Torg Infiniverse Magazine 06

Happy Holidays from Infiniverse! The High Lord of Earth has been
There has been considerable demand scheduled for a March release, just in
from our readers for complimentary time to run into a scheduling problem.
Darkness Devices and High Lord Impeccable timing, what? Its release
CONTENTS starter kits. We sent an editor to check date is now True (12), but could im-
with the Ravagons in the warehouse prove with a break or two.
to see if this might be possible. He Pixaud s Practical Grimoire, a 64-page
never came back, so we guess answer book brimming with spells, strange
Rumors and News ....... 2
is a firm  no. Well, maybe next year. comments, and the occasional magic
tip is due in house next week. All the
Product Update
authors have said they are on track, so
Queenswrath is at the printer s,
we label its April release date with a
which means it should be shipped by
confident True (15).
the time you read this.
Dispatches ..................... 7
Our adventure collection (now
The GodNet sourcebook, 96 pages,
called Full Moon Draw) is scheduled
was reported last issue as having a
Your Letters ................. 11
for April, featuring the work of Stewart
possible scheduling problem. Well, a
Wieck, Nigel Findlay, Lou Prosperi
small miracle has occurred. It s ap-
and Jim Long (applause sign goes on).
Herald Messages ........ 12
pearance in January is now True (19).
Unfortunately it was supposed to also
The Cyberpapacy sourcebook is near-
feature the work of two more authors
ing completion. Its February release
who have missed the deadlines (Okay
date is now True (17).
everybody& Boo! Hiss!). This project
The Nippon Tech sourcebook is be-
is up in the air for the moment. We will
ing sent out for playtesting the last
let you know where it lands.
week in November, so we are doing
Nigel Findlay is also doing a Kanawa
just fine on that.
Weapons Book for us. The manuscript
The Orrorsh sourcebook is a little
is due in December, for a June release.
late, as Chris Kubasik has several
The Ghost in the Machine, a 64-page
projects on his plate. The expected
adventure, is scheduled for a June re-
delay is less than two weeks. Given
the projected release date of July, we
Contributors This Issue:
That mystery seventh sourcebook
ought to be able to steal time away
Jim Bambra, Greg Farshtey, Greg
is still being written by Jim Bambra,
from other projects and make up the
who should have a first draft in by
couple of weeks.
February 1991.
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Rumor Report and News
ach month we print the ru- formation, has been captured by the on the Potala, the famed golden palace
Inquisition. True (18). in Lhasa, Tibet; rumored to hold one
mor report which will consist
3. Ndatos appear, creatures whose or more eternity shards. Zooms to True
of three parts. First Indication
faces resemble the passengers and (19).
reports on the newest batch of
crew of the Joyita, which disappeared 6. Viking berserkers attacking Den-
rumors to which you have responded.
Ocotober, 1955. True (15) mark in the vicinity of Arhus. Goes up
Continuing Report updates the rumors
4. Dangerous inhabitant of un- to True (20).
as more responses come in. The Wrap
known origin has taken up residence 7. Demon guardians of hell from
Up gives you the tally after the rumor
in Neuschwanstein castle. True (15). Hindu mythology, rakshasa, spotted
has reverberated throughout the
5. Geneticist experimenting with in the Celebes. Increases to True (20).
infiniverse for about three months. The
Living Land creatures, possibly pro- 8. Nile agents searching the New
wrap up will be the last report for that ducing beasts useful to Core Earth, York Metropolitan Museum of Art,
but most likely producing uncontrol- against the wishes of Baruk Kaah. True
rumor in Infiniverse.
lable monsters. False (17). (13).
The results are given a true or false,
6. The Icarus Club is a sophisticated
followed by a parenthetical number.
The Wrap Up: Issue #2
cover for criminal activities in the Nile
That number represents the strength
1. Dr. Watteau and Teller are at-
Empire. True (17).
of the truth or falsehood throughout
tempting to create a cyberpsychosis
the infiniverse. For example a state-
Continuing Report: Issue #3 inducing weapon. True (17).
ment which is false (15) is false unless
1. Modern-day incarnation of the 2. Baruk Kaah has sent an elite team
the gamemaster decides to test the
Knights Templar at Carnac. Still True of edeinos to kill storytellers, increases
statement; on a roll of 15 or better
(20). to True (20).
statement is actually true. Roll again
2. Rama Gatrun has gained posses- 3. Sightings of seal-like creatures
on 10 and 20 when testing the truth or
sion of the only complete copy of the with metallic parts stays at True (17).
falsity of a reported rumor.
Book of the Dead. A reversal to be- 4. The formation of Hantu Limited.
come True (17). True (19). Again, an increase.
Rumor Report
3. Stone Lions is Shizuoka, Japan, 5. The Nocturna, a fabled book of
resembling the karashisi of Buddhist dark magic, had been smuggled into
First Indication: Issue #4
temples. Reduced to True (17). Indonesia, increases to True(17).
1. Kanawa freighter Chilan is carry-
4. Volcanic eruptions in southern 6. Martians have invaded Terra ends
ing a cargo of reality bombs. True (12).
California caused by a Keta Kalles the wave. True (12). Hmmm... maybe
2. A Magna Veritan named Viliers,
miracle. Still False (17). they did, maybe they didn t.
perhaps in possession of valuable in-
5. Nippon agents planning a raid
Cyberpapacy Adventures
he following section was destroy files compiled on them and
Act One: Death by Water
intended for The Cyber- their colleagues, and to gain informa-
Two Paris Liberté Militia members
tion on the Cyberpapacy s activities.
papacy Sourcebook. But ev-
are found dead in an alley. Their throats
False identifications and passes can be
ery time we turned
have been cut, but their weapons and
logged in the GodNet in order to let
around, we had more cool stuff to put
armor have not been taken, a sure sign
characters move around freely.
into the book, and no more pages. So
that it is not the work of street punks or
Freedom of movement within the
some of the stuff is only going to ap-
crazies. A trail leads towards the wa-
Cyberpapacy is important. False iden-
pear in Infiniverse. For your friends
ter purification plant.
tification papers allow adventurers to
who are nonsubscribers & try not to
At the plant, the adventurers dis-
travel between towns, but there is al-
rub it in. cover that the gate guards have also
ways the risk that they will be discov-
been killed. Entering the plant, the
ered. If so, adventurers must be pre-
 It s a case of fighting or going under. adventurers come across three dis-
pared to go into hiding and move only
There can be no compromise with guised cyberpriests who are pouring
at night. Fortunately, there are regions
Malraux s Papists. something into the water supply. Un-
which have not succumbed totally to
 Hans Strucker less they make large amounts of noise,
the Cyberpope: Paris, Marseille, Les
the adventurers get the drop on the
Vosges, and the Massif Central all of-
Cyberpapacy adventures revolve cyberpriests, but not before at least
fer safe havens, and many villages,
around a desperate struggle for sur- one of the three containers have been
town and city contains at least one
vival and freedom. Adventures pit a emptied. It is too late to prevent the
Resistance cell. These areas provide
small group of heroes against the might contaminated water from entering the
bases from which the heroes can harry
of the Cyberpapacy. The struggle is mains supply.
the Cyberpope s forces.
uneven; heavily weighted in favor of Taking the canisters for analysis, it
With the advanced weapons avail-
the Church and its thousands of in- is discovered that they contain a high
able, death in combat is always a very
formers and spies. The battle to defeat concentration of cholera. Warnings go
real threat. Heroes within the
the Cyberpapacy will be long and pro- out not to drink the water, but it is too
Cyberpapacy should only rely on vio-
tracted, with plenty of scope for indi- late. Paris faces a cholera epidemic.
lence as an answer to their problems
vidual heroism and self-sacrifice. But Vaccines are needed badly.
when all else fails. Stealth, streetwise,
Storm Knights operating in the Resistance groups in Les Vosges
charm and persuasion will often be more
Cyberpapacy, are fortunate in that they have recently intercepted a Church
useful than pure combat skills. But
can use its own weapons against it. Police convoy carrying medical sup-
there are always times when combat is
Equipped with these, the heroes can plies. The adventurers are asked to
the only option. Then the adventurers
do much to even the struggle. While collect the medical supplies and bring
need to ensure that they have the up-
trying to defeat the combined forces of them to Paris. First, they need identifi-
per hand.
the Church Police is futile, they can be cation papers to allow them to travel
harried and beaten in small numbers. outside of Paris. It is suggested that
Adventure Ideas
The tone of the Cyberpapacy is grim. they enter Strasbourg Cathedral s con-
Surviving in the midst of a harsh the- struct to log false IDs into the GodNet.
The following are ideas only. They
ocracy is not an easy task. Adventur- Meanwhile, a forger can prepare the
are not fleshed out adventures, but
ers need to exercise caution in their papers while other group members
plot outlines which can be expanded
dealings with others, for it is never organize suitable travelling clothes.
into adventure sessions. They are a
obvious where the Cyberpapacy s
sampling of the sort of adventures we
Act Two: Paris, Round Trip
spies and informers lurk. Staying on
like to run in the Cyberpapacy.
the move is one means of avoiding
The journey is fraught with Church
detection; finding a safe house in the
Police patrols checking IDs, and ma-
1. Cholera
area of Paris Liberté is another.
rauding brigands to avoid. Eventu-
The GodNet s vast data vaults make
As part of their plan to destabilize ally the adventurers contact the Resis-
it a prime source of information for
Paris, cyberpriests pollute the water tance in Les Vosges and plans are
struggles against the Cyberpapacy.
supply with cholera bearing water. made to move the vaccine to Paris.
Deckers need to enter the GodNet to
Entering the GodNet, it is discovered are stopped by HOG members who objective is to spread terror amongst
that a convoy of Church Police are are expecting them. They want to take the refugees and citizens of Paris by
scheduled to be leaving Strasbourg them to the HOG s headquarters. Us- fire bombing buildings and shooting
and moving towards Paris with arms ing interactive skills and stealth the at people fleeing from their homes.
for the Hands of God (called HOGs by adventurers manage to escape, before
Act One: Patrol
anyone out of earshot). The adventur- their true identities are discovered.
ers arrange false IDs again and set off They arrive in Paris and the epidemic
The adventurers, while patrolling
for Paris in two David hover cars is averted, at least while supplies of
Paris, encounter a gun battle between
loaded with the vaccine. The Resis- vaccine last.
members of the Mouvement National
tance agree to intercept the real con-
and the Paris Liberté Militia. The PLM
voy and so buy the adventurers some
2. Paris by
are in a building shooting at the
Mouvement National members who
Muzzle Flash
are crouched in the street behind two
Act Three: Stretch Run
The Mouvement National have derelict cars. The adventurers are in a
All goes well until the outskirts of been ordered by the Cyberpapacy to position to catch the Mouvement Na-
Paris are reached. The adventurers raid into the center of the city. Their tional from behind. After the battle
he Streets of Terror
The atmosphere in Cannes suicidal to attempt anything with his index finger exposing the blue
was heavy and oppressive. That the mob so fired up. crystal of his integral laser
morning the Inquisition had been He scanned the crowd with weapon. They edged towards the
busy. Hundreds of suspects had his cybernetic eye and zoomed cyberpriests.
been rounded up and herded into in on a group of cyberpriests. A cyberpriest swung round.
the trains that filled the rail yard. They were in the process of Red LEDs flickered in his cyber-
Many had been turned in by their breaking down a door. The door netic eye as his sensors detected
neighbors or by relatives. Thou- to Hans and Marie s lodgings. the movements of the two Storm
sands of loyal Avignon Catho- Hans swiftly unplugged the Knights. Blue laser light seared
lics, clutching rosaries and cruci- lead from his leg.  Time to get from Hans finger and swept
fixes, lined the streets and out of here, he said springing to across the cyberpriest s neck. An
cheered the Inquisitors as liber- his feet.  Get on my back and ugly red gash appeared as the
ating heroes. As bands of her- let s go. cyberpriest slumped to the floor.
etics were led away, the crowd Marie pushed her gun into Marie s gun spat fire. The range
threw rocks and rotten fruit at the wrist holster, grasped Hans and deviation from her target
them. Six heretics lay dead in the round the neck and swung her- flashed into her mind as the gun s
street, victims of the overenthu- self onto his back. Hans ran to- targeting system fed the data into
siastic mob. wards the stairs. His cybernetic her cybernetic link. She squeezed
The Inquisitors wandered the legs carried him faster than hu- the trigger. Streams of bullets
town in groups of four. Each one man legs could. He opened the leapt from the gun. The
was cybernetically enhanced and door and bounded down the cyberpriests dodged towards the
carried the latest products of the stairs. At the bottom he paused. back of the vehicle. Only one
Cyberpapacy s weapon factories. As Marie slipped from his back, made it.
From a concealed position on he concealed his cybernetic eye The remaining priest fingered
top of a tower block, the Storm behind an eye patch. The two his throat mike. But before he
Knights, Hans Strucker and storm knights walked out onto could call for help, Hans leapt
Marie Clare watched. Marie ob- the streets to mingle with the forward. His cybernetic legs car-
served the scene in close-up on a crowd. ried him onto the top of the ve-
small screen in her hand. The They made their way to the hicle. A kick from his metal leg
image came via a cable from outskirts of town. After twice sent the priest flying backwards
Hans hip and allowed her to see hiding from wandering patrols with a shattered skull.
through his cybernetic eye. of cyberpriests they reached their Marie fired up the vehicle and
 I feel so helpless, Marie said. vehicle only to find it surrounded gunned it down the road. From
 Is there nothing we can do to by four cyberpriests. the roof Hans watched for signs
help? Marie flexed her wrist. Her of pursuit. Confident that there
Hans shrugged,  Just watch gun leapt into her hand. Beside was none, he clambered into the
and see what happens. It d be her, Hans flipped back the tip of passenger seat.
they discover a copy of an order sent attempt to free the remaining prison-
from the data church at Le Raincy. It ers from the GodWare Hospital.
tells the Mouvement National to probe The Inquisition has been active in Preventing the burnings involves
the defenses of Paris. Rozay-en-Brie, a town to the south sneaking into town and positioning
east of Paris. It has rounded up mem- themselves close to the stakes set up in
Act Two: Le Raincy
bers of the local Resistance and other the square. There is no time to free the
heretics, one of whom is a relative or prisoners before then. Providing they
The adventurers enter the GodNet
close friend of one of the adventurers. act quickly, and cause some kind of
and move into Le Raincy construct. In
diversion, the adventurers should be
the data vault they discover a file con-
Act One: On the Trail of
able to overcome the Church Police
taining the order found on the
the Fire Raisers guards and escape with the prisoners.
Mouvement National, and orders for
the Mouvement National to prepare
Information in the GodNet suggests
Act Three: The Hospital
for an assault on Paris in two days
that the Inquisition will hold a show
time. The file highlights a Jewish area The GodWare Hospital is set on
trial tomorrow morning; then burn a
of Paris as the target of the attack. cliffs on the outskirts of town. As the
few of their captives to satisfy the
single access road is well-guarded, the
crowds. The other prisoners are to be
Act Three: Warning the
best way in is to scale the cliffs and
taken to Avignon for further interro-
Citizens then the walls. A decker inside its
gation. For now, all prisoners are held
construct can switch off alarms and
in the local GodWare Hospital. Maps
The adventurers inform the Resis-
create diversions elsewhere in the hos-
and security systems of the hospital
tance of the attack and are sent to warn
pital as the rest of the team make their
can be gained by entering its construct.
the leaders of the Jewish community
way into the dungeons.
Resistance sources reveal that one
of the planned attack. They make con-
Once the prisoners are freed, its
member of the local Resistance man-
tact and become involved in the plan-
time to head back to the relative safety
aged to escape the round up. The ad-
ning to drive the Front back. Barri-
of Paris. This should be a dramatic
venturers are given a place to meet
cades are built and buildings fortified.
road chase giving characters plenty of
her and a code word to identify them-
The adventurers are asked to evacuate
opportunities to exercise their vehicle
the young and old to the Sorbonne.
They go to the Sorbonne and negotiate
Act Two: Death by Burning
with the refugees there to look after
4. Pilgrimage
the evacuees. Arriving in Rozay-en-Brie, the ad-
Either on their own initiative or on venturers find that mass hysteria has
Pieces of the true cross have been
the advice of their controller, the ad- struck the town. Its citizens are clam- turning up for centuries. They have all
venturers move towards the north to oring for the death of the heretics, and
turned out to be forgeries. This time, it
determine the numbers of Mouvement are suspicious of outsiders. The ad- looks like it s for real.
National members involved. They dis- venturers undergo scrutiny from many
Act One: A Cryptic Message
cover that there are at least 700 mem- of the locals. If they say they have
bers assembled in the suburbs ready come to witness the death of the her-
Four cyberpriests are captured by
for the attack. Ideally avoiding con- etics they can avert some suspicion
Resistance members near Les Vosges.
flict, the adventurers return with their from themselves.
They are carrying information that
reconnaissance report. Meeting their contact, she offers the
could have a profound influence on
adventurers her loft to hide in. It pro-
the struggle against the Cyberpapacy.
Act Four: Stopping the
vides a good view of the square where
Rather than risk the Cyberpope dis-
Mouvement the burnings are to take place. Un-
covering that his agents have been
known to her, her house has been un-
captured, the Resistance sends a cryp-
On the day of the raid, the adven-
der surveillance by the Church Police.
tic message to Paris asking for the
turers are positioned in buildings
Depending on how vigilant the ad-
immediate assistance of team of Storm
overlooking the enemy s planned ad-
venturers are they may spot the stake-
Knights. The adventurers are duly dis-
vance on the center of Paris. Other
out in the house across the street, and
Resistance groups are in the area, as
then make other plans. If they don t, a
On arriving, the adventures are
well as the PLM and members of the
Church Police patrol and an Inquisitor
taken to the Resistance leader. She
Jewish community. At dawn, the first
arrive an hour later to arrest them.
tells them that the four cyberpriest s
Mouvement National patrols are spot-
Whether the adventurers spot the
were camped next to the Reality
ted approaching the Jewish area. The
stakeout or have to fight their way out
Storms, apparently waiting for it to
attackers are caught in a vicious
of the house, there is one other place
break. They had a Core Earth Citroen
crossfire and retreat after taking heavy
for them hide. An old disused barn on
car with them and false German pass-
the outskirts of town. From here they
ports. Of more concern is that they
can plan whether to prevent the
appear to have been headed for Leba-
3. Fires of the
burnings or wait until nightfall and
non. A monastery in the mountains to
be exact. This area is now under the ing for the monastery. The adventur- agents before they return to France.
control of Dr. Mobius, the High Lord ers find themselves caught between Outside the Nile Empire, Dr. Mobius
who controls the Empire of the New the Papal agents ahead of them and agents continue the chase. With effort,
Nile. It looks like the Papists are plan- the Egyptian agents behind. Eventu- the adventurers catch up with the Pa-
ning some kind of deal with Dr. Mo- ally they approach the monastery pal agents and take possession of the
bius. where the papal agents are speaking true cross. They then have to avoid the
The adventurers are asked to travel to the abbot. Depending on what the clutches of Dr. Mobius.
to the monastery and discover what is adventurers do now, they can either All being well, the adventurers
going on and to prevent it if they can. hide and wait for the Egyptians to make it back into the Cyberpapacy
enter the monastery, or attempt to get using the true cross to force a passage
Act Two: Through the Storm
there first. They may also be captured through the reality storms. With the
by the Coptic Christian monks who true cross in their possession, they can
The guess about the Reality Storms
run the monastery. use it to battle the Cyberpope. Unfor-
proves right. As the briefing finishes,
tunately, Dr. Mobius is not one to give
news reaches the characters that there
Act Three: The Monastery
up so easily. He sends agents into the
has indeed been a break in the storm.
Cyberpapacy looking for the true cross.
Leaping into the Citroen, the adven- The monastery holds a piece of the
turers cross over into Core Earth Ger- true cross which is an eternity shard.
The True Cross
many and make their way by road The monks of the monastery oppose
The powers of the true cross are
through Turkey to the Lebanon. Dr. Mobius and want the true cross
given below.
On the way they discover that they taken into safe keeping. The Papal
Cosm: Core Earth
are not the only ones heading for the agents take it and flee just before Dr.
Possibilities: Many hundreds
monastery. The Cyberpope has sent two Mobius agents blast their way into
Tapping Difficulty: 15
other groups of agents. The adventur- the monastery. Any adventurers held
Purpose: To remind the world that
ers meet one group just before they captive now have a chance to be con-
Jesus died to redeem our sins.
enter the realm of the Nile Empire. The vince the monks that they too oppose
Group Power: Send
cyberpriests attempt to capture the ad- Dr. Mobius. If successful, they are re-
Restrictions: The true cross s Pos-
venturers believing them to be in the leased and asked to help defend the
sibilities may be used to augment any
pay of Dr. Mobius. They hope to inter- monastery. If not captured, they can
Spirit skill or miracle. It may also be
rogate them for information on the realm offer their services to the besieged
used to augment the use of the medi-
beyond the storms. From this encoun- monks, or even attempt to aid them
cine, first aid and psychology skills. It
ter, the adventurers discover that the from outside.
may not be used for other types of
Cyberpapacy is not working in con- According to the gamemaster s desires,
junction with the New Nile. In fact, any the monastery could be defended suc-
It may also be used to spend Possi-
interrogated cyberpriests are quite clear cessfully or fall, forcing the adventurers to
bilities to offset those lost by charac-
about how much they disdain the hea- flee with the monks. In either case the
ters passing through a reality storm
then Dr. Mobius. adventurers discover that the Papal agents
(but not for a character who is part of
Crossing into the Nile Empire, char- have fled with the true cross.
an invoked storm). This effect extends
acters come under the influence of its
for a radius of 3 meters. Any character
Act Four: Back to France
axioms (see The Nile Empire Source-
touching the cross will know that it
book). Making their way into the moun-
possesses this power.
The adventurers have to evade Dr.
tains of Lebanon, Ïhey become aware
Mobius forces and catch the Papal
that agents of Dr. Mobius are also head-
Dispatches and Rumors
At the pyramid of Giza, Deathhawk The terrified natives of the island
steps to the great platform as if to give tell the Knights of strange activity tak-
a speech to the assembled throng. ing place around the temple of
D Then, saying  All too easy, he en- Ninjoku, the god of the volcano. The
gages his teleportation belt and disap- temple is located deep in the jungle,
pears, reappearing at his artificial sun. and it is there the Knights must go if
He plans to activate the death ray, they wish to stop the eruption.
levelling Cairo and destroying his foes When they reach the temple, the
Following the defeat of Wu Han,
at the same time. Knights discover that Thratchen s
the mysterious Deathhawk became the
forces (joined by whatever villains
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
de facto leader of Cairo. Declaring the
survived Issue 4) have taken over the
must prevent Dr. Mobius sinister plot
city free from the tyranny of Mobius
holy place. Bangka has acquired a
from succeeding, either by convincing
and the criminal gangs, he ordered the
reputation as a haven for Storm
the crowd to disperse before the twin-
building of barricades and the en-
Knights within Orrorsh, and Thratchen
sunrise over Giza brings searing death,
trenchment of his forces in an effort to
is having captured Storm Knights
or by sabotaging the fire controls of
turn Cairo into a huge fortress.
killed and their possibility energy
the solar ray. If they are able to prevent
Once apparently safe from attack,
drained in an attempt to bribe Ninjoku
the ray from being fired, they have
Deathhawk announced that all of those
into destroying the island.
earned a Good result (a 6 or above). If
citizens of the Empire who wished to
they are able to save the  Freedom
oppose Mobius would be welcomed Ninjoku (volcano god)
Squad from extinction, but much of
in Cairo. Filled with hope by the cos-
Cairo is damaged by the blast, they
tumed vigilante s triumph there, mys-
Melee weapons 21
have earned an Average result (3-5). If
tery men, Storm Knights, and com-
they are unable to frustrate the High
mon people flocked to the city seeking
Lord s plan in any way, they cannot
to join his rebellion.
get an adventure result higher than 2.
The  Freedom Squad was orga-
Trick 10
nized, an elite army of Knights, he-
roes, and non-transformed citizens
Conjuration magic 15, test 10, will-
armed and trained by Deathhawk him-
power 10
In the wake of the chaos in Borneo,
self. Once this was done, Dr. Mobius
the Storm Knights boarded a small
(alias  Deathhawk ) put the final
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 10
boat and set sail in pursuit of K. and/
phase of his plan into operation. He
or the raiders (depending on the out-
ordered the artificial sun to be acti-
Intimidation 15, reality 11
come of Issue 4 s dispatch). Suddenly,
vated in two days, at precisely dawn.
Possibilities: 7 per Storm Knight
great waves began to rise, swamping
 Deathhawk then called on all  Free- Arcane Knowledges: fire 12
their boat and beaching them on the
dom Squad members to gather at the Spells: conjured fireball
shores of the island of Bangka. Farther
pyramid of Giza. Equipment: fire sword (enchanted),
down the coast, they can see the raid-
 There, I shall reveal the secret of damage value STR+6/31
ers boat, abandoned and apparently
my powers, the ancient forces that live Goals: To receive the worship he
undamaged by the storm. As they turn,
within the pyramid of Earth, he prom- feels he is due
they are shocked to see a volcano ris-
ised.  With each of us imbibing this
Critical Event: The Knights only
ing out of the ocean depths.
power, Mobius defeat is certain!
hope of survival is to prevent
The volcano was growing at a tre-
But the Storm Knights learn that
Thratchen s forces from winning
mendous rate  soon it was the size of
there is more to Deathhawk s rally
Ninjoku over to their side. The techno-
a large island, and still it grew. Bangka
than there at first appears. Investiga-
demon s minions will invoke the god
was being buried in soot and ash, and
tion reveals that the artificial sun is
just as the Knights attack, and it will be
the Knights realize that a full-scale
being charged, meaning that
up to the heroes to persuade Ninjoku
eruption of so huge a volcano would
Deathhawk s whole crusade may have
to stay his wrath. If the Storm Knights
blacken the skies and plunge a large
been nothing more than the setting of
can persuade the volcano god of the
area of the world into darkness.
a trap for those opposed to Mobius.
evil of Thratchen s followers, he may dreaded Scorpion of Set. The venom
vent his fury on the Orrorshan raid- Find 9, tracking 10, trick 9
of these creatures has been trans-
ers, and the Knights will earn a Good formed by sorcery and alchemy into a
result (6 or above). If they can con- Test 9
powerful hypnotic potion. Once in-
vince Ninjoku to return to his slumber jected with it through the insect s sting,
and not destroy Bangka, they will earn the victim must obey the command
Charm 10, persuasion 9
an Average result (3 5). If they are programmed into the scorpion. Al-
unable to prevent Ninjoku from un- Intimidation 9
though it is normally impossible to
leashing a full-scale eruption, they will force someone to commit an action
Possibility Potential: some (55)
have to attempt an escape from Equipment: Sansu 11mm SMG abhorrent to him through hypnosis,
Bangka, and cannot get an adventure (damage value 17, ammo 10, range 3- the venom in the scorpions imported
result higher than 2. 15/35/100) to Aysle plants the suggestion that one
is surrounded by enemies. To a trained
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
warrior, the course of action under
must prevent the dropping of the
those circumstances is clear.
bridge by destroying one or more of
While simultaneously plotting the
Mobius authorized the sending of
the Nippon stelae. If they are able to
destruction of the Taihachi Conglom-
the sscorpions to Aysle as a way to
accomplish this, they earn a Good re-
erate, Nippon corporate ninja began
keep that realm off balance and pre-
sult (6 or above). If the bridge is
planting stelae in the Do-Lung con-
vent interference by either High Lord
dropped, but the Knights made an all-
trolled area of Hong Kong. The opera-
in his affairs. If successful, Mobius
out effort to try and stop it, thus creat-
tion is handled with extreme subtlety
will use the scorpions against 3327
ing a story seed, they earn an Average
and care, with the stelae resembling
and Malraux as a means of destabiliz-
result (3 5). If the Knights fail to pre-
Bank of Hong Kong Automatic Teller
ing their realms.
vent the bridge from dropping and do
Machines (ATMs), already a common
not accomplish any stirring feats
Scorpion of Set
sight around the city.
within Hong Kong, they cannot get an
Do-Lung also increased its pres-
adventure result higher than 2.
Unarmed combat 11
sure on the government of Hong Kong,
bribing and subverting various offi-
cials until it controlled numerous
policy-makers and financial regula-
The Aysle realm has recently been
Trick (20)
tors. Through these manipulations,
the site of a number of strange events.
Do-Lung is able to get severe penalties
Both Uthorion and Ardinay s forces
Test (20)
imposed on Taihachi, doing further
have been plagued by warriors who
damage to that opposition group.
are seized by sudden fits of madness
Taunt (20)
As Taihachi began to fall apart, Do-
and decimate their fellows. The at-
Lung purchased many of their hold-
tacks seem to occur roughly once ev-
Intimidate (14)
ings. The face of Hong Kong began to
ery two weeks, and those afflicted have
Possibility Potential: none
change radically, and the resemblance
to be killed to prevent them from shed-
Inclination: evil
to Nippon Tech Japan is obvious to the
ding the blood of those around them.
Natural Tools: Stinger (damage
Storm Knights. Slowly, the social struc-
Both sides have employed wizards
value 10); venom (hypnosis 18  #$ see
ture of the city begins to collapse, as
to investigate the matter, and though
pages 66 67 of the Nile Sourcebook)
the gap between the upper and middle
they claim to have detected sorcerous
Note: scorpion dies immediately
classes and the poor widens.
influences on the victims, the signs are
after stinging victim
All that is left to happen is for the
unlike any they have seen before. Frag-
maelstrom bridge to drop from Mar- Critical Event: The Knights must
ments of the victim s auras seem to
ketplace into a previously-prepared prevent this insect-carried plague of
suggest Ayslish conjuration magic
Do-Lung skyscraper in Hong Kong, madness from sweeping across Aysle,
spells, but other aspects bear no re-
which is guarded by Marketplace Se- lest it later be used as a weapon against
semblance to known sorcery whatso-
curity agents. Once this is accom- Storm Knights throughout the Nile
ever. Physicians who have examined
plished, 3327 will have another foot- Empire. If they can end the threat of
the victims have stated that each was
hold in China and will be that much the scorpions and expose Mobius role
bitten by some sort of small creature
closer to claiming the title of Torg. in the situation, they earn a Good ad-
prior to their attacks, prompting fears
venture result (6 or above). If they can
that there may be some new creature
Marketplace Security Agents
end the danger to Aysle, but are un-
on the loose in the realm.
able to prove that the Nile Empire was
There is, indeed, but it is unlike
Dodge 10, fire combat 11, maneu-
behind it, they receive an Average ad-
anything seen in Aysle before, because
ver 10, melee weapons 10, stealth
venture result (3 5). If they cannot
it is not from that realm. Rather, the
10, unarmed combat 10
deal with the situation and Mobius
cause of all this pain and death is a
determines the project was a success,
product of the Nile Empire, the
they cannot get an adventure result sition to Mobius in Memphis at any
greater than 2. time in the future, the activities of
Mercurius must be exposed. One way
Find 10, tracking 10, trick 10
to handle this would be to feed the
agent false information that will result
Survival 11, test 11
in the defeat of the shocktroopers.
Then, even if Mercurius escapes the
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 11
Knights, his usefulness to Mobius will
be at an end.
Intimidation 10, reality 10
There are reports that a series of
Possibilities: 7
fires have been set in Central Park,
Equipment: hunting knife (dam-
destroying a number of third-plant-
age value STR+4/14); fencing rapier
ing gospog that had not yet been har-
Dodge 11, fire combat 11, lock pick-
(damage value STR+5/15); .44 S&W
vested. This has, naturally, enraged
ing 11, maneuver 11, stealth 11
Magnum (damage value 17, ammo 6,
the edeinos who watch over the gospog
range 3-10/15/40)
fields, and they have sent out first-
planting gospog on a number of retal-
iatory forays against the police who
Find 11, scholar (espionage tech-
guard the New York Metropolitan
niques) 11, trick 11
It has reportedly been a difficult
few weeks for Storm Knights operat-
This situation has Mayor Bradshaw
Test 11
ing in and around Memphis. Four
extremely concerned. Up until now,
separate operations directed against
the Protectorate was holding its own
Charm 11, persuasion 13, taunt 11
the forces of Dr. Mobius have ended in
against the threat of the edeinos, with
abject failure, with the Knights walk-
Baruk Kaah having shifted much of
Intimidation 9, reality 9
ing into ambushes and barely escap-
his attention to the Midwest and Cali-
Possibilities: 10
ing with their lives. It seems as though
fornia. These unsanctioned attacks on
Inclination: evil
the Nile shocktroopers must be re-
the gospog fields  which are un-
Equipment: chameleon belt (can
ceiving tips about the Knights plans,
likely to be much more than an annoy-
change appearance of user and allow
and since no outsiders were involved
ance to an occupying army as large as
him to mimic voice. User s basic height,
in the projects, that means one of the
the Saar s  threatens to shatter this
weight, build and sex maintained. User
Knights is a traitor.
uneasy peace and provoke a renewal
can change appearance at any time.
This belief, and the inability to iden-
of hostilities the Protectorate will not
Chameleon belt has an adventure cost
tify which one has gone over to the
be able to handle.
of 5, and an action value of CHA+5.
High Lord s side, has effectively shut
Bradshaw suspects that a splinter
This serves as the difficulty number of
down the activities of the Storm
group of the street gang known as the
the Perception check needed to pen-
Knights in the city. What they do not
Links may have somehow infiltrated
etrate the disguise); 9mm Luger (dam-
realize is that they are only half right
the park, and are using the fires to
age value 15, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/
 there is a traitor among them, but he
mark their turf. It is impossible that
is not, strictly speaking, a Storm
this group was driven into the park by
Knight. One of the Knights, Tarim
the incessant gang warfare that has
Abahassan, was recently murdered
raged in New York since the invasion,
and his body dumped in the Nile. His
and they may regard the edeinos as
There are unsubstantiated rumors
place in the cell was taken by a Nile
just one more gang to be driven out.
that a giant vampyre is stalking Scot-
agent known only as  Mercurius,
Leader of this faction is a young
land, and may have been responsible
whose record of success derives from
man who goes by the name of ROM-7.
for more than a score of deaths in the
the fact that he possesses a  chame-
He was a member of the Links prior to
past month. This creature may have
leon belt. The belt, a  weird science
the invasion, and has a particular fas-
been an Ayslish giant who was trans-
device, allows him to alter his ap-
cination for computers. Until recently,
formed by Orrorshan axioms when
pearance instantaneously and makes
he lived in the gang s electronics store
Uthorion invaded the Aysle cosm 500
him a master of disguise.
headquarters, but may have split with
years ago.
By assuming the form of Abahassan,
the other members over his desire for
The creature does not seem to have
Mercurius has been able to sit in on
more aggressive action against the
any loyalty to either side in the Ayslish
Storm Knight meetings and then in-
conflict, as it is said that Dark and
form the shocktrooper garrison of all
Light servant alike have been slain by
their plans. He feels confident that his
it. Lady Ardinay dispatched Home
disguise cannot be penetrated, and is
Guardsmen to Glasgow to investigate,
planning to lure the Knights into one
Dodge 11, maneuver 11, melee
but none ever returned.
more trap that will leave them in the
weapons 13, unarmed combat 11
Whether or not the legends of a
hands of Mobius.
vampyre giant are true or not, it can-
If there is to be any effective oppo-
not be denied that a plague of would waste time and manpower. sample of the whitish fluid that serves
vampyrism has begun in Scotland and However, as LeRoux s preachings be- the creature as blood. Stabert mixed
poses a definite menace to the popu- came more strident, Malraux has lost this fluid with a number of other chemi-
lace. Whatever the agent responsible patience with the situation and or- cals, and then tested the concoction
for this dire situation, it must be found dered him brought in for punishment. upon himself. The result was to turn
and destroyed. This is where the story became bi- him into a monstrous hybrid of Other
zarre. All attempts to capture the cleric and human, a powerful, inarticulate
met with frustrations  as cyberpriests creature with the intellect of a scien-
would close in, LeRoux would pro- tist.
Sources in Tokyo report that the
duce some miraculous effect (a bolt of Unfortunately, the process of trans-
Yakuza is beginning a crackdown on
lightning, a sudden fog, even the very formation drove Stabert insane, and
those street gangs which are still re- earth rising up to protect him) and he now stalks the realm, seeking a
fusing to follow the lead of the orga- make his escape. To the people follow- means of returning to human form. If
nized crime families.
ing LeRoux, it seemed as though the these rumors are true, extreme cau-
What makes the situation unusual
cleric truly possessed divine powers. tion should be used if he is encoun-
is that the gangsters have been backed
But Malraux knew better. The man tered.
up by huge samurai who seem almost
was obviously an Ayslish sorcerer, sent
Stabert (as creature)
incapable of feeling pain. They are
to create disorder in his realm. But
heavily armed, but their identities are
sent by whom? Was Ardinay mount-
Unarmed combat 16
hidden by the full armor they wear.
ing an offensive against the
They have gained a reputation as re- Cyberpapacy, or had his old ally,
lentless, unstoppable foes, and the ter- Uthorion, betrayed him? The answers
ror they strike in their opponents has
to those questions remain to be dis-
Evidence analysis 11, find 11,
gone a long way toward ending the
scholar (chemistry) 11, scholar
gang rebellions.
(anatomy) 11, trick (15)
Rauru Block operatives, feeling that
these samurai represent a possible fu-
Dodge 10, maneuver 10, unarmed Medicine 11, science 11, test 12
ture threat to their employers,
combat 10 CHARISMA 8
mounted an investigation, trailing the
STRENGTH 9 Charm (15), persuasion (20), taunt
samurai back to a hydroponics plant
outside of Tokyo. They were detected
before they could penetrate the build-
Alteration magic 13, find 11, trick Intimidation (25), reality 9
ing and were killed.
11 Possibilities: 3
Whether these samurai are simply
Natural Tools: tentacles, damage
some sort of enhanced Yakuza assas-
value 20
Apportation magic 11, test 11
sins or something other is unknown at
Note: ignore multi-action penalty
this time. But it seems imperative that
when attacking up to four opponents.
Charm 11, persuasion 12, taunt 11
this mystery be solved so that an ad-
If attacking five, penalty is 2; if attack-
equate defense can be devised against
ing six, penalty is 3, etc.
Intimidation 10, reality 10
Possibilities: 7
Arcane Knowledges: inanimate
forces 5, earth 4, water 4
Spells: lightning, earth shield, fog
Recently, a charismatic clergyman
has been traveling the south of France
preaching a variation of the Luddite
message ( all machines are evil ).
Along with the laborers and sol-
While LeRoux s theme is not quite so
diers, a number of Victorian scientists
extreme, he does warn about the dan-
traveled to the Orrorsh realm follow-
gers of allowing machines to domi-
ing the outbreak of the Possibility
nate man. He is particularly harsh on
Wars. Among these was Dr. Paul
the subject of the GodNet, saying that
Stabert, a well-known researcher with
cyber technology is an invention of
an interest in the physiology of the
Man, not God, and to claim that one
Others, the octopus-like beings favored
can  jack into Paradise is blasphe-
by the Gaunt Man.
mous and insane.
It is rumored that Stabert had the
Despite the Inquisition s desire to
 good fortune to come upon a
make an example out of LeRoux,
wounded Other whose Caretaker had
Cyberpope Malraux made it known
abandoned it, and he extracted a
that to pursue every crank in the realm
Your Letters
etters and herald mes- tag skill. A shape-shifter s total at- mon result is the stripping of possibili-
tributes must be the same in all forms, ties from one or both. Use the  Storm
sages continue to pour
though they may be distributed dif- Results Table on page 40 of the Torg
into our offices. Subjects
ferently. The Spirit attribute has to re- Rulebook to determine the results of
this month range from
tain the same total. such combat.
basic realm info to the complexities of
The shifter has two completely dif- If a storm were to attack the Mind of
the rules system. So let s not waste
ferent sets of skills, and a player has 16 a target character, the damage would
time, but plunge right into this month s
skill points to assign to each form (with be mental. However, a storm is just as
3 going to shape-shifting). The human likely to make a raw Strength attack in
is confined to those skills appropriate which the damage would be physical.
How does Nippon Tech remain a
to his template type, and the animal to The decision regarding the type of
secret? Wouldn t the presence of real-
those appropriate to him. On a shape- storm and the type of damage being
ity storms clue people into the exist-
shifter s template, all skill numbers done in any given instance is left to the
ence of another cosm?
are divided by a slash, with the human discretion of the gamemaster and the
value on the left and the animal form needs of his campaign.
 Jeff Campbell
on the right. Some skills, like fire com- There are no plans to print time
Corvallis, OR
bat, could be used by the human but travel rules in the foreseeable future.
The problem of reality storms was
not by the animal.
one the Kanawa Corporation had to
The skill value will be dependent What happens to someone with
wrestle with early in their invasion.
upon the form the shape-shifter is in. cyberware when he disconnects from
The solution was found in the
For example, a human with one add his realm?
Cyberpapacy, where Cyberpope Jean
in dodge and Dexterity of 8 would have
 Sandy Addison
Malraux discovered a way to  turn
a skill value of 9; in his wolf form, he
Burnaby, Canada
up his stelae and increase the inten-
may still have one add in dodge, but
sity of the reality storms around his
A character with cyberwear who
his Dexterity is now 10, so his skill
realm. Nippon adapted this process to
disconnects in a realm with a lower
value is 11.
suit their needs and turned down their
Tech axiom than his own would see
For an example of a shape-shifter s
stelae, decreasing the violence of their
his cyberwear cease to function.
template, see the Werewolf on page 79
storms. Naturally, the disturbed
of the Torg Worldbook.
weather is still noticeable, but the
Fantastic game! Best modules and
Kanawa-controlled media have spread
Reality storms. Could we have a
gamemaster aids I have seen in 10
the word that the storms are the result
few more examples of what happens?
years of gaming! Are you folks look-
of the proximity of Orrorsh and the
How does a storm  attack ? If a
ing for freelance module writers?
remnants of Tharkold s abortive at-
storm s Strength attacks the Mind
tempt to invade the Soviet Union.  J.P. Seabury
attribute, is the damage mental or
How successful Nippon has been Nashua, NH
physical? Also, when (if ever) will
at remaining a secret is a question
West End is always interested in
rules for building time machines, deal-
open to debate. It may be that some
looking at proposals from prospec-
ing with temporal paradoxes, etc.
other countries, like the U.S., suspect
tive freelancers. The operative word
that a High Lord is running Japan, but
is  proposal  we need an outline of
 Steve Crow
are willing to deal with him while foes
what you would like to do before we
North Liberty, IA
like Baruk Kaah remain the greater
can decide whether we would be in-
The essence of a reality storm is its
terested in publishing it, so be sure to
unpredictability. Effects of such a dis- send one. Anyone interested in doing
How are skill adds done for a shape-
turbance can range from a change in
a freelance project for us should be
the language of a target area, anima- certain they are familiar with the rel-
tion of inanimate objects, variations in
 Tony Perkins evant game system, and proposals
gravity, etc.
Moscow, ID should be typed, if possible (to save
When a storm is invoked by one
wear and tear on the weary eyes of
A shape-shifter must be from
character against another, the com- editors & )
Orrorsh, and shape-shifting must be his
Herald Messages
Cryogenics labs springing up in Paris  Day now lasting six months in the Mobius has a pet German scientist who
Liberte and other cities of Free France. tropics. The  Wanderers have deployed is working on a cybertech/weird science
Being used to save the bodies of those sent a huge screen which moderates dayside combo. We blew his lab but he and his
to the GodNet s Hell for possible future temperatures. Nightside weather is very robotic guerilla escaped. We think he has
restoration. Declared  Houses of Satan curious & a second lab in Khartoum.
by Jean Malraux, although rumors say Delphi confirms  Wanderers are pos-  Sean Holland
Inquisition has  frozen a few heretics as sibility-rated. What are their goals? Their Oregon City, OR
well & war vs. Malraux aside, how far can we
 Michael Levay trust them? After much hardship, we have ob-
Roscommon, MI  John Day tained the Possibility Chalice from the
Lincoln, NE dark mage. A chance encounter with a
The Pacific Northwest has been freed, Jungle Lord is leading us toward the Nile
with considerable help from Hantu Lim- On a supply run to Philly, we stumbled Empire and Mobius. Much to our dismay,
ited. Only two stelae were removed, so upon an 8 year-old girl by the name of our seaplane has been afflicted with grem-
Core Earth forces are preparing for a coun- Emily Starlight. She claims to come from lins.
terattack by Baruk Kaah. Kanawa is silent a cosm named Avalon. Her cosm appears  Wade A. Warren
& Baruk Kaah is furious & Core Earthers to have axioms of: Magic  0, Social  26, Lakeland, FL
are elated and nervous. Spiritual  29, Tech  24. More details to
 Scott Shafer follow. Attention! The hunt for Col. Robert
Delaware, OH  J. Higginbotham Masters is on. Last seen boarding passen-
Litchfield Park, AZ ger liner in Alexandria bound for Greece.
Beware the Renslayers from Tharkold. He s armed and dangerous. Operatives
They are scouting out our cosm for a Cyberpapal Space Center rocked by please report sightings directly to Delphi
second invasion attempt. massive explosion. Death toll may reach Council.
 John Christopher 100,000. Lack of lingering radiation rules  Kyle Lucke
Gloucester, NJ out nukes. Inquisition implicates Kanawa Grand Forks, ND
If you ve done a thousand impossible Day/night periods now seen stable at California is linked by gate to Orrorsh!
things today, come drink your coffee at three months each. Earthquake activity in Stormers in CA State Police report finding
the Realm Runner Cafe. Located in down- Central America subsiding. the bodies of a biker gang mixed with
town New Orleans, this is where the elite Little news from Indonesia. those of horses and Victorian cavalrymen
meet after handing a High Lord defeat.  John Day armed with swords, lances, and revolv-
Dining, dancing and drinks. Rated  four Lincoln, NE ers.
stars.  Gregory Detwiler
 Jeff Campbell It has been revealed that the Apollo Williamsburg, PA
Corvallis, OR space missions may have found a large
black object on the moon. Even as this In attempting to destroy Detroit s City
This is KISA leader to all surviving message is being sent, Nippon Tech, Nile Hall once again, the Jakatt Mike Liverpool
Storm Riders, wherever you are & Empire, Cyberpapal and Core Earth in- was captured by Storm Knights in the
We have discovered an unusual fea- terests are racing to acquire this, a pos- employ of the Delphi Council. He is cur-
ture of the  gate power  it can be used sible Darkness Device. rently awaiting trial in a maximum-secu-
not only to cross easily between two points  Jeff Campbell, rity cell in Detroit. He is guarded round-
in space, it can be used to cross two points Corvallis, OR the-clock by four Storm Knights.
in time! The greater the time, the more  Andrew Woodard
difficult it is to sustain the gate. Be on the lookout for Balyana Dalla, an New York, NY
 J.P. Seabury ex-governess under Janya Paterski. She is
Nashua, NH now of good inclination because she lost a Good luck, Storm Knights, every-
reality storm, so she may be headed for where!
Miracle in the underside of New York. her new home cosm, the Cyberpapacy.  Michael Gochoco
Catherine has been resurrected! Father Her knowledge could prove invaluable. Warsaw, NY
says they are all doing well. She is blonde, somewhat strong, and skill
 Susan & Lee Manges, in interrogation.
Allentown, PA  Brian Reeves
Spokane, WA


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