Torg Infiniverse Magazine 09

Don t you just hate it when your char- aged to put it behind schedule with
acter successfully escapes from a flaming work on Pixaud s, but its July release is
plane, only to disconnect when opening still True (14).
her parachute? We know we do. The Land Below is a supplement de-
CONTENTS scribing the realm beneath the surface
Product Update
of the earth. Stewart Wieck s first draft
Full Moon Draw is at the printer s,
was solid enough to send to
and should be in the stores within a
playtesters. Its August release is True
Rumors and News ....... 2
week of the time you read this. The
release date is True (26).
South America is bracing for the
High Lord of Earth is also at the
The Kanawa File .......... 3
arrival of another realm. This realm is
printer s. Only a rampaging Udatok
coming in response to the herald mes-
can now stop this book from making
Dispatches ..................... 8
sage sent at the end of the Relics of
an April ship date. True (41).
Power Trilogy. They are on our side.
Pixaud s Practical Grimoire contains
Your Letters ................. 11
How unfortunate that they are fight-
a revised spell laboratory sheet, addi-
ing their own war. And they are los-
tional info on spell design, several
Herald Messages ........ 12 ing. This sourcebook is scheduled for
dozen new spells, and a spell index.
October release. True (14).
By enchanting our editors and artists
Brave and Crazy is a new format for
to work faster, its April release is now
us. Dan Greenberg is writing a 15,000
True (16).
word Nile Empire story, then writing
The Nippon Sourcebook is in the art
an adventure with the same setting
department. Deceit! Samurai gospog!
and villains. We hope this blend of
Chains guns as personal weapons!
fiction and adventure provides a fun
Martial arts! Corporate wars costing
read and gives the gamemaster detail
billions of yen! Its May release date is
and a solid sense of mood for the ad-
True (19) & but knowing Kanawa,
that could be a lie.
A Storm Knight s Guide to the Possi-
The Kanawa Personal Weapons Cata-
bility Wars is the title for our proposed
Contributors This Issue:
log is in development. Be sure to con-
character handbook. Lou Prosperi is
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden, Bill
tact your local Kanawa representative
writing ways to flesh out your charac-
Smith, Ed Stark; the Greg monopoly
for details. June release is True (15).
ter and his background. The book also
is broken!
Operation: Hard Sell is the renamed
includes rules and descriptions for
Ghost in the Machine. Set in recently
events such as crossing a maelstrom
liberated California, this adventure has
bridge & hey, half the fun is surviving
a June release at True (15).
getting there.
The Orrorsh Sourcebook is in the
hands of playtesters. We cleverly man-
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Rumors and News
Cyberpapal agents are rumored to be ing against the machine-based rule of
ach month we print the
operating in the conquered area. True the Cyberpope. Malraux has ordered
rumor report, which will
(16). his capture. Climbs to True (19).
consist of three parts. First
E 4. Provins, a village in the French 6. Dr. Paul Stabert, a Victorian sci-
Indication reports on the
province of Champagne, has become entist, has transformed himself into a
newest batch of rumors to
the central meeting place of the oppo- monstrous hybrid of Other and hu-
which you have responded. Continu-
sition to the Cyberpapacy. True (15). man. He is unarmed and extremely
ing Report updates the rumors as more
5. Core Earth areas are seeing a dangerous. Slow rise to True (13).
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
rapid rise in NRRAs (Non-Realm Resi-
The Wrap Up: Issue #5
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
dent Aliens) as these people flee the
1. Dwarves captured and impressed
berated throughout the infiniverse for
strife in their homelands. Many na-
by Mobius in order to use their engi-
about three months. The wrap up will tions welcome the new arrivals openly,
neering prowess. Bottoming out at
but there are rumors of riots and op-
be the last report for that rumor in
False (11).
pression of the new immigrants. False
2. Edeinos imprisoned in Biosphere
The results are given a true or false,
II in Arizona as part of experiment to
6. Hantu Limited, the only major
followed by a parenthetical number.
determine the nature of Living Land
independent Nippon corporation, has
That number represents the strength
mist. Closing up at True (20).
struck back at the Kanawa empire.
of the truth or falsehood throughout
3. Cyberpapal infiltration of Milan
They have even begun a campaign to
the infiniverse. For example, a state-
in order to prep the city for a stelae.
expose  Ryuchi Kanawa as a High
ment which is false (15) is false unless
True (20). A finishing rise.
Lord. True (13).
the gamemaster decides to test the
4. Strange circular designs,  black
statement; on a roll of 15 or better the
Continuing Report: Issue #6 rings, appear in Aysle, which are not
statement is actually true. Roll again
1. The Links, a New York street caused by magic. True (13), a slip from
on 10 and 20 when testing the truth or
gang, have burned a gospog field in last month.
falsity of a reported rumor.
Central Park, enraging the edeinos. 5. Covert conflict between Nippon
Holding at True (20). and the Cyberpapacy is heating up,
Rumor Report
2. Mercurius, a Nile villain who is a with Cyberpapal agents manipulat-
master of disguise, has infiltrated a ing the Nikkei, and Nippon opening
First Indication: Issue #7
Storm Knight cell in Memphis, and is manufacturing plants in France. Lev-
1. House Liandar, a small but val-
betraying its members to Mobius. els off at True (32).
iant ally of Light, has been accused
Turnaround to True (16). 6. Enemies of Mobius causing Amon
(perhaps wrongly) of slaughtering Ice
3. A transformed giant vampyre is statue to kill shocktroopers in order to
Nomads in Aysle s home cosm. True
stalking Scotland, attacking both Light secure revitalizing secrets of Amet-
and Dark forces. Still barely False (11). Hu. Lowers to True (18).
2. Nippon has been investing in
4. Mysterious huge samurai who 7. Tarot-trademark vampyre-
Western United States real estate and
are almost impervious to pain are help- hunter staking a claim in Orrorsh. Rises
supporting the U.S. struggle against
ing the Yakuza crack down on street even more to True (37).
Baruk Kaah in return for sharing in-
gangs who refuse to follow the crime 8. Disappearances in  the Devil s
telligence information. True (17)
family leadership. Falling to True (21). Triangle have prompted Kanawa in-
3. A relatively bloodless conquest of
5. LeRoux, an Ayslish magician pos- vestigation. Finishes at True (15).
Libya has left Mobius in even greater
ing as a priest, roams France, preach-
control of the world s oil supply.
The Kanawa File
operations; promoted, 24, executive of essence into each. Subject and four
vice president of operations. clones currently on Earth  fifth clone
maintaining smooth operation of
NTER Cross-reference, Ursan Industries:
Ursan Industries and occupying Mar-
Subject and employer, 2174, involved
ketplace Triad seat.
in Donglin food riot. Rioters attack
Subject made alliance with
vehicle, and subject injured while pro-
Orrorshan Gaunt Man, who had simi-
tecting employer, suffering knife
lar pacts with Baruk Kaah of Takta
wound to face. Refused treatment.
Ker, Mobius of Terra, Uthorion of
Subject worked closely with 2174
Aysle, and Malraux of Magna Verita,
on Soru acquisition. Computer records
their object, assault of Earth. Subject
altered by 3327, assets increased, deb-
Access File: Kanawa, R.TXT
established Kanawa Corporation in
its decreased. Loss to Ursan from Soru
Osaka; offices later moved to Tokyo.
deal, 5 billion credits. 2174 unable to
recompense board for loss. Poisons
Progress to date: Attempt to take con-
Subject Name: Ryuchi Kanawa
trol of Hong Kong unsuccessful. Liv-
3327 promoted to chief executive
Numerical Code: None; Kanawa is
ing Land stelae removed in California,
officer, Ursan Industries, as well as
assumed identity of 3327. Reference
replaced with Nippon Tech stelae.
membership on Marketplace govern-
file 17H523.
Maelstrom bridge dropped into Sac-
ing body, the Triad.
ramento, and pure zone established.
Distinguishing Physical Character-
Cross-reference, Triad: Group com-
Japan, Taiwan now under control.
istics: Facial scar, right cheek.
posed of CEOs of Ursan Industries,
Portions of South Korea and China
Place of Birth: Donglin Megaplex,
Misaki Computers, and Shori Petro- also dominated by 3327. Plans pro-
ceeding for further expansion of stelae
Subject authors Triad s First Article
Current Place of Residence: Tokyo,
of Incorporation, stripping non-prop-
Close file.
Japan, Earth
erty owners of all rights under Mar-
Status: Owner/Chief Executive Offi-
ketplace law. Subject promotes accord
cer, Ursan Industries, Marketplace;
with priests of Palan, radical religious
3327 s Personality
Kanawa Corporation, Earth; for fur- group, then orders Marketplace Secu-
rity to exterminate same. 5154 clerics
ther holdings, reference file 17H523.1
Still steadfastly clinging to his Mar-
killed in beginning of event now
ketplace values, 3327 sees everything
Biography: Subject was born to 1901,
known as  Termination. Reference
in terms of profit and loss. He is com-
executive vice-president, Ursan Indus-
file 23-P24H.
pletely unaffected by emotions of any
tries, and 5416, marketing associate,
Subject discovers alien artifact (ref-
sort, save for greed. Although one
Ursan Industries.
erence file  Daikoku 2D ). Mael-
would think that this might make it
strom bridge technology developed
Cross-reference, 1901: Dismissed from difficult for 3327 to deal with under-
by Ursan Industries. 3327 expands fi-
lings and lackeys in the organizations
Ursan following failed takeover of
nancial empire into other cosms.
he infiltrates, the High Lord has been
Weltong Pharmaceutical. Body found
Cross-reference, Daikoku: Resem- able to overcome this handicap by
in Sebat Megaplex, murdered by per-
mastering the discipline of psychol-
blance to laptop computer belies sig-
son or persons unknown. Computer
ogy, allowing him to predict the be-
nificant level of as yet unexplained
file search confirms both terminations
havioral patterns of emotional crea-
power. Thrives on  possibility en-
ordered by 2174.
tures and act accordingly.
ergy, and has made it known it will
Subject educated at Ursan Indus-
When he speaks, 3327 s dialogue is
tries Educational Facility. Age 21, sub- abandon subject if such energy is not
reasoned, carefully planned in ad-
ject employed by Ursan Industries as
delivered in sufficient amounts.
vance, and coldly rational. It is almost
junior marketing executive. Promoted,
Daikoku imparts knowledge to sub-
impossible to shake his composure or
22, senior marketing executive; pro- ject which allows him to clone five
force him into taking a rash action, but
moted, 23, junior vice-president of
duplicates of self and impart portion
he has been known to express impa- If the people of Japan, Taiwan, Korea, to eight months. He has agents search-
tience with those in his employ who China, and California were to realize ing for shards both within and beyond
are too slow-witted to comprehend they were being subjugated by a High the borders of his realm, but has met
his plans. Lord similar to those who have landed with mixed success due to their scar-
To physically slay 3327 would in- in Egypt, England, France, and Indo- city and the interference of Storm
volve killing not only the original High nesia, 3327 s maneuvers would en- Knights.
Lord, but all five clones as well. Yet counter far stiffer resistance. And if
6. Recruit New Forces: The one
3327 fears bankruptcy far more than the nations that make up Core Earth
thing that 3327 does spend much of his
assassination  like any other execu- were able to confirm he was a High
accumulated fortune on is the recruit-
tive in Marketplace, he could be ex- Lord, they would cease all shipments
ment of personnel for his organiza-
ecuted for failing to make a profit. His of oil, coal, iron ore, and other re-
tions on Earth. He is also interested in
personal fortune is large enough that sources needed by Japanese industry.
acquiring and studying new weap-
he could cover most losses, but his So far, only the other High Lords
ons, particularly those constructed in
foray into Nippon is the costliest and and 3327 s most trusted adviser are
the Cyberpapacy or the Nile Empire.
riskiest venture he has ever attempted. aware of his existence. Thratchen has
3327 has recently become even more
Failure here could result in the loss of considered revealing 3327 s identity
interested in this particular goal as a
his economic power base in Market- to the Japanese public but has so far
result of seeing some of the conflicts
place. refrained from doing so, due to the
between the other High Lords. He is
weakness of his own position and his
determined to be in a position of
doubts that he could withstand an all-
strength should one of his rivals chal-
Goals and Ambi-
out reprisal by the Nippon Tech High
lenge him in the future.
7. Contain the Other Realms. In
The executive directors of the Rauru
the interests of profit as well as power,
Block and some of the Grand Masters
3327 has a number of goals, each of
Nippon provided aid to the Soviet
of the Sons of the Wind have identified
which are listed here in the order of
Union during attempts by the High
 Ryuchi Kanawa as a possible ally of
their importance to the High Lord:
Lord of Tharkold to drop a maelstrom
the Possibility Raiders, but have yet to
1. Acquire Wealth. Following the bridge there, dealing the Gaunt Man s
gather enough evidence to make the
tenets of his home cosm, 3327 is trying master plan its first serious setback. In
charge publicly. Those few realm resi-
to acquire as much material wealth as addition, agents of 3327 have fostered
dents who have positively identified
he possibly can. To 3327, and any contacts with Overgovernor Wu-Han
3327 as a High Lord have met a swift
other native of Marketplace, wealth is of the Nile Empire, in the hope of
and bloody end before they were able
linked to personal power, happiness, subverting him and using him against
to spread the information. Anyone
and longevity. The more money he Mobius. Also, Nippon firms have es-
they have communicated with has also
makes, the longer 3327 will survive, tablished a relationship with Core
been hunted down and killed, and it is
and the more time he will have to Earth United States, allowing them to
a rare individual indeed who evades
attain even greater wealth. It was in aid in the fight against the Living Land
the clutch of 3327.
pursuit of this goal that he originally as well as transform a portion of Cali-
4. Expand the Realm. The more
became a High Lord. fornia undetected.
territory the realm encompasses, the
Thus, in addition to the possibility 3327 s reasons for these actions are
more possibility energy that 3327 ab-
energy he drains from each cosm he threefold: geographically, his realm
sorbs. He is well aware of the fact that
invades, 3327 also takes its riches back encompasses the smallest amount of
it is the flow of possibilities which
to Marketplace, where he maintains a territory, making him vulnerable to
keeps his Darkness Device looking
huge treasure vault containing the attacks by rival High Lords should
upon him with favor and allows him
equivalent of $6 trillion in plunder. any one grow sufficiently powerful;
to seek out new cosms to plunder. He
His agents are often sent to seek out certain realms, specifically Orrorsh,
is also aware that expanding his stelae
objects of value, be they worth a great pose a threat to Nippon s plans for
bounds gives him leverage against the
deal in monetary terms or by virtue of expansion, owing to their proximity
other High Lords in the struggle to
being an eternity shard. to still largely unconquered areas like
become Torg.
China; and the realms of Baruk Kaah
2. Become Torg. 3327 knows that if
5. Find Eternity Shards. Another and Dr. Mobius pose a threat to the
he can seize the majority of Earth s
means of appeasing Daikoku s hun- sources of raw materials Nippon needs
possibility energy and declare himself
ger is through the use of eternity to keep its companies producing. Thus
Torg, he will live forever and gain
shards, rare artifacts which can be 3327 remains on guard against any
formidable new powers, enabling him
tapped by a Darkness Device for the attempts to interfere with his plans for
to accumulate even more wealth.
possibility energy they contain. Nippon, and takes advantage of any
3. Keep Realm a Secret. 3327 s en-
Currently, 3327 has enough eter- opportunity to act as an agent provoca-
tire plan depends upon keeping his
nity shards in storage to maintain his teur in other realms.
existence as a High Lord a secret from
present growth rate for the next seven
the people of his realm and Core Earth.
the desk are a telephone and a per-
Kanawa Building
3327 s Bases
sonal computer linked to the Kanawa
Adventure Hook
3327 maintains two major bases of
The other major feature of the office
Recent stock assaults mounted by
operations on Earth, the Kanawa Cor-
are four trophy cases, containing some
Windigo, Inc. have revealed tremen-
poration building in Tokyo and his
of the great works of art and antiques
dous amounts of liquid capital, far
private residence, Nijo Castle in Kyoto.
3327 has plundered from this cosm.
more than would be expected based
Both are protected by security devices,
He takes care not to include in these
on their annual earnings report. Checks
both ancient and modern. Several at-
cases any artifact taken from another
of major banks have uncovered no
tempts have been made to slay the
signs of any bond issues or other types
High Lord in lairs, but even those
3327 s living quarters consist of a
of financing, but the Rauru Block is
which came close to being successful
living room, dining room, kitchen,
facing a fierce struggle to hold on to its
were frustrated by his intelligence ser-
bathroom and master bedroom. The
smaller subsidiaries in the face of
vice, which saw to it that  Ryuchi Ka-
kitchen is fully automated, the micro- Windigo s maneuvers.
nawa was nowhere to be found.
wave pre-programmed with the set- The truth of the matter is that
tings for the High Lord s favorite
Windigo is shoring up its financial
The Kanawa
dishes. The centerpiece of the living
position using Yakuza funds which
room is a large, sunken heated pool in
have been sent through the Kanawa
which 3327 relaxes while watching
money-laundering network. Docu-
The Kanawa Corporation has its
monitor banks.
ments on the Windigo computers
headquarters on the Etai dori in To-
3327 spends a great deal of time in
might expose the firm s ties to the
kyo, only a few blocks from the main
the penthouse, only occasionally trav- Yakuza, but they are too well pro-
offices of the Bank of Japan. The cor-
eling to his Kyoto residence (see be- tected for hackers to penetrate and
porate headquarters is 75 stories tall
low). His corporate office is used most
steal them. The Knights will have to
and houses the main offices not only
often for  Ryuchi Kanawa s business
break into the heavily-protected
of the parent company, but of a num-
Kanawa Building and make their way
ber of its subsidiaries as well. Also
Security in the Kanawa Building is
to the Windigo offices to get the ap-
included in the skyscraper are a shop-
tight. In addition to 3327 s omnipres- propriate files. If none of the Knights
ping arcade, a nightclub and 12 floors
ent security cameras, a uniformed se- have the science (computers) skill, it
of private apartments.
curity force of 90 roams the building s
might be wise to bring a Kashi hacker
The building s elevator only trav-
corridors and a number of heavily
along with them.
els as high as the 72nd floor for most
armed  undercover Yakuza opera-
riders. To continue to the top three
tives are stationed inside as well (the
Nijo Castle
stories, the rider must submit to a
exact number varies, but usually
retina scan. If he is not cleared for
Located in the city of Kyoto, Nijo
ranges between 10 and 30). Often,
access, the elevator will jam between
Castle was built in the 17th century
Yakuza gangsters posing as winos and
floors and automatically notify secu-
and in the distant past served as the
bums will loiter on the sidewalk and
rity. 3327 alone knows the access code
site for key imperial proclamations.
in the alleys near the building, pre-
which causes the car to continue on to
Now it serves a more sinister purpose
pared to challenge anyone who at-
the indoor heliport. When the proper
 as a private residence for 3327, the
tempts a break-in. There are no accu-
controls are manipulated, the slanted
High Lord of Nippon Tech.
rate estimates of the number of corpo-
roof of the building opens, allowing
The castle was purchased by the
rate ninja who may stalk the edifice as
the Kanawa Corporation helicopter
city in 1939, but 3327 was able to pour
to take off.
enough yen into the municipal coffers
The building is also protected by a
3327 s office and penthouse are lo-
to convince them to let him buy it from
highly-sensitive alarm system, consist-
cated on the 75th floor of the building.
them, on the condition that he make
ing of infrared beams criss-crossing at
A large desk sits at one side of the
no modifications to any of the build-
varying heights in front of the doors
room, facing a huge picture window
ings. This has prevented him from
and windows on the lower floors. In-
that looks out over Tokyo. Behind the
adding obvious security devices, al-
side, random corridors are equipped
desk is a bank of television monitors,
though he has made some alterations
with pressure-sensitive tiles: anyone
which broadcasts images of the other
in the ancient landmark.
walking down those corridors after
rooms in the penthouse, the corporate
The castle is actually two palaces,
working hours without first passing a
board rooms of Kanawa s subsidiar-
Ninomaru and Katsura. The entire
retina scan will cause that section of
ies, and the living quarters of 3327 s
estate is surrounded by a 3.5 meter
the building to be sealed off and
lieutenants. Security cameras are
stone wall and a moat, which 3327 has
flooded with a powerful sleeping gas
mounted in the High Lord s office and
had spiked with acid (damage value
(damage value 16).
every room of his living quarters.
13 for each round that a Knight spends
The monitor screens are controlled
in the water). The water is two meters
by a console on 3327 s desk. Also on
deep and 10 meters across. Beyond the guest apartments for visitors. The cor- for the rights to build a helipad on the
moat there is another stone wall. There ridors are wooden, and set up a horri- Nijo Castle grounds. If he wins this
are two entrances which allow the fying creak at any footfall. Only adept concession, he can be expected to add
moat to be crossed, the East Gate and ninja who have passed the rice-paper a more sophisticated security system
the North Gate. Both feature wooden test can travel these halls without alert- to the estate in the near future.
bridges, which are rigged to collapse ing others to their presence.
Nijo Castle
at times when 3327 is not expecting The fifth building is Shiro-shoin
visitors. There are two additional gates (private apartments), and contains the Adventure Hook
in the interior wall, on the south and elaborate Jodan-no-ma (Hall of the
Breaking into Nijo Castle without
west sides, but these do not have Imperial Emissary).
an army to support you is not a wise
bridges. To the west of Ninomaru Palace is
maneuver. But that is exactly what a
Once inside the East Gate, the build- another set of stone walls and an-
Storm Knight attempted, and he was
ing immediately to the right is the other, smaller moat. The water in this
captured with relative ease by MarSec
former Kyoto administration build- pool is pure and only about 1.5 meters
agents. 3327 is in Tokyo at the mo-
ing, which 3327 has converted into a deep, though 10 meters across. How-
ment, and he has reportedly sent
guardhouse. Approximately 30 cor- ever, the floor of the moat is fitted
MarSec instructions to torture what
porate ninja reside here, while 10 with shackles (Strength 14) which au-
information they can out of the pris-
Nagara Security 44TS robots patrol tomatically grab the ankles of anyone
oner and then dispose of him.
the grounds at all times. In addition, who breaks the sensor beam built into
The situation is serious enough, but
concealed  tiger pits filled with sharp the stones that line the sides. This
the Knight in question is aware of
stakes await the unwary in various allows 3327 to hold captives there until
plans to stage a hostile takeover of a
places. he grows weary of them and has them
Kanawa undersubsidiary, a move that
Passing through two more gates, shot.
could be blocked by 3327 and cause
the visitor finds himself before Katsura Palace is a huge, ornate
the collapse of a Rauru Block firm.
Ninomaru Palace, which consists of building which 3327 makes home on
The Knight must be rescued by his
four buildings linked together by cor- the infrequent occasions when he vis-
comrades before he is broken and
ridors and a fifth set apart and sur- its. The palace features over 100 rooms,
gives this information to MarSec. With
rounded by its own stone wall. The and is linked by computer with the
the absence of electronic security de-
first building is Samurai Hall, which High Lord s Tokyo penthouse. The
vices such as retina scanners on the
features a collection of ancient weap- building is protected by 25 MarSec
grounds, the Knights may wish to use
ons and armor; the second, a large agents who make up an elite body-
the human element against the High
Reception Hall for formal banquets; guard for 3327.
Lord and rely on their disguise skills to
the third, an Audience Hall where 3327 has made an effort to maintain
get into Katsura Palace and break their
petitioners once met with representa- friendly relations with the Kyoto au-
friend out.
tives of the Emperor; and the fourth, thorities, and is currently negotiating
Infiniverse 9: The Kanawa Files
Nijo Castle
1. East gate 6. Reception Hall 12. West gate
2. Administration 7. Audience Hall 13. North gate
building/guardhouse 8. Art gallery 14. Tiger pits
3. Gate 9. Private apartments
4. South gate 10. Kitchens
5. Samurai Hall 11. Katsura Palace
Dispatches and Rumors
MIND 8 2
Survival 11, test 9
More chaos has appeared in the
D Charm 15, persuade 14, taunt 13
Aysle realm. The small village of Rye
has seen the return of a legend: the
Intimidation 12
Scarecrow of Romney Marsh. But, in-
Possibilities: 12
stead of resuming his freedom-fight-
Equipment: padded jacket (Nile
ing ways, the former smuggler has
A new hero has surfaced in the
gadget), armor value TOU+4/16, and
turned his strange powers and abili-
section of Baruk Kaah s realm known
chameleon power (duration, six
ties against his former protectorate.
as the Northern Land. Operating out
rounds); .455 Webley revolver, dam-
He has virtually halted all trade be-
of a secret base near Fort Smith, just
age value 15, ammo 6, range 3-10/15/
tween Rye and London, and his name
south of the Great Slave Lake,  Major
40; modern compound bow, damage
is whispered with terror amongst the
Mapleleaf, as he is widely known, is
value STR+7/17, range 3-10/100/250;
calling all surviving mounties and
spear, damage value STR+4/14, range
The Scarecrow is thought to be a
able-bodied Canadian citizens to fight
reincarnation of the original, but with
the annexation by Baruk Kaah.
Description:  Major Mapleleaf is
frightening new powers and a cruel
The hero has banded together Storm
really a former Canadian mountie who,
and murderous attitude that could
Knights, Ords, and even renegade
on leave in the Middle East when the
only be caused by the Light/Dark
edeinos against the forces of the High
Possibility Wars began, was trans-
struggle of the Patchwork Realm.
Lord. His favorite tactic seems to be to
formed into a Nile hero. Since that
Operating out of a hidden base in
get a group of 20-30 followers together,
time, he has operated under many
Romney Marsh, the Scarecrow has so
move somewhere along the pure
different guises and in many different
far eluded all attempts at capture or
zone s border, and then strike quickly
realms, but has at last found his way
destruction. Waylaying trade convoys,
and vanish back into the wilderness.
back to Canada.
he and his gang of henchmen appear
His followers seem well-disciplined
He wears the traditional mountie
seemingly out of nowhere and vanish
and more concerned with causing
uniform (red jacket, black hat, black
into the night, leaving only the
damage to the High Lord s followers
pants with red piping) but he has
Scarecrow s mocking laughter to taunt
than random looting or destruction.
added a black mask that covers his
his frustrated pursuers.
The Storm Knights, seeking  Major
entire head including his eyes (it is
The new Scarecrow of Romney
Mapleleaf, find instead a large group
transparent from his side). The mask
Marsh is not a ghost, nor is he a magi-
of edeinos and Living Land creatures
is emblazoned with a red maple leaf
cal reincarnation. He is a former resi-
camped around his supposed hide-
on the front.
dent of Rye, transformed by the Aysle
out. They realize that Baruk Kaah has
Powers: Two super-attributes, Dex-
axioms into a wizard of no small abil-
set an ambush for the Canadian hero,
terity and Charisma
and they must find some way to warn
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
The Scarecrow
him before he returns without get-
must evade the edeinos and Living
ting discovered and killed themselves. DEXTERITY 14
Land scouts and track down the Major
Beast riding 15, dodge 16, fire com-
Major Mapleleaf
and his followers. If the Storm Knights
bat 15, lock picking 15, stealth 17
(true identity unknown)
are able to warn Major Mapleleaf and
help ambush the edeinos, they get a
Climbing 11
Beast riding (horse) 16, dodge 16,
Good result (6 or higher). If they cannot
fire combat 18, melee weapons 16,
find the Major in time, or if they are
missile weapons 17, stealth 16
unsuccessful in evading the ambush
Alteration magic 13, divination
(perhaps they lead the edeinos to him),
magic 13, find 14, tracking 13, trick
then they get a Bad result (no greater
than 2).
Evidence analysis 12, find 11, track-
Apportation magic 13, conjuration
ing 13, trick 13
magic 11, test 11
They watched for two days in miser-  Joskaltra,  the Sea Evil. Finding
able weather until, in the midst of a and defeating the Joskaltra is a Good
Intimidation 15, reality 14,
thunderstorm, what looked like a First result (6 or higher), while letting it get
Possibilities: 16
Arcane Knowledges: darkness 4, Planting gospog shambled up to the away virtually unscathed is a Bad re-
water 1 area. sult (2 or lower).
Spells: fog, mage dark The only survivor of the mission, a
Equipment: wheellock dag pistols former Victorian guard named
(2) (enchanted), damage 13, ammo Benedict Kithcairn, describes what
Dodge 14, maneuver 13, swimming
unlimited (see below), range 3-5/10/ happened like this:
25; black horse; torches; saddlebags;  The  orrible thing shambled up to
leather armor, armor value TOU+2/ the Doctor s talisman like nothing was
20 wrong. I could barely see, what with
Description: The Scarecrow wears the rain and the lightning flashing ev-
Find 11, tracking 13
the tattered outfit of his namesake, ery so often, but it seemed that the
including a misshapen burlap mask. ritual had no effect. Everybody was
Survival 12, willpower 13
He is over six feet tall, and the outfit is moanin about wastin time, an I fi-
designed to make him look even larger. nally got my turn at the spy glass.
The Scarecrow s pistols were the  When I held it up to my eye an
Intimidation 14
beneficiaries of a conjuration metal spell focused on the beastie, there was this
Possibilities: 4
cast by a fellow sorcerer. Focused into great flash o lightning and it looked to
Natural Tools: teeth, damage value
the weapons, the spell causes new me like it struck the talisman and the
STR+3/27; spines, STR+4/30
ammunition to materialize inside creature at the same time. There was
Note: When the Joskaltra has been
them as soon as a shot is fired, mean- this  orrible scream an , just as every-
out of the water for more than six
ing the Scarecrow can never run out of one was recoverin , the Doctor
rounds, the electricity imbued in its
bullets. shouted,  Look! and pointed at the
spines begins to spark. It may then
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
hurl electrical bursts at ranges up to 30
 What I saw then, I never  ope to
either hear of the disruption of trade
meters with a damage value of 19. Use
see again. The creature s arms had
through their sources in London, or
the Joskaltra s raw Dexterity to hit (it
straightened out stiff, like a
they actually encounter the Scarecrow
is, as yet, unskilled in energy weapons).
porcupine s quills an lightning was
on the way to Rye. Either way, they
The Joskaltra looks like an Other,
cracklin between them. Its face was
must track him down through the
but is bloated and more horrible. When
twisted into an evil mask of pain an
Marsh or set a trap for the Scarecrow
out of the water, its spines (formerly
rage. It was looking right at us.
and his Ord henchmen. Keep in mind,
arms) are rigid and sharp. Its mouth is
 Well, I ll tell you, that was enough
the Scarecrow, in his secret identity,
large and filled with shark-like teeth.
for all of us. Everybody started yellin
could be anyone in Rye, and his hench-
about rowin and getting the little
men are likely scattered throughout
steamer started, and we all got busy.
the area keeping their ears open and
The next thing I remember was the
their mouths shut. Tracking down and Even though Sacramento and much
Doctor screaming,  It s coming; it s
catching the Scarecrow is a Good (6 or of the West Coast has been liberated
coming! and then this terrible crunch
above) result, while letting him escape from the Living Land, there are rela-
as something hit the side of the boat.
completely is a Bad result (2 or less). tively few Core Earthers remaining in
The captain started yelling for us to
the area. Many people in the south-
abandon ship and that we were sink-
eastern and middle United States are
ing, but I got hit on the head by a spar
looking to return to the West Coast,
or something an knocked out.
Dr. Kelsey Turnbill, a Victorian
and the Delphi Council seems to be
Kithcairn was found, half-drowned
scientist stationed in Sumatra, was
encouraging resettlement.
and delirious, off the coast of Malaya
apparently attempting to perform a
Though the easiest (and safest) way
by a group of native fishermen. He
ritual that would transform gospog
to get from the East Coast to the West
was clinging to a board and muttering
into harmless vegetable matter. The
would be by boat, few of those looking
about lightning and monsters. That
effect would be placed on an area that
to return can afford the fares. So, word
was a week ago, and he had been
gospog traveled through frequently
has gone out from Florida to Texas:
adrift for at least two days.
and, as they passed, the spell would
 Wagon train!
slowly cause them to decompose.
Critical Event: The Storm Knights An Old West-style wagon train will
But something went horribly
have to locate, and destroy, the Gospog be leaving from Houston, Texas and
wrong. Turnbill and a few assistants
Monster. It has been sinking ships and heading towards California. The spon-
made an expedition to Borneo and set
terrorizing the coasts of Java, Sumatra, sors of the trek, a loose confederation
the trap in a dominant zone near the
and Malaya. It is apparently amphibi- of expatriated Californians calling
coast. Waiting offshore in a small boat,
ous, but it spends most of its time in themselves  Westward, Co., are call-
they observed the area with a spy glass.
the water. The natives of Malaya call it ing on realm-runners and Storm
Knights to be escorts. The Delphi The objects may be the altar-shaped he still took the precaution of  bug-
Council is concerned about overland stelae of Jean Malraux I. If so, this ging the man s cybernetic eyes, and
travel to Sacramento, since the route could mean the Cyberpope is setting installing a Faith chip in the legate
goes through the Living Land, but has up a line of stelae between CyberFrance without his knowledge.
been unable to stop the firm s plans. and the Nile Empire. When he gets Or so the Cyberpope believed. Re-
close enough, Malraux can drop a ste- cently, the output of the  bug has
Critical Event: The Storm Knights,
lae in the middle of any of Dr. Mobius been frequently interrupted and is
employed by Westward, Co., will lead
triangles, converting it instantly to a threatening to cease altogether. There
a wagon train through the Living Land
Nile-Cyber mixed zone. This could is a rumor that some of the remaining
to the Sacramento area. They will have
open up the Nile Empire for a 21 Cardinals of Magna Verita have
to contend with edeinos, Spartans, and
CyberFrance invasion. discovered his ploy and have con-
the machinations of the Delphi Coun-
vinced Gerrard-Pierre that his posi-
cil. The Council and Spartans, how-
tion is in jeopardy. If this is true, the
ever, will not act overtly until the train
Cyberpope could have a serious threat
is well within the Living Land the
Reports from the West Coast indi- to his rule & coming from his home
liberation of Sacramento has been such
cate that the effectiveness of the Spar- cosm.
a boost to the country s morale, even
tans in  relocating Core Earth resis-
the Delphi Council doesn t want to
tance communities has increased dra-
spoil it.
matically. The new Nippon-Living
A Good result (6 or higher) means
Land mixed zones seem partially re- Though there has been little contact
the Knights get most of the wagon
sponsible, but some believe that between the Islands and the mainland
train into the Nippon pure zone around
Kanawa agents have been teaming up in some time, it is believed that Hawaii
Sacramento (there should be about 20
with the Delphi-run Spartans. has not suffered at the hands of the
wagons; if 15 make it, that s good). A
The Nippon agents have been work- Possibility Raiders. Moreover, rumors
Bad result (2 or lower) comes if the
ing mainly on eliminating the remain- state that the Hawaiian Islands may
Knights can t get the train through or
ing edeinos and other Living Land have declared themselves indepen-
if almost all of it is destroyed.
denizens from the mixed zones, and dent.
the Spartans have been making raids The Delphi Council neither con-
deeper into Baruk Kaah s territory. firms nor denies these rumors. They
The customary ruthlessness of the have been very tight-lipped on the
Spartans in their  relocation efforts subject of the Pacific state. It is thought
has been augmented greatly by that the Council has either decided
Sailors in the Mediterranean have Kanawa-supplied weaponry. Hawaii is too remote to govern, or
witnessed strange events of late. Ships that there may be forces at work they
bearing the flag of CyberFrance have are ill-equipped to handle at the
been sailing the sea at night and drop- present time.
Some reports state that Jean
ping large, box-shaped objects into the Whatever the true story, Hawaii,
Malraux I, the Cyberpapal High Lord,
water. Some witnesses state that, when and Honolulu especially, has become
is having some difficulty with his home
the box hits the water, there is a brief, a sort of modern-day Casablanca: an
cosm of Magna Verita. While
bluish flash and a crackling sound area where people can go to do busi-
CyberFrance is currently under his
before the strange object sinks like a ness away from the interference of
stone. Those who have ventured to- sway, things across the maelstrom
governments & or High Lords.
bridge are less than ideal.
wards the area afterwards (waiting, of Hawaii, a service-oriented state in a
Malraux, after leaving Magna
course, until the ship has departed), paradisical environment, has become
Verita, installed Cardinal-Bishop
swear the smell of ozone lingered in a favorite retreat of the wealthy and
Gerrard-Pierre as Papal Legate, and
the air. of those who follow the wealthy: syco-
instructed him to rule for the duration
Three incidents of this sort have phants, prostitutes, and those looking
of the Cyberpope s absence. While he
been reported, and the latest is said to for employ. It is said that, in Hawaii,
believed the Cardinal Bishop to be
have taken place only a few miles from any pleasure can be had and any ser-
loyal, Malraux desired assurances
the shores of the African continent. vice can be purchased & for a price.
Your Letters
tragic. While the dreams were rare, could be a vital weapon in Mobius
they scared you and would cause you arsenal)? If no, why is it mentioned in
A ysle is fantastic and I love
to be an outcast if you told anyone. both the Worldbook and The Destiny
the honor/corruption
The dreams didn t mix well with your Map?
laws. I did notice a few things I needed
strong religious beliefs. You couldn t One more comment: more dis-
to ask about:
tell if they were a blessing from God or patches! In issue #6, there is only one
In Infiniverse #1, you mentioned a
an evil curse. new dispatch. Three continuing ones
character template called  Unwilling
When reality shifted, you investi- are okay, but how about two new
Seer. Are you going to publish it in a
gated the new ways of magic. You ones, for a total of five per issue?
later book or Infiniverse?
have slowly learned spells that help Keep up the great work! Thanks!
In The Possibility Chalice, you said
you to interpret your dreams. It is  Stephen Crow
there would be more on the Uvwe. So,
your destiny to use these visions for North Liberty, IA
where is it, guys?
the good of your family and village.
Time travel, at this point, is only a
Also, to Valerie Valusek and Daniel
You have told no one and try to keep
plot device and it is quite unpredict-
Horne: the illustrations were beauti-
your actions secret, but there is com-
able. There are plenty of theoretical
ful. Keep up the good work.
fort in knowing that you can alter the
questions that have to be ironed out
 J. Higginbotham
events the dreams portend.
before anything is made official. For
Litchfield Park, AZ
Personality: Your visions no longer
example, what prevents Storm Knights
scare you as much as they once did.
from going back in time to halt the
Unwilling Seer
You interest in magic is high, but com-
invasion or killing the Gaunt Man be-
mitments to your family keep you close
fore he found his Darkness Device?
Beast riding, dodge, melee weap-
to home. You are quiet and often un-
ons, stealth, swimming
sure of yourself, an expression of your
Could illusions be better explained?
inner conflicts and your desire to rec-
The rules for casting are sketchy.
oncile your religious beliefs with your
 John Maurer
magical abilities.
Nashville, TN
Equipment: Herbal teas; scrying
Divination magic 15 (tag skill), find,
Illusions are magical  cheats be-
cups; mace, damage value STR+4/11;
first aid, land vehicles, language,
cause they use magic to simulate real-
leather armor, damage value STR+2/
water vehicles
ity and may be disbelieved. Other
spells are real for their duration.
Quote:  It is time to take fate in our
Apportation magic, artist, test of
Disbelieving takes an action (Mind
own hands. We must act now or risk
or willpower check). Anyone not choos-
ing to disbelieve accepts the illusion as
Charm, persuasion
Skill Notes: Visions appear to the real. Find the value of the believers on
unwilling seer in dreams and are used the One-on-Many chart and add it to
Faith(Catholic or a Protestant reli-
solely at the gamemaster s discretion. the disbelief difficulty for other char-
gion), reality
All of your visions are accurate and acters. Only characters within the
Skill Notes: The unwilling seer, not since learning the ways of magic you spell s area of effect or whose senses
being a full-fledged magician, only can divine information from these vi- are affected by the spell are used for
receives nine points for arcane sions and change the fate shown in the Many-on-One (for example, if 1,000
knowledges and spells. your dreams. people have believed an illusory
bridge, but none of them can see it or
Cosm: Aysle (transformed)
The Uvwe appear in the  Beach-
are within the spell s effect, they are
head scenario in Queenswrath (pages
Background: It was a blessing and
not used for the Many-on-One). The
a curse. As your grandmother before
gamemaster shouldn t tell the charac-
you, you had  the gift. Dreams, more
ters a spell is an illusion; they must
Does the Nile Empire have time
real than unreal, would warn you of
decide for themselves what they will
travel? If yes, why isn t it mentioned
upcoming events. Always the dreams
attempt to disbelieve. Characters can
in The Nile Empire Sourcebook (this
were accurate. Always the events were
waste several rounds trying to disbe-
lieve a spell that is real.
Herald Messages
Characters from Nippon Tech and
the Living Land are apt to disbelieve
Know all that LeRoux is neither a fraud The original Rider-Waite Tarot deck
because magic doesn t work in their nor a sorcerer. His noble martyrdom has has been found in Madrid, and seems to
secured the True Cross and crashed the be an eternity shard. Is this linked to re-
reality. In Aysle, magically trained
GodNet for two days. cent vampyre hunter activity in Orrorsh?
individuals will attempt to disbelieve;
Karzak the Unholy has invaded Ant- Film at eleven.
most common people often can t dis-
arctica! Chilean government is most con-  Brian Schoner
tinguish between real magic and illu-
cerned. Lake Worth, FL
sion magic. Once a character has ac-
 Mark L. Chance
cepted something as real, he will not
Scho Bks, HI The master assassin, Rathsten, has been
captured by Storm Knights and turned
attempt to disbelieve until prompted
Polyphebo, over to Lady Ardinay after a protracted
to disbelieve the spell.
It has come to Our attention that the search throughout the southern parts of
The spell ends once anyone disbe-
Storm Knight Olin and his out-worlder Aysle.
lieves the illusion. To those who dis-
comrades are riding from Land s End to  James Stoner
believed, the spell s effect disappears.
Oxford. It is Our will that they not reach Troy, NY
Those who believed will perceive re-
Pella Ardinay. If you wish to retain Our
ality but also will have lingering per- favor, do not fail. The Victorians seem to have a new
 Thorfinn Bjanni combination of magic and technology.
ceptions of the illusion. In the example
Flying steam-powered boats with 15-
on page 114 of the Torg Rulebook, the
Mobius is working on some sort of pound cannons have been sighted by
falling characters will see the bridge
gizmo that when powered by an eternity Australian flyers. How the Victorians have
slowly fade from sight as they fall
shard will allows the sphinx to rise, walk done this is unknown at this time.
toward the ground.
and terrorize the countryside.  Sandy Addison
 Chad Fretz Burnaby, BC, Canada
Columbia Falls, MT
What are the pre-tech axioms and
The Pacific Northwest is changing
link difficulties for Magna Verita?
S/W/M Storm Knight seeks sensitive, ... it doesn t appear to be hostile, just
 Michael Levay
intelligent S/W/F. Must enjoy Weird Sci- different ...
Roscommon, MI
ence, moonlit walks on the beach, and  Scott Shafer
The Cyberpapacy sourcebook ex-
grinding High Lords into a mangled, Delaware, OH
plains Magna Verita. Only the Tech
bloody pulp. Ability to reload quickly a
axiom changed during the transfor- plus. No fatties or lycanthropes please.
mation (it was originally Tech 15).
The first number is the difficulty for
a character from that realm to link in
2) What do the cyber-enhancements
Pre-Surge Magna Verita. The second
look like? Do they look like normal
number is the difficulty for a Pre-Surge
Thanks for coming up with the first
Magna Verita character to link in an-
3) When do weapons overheat and
original and worthwhile role-playing
other realm:
blow up?
game system I have seen in a long
Realm Difficulty  Stephen Zabinski
while. Enclosed is a check for my In-
Warminster, PA
finiverse subscription. I am stepping
Core Earth 11 8
into this in midstream, so to speak, so
Living Land 12 14
1) While weapons do different kinds
is there any way to purchase back
Nile Empire 11 3
of damage, only the amount of dam-
Aysle 11 3
age matters for healing, first aid and
 Dennis M. Bohannan
Orrorsh 10 3
other game mechanics.
Los Angeles, CA
Nippon 12 11
2) Cyber-enhancements can appear
Cyberpapacy 11 3
identical to human limbs when cov- Thanks for the kind praise and we ll
ered with NeuraSkin. Most people
do our best to keep interesting prod-
1) How do you do damage for ex-
with cyberware prefer it to be easily
ucts coming your way. Back issues of
plosives? For example, someone caught
identifiable both to intimidate foes and
Infiniverse are available direct from
in the blast of a grenade would not
show their faith in the Cyberpope.
West End Games for $2.00 per issue.
take the same damage as he would if
3) This is beyond the detail of the
he was shot.
game as it now stands. Send in your


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