as 16, missile weapons 14, prestidigita-
hideous demon while visiting the colo-
giving a man a crock of gold  a crock tion 18, stealth 21, unarmed combat 16
nies in Rhodesland. When she heard
which appeared 50 feet above his head, STRENGTH 9
about this, she became intrigued by
plummeted down and killed him). His TOUGHNESS 14
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
the horrors that plagued Gaea and the SPIRIT 15 once every six months. If she is al-
occult in general. Faith (Orrorsh) 20, reality 19, swami ready sated, she will simply order the
Her morbid fascination came to the 16, true sight 18 unfortunate man to kill himself.
attention of General Avery Wellington, Possibilities: 23 What makes Rashnaya so insidious
a friend of her parents and a member Powers: none, not a monster is that even before their wills have
of the Gaunt Man s Hellion Court. Corruption Value: 26 been sapped, most Victorian men
Wellington introduced her to certain Fear Rating: 2 would refuse to believe that so beauti-
circles whose activities were hidden Perseverance DN: 19 ful and gentle a creature could be in
from proper Victorian society. She Weakness: none the service of the evil that plagues
learned the secrets of true sight, the True Death: None. When killed, Orrorsh. Those few who have learned
mystic powers of the Findaru and her soul will go to a waiting village, to her secret and attempted to expose her
Amerind religions, the dark pleasures be assigned to a monster that will have have more often than not been slain in
of ritual sacrifice and black mass. a True Death. duels with her lovers or clapped in
At 21, she seduced Sir James Goals: To increase her knowledge lunatic asylums.
Allenton, a railroad magnate three of the occult and death, and create fear Rashnaya has plans to seduce Lord
times her age with a frail and sickly in her province; to maintain her stand- Stanton Cheltenham and  persuade
wife. In a scandal that shook London, ing in  decent Victorian society
Allenton abandoned his wife to marry
the woman with whom he was now
When she no longer has
hopelessly obsessed. Now financially
any use for a victim, she
secure, Lady Allenton began subvert-
More beautiful than any dream,
ing  decent, upstanding members of
will wrap him in her tail
Rashnaya is also one of the coldest,
society into participating in her oc-
most lethal of the Nightmares. A hy-
and feast upon him.
cult rituals.
brid creature, in her natural state her
She was rewarded for her efforts by
face and the upper half of her body are
being made a Nightmare for the colony
that of a human woman, and the lower him to sponsor her for membership in
on Earth. Using occult means, she en-
half that of a huge red worm. She can, the Hellion Court. Thus far, Chel-
sured her husband s appointment to a
at will, transform her worm half to tenham has resisted her advances,
stuartship and travelled with him to
legs. knowing well what she truly is, and
Earth. She now lives in a spacious
Rashnaya rules the southern tip of not wishing to become her next vic-
mansion in Sibolga, at the heart of her
Majestic, near the city of Telukbetung. tim.
husband s stuart, ruling the city and
She exists to exploit the dark fantasies
the countryside around it with a mad-
harbored by Victorian men, and like
dening capricity, striking fear into DEXTERITY 16
the succubae and incubae she favors,
peasants and noblemen alike. Acrobatics 17, dodge 18, maneuver 20,
she can appear as her victim s ideal
melee weapons 18, stealth 18, unarmed
She cares not to dabble in the inter-
woman come to life.
nal politics of the realm, involving combat 18
Rashnaya frequents only the best
herself only when her position as a STRENGTH 19
clubs and the most exclusive restau-
Lifting 20
Nightmare is at stake.
rants, and has cultivated a reputation
Her chief concern remains her study TOUGHNESS 15/19
as a high-priced courtesan. An asso-
of the occult. Rumors that the Nocturna PERCEPTION 20
ciation with her is believed to be a
Evidence analysis 22, find 21, tracking
has been seen in Jakarta have prompted
mark of status, and many young offic-
Lady Allenton to acquaint herself with 22, trick 24
ers make a point of meeting her.
that province s Nightmare, Ahjebax. MIND 19
Once she has attracted a man of
Occult 21, survival 20, test 22, will-
Lady Eleanor Allenton influence, she slowly begins to drain
power 22
DEXTERITY 9 his will. Once this has been done, she
Beast riding 12, dodge 10, swimming uses her powers of hypnosis to bring
Charm 28, persuasion 26, taunt 24
11 him completely under her command.
STRENGTH 9 Many high Victorian officials are un-
Faith (Orrorsh) 15, intimidation 17,
TOUGHNESS 8 der her control, most in the snare of
reality 17
PERCEPTION 20 post-hypnotic suggestions so that they
Possibilities: 25
Evidence analysis 23, find 21, language appear normal the majority of the time.
Natural Tools: scales, armor value
24, research 25, scholar (occult lore) When Rashnaya has need of one of
TOU+4/19; tail, damage value STR+1/
22, trick 21 them, she will employ the appropriate
MIND 20 hypnotic trigger.
Powers: hypnosis, life drain, shape
Medicine 21, occult 25, test 23, will- When she no longer has any use for
power 24 a victim, she will wrap him in her tail
Corruption Value: 22
CHARISMA 24 (Strength total of 20 to escape), and
Fear Rating: 3
Charm 27, persuasion 25, taunt 23 feast upon him. She need feed only
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Perseverance DN: 20 Lord of Aysle dispatched Red Jack to tiful serving wenches. He took these
Weakness: mandrake root Orrorsh, where he was given a posi- boons for granted, being a precocious
True Death: Rashnaya must be dis- tion as a Nightmare. and petulant young prince.
membered by someone who has felt Now Red Jack oversees those Hor- On his twentieth birthday, his
her kiss. rors who derive pleasure from the cousin gave a great party, with feasts
Goals: To attain a position on the sheer terror that the thought of death and songs and gifts  and women.
Hellion Court and the actual agony of the experience When the Pharaoh asked Thutep what
produce in humans. He has proven to he most desired, he answered that he
be a most efficient Nightmare, with an wanted the Pharaoh s queen. To his
Red Jack
instinctive knowledge of when to start surprise, he did not get what he asked
and when to stop killing in order to for, but was instead discreetly poi-
One of the few Orrorshan Night-
evoke the greatest amount of fear. soned and mummified, then entombed
mares to be  born and bred in Core
in the Pharaoh s pyramid.
Earth, Red Jacks holds Majestic s city Red Jack
Forty-four hundred years later, a
of Padang in a grip of terror. DEXTERITY 16
Victorian archaeological expedition
Red Jack is a demonic creature with Dodge 19, lock picking 18, long jump-
discovered the tomb and Thutep s
the ability to alter his appearance at ing 20, maneuver 20, melee weapons
mummified remains. The mummy was
will. He thrives on fear, and uses strings 22, running 17, stealth 24, unarmed
brought back to London and placed
of murders to produce it. How long he combat 20
on exhibit in a museum, to the delight
has existed is uncertain, although STRENGTH 15
of the museum s patrons. But soon
many occultists believe him to be a Climbing 16
after his arrival in Victoria, Thutep
product of the Dark Ages, when su- TOUGHNESS 14
was revived from his four millennia of
perstition ran high and any strange PERCEPTION 18
sleep. He waited for the opportunity
death produced widespread fear of Find 21, tracking 20, trick 22
to escape, and once he did so, wrought
the Devil. MIND 14
havoc in the streets of London until a
Red Jack kills in many ways, but Occult 17, survival 15, test 16, will-
group of professors and occultists de-
prefers knives, for they allow him to power 18
stroyed Thutep s physical form.
draw the act out longer than he could CHARISMA 20
Or so they thought. Thutep s de-
with a pistol. He will normally trans- Charm 25, persuasion 23
struction was staged by the Gaunt Man
form to mist after a killing, vanishing SPIRIT 15
to to allow the monster to escape.
as mysteriously as he came and giving Faith (Orrorsh) 17, intimidation 20,
Thutep, in gratitude, offered his ser-
rise to tales of  invisible murderers reality 19
vices to the High Lord, acting first as a
and police frustration. Possibilities: 30
Nightmare along the banks of Gaea s
Red Jack s most famous (and last) Equipment: daggers (2), damage
Nile, then coming to Earth to work in
series of murders took place in value STR+3/18
the Orrorsh realm.
London s notorious Whitechapel dis- Powers: elemental alteration, re-
Thutep s province is comprised of
trict in the late nineteenth century. No sistance to normal weapons, shape
the islands of Buru and Ceram. He
longer content simply to kill, he de- change (rat), blur form, silence
rules from his crypt on Ceram, where
cided to crack open the very founda- Corruption Value: 25
he creates new horrors, foul and nox-
tion of English society with his mur- Fear Value: 3
ious undead things that plague the
ders. He butchered five prostitutes, Perseverance DN: 24
world of the living. Thutep appears as
mutilating their bodies in ways remi- Weakness: nettle branches
a towering mummy, over two meters
niscent of Masonic lore. This inspired True Death: Stabbing with one of
in height, wrapped in Egyptian cloth
Scotland Yard, many of whom were his own knives while standing within
and wearing jewelry and headgear
Masons, to cover up the crimes and a pentagram drawn with the blood of
befitting his once noble station. He
stall the investigation, believing one one of his victims.
reeks of the grave.
of their own to be responsible. Goals: To spread fear by spilling
As occult societies dwindled and the blood of innocents. Thutep
the Magic axiom dropped, Red Jack DEXTERITY 10
felt his powers fading. He retreated to Dodge 14, melee weapons 16, missile
a cavern beneath the city of London, weapons 14, stealth 15, unarmed com-
and there was dormant until the inva- bat 17
The history of the Nightmare
sion of Earth by the Possibility Raid- STRENGTH 24
Thutep begins in Gaea s infancy, 4500
years ago, in the Egyptian city of Mem-
The sudden surge in magic brought PERCEPTION 17
phis. Thutep was born to a cousin of
him back to full awareness, and his Evidence analysis 20, find 19, language
the Pharaoh, and enjoyed the privi-
dark doings brought him to the atten- 24, trick 19
leges attendant thereof: wealth, com-
tion of Uthorion. Seeing a potential MIND 18
fort, friends in high places, and beau-
ally for his former master, the Dark
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Survival 23, test 23, willpower 25 nance is blood, whether animal or his province is the sea, he rarely sets
CHARISMA 9 human, he cares little. foot upon land to visit the High Lord,
Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt 15 He makes his home in an undersea nor does he feel compelled to report
SPIRIT 14 cavern off the coast of Java, and from his doings on a regular basis. For his
Faith (Orrorsh) 19, intimidation 22, there he commands various aquatic part, Thratchen has never thought
reality 21 horrors, as well as the restless spirits very highly of Trachelsteph (believ-
Possibilities: 33 of those who met their deaths on the ing him to be little better than a pet of
Equipment: wrapping, armor value ocean. He particularly delights in us- the Gaunt Man), and has not bothered
TOU+2/24 ing his occult powers to call down to inform the amphibian of his regent
Powers: attack form resistance raging storms on the vessels of those status.
(cold, spiritual attacks), paralyzing seeking to escape Orrorsh.
touch, resistance to normal weapons, Trachelsteph rarely allows himself
ward breach (miracles) to be seen by his victims, although he
Acrobatics 18, dodge 19, maneuver 21,
Corruption Value: 28 has been known to steal aboard a ship
stealth 20, swimming 25, unarmed
Fear Rating: 4 in the dark of night and carry off a
combat 21
Perseverance DN: 22
Weakness: severe weakness to fire
Climbing 22, lifting 22
True Death: an occult ritual per-
His sole source of suste-
formed along the banks of the Nile,
nance is blood.
climaxing with Thutep s immersion
Find 19, scholar (sea lore) 21, tracking
in the river
22, trick 20
Goals: To serve the Gaunt Man and
create fear; to drown his horror at his passenger for the purposes of making
Occult 18, survival 20, test 17, will-
predicament in the pain of others. a meal. He will usually leave the bones
power 17
floating near the ship as a warning to
other crew members of the dangers of
Charm (25), persuasion 18, taunt 17
sailing through the realm.
Trachelsteph s origin is unknown.
Lurking beneath the waves of the Faith (Orrorsh) 15, intimidation 17,
Some believe he may be an occult cre-
Java Sea is another of the Gaunt Man s reality 17
ation, while others think he is a
Nightmares, an amphibious horror Possibilities: 25
drowned sailor cursed for eternity to
who is responsible for terrifying mari- Powers: paralyzing touch, regen-
wear a horrible form. He has never
ners that ply the waters. Along with eration, up condition (when underwa-
been known to speak, and it is not
Sabathina, Trachelsteph is one of the ter)
known if he is capable of speech as
few creatures to have accompanied Corruption Value: 21
humans know it  if not, it can only be
the Gaunt Man on his invasion of Gaea. Fear Rating: 2
assumed that he uses sorcery of some
Trachelsteph is humanoid, with Perseverance DN: 22
sort to allow him to communicate with
scales in place of skin and webbed Weakness: heat
the Gaunt Man and Thratchen.
hands and feet. His mouth is filled True Death: Must be bound with
Trachelsteph is unaware that the
with row upon row of needle-like
seaweed and burnt to death.
Gaunt Man has disappeared. Since
teeth, and his sole source of suste-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Dispatches and Rumors
ing to the Comaghaz plague and the
The Dominator
strange powers of the aliens as proof
that they are a threat and should be
Dodge 14, fire combat 13, lock picking
D driven from Earth.
D 12, maneuver 12, melee weapons 13,
running 12, stealth 13, unarmed com- Unfortunately for the Akashans,
some among their expeditionary force
bat 14
seem to be intent on proving their
enemies correct. A pack of Gudasko
Climbing 11
The scheduled meeting of the rep-
warriors recently went on a rampage
resentatives of various Middle East-
in a Lima marketplace, badly wound-
ern countries, set for this month in
ing a number of residents as they
Find 15, land vehicles 13, trick 16
Madrid, Spain, may well become a
fought for what they perceived to be
battleground between agents of the
delicacies. The Peruvian government,
Artist (actor) 16, hypnotism 16, test 15,
Nile Empire and the Cyberpapacy.
anxious to avoid an incident with their
willpower 17
Much of the conference is supposed to
powerful visitors, have limited them-
be focused on the predations of the
selves to lodging a strong protest with
Charm 14, persuasion 15
Nile Empire and new strategies with
the Akashan leaders. But the Lima
which to combat the shocktrooper le-
police force has been called out to get
Intimidation 13, reality 13
gions, now battling Arab troops in
the Gudasko out of the crumbling
Possibilities: 20
Saudi Arabia. The rest of the confer-
building in which they have taken
Inclination: Evil
ence will be purely ceremonial, with
Power: mind control, adventure cost
various pledges of assistance and
Akashan Monitors have offered to
5, value 19, range 5 meters, duration
promises not to stab each other in the
capture the Gudasko, and been re-
variable (see page 72 of The Nile Empire
back at the first opportunity.
sourcebook). Stymie flaw when suc- jected. The Akashans have asked for
Dr. Mobius, however, was insulted
Storm Knight intercession in the mat-
cessfully taunted.
at not being invited to attend the con-
ter to prevent the actions of a few
Equipment: ebon and red costume;
ference, and plans to send a pulp vil-
savages from destroying any hope of
9mm Luger, damage value 15, ammo
lain in his employ, the Dominator, to
8, range 3 10/25/40; bullwhip, dam- good relations with the Core Earth
the conference as his  representative.
governments of South America.
age value STR+2/12
Once there, the Dominator will use his
Personality: Outwardly arrogant,
Standard Gudasko (12)
mind-control powers to force the del-
inwardly insecure, the Dominator de-
egates to vote Dr. Mobius in as the
veloped the powers of his mind as a
Dodge 10, maneuver 10, running 10,
new leader of the Arab world. Mobius
means of ensuring that everyone
unarmed combat 10
will then hold a press conference and
around him would have to act as he
declare a jihad against Europe, hoping
wished. This inner self-doubt makes
for the backing of the as yet uncon-
him relatively vulnerable to taunts.
quered Arab nations.
Find 9, evidence analysis 10, tracking
Cyberpapal Inquisitors (5)
Besides the difficulty of piercing
security at the conference site, how- See page 88 of The Cyberpapacy source- 10
ever, Mobius plan faces another threat.
Survival 9, test 8
Cyberpapal agents in Spain caught
wind of his intentions, and an Inquisi-
Taunt 9
tion assassination squad has been dis-
The arrival of the Akashan realm in SPIRIT 7
patched to slay the Dominator and the
South America has sent shockwaves Intimidation 8
delegates. The murder weapon will
through the ranks of the High Lords. Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
then be left in the Nile villain s hand,
Cyberpapal and Nippon Tech agita- Possibility Potential: some (35)
an act which should galvanize the
tors, known to be present in Brazil Psionic Potential: none
Middle Eastern countries into an even
and Peru, have already begun point- Natural Tools: teeth, damage value
fiercer resistance to Mobius.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
STR+2/12; claws, damage value ancient race, others believe that the the bribe, the attacker takes advantage
STR+4/14 power of the dread god Stalek has of smoke screen pellets to effect his
Description: Gudasko are human- dispatched the spectres of the ustanah escape.
oid creatures which average two to revenge themselves on the race that The truth of the matter is that all of
meters in height. They are covered massacred them. these agents have been representatives
with a smooth, tight skin which ranges Whatever the truth, the attacks have of the Guildmaster, the Hawaii-based
in color from pure white to pale violet. resulted in great loss of life in nearby Stormer organizer. She is rumored to
Their hair, which covers the sides of resistance communities, as well as an be searching for Storm Knights for
their heads and lightly coats the rest of increased risk to Storm Knights trav- Guild  sponsorship and is using these
their bodies, is bristly and white. eling through the area. Discovering manufactured combats as a means of
Gudasko have two flexible antennae the nature and intentions of the testing prospective candidates with-
sprouting from their heads, which they ustanah, and stopping their attacks, out their knowledge. What the
use for both smell and touch. might be a good means of cementing Guildmaster s  sponsorship entails,
relations between friendly edeinos and why she has launched so aggres-
tribes and Knights. sive a search for personnel, is unclear
at present.
The dread god Stalek has
Standard Ustanah Warrior
DEXTERITY 12 The Red Eagle
dispatched the spectres
Dodge 14, maneuver 14, melee weap- (Guildmaster Agent)
of the ustanah to revenge
ons 13, missile weapons 14, unarmed
themselves on the race combat 13
Acrobatics 15, dodge 16, flight 17, long
jumping 15, maneuver 18, stealth 16,
that massacred them.
Climbing 13
unarmed combat 18
Lifting 11
The mouth of a Gudasko is filled
Tracking 11
with sharp, pointed teeth. Their hands
and feet and equipped with sharp,
Test 14, willpower 14
Air vehicles 12, evidence analysis 11,
retractable claws. Although intelligent,
find 12, tracking 13, trick 13
Gudasko are still at a very primitive
stage of evolution. They can be fero-
Possibility Potential: some (70)
Test 11
cious and violent or childlike and trust-
Natural Tools: pincers, damage
ing, and recognize no authority save
value STR+2/12; mandibles, damage
Taunt 11
their own clans.
value STR+3/13; chitin armor, value
The Gudasko in this adventure feel
Intimidation 11
they have been unjustly attacked by
Equipment: crystal disks, damage
Possibilities: 12
the Peruvians, and will be hostile to
value STR+3/13 when thrown,
Inclination: Good
any efforts to charm or persuade them.
STR+5/15, when used with club-atlatl;
Equipment: flight suit, adventure
They will take good advantage of their
club-atlatl, damage value STR+3/13
cost 3, value 14, range self; clawed
terrain in the slum building, and at-
gloves, damage value STR+4/14
tempt to pick off any intruders one by
Description: The Red Eagle was an
one, rather than engaging in a mass
airplane mechanic on Terra who
A number of Storm Knights and
dreamed of one day flying a plane of
For further information on the
Stormers have been attacked in recent
his own. The day he finally got his
Gudasko, see the Space Gods source-
weeks for no apparent reason. The
opportunity, a mysterious storm came
attacks have been furious but short,
up and blew him off course and his
the attackers varying from Nile pulp
craft crashed on a mountainside.
heroes to stalengers. The sole link at
When he crawled from the wreck-
first glance between the attackers is
age, he found himself in a strange city
Creatures resembling ustanah war-
that all have been possibility-rated.
filled with people who flew through
riors have emerged from the Land
The attacks follow a pattern: an
the air at will. They took him in, healed
Below in Michigan and begun slaugh-
opponent will come out of nowhere
his wounds, and gave him a colorful
tering edeinos, both those friendly to
and challenge an individual Storm
uniform made from a material that
Core Earth and those with ties to Baruk
Knight (rarely are entire parties as-
allowed him to fly. When he returned
saulted). After a few blows are ex-
to the outside world, he took the name
Immediately after each attack, the
changed, the instigator will suddenly
 The Red Eagle (after his favorite
ustanah vanish back down into their
surrender, apologize for having mis-
character in the pulps) and began fight-
new domain, a place the edeinos will
taken the Knight for someone else,
ing for justice. He joined the
not venture for fear that Death lurks
and offer him money or equipment to
Guildmaster s organization three
there. While most believe the ustanah
forget the matter. If the Knight refuses
months after arriving on Earth.
to be merely the last survivors of that
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
During the last Anglach Dornorin, who are opposed to the Cyberpope
Angar Uthorion began a spell that but are not affiliated with the Resis-
On the next Anglach
would not reach its culmination until tance.
the next Day of Night and Night of The one group of cyberpriests who
Dornorin the most hon-
Day. The spell was tied into his and did make some headway toward track-
orable beings of Aysle
the cosm s essences, and grew as they ing the Templars were slain by a trio of
grew. Legend states that, so long as Seraphim. What these angels were
will become the cruelest
Uthorion is alive on the next Anglach doing in the Catacombs, and whether
and most corrupt people
Dornorin and if he has increased his or not they have any affiliation with
in the realm. ties with Corruption, the spell will the Templars, remains unknown.
What it does is this: both the realm
Litha (Guildmaster Agent)
and the cosm are split by Honor and
DEXTERITY 11 Trouble is continuing in Magna
Corruption. When Day becomes Night
Dodge 14, flight 15, maneuver 13, Verita. There are reports that secular
and Night becomes Day again, the
stealth 14, unarmed combat 14 authorities are beginning to grumble
Honor and Corruption values will switch
STRENGTH 11 about the  unreasonable demands of
for that day. Likewise, for that one day,
all people with adds in honor and cor- the church in the absence of Malraux,
PERCEPTION 12 and peasants complain of excessive
ruption will switch their alignments
Find 14, tracking 14, trick 13 tithing. In addition, murmurs continue
for that day, having equal adds in the
MIND 8 that the cyberware being worn by cler-
opposing skill. Their demeanor and
Survival 10, test 10 ics coming back over maelstrom bridge
interests will likewise change, and the
CHARISMA 7 is a sign of the Devil.
most honorable beings of Aysle will
SPIRIT 12 Malraux has left it to his agents on
become the cruelest and most corrupt
Faith (Keta Kalles) 16 Magna Verita to deal with these mat-
people in the realm.
Possibilities: 9
Gamemaster note: Due to the in- ters, and they have not done a sterling
Natural Tools: tentacles, damage job of it. Their attitude has been arro-
credibly long cast time (1000 years),
value STR+4/15; flying pump, speed gant and most high-handed, essen-
Uthorion was able to create an effect
value 11 tially telling rulers and peasantry alike
value of 80 for this spell  plus or
Description: Litha is a female
minus a bonus number. If your play- that this is the way it always has been,
stalenger who is uncertain whether and this is the way it always shall be.
ers characters are adventuring in
Baruk Kaah is a true follower of Lanala This has satisfied no one  Cyberpapal
Aysle, and this rumor is true, they
or not. Until she is certain, she has emissaries have actually found them-
need to generate an honor or corruption
decided to take no part in the battles selves clapped in irons in Magna
total above the effect value of the spell
between the Living Land and Core
to resist changing for the day! Charac- Vertian jails by village mayors de-
Earth. Guild agents stumbled upon manding an end to back-breaking taxa-
ters without honor or corruption adds
her and convinced her that the tion.
are unaffected.
Guildmaster would not force her to The Church has responded with its
betray her principles, and would let favorite tool, excommunication, but
her forfeit sponsorship if she should even this has had less effect than in
decide to join with one side or the VX images of Knights Templar have past years. Agitators spread the word
other. Since that time, Litha has served been appearing in increasing num- that Malraux and his clerics no longer
the Guildmaster. bers in the Catacombs region of the speak for God, but for a false deity
GodNet. Headquartered within a con- who lives inside a machine. The fact
struct which resembles an ancient for- that hellfire does not immediately
tress of the Holy Land, the Templars claim those who are excommunicated
have been staging raids on Cyberpapal (although many of them do disappear
data churches and cathedrals from this mysteriously in the dead of night) has
base. led people to think that perhaps the
Inquisition efforts to track down Church could stand reformation.
In the Aysle cosm, a day like no
and stop the netrunning Templars Things are becoming increasingly
other is approaching.  The Day of
have met with frustration. Although tense, and Malraux s bishops realize
Night and Night of Day, or  Anglach
they are well aware of the existence of that the day an Inquisitor uses a wrist-
Dornorin as the dwarves call it in
the Catacombs, the transient popula- gun to cow a mob is the day the Col-
their ancient language, is a day of ter-
tion of the area has refused, even un- lege of the Way members are branded
rible happenings. The daylight hours
der torture, to reveal the whereabouts sorcerers and stoned to death. Increas-
are dark as night, and, in the night-
of the Templar base. It is becoming ingly, they turn to Malraux for coun-
time, the stars shine so brightly it looks
increasingly evident that the Templars sel, but more and more, he is con-
like day  or so ancient tales say. But
are serving as a rallying point for those sumed with his power plays in the
that is not the whole legend.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Cyberpapacy. For now, Magna Veritan planted Tharkoldu stelae in prepara- Orrorsh, places where ninja are often
churchmen are simply hoping to ride tion for the bridge s arrival in the So- sent on missions.
out this crisis of faith, and slipping a viet Union. However, with the de-
little more money into the coffers of struction of the bridge and the defeat
the secular powers. of the techno-demons on this world,
Spiritualism is enjoying increasing
the device was forgotten. Even
popularity in Orrorsh, where the rela-
Thratchen is unsure what its purpose
tives of people murdered by Horrors
was, but the radiation it is giving off
An explanation of sorts has finally are anxious to contact their shades.
would tend to indicate that it is close to
been discovered for the sudden, sharp Naturally, this sudden attention has
activation. Thratchen has taken this as
increase in the radiation levels at the attracted any number of con artists to
another sign that a second invasion by
site of the famed Tunguska explosion
the Tharkoldu is imminent, and be- the field, and a new profession, the
in Siberia. Core Earth scientific teams  spiritualist debunker, has been born
tween that and continually checking
have succeeded in unearthing a mas- on the maelstrom in the basement of
as a result.
sive device, covered with circuitry, In recent months, however, de-
Illmound Keep, his days are full of
which is apparently responsible for bunkers have been disappearing with
the dangerous rise. an alarming frequency. It has always
The discovery has given renewed been a dangerous profession  your
hope to those people who believe the average scam runner does not like his
Tunguska explosion was the result of Sarila, the corrupt member of the games exposed, and will occasionally
a UFO crash-landing. However, it Akashan High Council, has taken the get violent. But reports state that it is
bears no resemblance to anything pos- first step toward her goal of dominat- the spectres being called up at this
sessed by the Akashans, nor have Nip- ing all cosms. A squad of Nippon Tech  phony seances that are snatching
pon authorities been able to make any- ninja took on more than they could the debunkers and taking them &
thing out of it as yet. It most closely handle in attacking a second-stage cell somewhere else.
resembles a Cyberpapal device, but of Comaghaz carriers, and now carry Another interesting spiritualist
sources close to Malraux have con- the plague germs back with them to news flash has come from the parlor of
firmed that they are as baffled as any- Nippon. It will be some time before one Madame K., who in a seance staged
one else. the group mind can attempt to seize for the Hellion Court last week appar-
But there is one place on this control of them, but should it do so, ently contacted the ghost of Lord Bryon
beleagured planet where the nature of conceivably the virus could spread Salisbury! The spirit told the Hellion
the device is all too well known: throughout that realm. Court members that Thratchen had
Illmound Keep in Orrorsh. There The results, for 3327, could be di- murdered him and stolen the leader-
Thratchen has heard descriptions of sastrous. Trusted agents would se- ship of Orrorsh. Whether or not the
the mechanism from his agents, and is cretly be under the influence of Sarila, Hellion Court members believed this
now certain that it is an example of working toward her goals, and under-  and just how Madame K. managed
occultech, the type of technology fa- mining Nippon plots in South to contact the ghost of a man who isn t
vored by the Tharkoldu. America. In addition, this would give dead  is unknown.
The device was no doubt placed her an excellent opportunity to infect
there by the same techno-demons who people in the Cyberpapacy and
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
Your Letters
1. In The Land Below, the section
calls for a flurry for the players, the Possibility. Are spells like these un-
on pulp powers says that the powers
character may get two cards. Simi- fair? What knowledge would be the
function identically to those in the
larly, by playing a haste card and do- Pattern and/or Mechanism?
Nile Empire. However, the character
ing an approved action, the character  Joe Farrell
templates imply that purchasing a
may get additional cards. N. Merrick, NY
power costs more than in the Nile
Finally, if a character is doing two
1. Yes, MB Blocker is a drug, and
Empire. So, what is it?
different kinds of actions in a multi-
characters can overdose on it. How-
2. The book implies that characters
action, the character may get two cards.
ever, the drug is only injected into the
can gain more powers in the course of
For example, if Intimidate and Trick are
character when he or she takes dam-
their adventures. How is this so?
approved actions, the character may
age  it isn t  on all of the time.
 John Olsen,
get two cards if he successfully intimi-
2. The Spiritual Ratings for these
Baltimore, MD
dates and tricks. However, if he at-
miracles are lower than one would
tempts to intimidate more than one
1. Yes, pulp powers are acquired
normally suspect, but this is part of the
person, he only gets one card (effec-
differently. In the Nile Empire, they
unique gift of Lanala to her worship-
tively, he is doing the same action, but
cost one beginning possibility.
pers. So strong is her faith and power
on more than one person).
In the Land Below, the first power
in the Living Land that she has made
costs three beginning skill points. A
her powers easier to access.
Hey guys  Love the game, espe-
second power may be purchased at a
3. Kadandra is just one of many
cially its sheer scope. Is it alright if we
cost of three beginning possibilities.
thousands of projects we would like to
photocopy the response form? It al-
Third, and subsequent powers, may
get to  so whaddya say? If all of you
lows me to keep an intact issue of
be purchased at a cost of three possi-
want Kadandra soon, say so!
Infiniverse, as well as reflect our
bilities, but the adventure cost associ-
4. Because of the circumstances sur-
group s activities.
ated with additional powers make
rounding the creation of the GodNet,
 Duane R. Tant
such purchases very difficult to jus-
there are many areas within the region
Fairfax, VA
that are very difficult to penetrate and
2. Characters may gain new powers
understand. While the GodNet is a
Thanks  glad you like the game.
through particularly spectacular ad-
challenge to characters, it is also some-
Go ahead and use photocopies of
ventures and circumstances. These
thing that Malraux and his minions
the response form.
happenings should be very rare, and
have a less than full understanding of.
must be carefully dictated by the game-
The high difficulty of the area was
1. Is an MB Blocker on forever?
master. If the character doesn t want
Isn t it a drug and subject to overdose
the power, he simply doesn t have to
5. To find a hidden datapath, a char-
pay the adventure cost and it will be
acter must make a net find or net ma-
2. Aren t the Axiom levels of the
lost after the first adventure.
nipulation roll.
Living Land miracles a little low?
6. Ayslish sorcerers haven t yet de-
3. What are the axioms of
1. If a character performs more than
termined under which arcane knowl-
Kadandra? How about an Infiniverse
one action in a round, and both ac-
edge pure possibility energy falls 
article on them?
tions are  approved actions on the
some have even theorized that it may
4. Did anyone realize that the
initiative stack, does the player get to
be above the hierarchy of contempo-
Cyberpope himself, with +5 programs,
draw two cards from the deck?
rary magical study. At this time, there
will need to roll 18 or higher to ma-
2. If a character performs more than
are no spells which directly manipu-
nipulate some cells in the GodNet? If
one action in a round, can the player
late or detect possibility energy.
anyone else finds the difficulty num-
advance more than one card from her
bers in the GodNet impossible, try
hand into her pool?
1. Since Living Land hrockt spears
multiplying them by .75 (75%).
 Daniel Pogoda
are created by praying to a goddess,
5. Could you clear up how to go
Waltham, MA
are they  holy weapons in the sense
about looking for hidden datapaths?
of being able to slay supernatural
1. A character gets one card for each
6. Can you make possibility/
monsters like blessed bullets?
different approved action he or she
Everlaw related spells like Detect
2. What happened to crooked Con-
performs. For example, if the round
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 17 / November, 1991
gress woman Ellen Connors? The
Nightmare Dream left her fate up in
Herald Messages
the air.
3. Is it possible to have an Orrorshan
The so-called  Fortress of the Dead Storm Knights from the Portland Re-
monster that cannot be killed at all,
has vanished. For a time, at least, nights in sistance Community were successful in
save for its True Death? Majestic will seem a little less dark. destroying the Living Land stelae on the
 The New London Times West Coast of Oregon.
 Gregory W. Detwiler
Unfortunately they fell into a trap set
Williamsburg, PA
 Being on the receiving end of an Im- by Victor Manwaring and the Unholy
1. Yes, Living Land hrockt spears
pala chain gun really hurts! Three, where the Power of Fear forced
 Knights of the Valiant 13th them to disclose the location of the Core
are holy weapons.
Earth Darkness Device
2. Ellen Connors fate and the rest of
Mobius is using a soft-drink company  Scott R. Mitchell
the Delphi Council will be dealt with
to subvert southern California. The pose Chicago, IL
in the upcoming Delphi Council
displayed in its commercials is just like
Worldbook, Volume One (formerly titled
those of figures on Egyptian wall paint- Baruk Kaah is DEAD! The Knights of
The Core Earth Sourcebook)  it is sched-
ings. Niceness, using the finest of storytelling,
uled for a spring release.  Gregory W. Detwiler uprooted the central stelae in New York.
Williamsburg, PA Baruk Kaah himself led the resistance
3. If a monster is killed, but not by
group to replace it. Without his Darkness
its True Death, its soul simply goes to
Storm Knights have managed to pre- Device or home cosm advantage, the ar-
the Waiting Village. However, its
vent Nile and Cyberpapal agents from rogant Saar of the Edeinos met his match
mortal body can always be destroyed
acquiring a piece of the True Cross. in the Knights. Rek Pakken is strangely
given sufficient weaponry, miracles
Malraux s attempt to place a stelae silent.
or magic. outside Naples, Italy was foiled with the  John Maurer
aid of a renegade Nippon Tech agent. A Nashville, TN
Nippon stelae was placed instead.
1. What special ability does the
 John M. Kahane  Why is it that volcanoes are always
Cyberpapacy s Darkness Device have
Ottawa, ONT, Canada surrounded by friendly natives whose
that allows it to move freely?
only wish is to toss you in it?
2. The Invisibility spell on page 19
WANTED: Darkness Device  McCoy (Nile gunslinger)
of Pixaud s Practical Grimoire says
Curious techno-demon seeks informa- Commenting on the
that it is a real (as opposed to illu- tion on Darkness Devices. Willing to take Land Below
used Device. Contact Thratchen at
sory) alteration spell, but on page 5 of
Illmound Keep.  The Warrior of the Dark is Tora
the book, under alteration, it specifi-
P.S.  #$ Even Huitzilopochtli is accept- Tancred, daughter of Gareth Tancred. Her
cally cites invisibility spells on hu-
able (barely). trial will be soon.
mans as something that cannot be
 Dominick Riesland  Lady Pella Ardinay
done with alteration magic because
Milwaukee, WI
humans don t naturally have this
 Steve Crow
N. Liberty, IA
the day. The calculations are often
How long does it take to perform written down on a large scroll of pa-
1. The ability of the Darkness De-
Nile magic? pyrus.
vice to move freely within its cosm,
 Robert Maxwell By referring to the scroll, the caster
realm or on its maelstrom bridges is
Athens, GA will be able to figure out the necessary
detailed on page 88 of the Torg Rulebook.
exhortations in order to cast the spe-
2. The example wasn t made clear
As stated on page 88 of The Nile
cific spell at the specific time of cast-
enough on page 5 of Pixaud s; the spell
Empire, it takes one round to cast an
is not in error.
Egyptian mathematics spell unless
The necessary time value to pre-
The spell is a transformation, which
otherwise stated in the spell descrip-
pare these calculations equals the cast-
is a more sophisticated version of al-
ing difficulty number plus 10.
teration magic. As made clear on page
The intricate calculations and geo-
5, invisibility cannot be made invisible
metric designs for the spells must be
through modification.
performed before the spell is to be
However, as you notice on page 6
cast. These calculations are figured for
and in the spell description, the effect
specific days and specific spells, but
value must beat the target s Tough-
they can be done months or even years
ness, and then the result points must
in advance. If the particular spell has
also beat the Toughness to succeed.
not been figured for the particular day,
The spell cannot be conjuration since
the spell cannot be used.
it is neither creating nor destroying a
These calculations are necessary to
pattern; it is simply altering an exist-
determine the exact locations of the
ing one.
various planets during the course of


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