Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Volume 1, Number 36 C A M P A I G N G A M E July August, 1993 $3.00
GUESS THE GUILDMASTER Brian Schomburg s cartoon Real-
CONTEST ity Check has graced the cover of
Yes, it s time for another competi- Infiniverse for some months, and now
tion. For months, the Guildmaster has the man himself graces our art depart-
operated her Storm Guild while keep- ment. Brian is talented, imaginative
ing her true identity a secret. Now it s and tall, and what more can you ask in
time for you, our readers, to guess just a graphic artist?
who this powerful figure really is!
THIS MONTH: Your long wait is
You can enter as many times as you
over! John Terra s shocking new novel,
Rumor Report
like, with the deadline October 31st.
Interview With Evil, hits the stores this
First prize is a free copy of the Terra
and News ....................... 2
month with the inside story of the
Sourcebook, due out in January. So hurry
Gaunt Man s origin and first conquest.
and get your guesses in before it s too
Realm Update ............... 3 It s a treat no true Torg fan can afford
to miss. Look for it in book and hobby
WEG WELCOMES NEW STAFFERS stores in the new trade paperback for-
Dispatches .................... 7
West End Games is proud to an- mat!
nounce the addition of two new staff-
Your Letters ................. 11 OCTOBER: Greg Farshtey and Bill
Olmesdahl present the High Lords
Peter Schweighofer joins us as edi- Guide to the Possibility Wars, featuring
Herald Messages ........ 12
tor of the new Star Wars Adventure tips on gamemastering in Torg, sim-
Journal. Formerly employed as a news- plified rules for Drama Deck use, the
paper editor, Peter brings strong edi- timeline to the first three years of the
torial skills, good knowledge of gam- Possibility Wars, and a brand new Nile
ing and a really great hat. mini-adventure!
Contributors This Issue:
REALITY CHECK by Brian Schomburg
Greg Farshtey, Ron Hill & Jaime
Lombardo, John Paul Lona, Bill
Olmesdahl, Brian Schomburg, Ed Stark
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis, Scott Palter
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
®, TM & © 1993, 2001 D6Legend Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
West End Games and WEG are trademarks of
D6Legend Inc.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Rumor Report and News
irst Indication reports Continuing Report: Issue #33 five minutes before press time
on the newest batch of 1. Cyberpapacy invests in brought this up to a dead heat
rumors to which you American movie companies and is so a Bill Olmesdahl-inspired poll
have responded. Con- working to overhaul a popular sci- of the office was taken. The result
tinuing Report updates ence fiction series and turn it into of this was that it is True (18).
the rumors as more responses come propaganda for the CyberChurch. Please send your letters of outrage
in. The Wrap Up gives you the tally Just barely True (13). to Bill Olmesdahl, West End
after the rumor has reverberated 2. Crown jewels of England Games, RR3, Box 2345, Honesdale,
throughout the Infiniverse for found. Reaches True (17). PA 18431, Attention: Alone at
about three months. The wrap-up 3. Hereteri, daughter of Sesetek, Home.
will be the last report for that ru- seduced to Good and organizing 2. A large supply of Relictin-V
mor in Infiniverse. resistance forces in Libya. True has been stolen from Los Angeles.
(45). It is believed that it will be used in
4. Power-suited Nippon samu- an attempt to revive Kranod,
rai seen in the Living Land. Mov- former High Lord of Tharkold.
Rumor Report
ing along at True (20). Huge jump to True (55).
The results are given a true or 5. Posse finds religion with 3. Nile scientists exploring the
false, followed by a parenthetical Sacellum cleric. True (17). Land Below have discovered
number. That number represents 6. Nile unit vanishes in Libya Godon, the original reptilian mon-
the strength of the truth or false- and returns babbling of door- ster, in the caves beneath Nippon.
hood throughout the Infiniverse. way. Hits at True (75). Oh, my True (60).
For example, a statement which is 4. Vicious gang war has broken
Penultimata: Issue #32
False (15) is false unless the out between the Black Diamonds
1. Massive new weird science
gamemaster decides to test the and the Vampyres in the streets of
center producing mechanized ve-
statement; on a roll of 15 or better, Los Angeles. Closes at True (15).
hicles with weird science powers
the statement is actually true. Roll
invested in them. Strong jump to
again on 10 and 20 when testing
Convention News
finish at True (21).
the truth or falsity of a reported
2. King Gustaf XVI of Sweden
West End Games would like to
imprisoned in Riddarholmen by
thank everyone who offered their
First Indication: Issue #34 the Warrior of the Dark. His daugh-
services to run for us at Origins and
1. Cyberpapal cleric infected ter, Victoria, is now leading com-
GenCon this year. Your help is in-
with Comaghaz uses alter disease mando raids on the invaders as
valuable to WEG and you have our
to lock himself into second stage. Lady Victory. Ends at True (20).
Peace Through God used as a 3. South American Development
West End will also be represented
means to infect others, and starts Trust attacking Akashans, captur-
at ComicFest in Philadelphia, Octo-
out True (15). ing their weapons, and selling
ber 6 10. Hosted by Wizard Maga-
2. Ace Decker saved by them to resistance groups battling
zine, ComicFest will feature the hot-
aborginal shaman Djil, now inhab- Tharkoldu in Los Angeles. One last
test comic and game companies and
iting the body of an enormous jump to make it to True (21).
will be held at the Philadelphia Civic
Ayslish warrior. Begins at True
The Wrap-Up: Issue #31
Center. Get your reservations now!
1. The Possibility Wars return
If you know of a convention in
3. Storm Knights planning to
to the theatre with the release of
your area, send a letter to:
seize control of major Japanese
Alone at Home 2: Lost in the Liv-
West End Games
networks and broadcast news of
ing Land. The battle between
Attention: Convention Organizer
3327 s identity actually, the
Cauly Malkin and Baruk Kaah (ac-
RR 3, Box 2345
whole thing is a deathtrap. Barely
tually a guy in a rubber suit) is
Honesdale, PA 18431
True (13).
said to be a hoot. A phoned-in vote
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Realm Update
(After much delay, here is the latest emigration of refugees from the ranges that appeared with the
news on the doings in the Possibility newly Dark areas to the Light re- Land Above.
Wars. Fasten your seat belts, it s going gions and have served to intimi-
to be a bumpy read:) date the Light forces.
Naturally, the Warrior is not at
The Cyberpapacy
all pleased at the possibility of
Tolwyn returning to the realm. She The Cyberpapacy has not expanded
would like nothing better than to in recent months, but Malraux has
present Tancred with a realm con- been an interested observer of the in-
Despite the terrible toll inflicted in
quered and no place to offer her tricate maneuverings of the other High
recent months by the Army of the
refuge. Rather than continue with Lords. He is most concerned about the
Dark, it is a time for hope in the realm
consolidation of her gains, look appearance of the Land Above (and
of Aysle. Word has filtered down the
for the Warrior to press her inva- dispatched scouts some time ago to
maelstrom bridges and been whis-
sion. scale the mountains and investigate
pered through the cities and villages:
Should Ardinay s grim proph- that new arrival) and Mobius arrival
The civil war is at an end, and
ecy prove to be true before Tolwyn in the US.
Tolwyn is the victor!
has returned, Aysle may well be Malraux is pouring a tremendous
After many great battles, Tolwyn of
doomed to neverending Darkness. amount of resources into the battle
Tancred has led her army to victory
with the Nile Empire in Eastern Eu-
against the usurper, Gareth, and the
rope. He can sense that Mobius is los-
Dark has been dealt a crushing blow.
ing interest in that struggle and be-
Core Earth
Tolwyn is now turning her attention
lieves Eastern Europe will make an
to the realm, hoping to secure her vic-
The invasion of Texas has dealt excellent buffer against Aysle in Rus-
tory in the cosm quickly enough that
a severe blow to the morale of Core sia.
she can return to Ardinay s side and
Earth, as well as devastating the Most worrisome of all, however, is
rally the Army of the Light.
top echelons of the Delphi Coun- the notion that some other High Lord
The Aylish push into Russia contin-
cil, the CIA, the FBI and other gov- (in some other, previously unknown
ues, with a new stelae triangle being
ernment agencies. With the deni- cosm) is claiming dominion over the
laid that brings the city of Smolensk
zens of the Living Land on the run GodNet. Should this being decide to
under the Warrior of the Dark s sway.
and the significance of the Land press his claim, it could lead to a battle
Aysle need lay only one more stelae to
Above s threat still largely un- between virtual Darkness Devices.
seize Moscow.
known, this is the worst possible There seems to be a lull in the An-
Ardinay has reportedly noted with
timing for America s military ma- gel-Demon war in the Net, with the
some concern the reports of the at-
chine to face confusion at the top. Demons in a distinctly stronger posi-
tempting kidnappings of Natatiri and
In Hawaii, the Guildmaster has tion. Malraux has begun to suspect
Ellen Connors. It is said she is plagued
stepped up her operations, ex- that the Demons may be in the service
by nightmares of the Gaunt Man and
panding training centers and be- of this other High Lord.
visions of Uthorion, in the body of a
ginning more aggressive recruit-
dragon, being torn to pieces by wolf-
ment of Stormers and Storm
like creatures.
Knights. She has been heard to
The Land Above/
Ardinay is said to be laying plans to
speak about events building to-
be implemented in the event of her
ward a climax and adding, Our The Land Below
death or disappearance. Her courtiers
time is almost here. The look in
have reassured her that the Dark will
The eastern United States is slowly
her eyes has frightened off those
never conquer Oxford, but that does
recovering from the natural cataclysm
who might have questioned her
not seem to be the source of her fears.
that accompanied the coming of the
Meanwhile, the Warrior of the Dark
Land Above. Most residents are find-
Flooding in the Midwestern
has ordered armed fortresses built
ing life a trifle easier now, despite the
United States has been blamed on
along the existing borders with the
presence of Serpentors, Leopard Men,
run-off from the new mountain
Light. These have served to prevent
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
and other strange species. With no All of this conspired to drive gence gained by Wu Han during the
High Lord, only individual warlords, Kaah over the edge into madness. period that he was working for the
there is no organized attempt to exter- He resolved that if he could not Delphi Council (and of Good incli-
minate resistance community mem- conquer Earth s cosm, no one nation), he sent all of Super
bers as there was under the Living would. He dispatched scouts to Battlegroup Mobius against Texas,
Land. After suffering through the the Land Below, who discovered conquering Houston, Waco and
Deep Mist and the predations of the gateway to a bizarre limbo be- Austin in short order.
creatures from Takta Ker, the men- tween worlds. There they found President Leland Nicklaus was
aces of the Land Above seem less the nexus of Earth s reality, a airlifted out of the state shortly be-
frightening in comparison. gleaming multi-faceted gem whose fore Mobius shocktroops seized the
The Manhattan Protectorate has faces showed scenes from the dif- southern White House. But a num-
entered into negotiations with the ferent realities. Kaah s plan is to ber of Congressman and high-rank-
Leopard Men and other tribes that trick Rec Pakken into traveling ing Delphi Council members have
have wandered into the New York with him to the nexus, at which been captured by the Nile High Lord,
area. The Protectorate is seeking point he will throw the Darkness and the government is now in se-
allies against the Darooni Wasp Device into the nexus, hoping the vere disarray.
Riders as well as trading partners. cosm will be shattered by the re- Needless to say, the coming of
The Land Above remains a mys- sulting explosion. Nile reality has had a dramatic im-
tery to most other realms, although (Is this going to work? Was there pact in other ways as well. Suddenly,
some, including the Cyberpapacy, ever a hope of it working? Well, scores of politicians are taking on
have dispatched agents to investi- check out Dispatch #2 for the an- Good or Evil inclinations and feel-
gate it. A small squad of Mar-Sec swers.) ing compelled to announce their
agents from Nippon were captured In other developments, the Liv- plans to anyone who will listen. The
by Serpentors within the past few ing Land enclave in South America sole surviving leader of the Delphi
weeks and skinned alive. the result of Akashan reality Council is Ellen Connors, who is
As for the Land Below, it has trees is progressing very well, still recovering in a Dallas hospital
seen an unusual amount of traffic despite efforts by the Cyberpapacy from her run-in with Ahjebax.
from edeinos (see The Living and Nippon to eradicate it. The High Lord himself traveled
Land, below) and even Baruk The death of Skippy the edeinos from Thebes to Houston to get his
Kaah himself. Even as Rec sent shockwaves through those picture taken standing in front of
Pakken s interest in the pocket di- members of the species who have Republic House, which had been
mension has increased, the accepted Core Earth s reality and Nicklaus home. This image was then
Kefertiri Idol s has waned, as its those who saw Skippy as a peace- sent out across the country, with the
High Lord has been active and suc- maker between humans and edeinos. accompanying message that Mobius
cessful. (There are unsubstantiated rumors had at last conquered the United
that Nile weird scientists stole States.
Skippy s corpse what was left of Reaction around the world was
it from its resting place. There immediate. 3327 watched with dis-
The Living Land
have been wild reports of sightings may as the value of his California
The most significant event to of four different Skippys in the vi- investments dropped and he began
take place in the Living Land in cinity of Cairo: a teenaged Skippy, a to suspect Mobius true plan: to seize
some time can be found in Dis- cyborg Skippy, an Ayslish edeinos the major oil resources of the world.
patch #2 of this issue. But to recap in a suit of plate armor ( the Skippy The Nile High Lord already has the
the background: of Steel ) and a brutal Skippy who Middle East and now part of Texas,
Baruk Kaah has been struggling called himself the last son of and the Russian oil reserves are
with conquest practically since he Lanala. The question is which if threatened by Aysle. 3327 began a
arrived in this cosm, only to see any is the real Skippy? These are, march northward (see Nippon
his armies repulsed at Silicon Val- of course, only rumors and hope- Tech, below) in reaction.
ley. Over the last few months, fully not true.) The US government has, for
mutterings of rebellion have in- now, relocated to Miami, although
creased among the edeinos tribes, this is believed to be only a tempo-
and worse, Rec Pakken ceased rary move.
The Nile Empire
communicating with Kaah for an Mobius is less pleased with
extended period of time. Kaah saw Another triumph for Dr. Mobius! events in Bosnia, where his troops
his supposed allies, the Tharkoldu, In a bold and stunning move (the are beginning to bog down in their
join forces with the Nipponese only kind the Nile High Lord makes), struggle with the Cyberpapists.
against him. Worst off all was the Mobius has dropped a maelstrom With Italy now within striking dis-
collapse of the Eastern Land in fa- bridge into Houston, current seat of tance, Mobius may be thinking
vor of the Land Above. the US government. Using intelli- about pulling out of Eastern Eu-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
rope in the near future. News from Marketplace has been 8714, her successor at Misaki Comput-
Back in Cairo, gang war has bro- dramatic as well. 6365, one of the mem- ers.
ken out between forces loyal to Wu bers of the ruling Triad and secretly a
Han and those still following cur- leader of Kashi, has been exposed as a
rent overgovernor, The Hood. Han traitor. She attempted escape, but was
seems to have the upper hand in this slain interestingly enough, by an
struggle. agent of Kashi who wished to prevent Any other High Lord would have
The Nile Empire s foothold in Ber- her capture and interrogation. Her spot been shaken by the loss of one mael-
lin remains firm, despite the best on the Triad has been assumed by strom bridge (and possibly two the
efforts of the Tharkoldu to drive
them out. Jezrael s lieutenants seems
to be willing to accept the fact of
their presence, but have no interest
in ceasing their bloody campaign
against Nile adventurers there.
Nippon Tech
As noted above, 3327 feels certain
that Mobius is seeking to take control
of the world s major oil reserves. There-
fore, he has instructed his agents to
begin pushing Nippon reality north
toward Alaska. Toward that end, Liv-
ing Land stelae off the coasts of north-
ern California and Oregon have been
pulled and replaced with those of
Nippon, creating additional Nippon/
Living Land mixed zones. Nippon has
also replaced a Living Land stelae in
Arizona with one of their own.
In addition, the fragile alliance with
Jezrael has begun to bear some fruit, at
least in terms of cooperation between
Malgest and Daikoku. With the ex-
pansion of the original Tharkold ste-
lae area (see below), the Nippon stelae
triangle around San Francisco has
linked up with the Tharkoldu triangle
around Los Angeles. There are now a
total of three adjoining Tharkold/
Nippon mixed zones, one of which
includes the city of Las Vegas.
There are whispers among some of
3327 s top lieutenants that he has be-
gun to make plans for the end of the
Possibility Wars. Some smaller, less
profitable operations have already
been shut down, and people like 7710
are wondering just what state the High
Lord will leave Japan in should he
Most surprising of all, 3327 recently
cancelled a planned assassination at-
tempt on the Guildmaster. The execu-
tive who presumed to question this
change of plans was summarily termi-
John Paul Lona
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
reports are still coming on in No Quar- is one the Akashans are learning the mined to remain there and eventually
ter Given). But the Gaunt Man is not truth about. Some of the more power- drive Mobius minions out of the city.
any other High Lord, and though he ful psionics in the realm have begun The presence of Ayslish, Nipponese,
must expend precious possibility en- receiving flashes of things to come, Cyberpapists and others in the city have
ergy on reconstructing any bridges powerful foretellings whose horrific made it a hotbed of bloody intrigue.
that come down, it has not distracted natures overwhelmed the psionics: (Naturally, Jezrael is looking on Mo-
him from his overall plan. " A global holocaust that kills mil- bius attack on the US as an excellent
And what is his overall plan? He is lions; opportunity to revenge herself upon
keeping it secret even from Sabathina " A massive Gaunt Man standing him.)
and other trusted Hellion Court mem- astride the world, hands covered in With the Apocularum repaired, the
bers. But it seems to focus on four blood; original Tharkold stelae area around
women: Natatiri, Ellen Connors, Sarila " A demi-goddess of Destruction Los Angeles has expanded to its full
and Pella Ardinay. One of these four dying and being born again; size and now encompasses a significant
holds a secret he covets, a power he " A creature of all realities and portion of southern California #$ in-
believes he can manipulate. At yet none driving Storm Knights cluding San Diego and Tijuana,
present, he is on a quest to learn which before him. Mexico. In addition, Malgest and
one is the woman he seeks. Most disturbing for Rotan Ulka has Daikoku have agreed to work together
The death of the Carredon has been been the revelation (from a captured to the extent that three Tharkold/
more of an annoyance, as he had Horror) that Victor Manwaring was Nippon mixed zones have been formed,
planned to dispatch the creature after not sent to the Forever City to stop the including one that encompasses Las
one of his targets. Instead, he has been Storm Knights from lighting the Sig- Vegas (the Law of Profit meets the Law
forced to tap another powerful Night- nal Fire but rather to make sure of Pain).
mare. All of this damages the ecology they did so. It seems that the Gaunt One of the most interesting events in
of fear, as Horrors left to work with- Man, alone of all the High Lords, was Tharkold has been the one most rarely
out the guidance of their Nightmares aware of the existence of the Akashans talked about the birth of Jezrael s
tend to run a bit wild. and their previous visit to Earth. In- child. Readers will remember that,
The Gaunt Man was amused to see trigued by beings who could cross shortly after she became High Lord,
that Storm Knights achieved victory cosms en masse without the aid of a Jezrael used the power of the Darkness
over General Wellington and pre- Darkness Device and frustrated by Device and a Cult of the Dominant
vented the destruction of Singapore. Heketon s inability to locate their miracle to impregnate Demon Prince
Though he cared little about the city home cosm the Gaunt Man allowed Krezlakh. It has now been learned that
one way or the other, Wellington s the invitation to be sent to Akasha. Krezlakh gave birth slightly over a year
death served as a warning to other Orrorsh has, in fact, been occupy- ago, perishing in the effort. The child
presumptuous Hellion Court mem- ing more and more of the Rotan s time was immediately whisked away by ser-
bers that their master s voice is to be (see Dispatch #1 in this issue for one vants and kept hidden from the techno-
obeyed in all things. of the reasons why). demons.
The Gaunt Man has also taken an A few facts have come to light. The
interest in Jezrael s efforts to gather child is a boy and its given name is
information on seismic disturbances. Sidon. The boy is said to be a Tharkoldu-
He has instructed his agents in Race mix, and his nurses have noted
Tharkold to wait until she has suffi- This has been a busy period for that he has grown to adulthood at an
cient data for her purposes before Jezrael and the Tharkoldu. It began with accelerated rate. He has also been heard
stealing it. a verbal agreement between her and to mutter treason, saying things that
The Orrorshan High Lord has with- 3327 to refrain from conflict in favor of could only be interpreted as sympa-
held comment on Mobius attack on carving up the Western Living Land. thetic to the plight of the Race. If this
the US. He trust that Mobius will have This was not a popular move among becomes public knowledge, there is no
sense enough not to interfere with the techno-demons and it has taken all telling what the repercussions might
Orrorshan operations in New Orleans. of Jezrael s iron will to keep them in be.
Should he be so foolish as to attempt line. She plans, of course, to betray 3327 The Race trick of giving time
to do so, the Gaunt Man will see to it at the first opportunity, but for now is bands to Storm Knights which actu-
that he is disciplined. But for now, allowing him free rein to eliminate the ally transport them to the Tharkold
Mobius little conquests are keeping edeinos annoyance. cosm has proven frighteningly effec-
Storm Knights occupied. Berlin has proven to be something of tive. Despite their experiences with
a fiasco. Instead of being the corner- the Nile time booth and the Living
stone of a new Tharkoldu conquest, the Land time cliff, it seems that Knights
actions of Nile agents have transformed are still suckers for time travel con-
Space Gods
the city into a mixed zone. Although it traptions.
A little knowledge can be a danger- is now of little worth in terms of possi-
ous thing, or so the saying goes, and it bility energy, the Tharkoldu are deter-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Dispatches and Rumors
Haiti with him. Being dead and mind- CHARISMA 3
less, they are immune to the Comaghaz SPIRIT 7
contagion. Faith (Orrorsh) 11, intimidation 8
The zombies were assigned to over- (18)
whelm any defenders of Sarila while Possibility Potential: None
Skutharka himself goes after her. Power Rating: 1
(Note: This is part three of a five-
Corruption Value: 13
part Torg adventure, which will run in
Fear Rating: 1/2
this space through issue 38. When it is DEXTERITY 15
Weakness: None
all over, the Possibility Wars and Acrobatics 17, dodge 19, maneuver
True Death: Fire
particularly five of its major charac- 18, running 17, stealth 20, unarmed
Critical Event: The Knights must
ters will be irrevocably changed. combat 19
stop Sarila s kidnapping. Doing so is a
Just how much will be determined by STRENGTH 21
Good result (6 or better); failing to do so
your responses.) Climbing 23, lifting 22
is a Bad result (3 or less).
The clue provided by Natatiri (see
Infiniverse #34, Dispatch 1 and the rel-
Find 19, tracking 19, trick 20
evant response) indicated that the next
target of the Gaunt Man s search for
Baruk Kaah, Saar of the edeinos,
Occult 19, survival 16, test 17
the chosen of the Nameless One is
High Lord of the Living Land, has
Sarila, a member of the Akashan High
vowed that one of his plans will reach
Persuasion 17, taunt (15)
fruition at last. Unfortunately, if he
The Storm Knights should travel to
makes good on this vow, Earth s cosm
Intimidation 15, reality (Orrorsh)
Machu Picchu, and can expect lots of
will be destroyed.
trouble trying to get tight-lipped Moni-
Kaah s scouts reported back to him
Possibilities: 30
tors (or anyone else, for that matter) to
Powers: Attack form resistance about the cosm s nexus, contained in a
divulge Sarila s whereabouts. Finally,
(magical physical damage), resistance strange limbo attached to the Land
one of her Larendi attendants will re-
to normal weapons, hypnosis, resis- Below. A great, multi-faceted gem, it
veal that she has been sorely troubled
tance to magical weapons shows scenes of the various realities
by nightmares of late and left for a
Corruption Value: 23 on Earth on its many faces. Kaah s
glade south of Lima to meditate.
Fear Rating: 3 plan is to destroy this nexus, Earth s
On the way to this site, the Knights
Perseverance DN: 23 cosm, and the other High Lords with
will hear news reports of attacks
Weakness: Roses it.
throughout South America by
True Death: Skutharka must be To that end, he has convinced Rec
Comaghaz carriers, brutal, violent as-
decapitated and a mixture of bee s Pakken that he has decided to abdi-
saults seemingly without motive.
honey and rose petals poured down cate the leadership of the Living Land
(What s actually happening is that
his throat. and turn over the High Lordship to a
Sarila s sanity has been tested by her
Natural Tools: Claws, damage Land Below denizen. The realm and
nightmares, and this has been passed
value STR+23; teeth, damage value pocket dimension would merge, giv-
on to the Comaghaz cells.)
STR+3/24 ing Rec Pakken dominion over the
As the Knights close in, let them
Lands Below and Above. But tradition
come upon some obvious Comaghaz
Zombie (30)
requires that the object of power be
carriers who have been torn to pieces.
Reality: Orrorsh
handed over to the new leader.
Suddenly, a psychic scream resounds
With a great expenditure of power,
throughout their minds Sarila is
Stealth 10, unarmed combat 9
Rec Pakken reverted to its earliest non-
under attack!
mobile shape, that of an obsidian stone
Skutharka, the Nightmare assigned
small enough to be carried. Baruk Kaah
to her capture, has planned well. Hav-
then chose 25 of his most able warriors
ing heard of the Comaghaz and its
Trick (10)
and departed for the Land Below and
dangers, he has brought zombies from
the nexus.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Kaah s plan is simplicity itself: by At that moment, a great wind will
Edeinos Warriors (25)
throwing the Darkness Device into arise. The Knights will feel it, but will
Reality: Living Land
the nexus, he believes an explosion be unaffected by it. Kaah conscious
will be detonated that will destroy the or not will be drawn into the gem.
Dodge 12, missile weapons 12,
nexus and, by extension, the cosm. Soon, all of its faces will show images
stealth 12
The Storm Knights may well have of the Living Land High Lord being
heard that Kaah is missing from the torn to pieces. Kaah will not re-emerge
Living Land. If they have any contacts and the winds will cease when the
in the Nile Empire or the Lands Below nexus has finished exacting its revenge.
Language 10, tracking 10, trick 10
or Above, they may have heard Kaah
Baruk Kaah
has been spotted in the Land Below.
Survival 10, test 11, willpower 10
They can track his party fairly easily
Beast riding 19, dodge 18, long
through the jungles, although
Taunt 9
jumping 18, maneuver 20, melee
gamemasters should feel free to throw
weapons 21, missile weapons 20,
some Land Below obstacles in their
Faith (Keta Kalles) 11, focus 11, in-
running 17, stealth 20, swimming
timidation 10
17, unarmed combat 21
By the time the Knights catch up to
Possibility Potential: All
Kaah, he and his party will be in the
Natural Tools: Claws, damage
Climbing 21, lifting 22
nexus. The edeinos warriors will turn
value STR+3/12; teeth, damage value
to protect their Saar while Kaah ap-
STR+2/11; tail, damage value STR+1/
proaches the nexus. The Darkness
Evidence analysis 14, find 19
Device will not take part in any battle,
Equipment: Blossom spear, dam-
unless one of the Knights dares to
age value STR+3/12
Survival 18, test 19, willpower 18
touch it, at which point it will send a
CHARISMA 14 Rec Pakken
damage value 60 surge of energy
Persuasion 17, taunt 16
through the offender. DEXTERITY 0
The Knights will probably make STRENGTH 0
Faith (Keta Kalles) 28, focus 25, in- TOUGHNESS 200
short work of the edeinos, even though
timidation 23, reality (Living Land)
they are all possibility-rated, and may PERCEPTION 20
even get to mix it up with Kaah. At Evidence analysis 30, find 28, trick
Possibilities: 80
some point, he will toss the Darkness 38
Natural Tools: Claws, damage
Device at the nexus, though. Keep in MIND 35
value STR+3/22; teeth, damage value
mind that he will be willing to suffer Test 45, willpower 50
STR+2/21; tail, damage value STR+1/
damage from a Knight attack to do CHARISMA 40
this. Charm 47, persuasion 43, taunt 50
Equipment: Hrockt spear, damage
When the Device hits the nexus, the SPIRIT 55
value STR+3/22
gem will shatter, only to reform again. Faith (The Nameless One) 65, focus
The Device will be nowhere to be seen 70, intimidation 60, reality 70
it will then emerge from one of the Possibilities: Untold thousands
facets and vanish.
Jaime Lombardo/Ron Hill
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Powers: All powers listed on page destroying the one creature or being
Possibilities: 2 per Storm Knight
88 of the Torg Rulebook Natural Tools: Belly-claws (under- eaten by it (3-).
neath its massive body), damage value
Critical Event: Just surviving to tell
STR+8/28; under-armor, armor value
others the story of Baruk Kaah s ap-
TOU+10/25; regeneration (even after
parent death. Doing so is a Good result
it has been killed unless it is scat-
(6 or more) and failing to do so is,
The race is on!
tered and burned the alley-stalker
needless say, a Bad result.
A group of English swimmers, de-
will reform at a rate of one wound per
termined to promote a 1994 Olympics
(rumors have it that the games will be
Description: A Race scientist cre-
cancelled this time around the Pos-
ated the alley-stalker back on Tharkold
sibility Wars are heating up, and last
as a weapon against the techno-de-
In Tharkold, Storm Knights have
time around there were some serious
mons. Formed out of refuse and dis-
made some progress in alerting the
disasters) have decided to hold a race
cards, the alley-stalker would seek out
residents of Los Angeles to the techno-
along the Thames to prove that they
hiding places lone techno-demons
horror around them, but not enough.
do not fear the Warrior of the Dark s
might use when hunting humans, and
A new creature has surfaced, and it
powers, or the fact that she holds Lon-
they would rest there, looking for all
feeds off of the apathy and disbelief of
don and Oxford under siege. The race
the world like piles of trash. Then,
the city s population. Not that anyone
will be a 20K relay, from floating dock
when a techno-demon settled in to
doubts the tales of demon and crea-
to floating dock, ending at London
rest, they would attack. Even if the
tures roaming the streets at night
demon won the battle, the creature
but are they really more dangerous
In reality, the new High Lord of
would reform in a matter of days.
than the gangs and murderers who
Aysle could care less about such a race
But the weapon was two-edged.
walked the night before the war?
and her feelings on the Olympics are
Eventually, techno-demons took to
Yes, most definitely.
ambivalent at best she is much more
investigating their resting places and
The alley-stalker is not the most
concerned with the siege and the war
a few even captured some alley-stalk-
dangerous creature to pop up in
in general than a bunch of idiots swim-
ers. They put them near Race clusters
Tharkold, but it is one of the most
ming in the river.
and found the stalkers liked human
insidious. Able to collapse its shape
But others, apparently, are very
flesh just as well.
into what looks, in the dark, like heaps
interested. At least, that s what a
Now, the creatures have found their
of rubbish, this creature is actually
Storm Knight contact says. It seems
way to Los Angeles. If the Knights can
made from the garbage and refuse of
that a realm-runner overheard a con-
capture one, the Race can produce
the city. It breaths smog and eats trash.
versation in a Cotswold tavern re-
some of their stalker repellent that
But it is developing a taste for other
garding the race, and how it would
they used to repulse the stalkers on
be a blow against the imperialist
Tharkold. It will render them rela-
The Storm Knights must actually
regime if something were to hap-
tively harmless.
capture an alley-stalker to bring it to
pen to the swimmers in the middle
Alley-stalkers look like piles of es-
the attention of the people of Los An-
of England s most well-known river.
pecially disgusting trash. They lurk in
geles. If they kill it, the creature will
The realm-runner heard nothing
alleyways, feeding off the polluted air
just fall into its component parts
more, but is convinced something bad
and the discards of humanity (and
trash mixed with digested meat and
is going to happen.
others). However, late at night, they
The Storm Knights have to un-
move around, and anyone in the alley
cover the plot against the Olympic
Alley-Stalker or nearby is prey for a stalker. The
swimmers and protect them from
creature will rear up and try to come
Reality: Tharkold
whatever is going to cause them
down on its victim, crushing it be-
harm. What is the foul play afoot?
neath its weight and attacking with its
Maneuver 14, unarmed combat 16
Has some conjurer magicked sharks
claws. The stalker is actually more
from the briny deep to the fresh
vulnerable from the top, so when it
waters of the Thames? Or is the
fights, it will continue to rear up, ex-
Cyberpope involved could he
posing its underside.
Find 16, trick 10 (20)
have somehow created a creature,
Critical Event: Subduing or killing
like the Leviathan, is dangerous in
Survival 9, test (25), willpower 15
an alley-stalker (but collecting it and
either realm?
keeping it confined) is a Good result
Or is this a plot against the civil-
Taunt 10
(6+) and extra awards should be
ian English government? Or the
given out to Knights who take the
Olympic Games in general? The
Intimidation 15, reality 16*
creature to a Race warrior who will
Storm Knights must investigate and
*The alley-stalker the Knights en-
recognize it (most have heard tales,
find out.
counter will be possibility-rated
but only a few know what it is and
Critical Event: Depending on
Possibility Potential: few (45)
how it was formed). A Bad result is just
what is actually going on, the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
gamemaster can award a Good (6+) but, during his time in the mael- on the move! Having failed to res-
result to Knights who uncover the strom, some of his Fear was diffused. cue Dr. Zap from the Omegatron,
plot against the swimmers, Knights Some tribes have been able to break the Colonel has now made it his
who foil any attacks on the Olympi- free of the constant horror of North life s mission to rescue the brain-
ans, or even to Knights who stop the America and they have begun to washed Zap from Mobius evil in-
race (after proving that something fight back. fluence.
horrible would happen). Knights One of their most impressive ac- The confrontation between good
who fail to save the swimmers (or complishments was their and misguided evil came to a head
the real targets of the operation reawakening of the Native Ameri- last night, reportedly. Several wit-
maybe the event is just a front for can spirits, long repressed by the nesses state that Captain Carnage
something even more devious) get a Gaunt Man s evil. Their beginning and several of his goons were
Bad (3-) result. of a ghostdancer movement could chased into an abandoned ware-
spell the end of the Gaunt Man s house with Colonel Cairo hot on
total domination of Gaea. their heels. It looked like the Colo-
Or it could increase his power. nel had broken up one of their in-
Without Hope, there is no Fear. famous nighttime robberies.
Without Hope, there is no Dispair. Or had he?
Perhaps the Gaunt Man has al- As soon as the Colonel smashed
lowed the ghostdancers to re- through the door of the warehouse,
awaken the hearts of the oppressed explosions and gunshots shook the
Under cover of the excitement in
only so that he can use them to building. Cries of It s Colonel
Texas (see the Realm Update in
supplement his power as the time Cairo; gun im! rang out into the
this issue), Dr. Mobius has started
of crisis grows nigh. night. For several moments, the
another nefarious scheme on the
tumult was so intense that it awoke
road to fruition. Sending some of his
the entire neighborhood and sent
most trusted agents north to Aysle,
bystanders scrambling for cover.
he has recruited some Dark dwarves
But then, at the peak of the
and trolls to do his bidding. While Jean Malraux I fears and
battle, three muffled explosions oc-
This group then set out for Ice- hates the Tharkoldu (because of
curred. Then, as one, the walls and
land, a beleagured isle, caught be- their better understanding of the
ceiling of the warehouse collapsed
tween violent storms from the south technology they both use and their
into a pile of rubble and dust. When
and invaders from the east. Rumor tie-ins with Kadandra), rumor has
searchers probed the wreckage,
has it that Mobius agents have fi- it that he has sent some high-rank-
they found the crushed remains of
nally managed to secure a reality ing cyberpriests to negotiate a
several known criminals, but no
tree from the Akashans, and they treaty with the technodemons.
trace of Captain Carnage or Colo-
intend to use it to impose Nile real- Currently, negotiations are going
nel Cairo &
ity on the small nation. on both in Los Angeles and in the
Except for a torn mask bearing
If all goes well, Mobius agents GodNet (it has been established that
the pyramid emblem of one of the
will begin constructing a secret the Grid and the Net can be linked
Nile Empire s greatest crimefighters.
weird science base underneath Ice- up), but, apparently, Storm Knights
land, drawing power from the natu- and (possibly) Kadandran netrun-
ral volcanic activity that keeps the ners are trying to disrupt the nego-
island relatively warm. When all is tiations.
Your Letters
finished, this base will be switched
continued from page 12
on and, in a display of ultimate
power, Mobius will create
But that doesn t mean these Ords
Battlebase Iceland a floating
are useless to the High Lords. Ords
The corpulent Captain Carnage
base of operations from which Mo-
store possibility energy in a way simi-
(formerly the hero known as Dr.
bius can strike at any nation or real-
lar to the way people store static elec-
Zap ) has been sighted near
tricity. There is very little there most
Thebes. The fomer bumbling pulp
of the time, but when enough friction
hero is now, apparently, set in his
is produced (when the Ord has to go
evil ways. Along with a small gang
through challenges and make hard
of gunmen, he has been terroriz-
decisions), a little sticks to the Ord
The Gaean equivalent to North ing local merchants and even scor-
until it is expended (which is rather
America s Native Americans have ing some surprising victories
quickly). Sometimes, a residue stays
experienced new hope in the cosm against some underground pulp
around; other times, it just goes away.
of terror. When the Gaunt Man ruled heroes.
And, of course, it is always possible
directly, he subjugated and cor- But Dr. Zap s former ally and
for an Ord to become a Storm Knight.
rupted the tribes and the peoples bestest buddy, Colonel Cairo is
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
Your Letters
flurry of combat. I mean, when some-
A friend of mine and I are cur- 1) More info on Berlin desperately
one swings a knife at you, the first
rently working on creating the mini- required. Berlin Citybook?
reaction people have is to duck and
cosm of Atlantis. After we finish it 2) Are you still going ahead with
punch shooting is, well, an un-
we will send a scaled-down version the Nile Gizmo book?
natural thing due to the flurry. Trust
to the Infiniverse editor in hopes you Pete Venters,
me, I know!
will publish it in the Update. Just Wales, UK
Thomas K. Sharo, Jr.
thought I would give you guys some
Monticello, IN
warning as to what we re up to. The Berlin Citybook and Berlin Re-
Thomas K. Sharo, Jr. zoned, a novel set in that mixed zone,
An all-Thomas issue, huh? Okay!
Monticello, IN are both on the schedule for October
Well, Thomas, I m sorry that you ve
of 1994. The Nile Gizmo Book is cur-
had that much experience in knife
As you probably know already, rently scheduled for December of
Thomas, your warning was a little too 94.
But as to your question it seems
late. We published information about
perfectly plausible that a character
the pocket dimension of Atlantis in
being attacked with a knife would not
Infiniverse Update #2 this April. How- 1) What s up with the elves of
be able to shoot as well at point blank
ever, if you would like to expand on Aysle and the Space Gods? The
range as the rules indicate. It is also
things happening in that pocket di- Aysle sourcebook mentions some-
quite likely that the character might
mension, you could send us Dimen- where that the elves are suppos-
try some other option, rather than
sional Updates that we could pub- edly from beyond the Limit of the
shoot (you suggest ducking and
lish. cosm. Are the elves perhaps related
punching myself, I would prefer an
And that goes for any other pocket to the Mohani of the Star Sphere? (I
arm grab followed by a foot-sweep,
dimensions Infiniverse subscribers need to know because in my cam-
but that s not important). This is per-
want to see in print. Eventually, West paign, Malekere has become High
fectly valid. The rules are in place as a
End Games intends to publish a Lord how would he treat the
guideline that you can adjust as you
Pocket Dimension Catalog with Akashans?
feel necessary.
some alternate play-areas for Torg. If 2) Are we ever going to see the
However, we would like to point
you have created, or are in the process rest of the results of the Torg ques-
out, in talking to several policemen,
of creating, a pocket dimension, please tionnaire?
we have heard an overwhelming ma-
send it to the Infiniverse editor with Patrick Flanagan,
jority state that, when confronted by a
a letter stating that we can publish it in Freehold, NJ
gun, most people, regardless of how
Infiniverse and use it as we see fit. Who
they are armed, tend to back away in-
knows? If we publish it and Infiniverse The full story of the elf-Space God
stinctively from the gun-wielder.
subscribers like it, we may publish an enmity will be told in the upcoming
Basically, what this means is, if you
expanded version in the Pocket Di- High Lords Guide to the Possibility
think it is important to your campaign
mensions book. Wars. However, I will say that you re
that the modifiers for using guns,
Oh, and one more thing don t on the right track, and it is likely that
knives, and other weapons in combat
make the pocket dimension more than Malekere would be hostile to the
need to be changed, you can do it
2000 words long, and try to follow the Akashans. Crushing them wouldn t
but we suggest you check with your
general format used in IU#2. That way, be the first thing on his list, but he
entire group first. While the Torg com-
we can translate it to Infiniverse fairly won t be having them over for din-
bat system is fairly simple (to facilitate
easily. ner anytime soon.
the quick pace and loose action of the
The second half of the survey re-
game), you may find you are clutter-
Okay, as I understand it, firing at sults were published in issue 35.
ing up the rules with unnecessary bag-
point blank range gives the attacker a
gage because once you start assign-
minimum bonus of +1. But if the
ing conditional modifiers, you have to
characters are in melee combat (or at
start taking all conditions into account.
least one is), shouldn t the fire com-
It s up to you.
bat skill be reduced to simulate the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 36 / July August, 1993
If Camelot is doomed to fall,
why would anyone bother adven-
Herald Messages
turing in Avalon? (And I thought
things in the Living Land looked
I can t believe that Skippy has sunk Go to Avalon and tell King Arthur
depressing & ) so low as to be doing a children s show on that the One True Pope implores him to
Tokyo television! reclaim the throne of England. If that
Greg Detwiler,
Kansas Jim doesn t undermine the authority of
Williamsburg, PA
Ardinay and Parliment, nothing will.
Believe it, Jim! Jean Malraux I, instructing
Well, Greg, maybe the prophecy
The Skippy of Steel (as he an envoy (as overheard by
regarding Camelot was made with-
counts his money from the Richard Byers)
out taking into account the possibility
show and the merchandis-
ing, and considers painting Aww, did de poor widdle techno-
that Storm Knights from other cosms
himself purple) demon faw, disconnect and go BOOM!?
would come to the realm s aid. Maybe
Ralph Dula
it s possible for your player charac-
Hey, Everyone! The Knights of the New Cumberland, PA
ters to save Camelot. You never know
Storm have discovered a quick and effec-
tive cure for the Comaghaz the rare Blast off three million years into the
Flanut Flower, processed in a Tech 26 lab! future on the Akashan lightship Red
About how much possibility en- Only one problem & it only grows in Gospog, with Dave, the last Core Earther,
Ungrosh s cavern and only blooms dur- Arnie, a whiny Spirit Chip in a toaster,
ergy does an Ord have? We are trying
ing his mating cycle! And, since there are and Krynen, a Pain Sculpture turned clean-
to figure out how much a High Lord
no females of his kind (that we know of), ing-droid. Every Friday on Channel 27.
could get out of invading China or
beware!! promo for NTN s new
India. We are guessing the reasons
Thomas K. Sharo, Jr. summer lineup in the
why they haven t yet is because the
Monticello, In Houston Advocate
backlash of so many people would
Kanawa Enterprises introduces it s Is that a Keefee in your pocket or are
be too much, too fast.
newest subfirm: you just happy to see me?
Stephen Smoogen
Storm Shelter Insurance Anaya the Amazon attempts
Socorro, NM
" Accidental Death humor (as reported by Bill
" Dismemberment Bracken of Jonesboro, AR)
That s pretty much it, Stephen. If a
" Dental (if applicable)
High Lord were able to conquer all of
" Optical (stalengers need not apply) Alistair s Last Advice to Storm Knights:
India or China, he or she would have " And featuring One Quest Life In- Beware Gypsy curses and stay away from
surance to give your loved ones that time machines.
enough possibility energy to win the
extra peace of mind. Also, Ensign Egypt has been recap-
war (most likely), but the very reason
Thomas K. Sharo, Jr. tured, but is now in the body of Skragg.
no one dropped a bridge into those
Monticello, IN Next time he escapes, the Storm Knights
areas is because of the ferocious resis-
won t be laughing at him.
tance they would encounter. The more
What about Corruption insurance? If Meanwhile, Colonel Cairo searches for
people in a stelae area, the better (more we don t experience our True Deaths, do a therapist for his former comrade.
we have to give the money back? Dale Hitesman,
possibility energy for the Darkness
a Storm Knight of ques Oceanside, CA
Device), but sometimes the High
tionable allegiance
Lords can take too big a gulp.
Don t tug on Mobius cape;
Initially, the plan was that the Gaunt
First Thratchen, now the Gaunt Man Don t spit into the Maelstrom;
Man, 3327, and the original Tharkold
why are we working with these guys?! Don t pull the mask off Colonel Cairo;
High Lord (Kranod) would divide up several annoyed Storm And don t mess around with 3327.
Knights (reported by Jim a little-heard song of the
China and India, thereby defeating
Ogle) Possibility Wars
one of the most populous sections of
Earth by sheer force. That was one
reason 3327 betrayed Kranod he
In No Quarter Given, the object the is difficult to measure. In free Core
figured that he and the Gaunt Man
Storm Knights have is to smash the Earth areas, an Ord might have as
could conquer China and India on
Gaunt Man s two bridges, so that he much as one one hundredth of a pos-
their own, giving him more of a split
has to expend his energy holding onto sibility or as little as none (though
(especially since he was closer ini-
his connection with Gaea, rather than very few people have no possibility
using all that possibility energy he energy at all). In conquered areas, non-
But that backfired. When the Gaunt
drained from the Heart of Coyote to transformed Ords have a fraction of
Man got trapped in the maelstrom,
go into India. If they succeed, they their Core Earth counterparts energy,
3327 wasn t powerful enough to go
may be able to keep the Gaunt Man and transformed Ords have none at
into China (at least not very far), espe-
from winning the war. If not & all.
cially with his invasion of the North
On your other question, how continued on page 10
American West Coast. So the East
much possibility energy does an Ord
Asian Campaign has been sputtering
have? : well, it s small enough that it
for quite a while.
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