Torg Infiniverse Magazine 14

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Volume 1, Number 14 C A M P A I G N G A M E September, 1991  $2.00
The Possibility Wars rage on. But, now, Paul Hume is working at a feverish
just as things seemed to be settling down pace to get the Tharkhold sourcebook
a little, some new arrivals are coming just finished. Tharkold features Occultech"!,
to keep everyone on their toes (check No- a synthesis of magic and technology.
CONTENTS vember and February) & Christopher Kubasik is working on
Rage of Angels, an adventure set in the
Product Update
new Techno-Demon realm. Both at
True (13).
Rumors and News ....... 2
August: The Land Below, by Stewart
and Stephan Wieck. What lurks be-
BBS News
low? Creatures. New cultures. Caves.
Realms Update ............. 3
Lots of caves. And a few surprises. For those of you with computers,
Right on schedule for an August re- West End Games in involved with two
Dispatches ..................... 7
lease. national bulletin board systems. For
September: Crucible of Pain, by GEnie subscribers, both Torg and Star
Your Letters ................. 11
Daniel Greenberg. Part fiction, part Wars listings can be found under the
adventure, and humming through the Scorpia page, while the Paranoia list-
Herald Messages ........ 12
Production Department with no fore- ing is under the TSR page. West End
seeable obstacles. Games editors are on-line two or three
October: Creatures of Aysle, by In- times a week to answer questions, run
finiverse subscribers. See your work in contests and just generally poke
print. Lots of new beasties to keep around to see what s on everyone s
Storm Knights under control. True (20). mind.
November: Two big releases. First, The new SUMMIT Games Network
the Kanawa Heavy Weapons book, by BBS will also be featuring West End
Nigel Findley. A companion volume Games on-line (True 65). We plan to
to the Kanawa Personal Weapons book. have our section on the system up and
Looks to be right on schedule. True running within a month (True 11).
Fewer Gregs at WEG
Second, the mystery sourcebook &
Contributors This Issue:
The Space Gods. Editorial is burning
Greg Gorden, the head designer for
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden, Bill
the midnight oil to get this one in, but
Torg, the man who really got the Infini-
Smith, and Ed Stark
it s looking very interesting. Sum-
verse going, and an all around great guy,
moned by the lighting of the signal
is leaving the WEG editorial offices in
fire at the end of The Forever City,
Honesdale, although he still will be doing
they re here to see how humanity has
editing for us after he has finished relocat-
progressed in the past few centuries.
ing to Oregon. Greg has been responsible
Unfortunately, they re not quite as
for getting all of us newer guys (Greg
perfect and benevolent as we d all
Farshtey, Bill Smith, and Ed Stark) up to
been hoping. True (13).
Daniel Scott Palter
speed and at one point Torg was described
Associate Publisher:
December: Cylent Scream, a new
as  Greg in a box. We wish him best of
Steven Palter
short adventure collection in the tradi-
Creative Staff: luck and just wanted to publicly embar-
tion of Full Moon Draw. True (16).
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
rass him by telling him how much we were
Sales Director:
January: The Storm Knights Guide to
going to miss daily retellings of his  weird-
Sue Hartung
the Possibility Wars by Lou Prosperi.
ness magnet in action.
Karen Bayly The final draft should be arriving in-
Good luck!
house fairly soon. True (14).
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord  Greg, Bill and Ed
February: Just in time for sweeps,
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
it s officially Techno-Demon month.
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Rumors and News
through such avenues as Things maga- connect with their reality. Elvis has
irst Indication reports on
zine. Apparently not, it s False (15). left the building, and this ends at True
the newest batch of ru-
5. Members of Orrorshan Hellion (20).
mors to which you have
Court convinced Tharkold plans a sec- 5. Mobius threatening to kill all
responded. Continuing
ond invasion. Thratchen disturbed. Ayslish born in the month of Asten
Report updates the rumors as more
Resoundingly True (19). with aquatic star. Flips for a second
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
6. Soviet ambassador to Japan time to finish at False (11).
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
kidnapped by Mobius, who hopes to 6. Spirit chips reporting GodNet
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
learn secrets of psychic powers. Not entities from The Deep. Many of these
about three months. The wrap up will
this time, it s False (13). chips have been driven insane by the
be the last report for that rumor in
encounter. Moves upward again to
Continuing Report: Issue #11
Infiniverse. end at True (18).
1. Dwarves living underground in
Norway have succeeded in raising
Rumor Report Nippon Note
their Tech level to 16. Rises to True (18).
The results are given a true or false, Kanawa Corp. stocks rose three
2. Resistance in France planning
followed by a parenthetical number. points with the announcement that
expedition to Magna Verita. Flips to
That number represents the strength the Militech Arms Co. has been ab-
True (17).
of the truth or falsehood throughout sorbed by the mega-corporate-con-
3. The Guildmaster, a mysterious
the Infiniverse. For example a trolled Sarinan Industries. Militech will
and powerful organizer of stormers,
statement which is false (15) is false now go by the name of its parent firm.
appears in Hawaii. Drops to True (11).
unless the gamemaster decides to test (Militech is a trademark of R. Talsorian
4. Cyberpapal-controlled computer
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better, Games Inc. West End s use of the term
companies producing propagandistic
the statement is actually true. Roll Militech should not be considered as a
arcade games. A reversal to True (15).
again on 10 and 20 when testing the challenge to R. Talsorian s trademark.)
5. 3327 acting to prevent Senator Ty
truth or falsity of a reported rumor.
Gardner s run for US President. Flips
Origins  91
to False (13).
First Indication: Issue #12
As this is written, the WEG staff has
1. Edeinos Storm Knight has un- The Wrap-Up: Issue #10
just returned from Origins  91, held in
earthed the crown of King Pellinore,
1. Secession movement in the South
Baltimore. The delegates from Mary-
and roused the legendary Questing
gaining popular support. Delphi
land cast all their votes for Torg, with
Beast. Both headed for the
Council considering drastic measures
its demos among the most popular at
Cyberpapacy. Begins at False (13).
to preserve the nation. Ends at True
the con, and supplements and boxed
2. Victorian officials losing control
sets flying out of the booth.
of their bodies and slaying themselves,
2. Storm Knights in Gaea trying to
In addition, we got our first look at
possibly as a result of the occult. True
convince Victorians to end immigra-
Lance & Laser s Torg miniatures, which
tion to Core Earth. A slight drop to
look incredibly good. All in all, it was
3. A mysterious net-runner named
finish at True (30).
a very successful convention for us all,
 the Phantom operating from a ter- 3. Australia facing internal strife
and we are looking forward to meet-
minal hidden in the Paris Opera House.
from extremist groups, with food riots
To the strains of an organ solo, True ing all of you at GenCon.
and other disasters looming on the
horizon. Holds at False (15).
4. American media making celebri- 4. Edeinos calling himself Elvis is
ties out of transformed edeinos,
helping people in the Living Land re-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Realms Update
the creation, only three were energized.
o you have been wondering
The corrupt courtiers are manufactur-
how the High Lords spent
S ing additional stelae. At least two of
their summer vacation?
Drakacanus is actively searching
the energized stelae are currently en
Okay, so maybe you haven t. for a successor to Uthorion. The Dark-
route to Germany, with the hope that
ness Device no longer has the patience
But we are going to tell you anyway, so
at least one survives.
to wait for Uthorion to regain it, espe-
Attempts to cut off London have
cially in the light of the ex-High Lord s
failed completely. Travel from Lon-
recent setbacks. It has put plans in
don to the coast is safer, thanks to the
General Info
motion to help groom a new High
Home Guard, British forces and Storm
Lord. It began by seducing a few sus-
We have tabulated the results and Knight actions.
ceptible members of Pella Ardinay s
reader suggestions for the last full The forces of darkness are zeal-
court. While they were not ideal agents,
quarter (issues 7, 8, and 9), as well as ously guarding the stelae sites bound-
they were the only material
what we have received for issues 10 ing their areas. While garrisons against
Drakacanus had to work with.
and 11. We haven t yet received Storm Knight activity have kept the
Drakacanus is trying to groom four
enough responses from issue 12 to realm intact, the forces of darkness
characters for the position of High
warrant their inclusion at this time. have been unable to exploit their ear-
Lord. The Warrior of the Dark (Infini-
Below is a  box score for this report. lier defeat of the Army of Light. As
verse 11, page 7) is one possible candi-
Next to each realm is the percentage of both Drakacanus and Uthorion have
date. The identities of the other candi-
Storm Knights activity which has been ambitions, it is probable forces will be
dates is known for certain only by
directed against each realm (or for it, moved from stelae areas, rendering
Drakacanus, although the corrupt
in the case of Core Earth). The them vulnerable to Storm Knight ac-
courtiers have their guesses.
percentages have been rounded, and tion.
Drakacanus has camouflaged its
so may not sum to 100%. The averages While King Arthur remains a ru-
new plan with renewed attempts to
for the number of Storm Knights in a mor, there have been verifiable sto-
seduce Pella Ardinay. Tolwyn and the
group, adventure outcome, starting ries concerning Excalibur. Both sides
Home Guard have no suspicions of
and ending Possibilities, and the card of the conflict are hunting for this
the Darkness Device s attempts to find
total are also given. Eternity shard.
a new High Lord, but are quite con-
Full Recent cerned with the assault on Pella. It is
Quarter Responses probably up to Storm Knights to un-
cover Drakacanus new scheme.
Aysle 14.0 13.5
Uthorion is active on other fronts.
Jean Malraux I experienced turbu-
Cyberpapacy 13.5 21.0
The worship of Corba al has been en- lent times in the past few months. The
Living Land 12.3 14.3
couraged, particularly in Scotland,
Cyberpope s biggest coup came with
Nile Empire 18.1 24.1
southern Norway and Denmark.
the dropping of a new maelstrom
Nippon Tech 11.5 8.7
While the numbers of followers are
bridge, into Quebec. This was an ex-
Orrorsh 13.3 6.3
still few, mages who follow the entity
tremely expensive gambit. Malraux
Core Earth 13.6 10.4
god are causing problems in Sweden.
had to move the Darkness Device
Others 1.0 3.8
Creatures are raiding from Den- upbridge to Magna Verita, drop the
mark into northern Germany. German
maelstrom bridge into Quebec, and
Knights 4.8 4.4
forces have so far proven adequate to
then move the Darkness Device back
Outcome 5.5 4.7
deal with the small groups or single
to Avignon for  safekeeping.
Start Pos. 60 57
monsters which have come south, but
The maelstrom bridge was dropped
End Pos. 92 79
the people of Germany no longer give
into Quebec City. The three stelae are
Card Total 17 11
the Cyberpapacy as much attention.
at the following locations: northeast of
So far the creatures have penetrated
Montpelier, Vermont near the Cana-
An average of 4.8 storm knights per
no farther south than Bremen.
dian border; in Fredericton, New
group may have been an anomaly;
Drakacanus has energized some
Brunswick; and approximately 120
that is the highest it has ever been.
new stelae. Unable to use Uthorion in
miles north-northwest of Quebec City.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
The Cyberpope has tuned the real- ply by just uprooting stelae. Malraux
are too fast or too strong, they will
ity of this area to suit his needs. The is becoming cagier about backup ste-
destroy the facilities to deny them to
area is dominant Cyberpapacy, rather lae placement. One of the back-up ste-
the Cyberpapacy.
than pure as might be expected with lae is already located in the cellar of a
" Fourth Stage: The helicopters and
the presence of a Maelstrom bridge. tailor s shop. Given the ease of the
trains make their way to Reims under
The enhanced reality storms which ritual to prepare the altar-stelae, any
cover of air power. Airmobile forces
isolate the Cyberpapacy are absent. gains from uprooting the central ste-
Jean Malraux wishes to take this area lae and neutralizing the backups return to Germany. Some of the heli-
as quietly as possible. As a result, the would be temporary.
copters are headed for Germany. Most
cyberpriests and Jazuits are hand- They also concluded that the op-
of the equipment is headed for the
picked for their tact and diplomacy portunity was transient, as Malraux is
Resistance in Les Vosges; it will be
(admittedly a rare mind-set in the probably preparing more backups.
unloaded in the vicinity of Sarrebourg,
Cyberpapacy) as well as their faith in Finally, they concluded that this
west of Strasbourg.
PÅre Jean. Most keep their cyberware opportunity was too great to ignore,
" Fifth Stage: Others are expected to
concealed. and created Operation Central Fire.
The boundaries of this area come The goal is the looting and destruction make it back as best they can, either
within one hundred miles of territory of God s Word Industries.
working with the Resistance until they
held by the Living Land. The result
can obtain a way back, or making for
" First Stage: Intelligence operatives
has been a new  Tornado Alley be-
the border in small groups. The plan is
and a few Storm Knights simulta-
tween the two areas. Montreal has
for the entire operation to take less
neously uproot the central stelae in
been hard hit by the calamitous
than 32 hours.
CyberFrance and destroy the back-
weather. Cyberpapal infiltrators of the
German military planners expect that
media and government are quietly
Malraux will be able to replant a stelae
GodNet Raiders are to pinpoint
suggesting the storm activity is a re-
during the fifth stage, and reality
constructs or Cyberpriests who are
sult of some new, nefarious action from
storms will again buffet the Franco-
monitoring rail traffic in Northeast
the forces of Baruk Kaah.
German border. Units are expected to
France, draw them into the net, and
In CyberFrance, Malraux ap-
attempt entry into Germany during a
eliminate them.
pointed Grand Inquisitor Bernard
lull in the storm.
Jenet head of the probe of Nippon
" Second Stage: Airborne forces and
There is unfortunate  collateral
infiltration of Cyberpapal factories.
elite reconnaissance units engage the
damage caused by this operation; as
The probe was successful, but Kanawa
enemy in and around GWI. The object
short as the time is, at least 5,000 French
made the probe expensive. As Nippon
is to prolong the fight, forcing the dis-
nationals will die from transformation.
agents realized they were eventually
connection of as many Cyberpapal
This fact, at best dimly understood by
doomed against the concerted
forces as possible. This is a dangerous,
Core Earth forces, is being ignored by
Cyberpapal effort, they made efforts
 draw their fire mission, and is ex- the upper echelons. They expect
to contract the French resistance, and
operational forces to take that many
pected to take heavy casualties.
sell them technologies, prototypes and
casualties themselves, which helps
Other forces are to hijack trains
equipment made in their plants in
them justify the cost.
around Reims, Metz and Nancy, upon
what was the Kanawan equivalent of
which Core Earth agents and
a fire sale. Seven Kanawa factories
There you have it. Let us know if
have been shut down. There are ru- sympathizers are placed. These trains
your Storm Knights participate in Op-
are to make a run down the rails to
mors that two smaller shops exist, but
eration Central Fire, or if it happens at
Avignon at top speed. By pushing the
no Core Earth, Cyberpapal, or Ayslish
all in your campaign. Be sure to tell us
trains they plan to make the run in just
source has been able to confirm this.
how it ends up. In grabbing Quebec,
The greatest boon has been an intel- under two hours.
the Cyberpope s energies were di-
ligence coup gained by a GodNet
verted elsewhere. It up to Core Earth
" Third Stage: Airstrikes attack re-
Raider while the Cyberpapacy was
and the Storm Knights to make him
maining Cyberpapal strong points
busily hunting down Kanawa. The
around GWI. Airmobile forces join the
raider has obtained the exact location
ground forces in place around GWI.
of the altar-stelae in the center of
They are soon reinforced by armed
Living Land
CyberFrance, as well as the four ritu-
elements on the trains. The GWI facili-
ally prepared backups in the same
Its not easy being Baruk Kaah, and
ties are looted. Heavy equipment is
region. This information was sold to
it looks as though it is going to get a
German intelligence. loaded onto the trains, lighter gear is
little harder. A little. The Saar of the
After thorough analysis and dis- put about transport helicopters.
Edeinos has been hard pressed to de-
cussion, the German intelligence and
Demolitions men wire up the facili-
fend his stelae during this period. He
military command came to the follow-
ties, section by section. They destroy
has successfully thwarted Nippon-in-
ing conclusion:
each facility after it is looted. If it ap-
spired efforts in the Western King-
Jean Malraux s stelae network is
pears that Cyberpapal reinforcements
too  thick to permanently defeat sim-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Salt Lake City and environs continue Overriding the objections of his
Nile Empire
to be a hot bed of edeinos, Storm Knight personal advisors Ahkemeses and
and Nippon activity. The mixed zones Muab, Mobius has embarked on an
Dr. Mobius triumphs! His time-
of Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah operation which may prove his undo-
machine trap worked quite well, dis-
and Arizona are the home to many ing. Mecca has lain within the stelae
integrating a number of Storm Knights.
bizarre scenes: boundaries of the Nile Empire, but
He has completed a string of oasis
Mobius has heeded his advisors and
cities across the Sahara, giving him 10
" Optant-led biker tribes.
left the holy city alone. That Mecca is a
new dominant zones.
" Nippon agents rediscovering the
Core Earth hardpoint made the deci-
The soulstain was moderately effec-
beauty of nature and quitting their sion a little easier for Mobius. But now
tive. While not many Storm Knights
Mobius has ordered Overgovernor
were slain, this Storm Knight  cen-
Neteru to seize the city. Even as troops
sus allowed Mobius to reallocate
" Stalengers acquiring the latest por-
began to move, satellite intelligence
forces to the proper hot spots, thwart-
table keyboards and lightweight mu-
from no less than four different na-
ing or minimizing many actions taken
sic gear, forming bands and inventing
tions was delivered to Arab hands.
by the heroes.
a form of music called  floating metal .
The months of mobilization has left a
The Nile Empire plans to detonate a
sizeable force in Saudi Arabia. The
" A quintupling of the murder rate in
reality bomb inside the Cyberpapacy.
initial battles have favored Core Earth,
the Sacramento area. The tentative target is the Palace at
even though the use a reality bomb
Avignon. Mobius is particularly inter-
" Automated harvesters from Kakuro
allowed Mobius to inflict heavy casu-
ested in the effects on the GodNet.
Paper Products pulping acre after acre
alties in the Battle of Jeddah. The one
Many of Mobius s enemies have
of the jungle. Within two weeks the thing Mobius has accomplished by
been mummified in the same manner
attacking is converting the mixed zones
area is completely forested again.
as Clemeta. This has had a beneficial
he invaded into Nile dominant zones.
effect on keeping the Pharaoh s min-
" The Sons of the Wind are reportedly
Mecca is currently under siege. The
ions in line.
training edeinos in the martial arts,
Pharaoh remains confident of victory,
Pharaoh Mobius is sponsoring three
although the proper use of a tail has
as Core Earth forces suffer disconnec-
new villain groups. The Crescent Blade
confounded their efforts.
tion. But with the exception of Jeddah,
is a revival of the ancient Assassins,
Core Earth forces are routinely obtain-
The Eastern Lands have been stable,
only these assassins have pulp powers.
ing casualty ratios of four-to-one or
despite the appearance of the edeinos
The Ra Warriors are a counterpart to
more in their favor, including those
named Elvis. A number of glory re-
the Rocket Rangers, using Egyptian
forces which disconnect. Battlegroup
sults make this area a tenuous one for
religion and mathematics to bolster
Natatiri, Red Hand, Ramses, and
Baruk Kaah. There are an increasing
themselves and their rocket suits. The
what s left of Battlegroup Neteru are
number of tribes breaking away from
Pharaoh Force is obtensibly for law
currently waging the war. Mobius is
Baruk Kaah in the Eastern Lands. Very
and order, and does clean up gangster
considering committing Super
few edeinos in the area bounding
activity in Cairo when things get out
Battlegroup Mobius and the artificial
Fairfax, Virginia, remain loyal to the
of hand. Their  day identities are
sun to the conflict.
High Lord. The US government is
plainclothes detectives, and some are
The nations of Islam are now offi-
sending in anthropologists to try and
no more than that. But many assume
cially at war with the Nile Empire.
recruit these  disaffected edeinos.
costumed identities at night to war
Political commentators believe the
The Five Realms game has proven
against right in the name of Mobius.
Pharaoh has started a war he probably
eerily accurate on matters concerning
Dr. Mobius Fails! Rick s Café
cannot win, and which he certainly
the Possibility Wars. The Delphi Coun-
American has appeared in Cairo.
would have been better off not fight-
cil is looking into the background of
Whether anyone named  Rick is ac-
ing. The media is having a field day.
the designer. Storm Knights are pur-
tually associated with the place is un-
Dr. Mobius has commissioned
chasing the game and  reading be-
known. Storm Knights have been able
Muab to build a huge Pharaoh Mobius
tween the lines to glean useful tidbits
to find help there.
statue in Luxor. The statue is to com-
of information.
Dr. Mobius s attempts to build a
memorate his victory in the Mecca
The biggest news is the Northern
working time machine have met with
Campaign, and will double as a zep-
Lands. They are gone. The southern-
frustration and death frustration for
pelin station. Muab is reluctant to be-
most stelae has been removed, and the
the bad Doctor and death for the un-
gin work on the project, but forges
maelstrom bridge was destroyed as a
fortunate researchers.
slowly ahead rather than face the wrath
result. Rek Pakken managed to sever
A total of three reality bombs have
of Mobius.
the connection with that bridge, sav-
been stolen from Weird Science labo-
ing Takta Ker a lot of grief. Most of the
ratories throughout the Empire. One
Living Land denizens are making a
Nippon Tech
is known to be in Israeli hands. The
frenzied march to the south. As these
whereabouts of the other two is a
contain a number of flame warriors,
Ryuchi Kanawa has had better
Core Earth forces are engaging them
times. Fortunately, he was prepared,
to herd them as much as defeat them.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
and he has established a trail of blame data causes the most fear or anger.
" False gold has flooded Kanawan
which shall cause the downfall of a The computers then tamper with these
corporations. Magicians quickly
large number of corporate officers. sets of data or communications, and
learned that Nippon Tech had diffi-
Vice-chairman suites at Soto Invest- see if the reaction is more fearful. If the
culty detecting magical gold. Orrorsh
ments, Toranaga Chemical, Omi Elec- user s reaction is more violent, they
and Aysle are the source of the prob-
tronics and Kanawa Petroleum will keep tampering.
lem, but circuitous routes and front
soon host MarSec agents demanding Eventually the officers succumb to
organizations allowed the gold to come
reparation for losses. Some of the losses the evil of the computer, and betray
from Core Earth, the Cyberpapacy,
were incurred in operations sponsored those they feel are about to betray
and the Nile Empire. The Kanawa cor-
by these vice-chairmen; most are the them, usually undercutting business
poration is actively seeking to develop
result of an electronic web of deceit partners who meant them no harm.
which protects 3327. None of the offic- technological, or to purchase magical, What is most distressing to MarSec
ers have personal fortunes large analysts who investigate them, these
solutions to this arcane problem. In
enough to discharge the debt. betrayals often gain no benefit for the
the meantime, Kanawa representatives
While Ryuchi has successfully betrayer. As the computer erases all
have been told either stop accepting
avoided personal misfortune, Nippon tampered data once its user acts in a
precious metals and minerals in pay-
Tech has suffered a series of setbacks violent way, MarSec is not likely to
ment, or to greatly discount their value.
which has halted their growth, at least find the truth any time soon.
This has angered the legitimate cus-
temporarily. Problems include: Sabathina has established a coven
tomers who often paid in precious
of vampyres within the Cyberpapacy.
" A week-long dive in the Nikkei in-
metals or gems, making business more
Some of these vampyres have the ward
dex. The stock indicator plunged 5,500
difficult for Nippon.
breach power. Sabathina is interested
points, far more than analysts had pre-
in attacking and discrediting, but not
dicted. In recent weeks it has regained
necessarily killing, cyberpriests and
about 1,000 points, but major inves-
nuns. She wants the French people to
tors remain skittish. Corporations are
feel fearful and to lose faith in
Orrorsh still spends much of its
having to borrow money rather than Malraux s ability to protect them.
time defending its borders from
The oozing Nightmare Ahjebax is
issue stock to finance their operations.
Nippon Tech incursion, or Storm
creating a pair of horrors for North
Knight activity. This time the Night-
" The loss of manufacturing opera-
America. One is destined for San An-
mares have had a chance to export the
tions in the Cyberpapacy. The losses
tonio, TX, with instructions to prey
Power of Fear.
ran in the tens of billions of Yen for
only on the underclass, and only the
Skutharka, the wolf-like Nightmare
each of the operations. Ryuchi Ka-
portion of the underclass visible to
in charge of Singapore, has consulted
nawa now has only two small opera-
the media. Ahjebax is trying not only
Thratchen. With the aid of occultists,
tions within CyberFrance. One is in to spread fear, but political discontent
Skutharka has added horror to an as-
as well.
Marseille, and is technically part of
sembly line in a Omi Electronics fac-
The second horror is to appear in
Hachiman Arms, Ltd. The other has
tory outside of Fuzhou, China. A few,
the Magnolia Research Station, in
moved from Lyon to Les Vosges, to perhaps one in a hundred, of the per-
Georgia. An unfortunate researcher
service, copy, and then produce what- sonal computers made at that plant
for ChemCorp, the manufacturers of
are occult devices. These computers
ever arms and equipment arrives as a
REAL-PEP (see page 57 of The
are top-of-the-line models, destined
result of Operation Central Fire.
Cassandra Files) will be doused with a
for the desks of corporate officers.
" The Security and Exchange Com- batch of REAL-PEP (altered by
Once in place, the machines slowly
Ahjebax) and transformed into the
mission is investigating charges of il-
increase the fear of deception and be-
horror. Even if Kanawa manages to
legal stock transactions in the pur-
trayal felt by most Nippon Tech ex-
hush up the incident, they must deal
chase of American firms. The Delphi ecutives. The computers have the abil-
with the monster, and the workers
Council is neither helping nor hinder- ity to sense negative emotions in their
doubt about handling such a danger-
users, particularly fear and anger. They
ing the investigation.
ous chemical.
quietly monitor their user s reaction
" Orrorsh striking back at Nippon Tech
for a week or so, discovering which
(See  Orrorsh below).
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Dispatches and Rumors
difficulty by up to +3 if the characters
Reality 9
are trapped in severe storms.
Possibilities: 7
The village of Jilibulake, not far from
D Equipment: Cold weather gear (acts
the mountain, offers information, food
as armor at TOU +1/8), hiking boots,
and shelter. If they ask around town,
rope (100 meters), food for two weeks,
the villagers will tell the Storm Knights
portable shelter, flashlight, sealed
that a group of about a dozen Japanese
Several days ago, all telecommuni-
Misaki XE Laptop Computer, tinted
men passed through town recently,
cations (radio, television and short
goggles, Sony Explorere Personal
and were headed for Makan-la.
wave) within a 500 kilometer radius
Communicator (500-meter range),
At Makan-la, the Storm Knights will
of Mount Makan-la, Tibet were dis-
LOV 9mm pistol (damage value 15,
not encounter the scientists until they
rupted (the setting for The Forever City
ammo 12, 3 20/30/50).
reach the city itself. The scientists be-
adventure). The disturbance lasted
Kouhiko, while he is a Kanawa
lieve that they are looking for valuable
only a few minutes, but it was a major
employee, is not truly evil at heart. He
historical artifacts  known to Storm
concern for the nations involved. Co-
will not want to kill the Storm Knights
Knights as eternity shards. They have
incidentally, the Nagara Corporation,
without provocation, but cannot let
no idea that the signal fire exists.
a subsidiary of the Kanawa Corpora-
them stand in the way of finding the
They have set up camp in the former
tion, is exploring the area (no mention
eternity shards his company believes
residential area of the city. There are a
is made of how the company got per-
can be found here.
total of fifteen scientists, including
mission to send a research team into
If the Storm Knights don t elect to
Kouhiko Iwamoto, the team s leader.
proceed to the pyramid, have one of
Each of the scientists has a Mind of 10
During the return trip across the
the scientists run up to Iwamoto while
and all other attributes at 8; relevant
Tibetan wilderness, the Storm Knights
the characters are within earshot. The
skills are climbing, scholar (mountain-
will encounter several obstacles:
scientist will explain that a huge glow-
ous regions), science (archaeology), sci-
ing brazier has been found in the pyra-
" Chinese officials will question any
ence (biology), science (chemistry), sci-
mid. If the Storm Knights participated
non-Chinese without proper docu-
ence (geology), and survival. Each is
in The Forever City adventure, they will
mentation. Insufficient documentation armed with a LOV 9mm pistol (dam-
know that this is the signal fire, but it
age value 15, ammo 12, 3 20/30/50),
normally results in prison.
dimmed only a few moments after it
and has climbing gear, emergency ra-
was lit. Something has refired it.
" Any character with a final total of 2
tions, a laptop computer, notebooks,
As the Storm Knights close to within
or less for any Dexterity-based action
pens and a Sony Explorer Personal
100 meters of the pyramid, an audible
has fallen into a pit or down a steep
Closed Circuit Caller (500-meter
hum can be heard. By the time they
have reached the base of the steps, the
" Avalanches may be triggered by
Kouhiko Iwamoto hum will be so intense that the ground
loud sounds or heavy creatures. A
DEXTERITY 9 shakes (add +1 to the difficulty of any
dodge total of 12 is necessary to avoid Beast riding 10, fire combat 11 Dexterity-based action).
STRENGTH 8 Depending upon how the Storm
being caught in any avalanche.
Climbing 11 Knights have interacted with the Japa-
" Anyone lost due to falling or an
TOUGHNESS 7 nese research team, the groups may
avalanche suffers damage value 11
PERCEPTION 9 be allies, they could be engaged in
from the cold each round after the first
Find 10, scholar (computers) 13, scholar combat or the Storm Knights may be
minute. To find a buried character re-
(mathematics) 10, scholar (mountain- actively hiding. The optimal situation
quires a find total of 10.
ous regions) 12, tracking 11 is to convince the Japanese to work
MIND 11 with the Storm Knights because their
" Characters must make survival totals
Science (archaeology) 15, science (bi- computers and computer skills will
of 7 every hour to avoid frostbite from
ology) 13, science (chemistry) 14, sci- come in very handy, although the Japa-
exposure. Take damage value 10 if the
ence (geology) 13, survival 12 nese will then have complete infor-
character fails the roll. Increase the
CHARISMA 8 mation on this encounter for the
Charm 11, persuasion 11 Kanawa Corporation. The computers
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
have audio sensors and optical scan- rated character generate a reality total
ners, but may only be accessed by a Survival 8
against a difficulty of 12. Read the
specific individual due to the retina CHARISMA 9
results on the Power Push Table and
scanners built into them. Charm 10, persuasion 10, taunt 12
give each Storm Knight that number
As they reach the top of the pyra- SPIRIT 9
of possibilities. In addition, all Ords
mid, the characters will see that the Intimidation 14
present are considered to have reached
fountains still flow with the brilliant Possibility Potential: none
their moment of crisis, and are now
colored waters. At the far end of the Arcane Knowledges: metal 1
possibility-rated, with 5 possibilities
pyramid, the stone brazier is glowing Equipment: Viking enchanted armor
and one add in reality.
a near-blinding white, with a rainbow (TOU +5/15), Bloodsong enchanted
of colored energies weaving a path broadsword (damage value STR +7/
If the characters are successful with
through the white light. They will also 17/maximum damage 22), Horn of
Step C, the pressure will end and the
feel tremendous mental pressure, as if Terror (requires the alteration magic
brazier will return to its normal
their minds are caught in some kind of skill; when blown, acts as intimidation
vice. The pressure will steadily grow. attack at value 18, with a range of 250
Critical Event: If the Storm Knights
This dispatch uses Dramatic Skill meters; bonus number goes to effect)
succeed at Step C they have a Good
Resolution (see the Torg Rulebook,
Critical Event: Putting a stop to
result. If they fail at Step C, they have
pages 62 and 63).
Erelk s attacks upon shipping vessels.
a Bad result.
Defeating Erelk nets the Storm Knights
" Step A: A reality total of 16 is needed
2 a Good result. Failing to stop him is a
to realize that the brazier is acting as a
Bad result.
receiver for a message from beyond
The Baltic Sea and Skagerrak have
Earth. The message has activated the
become bloody battlegrounds, as
possibility energy within the brazier.
Uthorion s forces of darkness are re-
" Step B: A language total of 13 is A Storm Knight, named Hidalgo
newing efforts to stop shipping via
Valdez, has disappeared in Phoenix,
necessary to translate the language. If
these important waterways. German
AZ. The Knight was kidnapped while
the Japanese are using their comput- merchants have taken to hiring
walking the streets in broad daylight
dwarven mages and ship builders to
ers to translate, the difficulty is only
 witnesses say that a group of nearly
build and man craft for the journey
10. The language is Quechua, the lan-
20 teenagers attacked him and threw
through the warring realities (the
guage of the Incans.
him into the trunk of a waiting car.
mages use the Aeluin s water valley
" Step C: A science (mathematics) total
The police are unwilling to disclose
spell). However, the Vikings are so
of 13 is necessary to fully understand any information because  the investi-
determined to stop the merchants that
gation is continuing and we will not
the message. Characters with any sci-
the dwarves are now looking for sturdy
release any information until it is com-
ence skill (other than mathematics) fighters and powerful wizards to join
them on their travels.
have a difficulty of 16. If the roll is
By talking to local reporters, the
They will offer payment of 500
failed, the characters can understand
Storm Knights will be able to learn
trades to anyone who will make a
the message. However, the message
that a local gang called the Rattlers,
complete round trip to Spain and back;
contains highly complex latitudinal
known for drug sales and violent
the price will be upped to 650 trades if
and longitudinal coordinates that cor-
crimes, is behind the kidnaping. While
the fighters will promise to make five
respond to the ancient city of Machu
most people in the Rattlers neighbor-
or more consecutive journeys.
Picchu. If the Storm Knights miss the
hoods are afraid to talk, and the police
Not too far into their first journey,
mathematics roll, the numbers simply
are virtually no help, a young teen-
the Storm Knights will discover that
will not make any sense. ager will point out a gang member so
the money will be well earned. Erelk
The message reads: the Storm Knights may question or
Jahnner is the Viking chieftain leading
 The Rotan acknowledges. You are follow him to the gang s lair.
the attacks on the ships. He has three
now ready. Come meet us in peace at Upon arrival at the lair, a large aban-
Viking longships which he uses to ter-
13° South, 72° 30' West. We will arrive doned manufacturing plant, they will
rorize trade ships.
soon. see the drug distribution operation.
Erelk Jahnner
These coordinates correspond to the Also, they will hear the leader, José,
ancient city of Machu Picchu. explain that they must kill Valdez un-
Maneuver 12, melee weapons 14, mis-
der orders from an employer. The
" Step D: A reality total of 17 is neces-
sile weapons 12, swimming 12, un-
Storm Knight was dropped off at a
sary to allow the Storm Knights to
armed combat 12
different abandoned building across
respond to the message (count it as a STRENGTH 10
town, and apparently their employer
herald message). In addition, all of the
has left town to attend to business. The
built up possibility energy will be re-
characters may simply wait for the
Alteration magic 8, scholar (naviga-
leased in a huge shower of red and
Rattlers to go to the other building
tion) 10, trick 8, water vehicles 8
blue energies. Have each possibility
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
(and avoid a confrontation), or they ture was called by his master to Cali- PERCEPTION 10
may decide to attack. There are about fornia. Find 12, tracking 11, trick 14
fifteen gang members in the manufac- If Hidalgo is killed, a character may MIND 9
turing plant, along with José. make an evidence analysis total of 15 to Test 12, willpower 12
discover that this item is a synthesis of CHARISMA 6
magic and technology, unlike anything Charm (10), persuasion (13), taunt 11
yet seen in any of the invading realms. SPIRIT 12
Dodge 11, fire combat (AK 47) 14, melee
Faith (Orrorsh) 17, intimidation 17
Critical Event: If the Storm Knights
weapons 10
Possibilities: 15
stop José from murdering Hidalgo,
Equipment: Occult books
they get a Good result (and, since José
Power Rating: 1, plus automatically
knows nothing about the true nature
has an unusual version of possession:
of his employer, this will be the only
Evidence analysis 11, language 11, trick
it also replaces physical attributes, al-
way to learn that a demon is involved);
though the victim s appearance stays
if the kidnapped Storm Knight is killed
the same.
they get a Bad result.
Science (chemistry) 10
Corruption Value: 18
Fear Rating: 1
Charm 10, persuasion 12, taunt 12
Perserverance DN: 13
Weaknesses: Portraits or photos of
A brother and sister team of
Intimidation 9
victims (severe weakness)
Orrorshan occult investigators seem
Possibility Potential: none
True Death: To be bathed for one
to have been corrupted by the evil
Equipment: Knife (STR +3/12),
minute in the boiling blood of a victim.
they are fighting. Reginald and Bar-
several kinds of illegal drugs, AK 47
Objectives: To corrupt the
bara McHenry, residents of Jakarta of
(damage value 21, ammo 10, range 3
McHenrys so that others will realize
late, are known to have been seeking
40/150/400), gold and black Toyota
the foolishness of resisting the Power
out evil throughout the realm. Ever
Supra (speed value 195/120/14)
of Fear.
since their father was murdered many
If the Storm Knights can force infor-
years ago on Gaea they have been
mation from any of the gang mem-
trying to find the creature responsible
bers, they will learn that not even José
and send it to its True Death.
has met their employer directly. He
However, this foul evil has gotten
contacted José secretly, and arranged
the best of them. By using its unusual
for the money to be left at certain loca-
form of the possession power, it has
President Quartermain is lobbying
tions after  errands were performed.
found and taken control of Barbara.
Congress for approval of a bill that
José will only take two gang mem-
Her brother is unaware of this occur-
would suspend all elections until the
bers with him when he goes to execute
rence, and feels that he and his sister
conclusion of the war. His prime ob-
Valdez. When they arrive, they will be
are almost finished in their quest to
jective is to suspend the 1992 Presi-
as shocked as the Storm Knights are at
destroy the beast. The creature, known
dential elections. Publicly, he is stat-
what they see.
as Ee loarn, is planning to lead
ing that a change in power at such a
Deep inside the building (with
Reginald to his mortal doom by con-
critical juncture wouldn t be prudent
plenty of vermin and mentally un-
vincing him to participate in an occult
and could spell utter defeat for the
stable drifters to keep the characters
ritual which often corrupts the souls
United States. Privately, his aides are
on their toes), they will find Valdez,
of those involved. They are currently
worried that mounting dissension in
near death, apparently drained of the
gathering materials for the ceremony,
the South, as well as the steady
will to live. The Storm Knight has been
which can only take place under a full
progress of the Living Land into U.S.
strapped to a wall, with several un-
moon and requires the sacrifice of an
territory, has removed almost all popu-
usual technological constructs nearby:
innocent infant. Reginald believes the
lar support for him.
each one has a series of flexible metal
ceremony will summon the creature,
He feels that the only way to save
strands which are embedded in the
and is so obsessed with revenge that
his own neck is to try and rally the
Storm Knight s chest. He is suffering
he fails to see the evil of this action and
country (what s left of it) around the
from a Heavy Wound.
its consequences. Ee loarn simply
flag and the government. Pointing to
If the characters can stop the execu-
plans to kill Barbara s body as soon as
World War II and the Civil War, he is
tion, Valdez will explain that a cyber-
Reginald is corrupted.
arguing that changes of power in such
netic demon of some kind did this to
weighty periods are dangerous.
Barbara McHenry (possessed by
him. He will go on to say that the
Congress is divided on the issue.
creature called this contraption an the creature named Ee loarn)
Some of Quartermain s fiercest adver-
Occultech"! device and he was being DEXTERITY 12
saries are actually supporting the bill
used to make  vril batteries , which Dodge 14, unarmed combat 15
because they don t feel the govern-
drain possibilities and then power cy- STRENGTH 16
ment can afford the time and effort
bernetic gear. He says that the crea- Climbing 17, lifting 17
election campaigns require. Others are
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
calling this article a severe violation of While there has been no official com-
the Constitution. ment from CyberFrance, it is known
that the Cyberpope is planning a vi-
Trouble is fermenting within the
cious reprisal. A major conflict is brew-
ranks of the Yakuza. A Yakuza opera-
ing in the Mediterranean.
tive known as  The Deep Shadow is
The Nile Empire has unleashed a
working to undermine Haragawa.
new weapon upon the forces of the
While there is no apparent successor
Cyberpapacy. Weird science subma-
who could gain from these actions
rines have sunk several French ships Dr. Willhelm Sconce has gone on a
without exposing himself to danger
in the Mediterranean. crusade deep into the jungles of Ma-
and mistrust, the fact remains that sev-
At first, the submarines apparently jestic. He is looking for the corpses of
eral of Haragawa s most loyal
followed French ships to see if they those who had their souls taken by
underdaimyos have been found dead
were dropping crates overboard. How- Scarabuusi (Orrorshan Gospog of the
in the alleys of Tokyo.
ever, after a couple of weeks with no Fourth Planting). He must gather 66
Many of the lower-level Yakuza
sightings of suspicious behavior, Mo- such corpses, sew them together, and
believe that an internal power struggle
bius ordered the commanders to be- then he will summon a powerful spirit
is about to erupt. Pragmatic as always,
gin randomly sinking French ships. from the Waiting Village. He feels that
most of these agents are ready to wait
Unfortunately, ships of Spanish, this creature and the amount of fear it
and see what happens.
Greek, Italian, and Turkish registry will generate will further his ambi-
Haragawa is conducting a quiet in-
have also been damaged by the dan- tions to become the true High Lord of
vestigation of the situation, but he sus-
gerous torpedoes. The Nile Empire is Orrorsh.
pects outside forces, such as Storm
denouncing any complaints, saying
Knights, of being responsible for the
that they have no submarines engaged
in conflict of any kind.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Your Letters
1. Why were the Orrorshan spells
Yes, it is, Duane. The reason such a two possible ways for this to happen
in the World Book put into Pixaud s
spell would be so expensive is that  losing all your reality skill adds in a
Practical Grimoire? I thought this was
inanimate forces includes air, earth, fire, storm, or becoming the victim of a
a compilation of Aysle spells?
plant, metal and water, making it a fairly  transform result on the Storm Re-
2. What are the world rules for the
powerful arcane knowledge. Remem- sults Table (if the latter occurs, the
Aztec Empire?
ber, which knowledges you choose to character retains his reality skills adds).
3. Is Thratchen a native of Orrorsh?
use in designing a spell can have as A transformed character assumes
 Casey Childers
much bearing on the numbers you the reality of the winner of the reality
Rex, GA
end up with as how much of the state storm struggle, and he may or may not
path you have to travel. physically transform as well. It is im-
1. Those particular spells were
possible for two characters from the
brought to Aysle by Uthorion when
1. If a character with cybernetic same reality to invoke reality storms
he invaded from Orrorsh. Originally
limbs disconnected, would the limbs upon each other.
in the form of occult rituals, they have
 shut off and be useless? 4. Theoretically, yes, but they would
been converted over the centuries to
2. If the owner of the Rijato be unable to arrive via maelstrom
incantations in the same format as
Battlesuit disconnects, what happens? bridge technology, as that is a creation
Ayslish spells.
Does the suit become useless? How of the Darkness Device.
2. At this point, the creation of the
can he reconnect with a device that the
Aztec Empire is still a False (11) in the
local reality can t support? Can stelae be moved while they are
infiniverse (although it s still the early
3. What exactly happens to people activated? Can stelae be deactivated,
going). If we see a definite trend to-
who are transformed through an in- moved, and reactivated later? Can
ward the creation of a High Lord of
voked reality storm? Do they become High Lords activate uncharged stelae
Earth and an Aztec Empire in the fu-
Ords? What reality are they trans- from other realms?
ture, we ll provide more information
formed to? What happens if two deni-  Dan Viger
on the realm.
zens of the same cosm, in their cosm, Bronx, NY
3. No, Thratchen is a native of
invoke a reality storm against each
Tharkold, a cosm of Techno-Demons.
Yes, it is possible to move an acti-
Despite their advanced Occultech"! other?
vated stelae, providing you are will-
4. Is there any way for, say, a good
techno-magic, their invasion of the
ing to break up the triangle it is cur-
cosm to attach to Earth without a
Soviet Union was repelled, the mael-
rently a part of and watch your reality
Darkness Device?
strom bridge was destroyed and the
collapse there (so every gain means a
 Joe Farrell
Tharkoldu retreated to their home.
corresponding loss). No, High Lords
N. Merrick, NY
Thratchen could have returned with
cannot use stelae belonging to other
them, but chose not to, destroying the
1. Yes, they would. realms  each is treated in a different
dimthread that connected Orrorsh and
2. If the character disconnects while way when planted, and each is at-
Tharkold. Needless to say, his de-
using the suit (for any Dexterity- or tuned to the reality of its own realm.
monic brethren were not pleased with
Strength-based actions) the suit sim-
this, and are expected to exact revenge
ply stops functioning. Do notice that According to the history of Magna
very soon.
since the suit has a Tech level of 25, and Verita and the Cyberpapacy as it s
the character has a Tech level of 24, this written in The Cyberpapacy source-
The Magic State Path Chart works
is a four-case contradiction even in book, the cosm of Magna Verita was
fine  except that someone designing
Nippon Tech. However, as pointed the cosm where Jean Malraux s origi-
a straightforward spell utilizing in-
out on page 100 of the Torg Rulebook, nal (pre-Tech surge) axioms came from.
animate forces as the pattern and re-
the character can reconnect with the Presumably, then, there were no ste-
sult, and magic as the mechanism,
suit, taking a -1 modifier to the reality lae planted there to hold the
would have a state value of 20. Is this
total. Cyberpapal axioms. So how did the
3. A character who is transformed Darkness Device impose the new Tech
 Duane R. Tant
by an invoked reality storm is stripped axiom on Magna Verita?
Fairfax, VA
of his Possibilities, but does remain a  Michael Levay
 Possibility-rated person. There are Roscommon, MI
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 14 / September, 1991
Darkness Devices have the power
to bump a single axiom up, providing
Herald Messages
they have sufficient possibility energy
to do so. Malraux s confrontation with
Be on the lookout for  Pisces, a mass- Northern Living Land stelae have been
the Storm Knights in the Dreamtime
murderer who serves Thratchen. Pisces is uprooted! Invader s reality crumbled
and his resultant exposure to the real-
extremely intelligent, armed to the teeth, quickly. The Storm Knights responsible
ity of Kadandra caused an immense
and above all, dangerous and psycho- received funding from the Canadian gov-
surge of possibility energy to flow
pathic. ernment to start Reality, Inc. The team
through the Darkness Device. This al-  The Night Vultures, aka will serve as a strike team/information-
Mizoo s Dweebs. gathering force. Searching for members
lowed the Device to radically speed
from our reality to serve around the globe.
up the increase in the Tech axiom of the
Life is a lot more valuable when you  Joe Farrell
reality to which it was attuned, Magna
are strapped to an altar. N. Merrick, NY
Verita s.
 Casey Childers
Rex, GA The Inquisition captured the New
I would just like you kids to know
Minutemen, and one died before they
that you ve created a bloody monster. Mobius knows Tharkold is going to could escape. Worse, it was all for naught,
attempt another invasion, and is hinting as Castigir died in Core Earth when the
I hope you re pleased with yourselves.
that South America (a place where they demon was forced to separate from him.
Torg is the best system that s ever
would meet little resistance) is the new The New Minutemen are seeking new
been created thus far; I feel certain of
location. When? Soon. Very soon. members.
that, having payed my share. It is the
 The Storm Watcher of Thebes  Andrew Garrett
stuff of true heroic fiction. Kudos.
Great Falls, MT
One of my few complaints with Magna Verita s Cyberpapacy has been
successfully reclaimed! (Casualties mini- Mega-Sparrow 
your rather voluminous sourcebooks:
mal.) The storytelling is frequent and dis- I wish to apply for membership in the
if I m going to spend the money on a
rupting to the remaining High Lords Knights of Niceness.
Living Land sourcebook, I would think
realms! Which realm falls next? My qualifications:
that a few illustrations of the Land s
 Duane R. Tant " High School Graduate, GPA 3.9
creatures would be in order. After the
Fairfax, VA " Masters Degree in Weird Science
twentieth  six meters tall with spines " Flight, Electro-Ray, and Force Field
Dear Moby, " Own a half-dozen assorted eternity
along its back and teeth the size of
Muab and ImageMaster are dead, so shards
Trump Tower, etc. it becomes more
you can t transform Hawaii. Hoping to " Pull up an average of two stelae per
than a bit redundant. I hope Crea-
prevent any hard feelings, I will send week
tures of the Living Land alleviates
back the stelae if you send me adequate " Eat gospog for breakfast.
postage. Hope to hear from you soon.
Also: have you considered an inva-
 Your Storm Knight,  Shu, King of the Sky
sion timeline, beside that given in the The Gray Ghost
novel trilogy? An overall, objective
worldview of the opening events of
the war could add a lot of comprehen-
essentially introducing a new world. will be produced in a similar format as
sibility to the game. Just an idea,
The basic Torg system still applies, but Creatures of Aysle (which is currently
the world itself needs to be defined, being produced and readied for sale).
Until Ryuchi Kanawa smiles
polished, and explained in great de- As to an invasion timeline  we
Dan Swensen

tail. In addition, with the early source- hope to get to that as soon as possible.
Helena, MT
books, there was no  standard that We agree with you that, with all that s
Thanks for the Kudos! Here at WEG,
our readers could follow; we had to been happening in the Near Now, a
we appreciate all we can get! I m glad
make sure all the rules were there and timeline is important, and becoming
you re enjoying the game so much.
that they made sense. You can judge vital to the campaign structure. We
Now, on to the rest of your letter.
for yourself how well we did. We expect that, when we get the time
Yes, The Living Land sourcebook is a
think that, considering the newness of (soon, we hope), we will publish a
bit  illo-shy, especially in regard to
the Torg game, we did all right. timeline in Infiniverse and, perhaps, in
the various creatures of the Living
Now, however, we can settle back a the upcoming (next year) Core Earth
Land. Sorry about that. When we
little bit. Most of our readers are be- sourcebook. While it is not something
were producing The Living Land
coming comfortable with the system, at the top of our  take care of today
sourcebook, it was hard on the heels of
and they need a little less explanation list, we are definitely planning on do-
the Torg system itself, and was quickly
with each new book. We hope that ing it.
followed by The Nile Empire. As you
some of that space can be transferred
can imagine, time was pretty tight
to art in the future. In addition, the
around then.
Creatures of the Living Land book (title
And so was space. When we come
pending) will have illustrations for
out with a new sourcebook, we are
each creature in the Living Land. It


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Torg Infiniverse Magazine 38
Torg Infiniverse Magazine 01
Torg Infiniverse Magazine 36

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