Torg Infiniverse Magazine 15

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
Volume 1, Number 15 C A M P A I G N G A M E September, 1991*  $2.00
In preparation for All Hallow s Eve, here ing a monster s true death (sometimes
is the third card face for the action deck. accidentally) or towards completing an
Appropriately, it is designed for Orrorsh, important occult ritual. In other realms,
but it can be used in other realms as well. major mysteries can be made simpler
by the playing of this card.
Once the Research has been used, it
This card may be used by the player
is removed from play.
who draws it, or it may be traded to
another player if she wishes to use it.
Rumors and News ....... 2 The card is then set out facing the
When Flee appears on the conflict
line, it indicates a worsening of for-
The Research card is similar to the
Elder Gods and tune  something has gone wrong &
Alertness and Idea cards only, because
or gotten worse. The heroes are forced,
it is a Subplot, it has a greater range of
for this round only, to attempt to break
Fax Machines ................ 3
effect. When the characters are at-
off the combat. A +3 is given to all
tempting to solve a mystery or over-
maneuvers or other actions that the
Dispatches ..................... 7
come a dilemma, the Research card
gamemaster feels are honest attempts
allows them to discover clues they
by the players to Flee, and no other
Your Letters ................. 11
otherwise would have missed (or, in
actions are allowed (unless the hero is
some cases, have already missed). It
being forced to perform some other
Herald Messages ........ 12
allows them to have leaps of insight or
action not of his or the party s choos-
merely to  get lucky when solving a
*Oops! As you may have noticed, there Because of the Power of Fear that
are two September issues. This is the real The gamemaster should be inven-
permeates their existence, Orrorshan
one. Infiniverse #13 should have been dated
tive when working the Research into the
characters are allowed a +5 bonus in-
July, 1991, and Infiniverse #14 should have
adventure; in Orrorsh, this card can be
stead of +3.
been dated August, 1991. As of this issue,
used to prod character s towards find-
the temporal discontinuity is eliminated.
( Curses! Foiled again!  Dr. Mobius)
Contributors This Issue:
Greg Farshtey, Bill Smith, and Ed
Run Away!
Stark and an accurate alarm clock.
S: V Test H Flee
D: H  V Breaks
Skill A B C D
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
card has been played down.
clues to a mystery when this
needed, but unexpected,
The gamemaster supplies
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
Rumors and News
4. Ninja vampyres stalking Tokyo. A 4. Cyberpapal-controlled computer
irst Indication reports on
resounding True (20). companies producing propagandistic
the newest batch of ru-
arcade games. Finally True at (16).
mors to which you have
Continuing Report: Issue #12
5. 3327 acting to prevent Senator Ty
responded. Continuing
1. Edeinos Storm Knight has un-
Gardner s run for US President. A jump
Report updates the rumors as more earthed the crown of King Pellinore,
to True (20).
and roused the legendary Questing
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
Beast. Both headed for the
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
GenCon  91
Cyberpapacy. Drops to False (17).
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
The WEG crew (alas, minus Greg
2. Victorian officials losing control
about three months. The wrap up will
Gorden) has returned from Milwau-
of their bodies and slaying themselves,
be the last report for that rumor in
kee, basking in the success of the con-
possibly as a result of the occult. Leaps
vention. Greg G. is currently on his
to True (35).
way to Oregon, from where he will
3. A mysterious net-runner named
Rumor Report
 the Phantom operating from a ter- continue to write and edit for West
The results are given a true or false, End (starting with some last-minute
minal hidden in the Paris Opera
followed by a parenthetical number. work on Tharkold sourcebook).
House. Watch that chandelier, cause
That number represents the strength Sales were terrific at the conven-
it s True (19).
of the truth or falsehood throughout
4. American media making celebri- tion, with Torg products flying out of
the Infiniverse. For example a the booth faster than we could keep
ties out of transformed edeinos,
statement which is false (15) is false
through such avenues as Things maga- track. Orrorsh, in particular, was tre-
unless the gamemaster decides to test mendously popular, but everything
zine. Oh, no, they re not, it s False (18).
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better, was moving, and we sold a good num-
5. Members of Orrorshan Hellion
the statement is actually true. Roll
Court convinced Tharkold plans a sec- ber of boxed sets (which may mean
again on 10 and 20 when testing the more Infiniverse subscribers in the near
ond invasion. Thratchen disturbed. A
truth or falsity of a reported rumor. future!)
runaway train at True (55).
We ran two seminars, both of which
6. Soviet ambassador to Japan
First Indication: Issue #13
were very interesting as we heard the
kidnapped by Mobius, who hopes to
1. Orrorshan mad scientist has dis-
questions and concerns of our fans.
learn secrets of psychic powers. Barely
covered means of trapping human
There s a lot of excitement out there
True (15).
souls in marionettes. Storm Knights
about Space Gods and Tharkold. We
murdered by demonically-possessed
The Wrap-Up: Issue #11
also got to enjoy a wonderful produc-
compatriots. Apparently not  starts
1. Dwarves living underground in
tion called  High Lord Theatre, which
out at False (13).
Norway have succeeded in raising their
had to be seen to be believed.
2. Jeff Mills, creator of the Five Realms
Tech level to 16. Finishes at True (18).
Finally, West End is happy to an-
game, fleeing the Delphi Council and
2. Resistance in France planning
nounce the hirings of administrative
currently in hiding in Oregon. True
expedition to Magna Verita. Ends at
assistant Jeff Dennis and artist John
True (18).
Lona. Welcome to the Torg team, guys
3. Hypnotic billboard in Thebes forc- 3. The Guildmaster, a mysterious
 Jeff will be playing center, John will
ing dignitaries to surrender classified
and powerful organizer of Stormers,
be at guard.
info to Mobius. True (13).
appears in Hawaii. Just True at (13).
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
Elder Gods and Fax Machines
he following is a mini- the paper and, in the blink of an eye, could trust to get the job done. But,
towered over him. since neither ever spoke to the other of
adventure set in Tokyo,
As the creature from the fax ma- their feelings, this was unknown.
Japan, within the realm
chine grabbed him, the last thing that In the process of reestablishing the
of Nippon Tech. The ad-
Hento Hirosoto, Senior Vice President offices in Orrorsh, Kanjen came under
venture reflects the growing tension
of Morinaka Exports and father of two the eye of one of the Orrorshan Night-
between the realms of Nippon and
children, thought was: mares  Skutharka, to be specific.
Orrorsh, and combines elements of
Now I ll never get those reports fin- Skutharka saw great potential in the
secrecy and deception with horror and
ished. young man s hate and fear, and took
the occult.
great pains to allow this Kanjen to
experience his  moment of crisis.
Gamemaster Note
Eventually, Skutharka was success-
ful, and Kanjen became an Orrorshan
Since this is a mini-adventure, it has
Even before the bridge from Mar-
stormer  in the service of the Night-
not been described in the detail nor-
ketplace descended on Japan, bring-
mal for Torg adventures. The mini-
ing with it the World Laws of that
Skutharka, eager to expand his in-
adventure supplies a structure for an
corporate realm, Kenji Morinaka, head
fluence into technological areas, sent
adventure, but many of the details
of Morinaka Exports, had differences
his protege back to Nippon with or-
need to be filled in or, as we say in
with his son Kanjen. Kenji (which
ders to take over Morinaka Exports 
means  second son Ken in Japanese)
at any cost. To help him, Skutharka
Fleshed out.
took over the export company after his
taught the young man a series of Oc-
elder brother Genichi ( first son Gen ),
cult rituals that would allow him to
betrayed the Morinaka Exports com-
send demons  or  Elder Gods as
pany to a competitor.
Kanjen insisted on calling them  over
While Genichi was proved guilty
Hento Hirosoto sighed as he heard
the phone lines.
and exiled, the younger Kanjen
the familiar buzz of his fax machine.
Kanjen, not trusting his father, knew
Morinaka blamed his father Kenji for
Another distraction, he thought. Ah, well;
that he had to kill off any potential
usurping his position. Indeed, when
it cannot be helped.
heirs to the throne of Morinaka Ex-
the bridge from Marketplace dropped,
Feeling the cold plastic of the fax
ports before he could kill his father
the World Laws of betrayal and Ven-
machine while keeping his eyes on the
and take over. Indeed, with the new,
geance only heightened emotions al-
computer monitor, Hento reached over
Marketplace-imposed laws, it was
ready there. Kanjen became convinced
and picked up the fax.
unlikely that even killing his father
that his father hated him and was only
But even before Hirosoto looked at
with him being the unspoken heir
looking for a way to supplant him
the paper, he knew something was &
would get him anything.
with one of the other vice presidents.
wrong. As he tore it off, he felt the
Plus, Kanjen wanted revenge.
Then, one day, Kanjen was sent to
paper turn brittle and old. He looked
So, with Skutharka s aid and ad-
Indonesia. After the Possibility Wars
vice, he began a series of betrayals and
began, many of Morinaka s holdings
In his lap was an ancient piece of
murders that has drawn the Storm
abroad became unreachable, includ-
parchment inscribed with red and
Knights into the web of fear that is
ing those in the Orrorshan realm. Af-
black letters and symbols. As he stared,
Orrorsh, tempered with the deceit and
ter the exile of the Gaunt Man and the
open-mouthed, the symbols began to
betrayal of Nippon.
settling of the Victorians, Kenji de-
move and swirl, pooling in the center
cided he should try to reestablish ties
of the paper.
A Contact in Tokyo
with the southern holdings. He sent
Gasping, Hento dropped the paper
his only son.
onto the floor and stood up quickly.
The Storm Knights have been con-
Kanjen believed that his father was,
He felt a shock as his right arm im-
tacted by Chen Low, a Chinese Storm
by sending him to the Realm of Hor-
pacted with the computer monitor and
Knight currently employed as a
ror, trying to get rid of him, but he
knocked it over. Glancing reflexively
troubleshooter for Morinaka Exports.
went nonetheless. In truth, Kenji be-
at the machine, Hento nearly missed
He has been contracted to solve the
lieved that Kanjen was the only one he
the large, dark shape that grew out of
mysteries of the three murders before
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
another one occurs. He has hired the
Storm Knights to help.
Chen Low is a martial artist of the
F rom the Desk of Kenji Morinaka,
Tai Chi school (six levels acquired)
and has all the skills of a private inves-
President of Morinaka Exports
tigator. He became a Storm Knight
after surviving an attack by MarSec DATE: 9/18/91
agents on his village in China. Cur- TO: All senior and junior executives
rently, he is working to get contacts RE: The unfortunate deaths of Hento Hirosoto, Jinsen Kowasaki, and
within Tokyo so he can take revenge Mirena Tenkinsen
on Kanawa eventually.
While we regret the unfortunate quests for leave have been indefi-
incidents of the past three nights, nitely postponed, and sick calls will
The Murder Scenes
we at Morinaka Exports have not be scrutinized most thoroughly.
Each of the three vice presidents made a habit of panicking at the All questions about these kill-
was murdered in his or her office on first sign of trouble. We will con- ings by staff members and employ-
the twenty-forth floor of the Morinaka tinue our operations as normally as ees will be brought to my attention
Building. Each was alone in the office, possible, confident in the security or the attention of the department
and the security cameras and moni- of our building and grounds. heads immediately. All questions
tors outside the offices showed no one All staff and employees are ad- from outside the company are to be
entering or exiting except the murder vised that, because of the need for answered,  no comment.
victim. solidarity and mutual support, re- Thank you for your cooperation.
Inside the offices, which Chen Low
will help the Knights investigate, is a
gruesome scene. The murder victims
anything. He will refer them to the Morinaka) has been trying to leverage
were, apparently, torn or blasted apart,
sole surviving vice president, Kanjen Morinaka into a buyout. Kenji
and the the furniture and machinery
Morinaka. Morinaka has been, so far, successful
in each office was almost all destroyed.
in resisting all takeover attempts, but
If a Knight makes an evidence analysis
this latest crisis could cause the com-
or Perception total of 14 or higher on Kanjen Morinaka
pany to lose enough face to push them
the furniture or the walls, she sees
Whether the Knights question Chen
over the edge.
large claw marks as if a wild beast had
Low or not, they will eventually meet
raked across them.
with Kanjen Morinaka. He is the sole Kanjen and
In addition, if the Knights ask, or if
remaining VP of the company, and it
Chen Low s Plan
they make a Perception or evidence analy-
is he who they have been  effectively
sis of 15 or higher, they notice that the
Although Kanjen Morinaka is not
 hired to protect.
sole surviving appliance in each office
Kanjen is young, in his early twen- pleased at the Knights presence, he is
is the fax machine. It is blood-and-
not one to waste resources. He has a
ties, but tall and strong. He has a strong
gore-spattered, but otherwise un-
presence and good business intelli- plan that he and Chen developed to
touched. Near each of the fax machines
insure his safety. During this after-
gence. Underneath, however, there is
is a crumpled and bloodstained piece
noon, the Knights will, their business
a touch of insecurity and fear. Of
of ancient parchment, about the size of
apparently concluded, leave the
course, this can be attributed to the
a fax sheet, but brittle and old. There is
Morinaka building. Then, six hours
events of the last three nights.
no writing on any of the papers.
later, at seven o clock, they will  break
When the Knights meet with
into the Morinaka Building using
Kanjen, he will greet them, but coldly.
The VPs
Kanjen does not like the idea of out- Kanjen s pass key and their own stealth
The three vice presidents, Hento
abilities to avoid detection.
siders, especially Gaijin, if there are
Hirosoto, Jinsen Kowasaki, and Mirena
The Knights will then sneak up to
any westerners in the Storm Knights
Tenkinsen were killed on three con-
the twenty-fourth floor and into
party, prowling around the offices.
secutive nights. Hento was working
Kanjen s office, where they will hide.
His father, however, has insisted that
late, Jinsen was, according to her notes,
Kanjen himself has volunteered to re-
he be protected.
called in unexpectedly to the office by
main in the office as  bait for the trap.
Kanjen, if asked, will reluctantly
Kenji Morinaka, and Mirena was wait-
They will wait and jump the attacker
reveal that the three murder victims
ing for the company security team to
were all working on counter-indus- when he (or it) arrives.
arrive and escort her home.
trial espionage at the time of their
Storm Knight Variants
If the Knights ask Chen Low what
demise, and he has been doing the
the execs were working on, he will
same. It seems that another company
Both Low and Kanjen are the most
claim he doesn t know  and their
(owned by the Kanawa Corporation,
comfortable with this plan, and will
files are too destroyed to determine
if the Knights make inquiries outside
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
resist any major changes. If the Knights ing city of Tokyo. The gamemaster (comparatively speaking) reflects the
ask why they must sneak back into the should provide hints and clues that help they get from Kanjen.
building, they are answered that: something  wrong is happening at When the Knights  break in (us-
Morinaka; that people are getting very ing Kanjen s card to open all the locks),
" No one knows who the murderer is,
afraid; and that someone is trying to they should not have to make more
so it could be security;
take over the company. Keep in mind, than five skill checks to get to the
" If they wait around, they may scare however, Kenji s memo to his employ- twenty-third floor  Kanjen has been
ees when answering Storm Knights efficient in his  sabotage.
off the attacker, as he seems to know
when the victim is alone;
" No one but Chen Low and Kanjen
The Take-Over
However, when the Knights reach
will know they are returning, so none
The take-over actually has nothing the twenty-third floor, there are a
of the employees can talk.
to do with this adventure; it was just group of Morinaka security guards
Kanjen will arrange for cameras and
an auspicious time for Kanjen to begin waiting for them. The only way to the
monitors to be  directed away from
his plan. The take-over is a red herring separate stairwell that leads to the
the stairs and landings, and for the
Kanjen uses to detract attention from executive level is, effectively, through
lights to be dimmed. He will also at-
his activities. them.
tempt to re-route the human security
This should appear odd to the
forces to other parts of the building at
Knights, as the guards are, truly, wait-
The  Break In:
this time.
ing for them. There are two per Storm
Gamemaster Note
Knight, and two are possibility-rated.
Investigation They are well armed and armored,
The average difficulty for the
and they have orders  from Kanjen
Knights stealth and other related ma-
The Knights should be allowed to
himself  to  stop the murderers from
neuvers should average, for the pur-
investigate the area, make contacts,
reaching him.
poses of breaking into the building,
and have encounters within the lower
about 14. This relatively low difficulty
levels of Morinaka and the surround-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
tiger (described on page 103 of the Death  benefit and all other
The Voice from Above
Orrorsh sourcebook). The creature is Orrorshan powers and abilities until
Should the Knights get past the
being held in one corner of the room he can reconnect. Kanjen will tend to
guards, they can make their way to
by Kanjen, who is holding a strange, fight using Nippon weapons and abili-
Kanjen s office, only to find he is gone.
multi-limbed amulet that glows a ties, however, as he was not long
On a Perception total of 10 or higher,
sickly yellow color. enough in Orrorsh to learn spells.
however, they notice that the inter-
When the Knights enter, the crea-
Gamemaster Note
com on his desk is  open, apparently
ture is threatening (or has killed, if
locked into another office. A Percep-
they take too long) Chen Low. Kanjen
The conflict with Kanjen and the
tion or evidence analysis or science (me-
is on the other side of the creature and
were-tiger is the Dramatic Conclusion
chanical) total of 13 reveals that the
a bleeding but alive Kenji is sitting on
of the adventure. Flesh out Kanjen to
button has been accidentally stuck
the floor across the room.
fit your campaign and, by no means,
down  this was not planned.
When the Knights see the gospog,
restrict yourself to killing him off im-
The Knights, listening at the inter-
they have to make a Perseverance DN
mediately, or to mundane abilities and
com, can hear voices. One is obviously
of 12 or higher (see the Orrorsh source-
powers. Make him interesting and
Kanjen Morinaka, low and threaten-
book for details), but, because they
devious; if he cannot win, he will flee,
ing, another is Chen Low s astounded
have made it through the previous
leaving the monster to cover his tracks.
and anxiety-ridden, while the third is
scenes, they start with a Perseverance
a pain-soaked but dignified older voice
rating of 10 (11 if Chen Low is still
that, presumably, belongs to Kenji
Morinaka, Kanjen s father.
In order to deal with the gospog,
After the Knights deal with Kanjen
If anyone understands Japanese in
the Knights must kill it in its monster
and the monster, they will have to deal
the group, or if they can make a lan-
form  a form it is trapped in until it
with the consequences. If Kenji or, at
guage total of 12 or higher, they deter-
kills Kenji Morinaka. When Kanjen
least, Chen Low remain alive, they
mine that Kenji is claiming that he set
sees the Knights, he will instruct it to
will be able to talk to the security force
up the vice presidents to be murdered
kill them, and it will try, because he
and convince them that they weren t
and if he is not given complete control
bears an amulet that keeps it from
the murderers that Kanjen said they
of the company, he will  let the crea-
accomplishing its mission.
ture loose on his father. Kenji is re-
The amulet gives the bearer +15 to
If Kanjen remains alive, he will, at
sisting, but his voice is growing fainter,
all attempts at intimidation versus this
the very least, try to make life difficult
and Chen Low is both angry with
specific creature. When it kills Kenji, it
for the heroes and, if he was victori-
Kanjen and anxious about  the crea-
will vanish, the ritual completed. If it
ous, he will probably try to kill or
ture threatening him and his em-
cannot, then it will stay until it dies. It
blackmail them. Kenji, on the other
will kill anyone Kanjen tells it to until
hand, will be sad but grateful and will
If the Knights wait around too long,
he loses the amulet. Then, if it can, it
reward successful Storm Knights.
they hear a scream and then static.
will turn on him.
The Creature from
The True Monster
Saving Kenji from the were-tiger
Kanjen is a true Orrorshan mon- and killing it is a success, worth eight
ster. He has a True Death that he must
possibilities. Killing Kanjen but allow-
Upstairs, in Kenji Morinaka s pent-
be killed by a relative (a job Kenji will
ing Kenji to be killed is a partial suc-
house office, a horror from Orrorsh
reluctantly perform)  and he knows
cess, worth four possibilities. If Kanjen
has been transported in. It is a third-
and fears this. He is possibility rated
wins or gets away after killing Kenji,
planting Orrorshan gospog  a were-
but, if he disconnects, he loses the True
award the Knights no possibilities.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
Dispatches and Rumors
computer system and prove Kanawa s California, observe the bank s finan-
money laundering efforts, or even cial records. With scholar (computer sci-
move funds around, creating panic on ence) rolls against difficulties of ranges
the Tokyo stock exchange. 10-18, the Storm Knights will be able
Of course, that presumes this is not to move money around in the bank s
a  sting operation set into motion by system. With a science (computers) total
local authorities or even the Delphi of 20, they will be able to plant a virus
The Kanawa Corporation s plans
Council. The Storm Knights will prob- that will eventually give them all of
to influence the economy of the West
ably spend a great deal of time think- the Bank of Japan system codes after
Coast are finally coming to fruition.
ing that this is  just too easy, espe- the Bank of Japan takes control.
While there has been growing unease
cially when the banker, Greg However, bank security program-
over the level of Japanese investment
MacDonald, demands that the meet- mers will be allowed to make a scholar
in the newly reclaimed West Coast,
ing be held at the Vineyard Avenue (computer science) roll against the to-
the Delphi Council, President
Plaza, an upscale, urban, open air tals generated by the Storm Knights; if
Quartermain and Congress have all
plaza. their totals are equal to or greater than
encouraged this involvement because
In fact, MacDonald is being investi- the Storm Knights totals, then the tam-
of the economic growth it encourages.
gated and followed by Kanawa agents, pering has been detected, and in all
Now, those Japanese yen are even more
who infiltrated the bank several probability, all of the access codes will
vital: the First Citizens Bank of Cali- months ago (they were responsible for be changed. They have skill values of
fornia, the second largest bank in the
a series of bad investments that helped 14.
state, has collapsed under the strain of
bankrupt the company). The agents Critical Event: The Knights must
both the invasion and the Savings and
have been following MacDonald, and prevent the Nippon/Bank of Japan
Loan crisis.
in classic espionage movie fashion, agents from finding out that
None of the other major American
just after the meeting is concluded, the MacDonald has sold the security codes
banks are strong enough to save the
Storm Knights will see MacDonald for a Good result (6 or above). If the
floundering bank, but the Bank of Ja- being roughly pushed into a side hall- agents find out about MacDonald s
pan has offered to bail out the bank
way by several suspicious looking illegal activities, the Storm Knights
provided special permission is granted
gentlemen. get a Bad result (2 or below).
from Congress. Rumors abound in
The agents plan on putting
Houston that the Bank of Japan is ask- MacDonald in their car and taking
ing that the rules concerning foreign
him to a Kanawa business for ques-
ownership of banks, investment lim- tioning (the setup for Lunton Bio- The demons of the Wild Hunt have
its in American businesses and other been turned loose on the Home Guard
chemical from Operation: Hard Sell
trade limitations be lifted. of London. Wotan has returned to
could be used, or another location
This is where the Storm Knights Aysle!
could be mapped out).
enter the picture. They learn through a The first attack was staged on a
The agents will also pursue the
disgruntled First Citizens Bank of massive Dwarven trading caravan
Storm Knights, thinking that they are
California employee that they can eas- government agents (at this point, the
laden with food and headed for Lon-
ily get access to that banks computer don. Over 100 Dwarves were killed, as
Kanawa operatives have no idea that
system if they are willing to pay the well as nearly two dozen hired guards.
MacDonald has sold the computer
price for the security codes. Once they In the past week, over a half dozen
system entry codes; they will soon
are in the bank s system, they may be attacks have been staged on wealthy
enough however).
able to plant a computer virus. merchants and Home Guard patrols.
Whether or not the codes work is
If the virus is well hidden, the Bank Ships on the Thames have also been
dependent upon whether the Knights
of Japan may unknowingly take it into attacked and sunk. Food and other
try to infiltrate the computer system
its computer system. After a predeter- within one day of the Nippon agents
critical supplies are beginning to run
mined time, the virus will activate. If short  once again, the people of Lon-
capturing MacDonald. If they do so,
the Storm Knights are clever, they will
the Storm Knights will be able to in- don are holding out no matter how
be able to program it to give them all of
vestigate any company doing busi- great the danger, but it is clear that the
the access codes to the Bank of Japan s peoples spirit has been weakened due
ness with the First Citizens Bank of
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
to the huge number of foes that have with additional +2 when defending many decades (Uthorion always con-
embattled the city since the invasion. against magical attacks) sidered Devogar somewhat of an an-
The Wild Hunt is yet another threat, noyance). After testing the spell here
Critical Event: Getting the badly
and one that seems far more danger- in CyberFrance and far away from the
needed shipment of food into London
ous and evil than any they have faced prying eyes of both Uthorion and
is a Good result (6 or above). If the
since the bridges dropped. Ardinay, he plans on dropping this
caravan or ship is stopped, the Storm
Ardinay has issued a queenswrath spell into the heart of Oxford. Then, he
Knights get a Bad result (2 or below).
against the Wild Hunt, but no one yet will be able to assume the position of
has come forward to defend the realm. High Lord (or so he believes).
The Storm Knights will be hired to
guard a food shipment, either by road
Through a contact, the Storm
or ship. In any event, there will be the
Knights gain word of a terrible disas-
Dodge 15, maneuver 13, melee weap-
inevitable confrontation with the Wild
ter about to occur in the Les Vosges
ons 16, missile weapons 16, prestidigi-
region of CyberFrance. A renegade
tation 15, unarmed combat 17
Once entering combat, the Storm
Ayslish magician named Devogar has
Knights will discover that the demons
perfected a ward that is deadly to most
of the Wild Hunt are much more pow-
humans (even Storm Knights). He has
erful than they were at the beginning
cast it on the rail lines running into the
Alteration magic 24, divination magic
of the invasion. Then come the ques-
city of Epinal. If the trains are not
20, evidence analysis 18, find 17, lan-
tions  where did they gain this extra
stopped and the mage s plan ruined,
guage 19, scholar (Aysle lore) 19, trick
power? Why wasn t the full power of
hundreds of people will die.
the hunt turned loose? Could there be
If the Storm Knights go to the local
a new, powerful aide to Wotan lead-
authorities with this information they
Apportation magic 19, conjuration
ing a small portion of the Wild Hunt?
risk being executed as heretics and
magic 25, survival 17, test of will 19,
magic users. This area is also the source
The Wild Hunt willpower 21
of constant conflict  the people have
(2 per Storm Knight)
resisted the advances of the
Charm 19, persuasion 19, taunt 16
Cyberpope, so the authorities may
Beast riding 17, dodge 19, flight 18
believe that the characters claims are
Corruption 12, faith (Corba al) 15, in-
(speed value 18), maneuver 17, melee
a trap. There is a local fear among the
timidation 17, reality 28
weapons 18, unarmed combat 21
people of the region  they claim to be
Possibilities: 24
able to feel the imminent danger  in
Arcane Knowledges: Death 5, life
the air. It is up to the Storm Knights to
1, darkness 3, magic 2, living forces 3,
somehow prevent this tragedy.
inanimate forces 3, avian 2, earthly 1,
Alteration magic 16, find 15, tracking
The characters can attempt the ob-
enchanted 3, entity 5, folk 2, air 2, earth
18, trick 14
vious ways  destroy the train tracks
1, fire 3, cast time 3, control 3, duration
or somehow stop the train. Storm
4, range 1, speed 2, state 3
Test 13, willpower 13
Knights with good knowledge of real-
Spells: Select at least 20 powerful
ity rules may be able to figure a way to
spells from Pixaud s Practical Grimoire.
Charm (10), persuasion (11), taunt 14
stop the mage: since such a ward would
Mass Death
be a long-range contradiction in the
Intimidation 15, reality 14
Axiom Level: 13
Cyberpapacy, either Devogar is watch-
Note: When in the form of horses,
Skill: conjuration/death 30
ing from nearby, or he has some other
ravens, hounds, or stags add +2 to
means of seeing the event occur (such Backlash: 11
maneuver skill
as a hidden video camera that broad- Difficulty: 11
Possibilities: 4 each
casts the signal to him). If he isn t Effect Value: 30
Spells: polymorphism
watching the event happen, he can Bonus Number to: duration
Arcane Knowledges: entity 3, folk
only use his base reality skill to beat the
Range: 15 (one kilometer)
effect value (he wouldn t be able to
Natural Tools: (as raven) beak
Duration: 13 (six minutes)
generate a reality total), so the spell
(damage value STR +2/17); (as hound)
Cast Time: 18 (one hour)
would automatically fail.
teeth (damage value STR +3/18); (as
Manipulation: cast time, control,
Devogar s motives are simple  he
horse) hooves (damage value STR +2/
duration, range, speed, state
knows that Uthorion is no longer High
17); (as stag) antlers (damage value
This ward will only affect humans.
Lord and believes he would be a suit-
STR +3/18)
When activated, the air swirls into a
able replacement. If he can create death
Equipment: (as squire) enchanted
roiling, pitch-black cloud, from which
on an incredible scale he believes he
short sword (damage value STR +6/
unearthly howls and screams ema-
would be a good choice. Additionally,
21); (as hunter) enchanted broadsword
he would like to see Uthorion elimi-
(damage value STR +8/23), enchanted
The ward detects humans within
nated since they have been rivals for
chain mail (armor value TOU +5/23,
the spell s 100 meter radius with an
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
ability of 22. Once the spell is acti- stroyed, 15 dead. If they venture onto original creature may or may not still
vated, it affects every human within the river, the Storm Knights will be be around.
the radius. Compare the effect value attacked, but if the creature becomes Due to the unusual occult ritual, each
to the character s Toughness. Read the Heavily Wounded, three more Joskaltra Joskaltra is different. To determine
result points on the Extended Power will swim out to join the battle. Obvi- individual differences, roll a bonus
Push Table and add 11 to the total. ously, someone has managed to create number (rolling again on 10 s and 20 s)
Find the result points on the Combat more of the creatures. and then apply the bonus as attribute
Results Table to determine the dam- The creatures do have a lair, but it points for the individual creature. Also,
age inflicted on each character in the can only be reached by swimming each creature s appearance is
cloud. through a series of underwater cham- somehow unique  an extra tentacle,
The damage is inflicted each round bers. Once the Storm Knights reach the creature has orange flecks around
the character stays in the cloud. the lair (a huge chamber completely its mouth, or whatever. Each Joskaltra
To cast this spell, the caster must submerged except for a small ledge has the ability to generate electricity as
have a human skull and a bucket filled and a bubble of air, with a cave en- per the original creature.
with a mixture of water and black ink. trance running into the caverns of
Critical Event: Stopping the attacks
The character must recite a memorized Orrorsh), they will realize that there
on shipping and stopping Shearson s
chant while casting, and at the are nearly a score of the creatures liv-
experiments is a Good result (6 or
conclusion of the chant, the caster must ing there, but some are still young and
above). Not stopping the attacks is a
immerse the skull in the bucket, weak.
Bad result (2 or below).
overturns the bucket and then smashes Ultimately, it turns out that an oc-
the bucket and the skull into tiny cultist named Jonathan Shearson has
pieces. The object the ward is to be been responsible for creating creatures
placed into must then be touched out of the first. As part of the bizarre
within one minute, and while touching occult ritual, each creature is some-
it, the caster must speak aloud,  Death how unique, if not in appearance, then
come and claim those who enter. in abilities. Fortunately for the Storm The battle of the giant clans of Aysle
Knights, the Joskaltra aren t true  mon- is escalating. This much is known to be
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
sters with the powerful abilities of true: the Chamkatt tribe attacked and
must stop the train from passing over
other Orrorshan creatures. slaughtered many giants from the Polja
the ward and triggering the spell. Pre-
tribe. After their  great victory, the
venting these hundreds of needless
Chamkatts moved on to the Tipperary
deaths is a Good result (6 or above).
area of Ireland.
Not stopping the deaths is a Bad result
Dodge 14, maneuver 13, swimming 16
Somehow, word of the massacre
(2 or below).
has gotten over the maelstrom bridge
and to the rest of the Polja tribe. The
blood feud, which has lasted over 300
Find 11, tracking 13
years, is now being brought to Earth.
Finally some clues as to the linger-
It is believed that a force of nearly
ing stories that the Joskaltra is still
Survival 12, willpower 13
one thousand Poljas are gathering and
spreading terror in Orrorsh (see Dis-
ready to descend on the bridge near
patch #3 in Infiniverse #9). Depending
Belfast. If the Poljas make it to Earth,
upon the actions of your group of
Intimidation 14
all of Northern Ireland could be de-
Storm Knights, either the original
Possibilities: 4
stroyed in the conflict.
Joskaltra was stopped or it soundly
Natural Tools: teeth (damage value
trounced the mighty heroes; in any
STR +3/25), spines (damage value STR
event, your Dispatch Responses indi-
cated that other creatures matching
Note: When a Joskaltra has been
Disturbing stories are coming from
the Joskaltra s description have been
out of water for more than six rounds,
the Nile Empire. Mobius has moved a
spotted in other portions of Orrorsh.
the electricity imbued in its spines be-
small number of his MB11-Nekata
Did the hideous creature somehow
gins to spark. It may hurl electrical
heavy bombers from airstrips near
reproduce, or were more created
bursts with a damage value of 19 and
Hespera to air fields on the edge of the
through some occult ritual? Now, these
a range of 30 meters (use Dexterity to
Israeli front.
questions will be answered &
hit, since it has no energy weapons
While this front hasn t seen much
They will receive word that a
fighting in the past few weeks, sur-
Joskaltra has ravaged shipping from
The original Joskaltra looks like an
veillance missions by brave Israelis
the city of Medan. Apparently, the
Other, but very bloated. Its spines ap-
and Jordanians have shown that sev-
creature (or creatures) has taken up
pear rigid and sharp, and its mouth is
eral of the battlegroups are moving
residence just outside of the harbor,
filled with large, razor-sharp teeth.
towards the front as well.
but it only attacks smaller peasant
Depending upon your Storm Knights
It is believed that the MB11 s are
boats. The toll has been five boats de-
actions for the original dispatch, the
being equipped with reality bombs. If
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
this is so, a few quick missions could survivor, and she has taken to the ing the creatures to slaughterhouses
help Mobius complete his conquest of underground tunnels beneath the city. in the Arizona and New Mexico mixed
the Middle East. The Israeli intelli- However, is there any truth to the zones. Armed with rifles, two-way
gence agency believes that Mobius will rumor that she was wearing an Allied radios, helicopters, horses and tra, the
try to take the small nation first and camcorder built into an earring? If so, cowboys enter the mists searching for
sweep up the coast toward Lebanon. she has valuable footage that could large herds of edible creatures. The
However, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi help prove that all is not as it appears most sought after creatures are carnol,
Arabia are massing their forces near to be in Japan. This footage, if distrib- grotuk, tra and udatok.
the Gaza strip, but obviously an active uted around the world, would also Although some people consider
defense of Israel is not their highest give groups of Storm Knights a chance eating the Takta Ker lizard meat a
priority. to learn about the combat tactics of distasteful proposition, the lower cost
these creatures before having to face of the meat compared to beef has al-
them in combat. lowed the concept to become popular.
Some supermarkets have even begun
The first  public appearance of
selling the meat alongside beef,
Nippon Tech s fifth generation gospog
chicken, pork and other traditional
was a resounding success for 3327. Mix marketing and the Living Land
choices. The meat processing compa-
MarSec security agents and the pair of and what do you get?  Burger Rex, a
nies are downplaying rumors that
gospog successfully eliminated a chain of new fast food restaurants serv- some people have gotten violently ill
group of Storm Knights near the Ka- ing grilled  not fried  giant lizard
after consuming giant lizard meat.
nawa Corporation s headquarters in meat. The cowboys (or  lizboys ) of
downtown Tokyo. There was but one the southwestern U.S. are busy herd-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
Your Letters
1. What exactly does  Nippon
Would it be possible for a large elf would probably have more cha-
mean? Who owns the Nippon building
group of people to temporarily stop risma and so on.
and Nippon Steel in downtown To-
time in a given area if they expelled 4. My players think that the max
mass amounts of possibility energy, damage on the Strength-based weap-
2.Where can I find Baruk Kaah s
or possibly slow time temporarily? ons are too low. Even an Ord will
 Casey Childers, escape with only a few shocks if he is
3. Is the Aysle realm still draining
Rex, GA tough enough or has enough armor. So
Possibilities from Earth? If yes, does
I suggest that all Strength-based
To answer your first question,
Ardinay know about it and what can
weapons get their max damage value
Casey, probably not. Remember that
she do to stop it?
increased by +5 or so.
damage done in the Net is mental
4. Are the bridges from Osaka to
5. Some cards do increase the effect
damage, not physical damage. While
Marketplace in plain view? How about
total in combat. Can this bonus that
there can be physical effects (a KOed
the bridge from Sacramento to Mar-
the card gives increase the damage of
character is unconscious outside the
a Strength-based weapon beyond the
Net, too, and death is both physical
 Joe Farrell
max damage limit?
and mental), wounds do not appear
N. Merrick, NY
 Roger Myhre
on the body to match those in the VX
Oslo, Norway
1.  Nippon is the name by which
the Japanese refer to their land. Thus a
As for the second, that sounds sus- Let s start at the top:
gamemaster character referring to Ja-
piciously like a group power, but one 1. Effects of taunt, intimidation, trick,
pan as  Nippon does not necessarily
we ve never heard of before. If it were test and maneuver attacks are opera-
mean he knows it s a realm now.
possible to stop time, how would the tional only for the round following the
By this time, Kanawa probably
characters know it, as they would be one in which they made. The excep-
owns both those buildings. The Nip-
affected also? There are Ayslish spells tion to this is the player s call, which
pon Building and Nippon Steel are
which can temporarily freeze or accel- can be used to cause an opponent to
actual places in Tokyo, by the way.
erate time, but as yet no way to do it in surrender.
2. Infiniverse, issue #4, page 3.
the manner you described. 2. Yes, it should (page 83 of the
3. Yes, it is. As long as the stelae are
Living Land sourcebook). In addition,
in place and the Darkness Device is
1. If a player or NPC makes a fairly not all edeinos have the reality skill,
active, possibility energy is being
successful intimidation or taunt at- only those who are Possibility-rated,
drained. To stop this, Ardinay would
tack against a foe, will the effect of and those that do would have it at a
have to destroy her realm, something
this attack only last to the opponent s value of at least 11, not 9 as listed.
she is reluctant to do until the evils
next action? Or will the effect last 3. A very good point. Essentially,
assailing this planet are expunged.
until the confrontation is over, or the the only restriction (beyond general
After that, well, who knows, she may
opponent manages to clear his mind? cosm limits) we make on the design of
decide Earth people could use some
2. Shouldn t the edeinos be skilled templates is that all starting charac-
guidance from the Ayslish &
in unarmed combat? The edeinos ters have 66 attribute points. If you
4. Nippon s maelstrom bridges are
listed in the Living Land sourcebook want to design an elf template with
in their purest form, without the adorn-
do not have this skill. higher Charisma but limited Spirit, say,
ments that other High Lords attach.
3. Some of the invading cosms have you can.
They appear as thin beams of light,
several types of beings that it is pos- The main reason we did not do that
and are extremely difficult to see. They
sible to play. Aysle has humans, elves, is so that players can have more free-
tend to travel through cloud banks
dwarves, and so on. But shouldn t dom in their design of characters. Af-
into the roofs of skyscrapers, to make
these races within these cosms also ter all, some elven clerics might be
them as difficult to spot as possible.
have certain maximum limits? For very charismatic, while some warriors
instance, the stalenger with its soft might not be. In addition, placing lim-
If a person loses a limb in the
body and structure would probably its on various aspects of the characters
GodNet, does it affect his or her
not be as tough as a human or edeinos of assorted races means a good deal
phsyical self, i.e., causes a character
but it might be more dextrous. Dwarves more bookkeeping for beginning play-
to limp, trouble picking things up, etc.
might be tougher than an elf, but the ers to do when designing their charac-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 15 / September, 1991*
4. Keep in mind that the max. dam-
Herald Messages
age values given for Strength-based
weapons relate to the set damage that
Deep within the Land Below, there lies Omegatron Destroyed!
can be done with it, barring any bo- a temple dedicated to Hyperios, a math- In a daring raid on the palace of Dr.
ematician whom legend states demanded Mobius, the agents of the Golden Brother-
nus. For example, if you are a giant
power from Isis  and got it. Legend also hood destroyed the satanic device and
with Strength of 18, there s not much
states that he will grant that power to freed its 63 captives. Also rescued were
point in using a Strength+3 club with a
anyone who can find the temple & the Guardian, the Wraith and  Diamond
maximum damage value of 19.
 Dominick Riesland, Jack Murphy. Their captor, the Prioress,
However, if a Core Earth character
Milwaukee, WI was killed. Raid also exposed Deathhawk.
with a Strength of 9 takes the club and
 The Cairo Clarion
Angus Cage:
swings, generating a total of 31 for 10
We need to talk! The southern Virginia Living Land ste-
bonus points, he can do damage value
 Mahound lae has been replaced and is under heavy
22 with the club.
guard. Many Virginia and West Virginia
5. Cards can be used to increase
I used to be just another benthe, but inhabitants have gone up in flames after
both effect and damage values for any
look at me now! Transforming to Nile these repeated transformations. The Cen-
axioms was the best thing that ever hap- tral City, NE stelae was destroyed before
pened to me! it could be planted.
 Captain Amoeba  Christopher Scott,
I would like to see more information
Windsor, MO
on the Living Land. I would also like to
Disaster! The New Minutemen be-
see a new realm based on post-holo-
lieved the Machu Picchu sightings were  And we would have gotten away
caust reality. Finally, have you stopped
connected with Huitzilopochtli s at- with it, if not for those pesky kids and that
distributing through Waldenbooks? I
tempted return to this cosm. They nearly darn werewolf!
can no longer get any of your books started a war between Latin America and  Kibos, commenting on
the US. They are now wanted for espio-  High Lord of Earth.
anywhere in Great Falls, MT.
nage in almost all of North America.
 Andrew Garrett,
 Andrew Garrett Red Wind is dead, and I have the True
Great Falls, MT
Great Falls, MT Cross. Now get out of my face.
There are tentative plans for a Crea-  Orin-La, leader of the
Rumors that Heketon has chosen a Golden Brotherhood
tures of the Living Land book, but be-
replacement for the Gaunt Man are sur-
yond Space Gods and Tharkold, no plans
facing in Orrorsh. But is the Gaunt Man Ninja Vampires aren t so tough!
for another realm to land on Earth. As
about to break free of the Heart of Coyote,  Ensign Egypt,
for Waldenbooks, yes, we certainly
and why is Thratchen scrambling to hold the Keefee Kommando
are still distributing through
on to power?
Waldenbooks (and B. Dalton as well). Stay tuned & Yeah, right & pass the bandages.
 Mario Gintella  Colonel Cairo, Scourge
It could be your local store has just
Shreveport, LA of the Underworld
sold out, in which case you should
speak to the manager about reorder-
95-98 of the Orrorsh sourcebook). Its 1. Ed s character, a Core Earth se-
severe weakness ceases to apply, as cret agent, is fighting an edeinos. As
If an undead (vampyre, mummy or
does its True Death (this means that a maneuver is an approved action this
whatever) disconnects, does it:
horror can be truly killed by any means, round, he decides to try that.
1) Turn into an inanimate corpse;
rather than only using the method of Ed makes his roll and plays an Ac-
2) Turn into a living human being;
its True Death). The monster also loses tion card, which helps him beat the
3) Remain an undead but lose its
the ability to invoke the Power of Fear, difficulty for a successful maneuver.
special powers;
as that is an Orrorshan world law. 2. Having successfully performed
4) Remain an undead, retain its
an approved action, Ed draws a card,
special powers, but become bound by
If a character performs an action and it is another Action. That card can-
the axioms and world laws of the realm
using a card from her hand, and then not be applied to the maneuver he just
it s in.
draws a new card that can be applied performed, as that has already been
Or what?
to that action, can she use the new completed.
 Richard Byers
card for that action? Can she continue Remember that cards are only drawn
Riverview, FL
to use new cards for this action until at the end of a scene or when an ap-
she draws a card she can t use for it? proved action has been completed. Ed
 Daniel Pogoda, has to have completed the approved
A question we ve heard from a num-
Brooklyn, NY action which got him the card in the first
ber of quarters, so here s the official line:
place before he could draw one.
An undead creature, like a vampyre,
If I understand your question cor-
which disconnects does remain an
rectly, the answer is no. Here is how
undead. However, it is unable to use
the typical round goes:
its special powers (those listed on pages


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