Torg Infiniverse Magazine 01

The Infiniverse is new, the result of One, Apeiros and creation responded
a struggle older than the cosm of Core by replicating the cosmverse, creating
Earth, older than any cosm. Legends an infinite number of copies, many
say that when Apeiros fled The Place differing only in small details from
to escape the frenzied destruction of other cosmverses, some identical, some
the Nameless One, it created the first varying greatly from others. The
cosm. Then Apeiros created another, Nameless One s power was stretched
then a score of dozens more. Soon the across all the cosmverses. In most the
entire cosmverse was filled with the Everlaw of One was restored, and
Dispatches ..................... 2
cosms of its creation. Yet for all of quickly eliminated the residue of the
these cosms there was only one Nameless One s power from that
New Stuff ...................... 6 cosmverse, the sum of all the cosms cosmverse. In some the Everlaw of
which had been created. One was not restored, or not restored
The Nameless One sent Darkness fully; the cosmverses were destroyed
Creatures........................ 9
Devices, filled with shadows of its own (or are being destroyed) by the Name-
destructive power, through the multi- less One.
Your Letters ................. 11
dimensional seams bounding The But again the Void and the Name-
Place. The Darkness Devices created less One had failed to completely de-
the High Lords. When the High Lords stroy Apeiros and Eternity. In fact
invaded Earth s cosm, the Possibility creation was now far larger than it had
Wars began. ever been, for where there had been
As recounted in The Nightmare one Cosmverse, there are now as many
Dream (third novel of the Possibility as there are numbers. There is now the
Wars trilogy), Storm Knights con- Infiniverse.
fronted High Lords, and a would-be
High Lord, in Dreamtime. While the
Storm Knights had the advantage in
How Your Campaign
Dreamtime (a place conducive to crea-
Fits Into the
tion sprung from possibilities), the
power of the High Lords and the
circumstances of the confrontation
marred their plan. The most disas- Each gamemaster is assumed to be
Contributors This Issue:
trous consequence was a patterning of
running her campaign in a cosmverse
Jonatha Ariadne Caspian,
possibilities, dread possibilities, which
which is exclusive to her campaign.
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden.
acted as a beacon for the Nameless
Her Nile Empire is in a different
One. Attenuated, weakened by the
cosmverse than the Nile Empire being
convoluted dimensional path neces- run by her friend, also different from
sary to reach Dreamtime, the power of
the Nile Empire being run by another
the Nameless One still threatened to
gamemaster a thousand miles away.
overwhelm Dreamtime and the cosms
However, all three are still part of the
connected to it.
Daniel Scott Palter Infiniverse. In each campaign the Pos-
Associate Publisher:
The miracle which halted the
sibility Wars are being fought, and the
Steven Palter
growth of that power is documented
events, victories and defeats in each
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis in The Nightmare Dream. A contradic- can cause perturbations which are felt
Sales Director:
tion was soon created, as the cosms
in other cosmverses.
Sue Hartung
began to reject the possibility of the
If you wish to have your cosmverse
Karen Bayly
Nameless One. The Everlaw of One
be part of the grand story of the Possi-
immediately began to diminish the
bility Wars throughout the Infiniverse,
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
entity s power. In response the Name- this campaign game newsletter is your
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
less One destroyed the Everlaw, al- link to those other cosmverses which
lowing contradictions to exist. Freed
are also fighting the High Lords.
from the constraint of the Everlaw of
Dispatches and Rumors
ispatches are bulletins (12), faith 16 (Irishanti), focus 16, in- months away; jump starting a space
describing events and timidation 13. The ravagon has access program is a technically and organiza-
discoveries (or possibly to Core Earth miracles bless, communi- tionally imposing task. It is not known
D characters) in the realms. cate with animal spirit, cure disease, heal- what Balczesak will launch for the
They are confirmed hap- ing, ritual of hope, ritual of purification, first mission.
penings in the Infiniverse. Dispatches refresh, ward danger, ward enemy, which A German agent in place at the
may be anything from adventure also exist in the Irishanti religion. launch complex had her cover blown
hooks or leads, to specific encounters, Possibilities: 22. by the watchful informants of the In-
scenes, items, events, anything which Natural Tools: armor (defense quisition. Methodical and brutal
could be happening in the realms. They value 13), talons (damage value 15), searching of the area around the launch
are numbered for use in the response wings (speed value 13). site has continued, suggesting the In-
form (see page 13). Examples: Equipment: Holy symbol of quisition has not yet found what they
Irishantism (a religion which claims have been looking for. If a group of
the Gaunt Man as one of the seven Storm Knights could find the agent,
prophets), Staff of Righteousness (as and get her or her information to Ger-
the ravagons see things) which in the many, then more would be known. If
Chicago has become the home to at
hands of Ujeratza has a damage value the agent cannot be found, it is doubt-
least two new gospog fields  one in
of 20 (+3 for staff, +4 increased Strength ful that any intelligence agency, or the
Grant Park, the other in a razed sec- due to blessing; see page 15 of the Delphi Council, would recommend
tion of the Edgewater neighborhood
World Book), focus +4. entering the launch site on the Storm
on the north side. The gospog fields
Goals: Serve the Gaunt Man, raise Knights initiative. It is suspected that
have just been planted, so it is possible
an army of first through third planting part of the site s purpose is to draw
the first crop may be stopped by quick
gospog and lead them south along Storm Knights to it, in order to save
acting Storm Knights. The tribes of
with edeinos tribes to plant stelae in a the Inquisition the trouble of having to
edeinos in the area are reportedly rest- path which would isolate the eastern hunt them down. There is some sup-
less with their garrison duty in an area
United States from the rest of the coun- porting evidence for this theory, for
still filled with so many  death piles
try. despite all of the computing power
(large buildings), and occasionally
installed at the site, it has yet to be
stray several miles from the fields.
connected to the GodNet quite un-
However there are several dozen
usual for the Cyberpapacy. A Storm
gospog of the first planting, veterans
Knight or other agent would have to
from the attack on Chicago, which Pope Jean Malraux has given in- physically travel to the installation to
patrol the fields. Worse is the confir- creased authority and resources to a
gather much information about it, and
mation that the three gotaks of the Dr. Etienne Balczesak, previously re- it is heavily guarded by the Church
tribe have sown the perimeter of the search team leader with the French
Police, cygoyles, and members of the
fields with pain sacks (see page 24 of space program. Soviet, German and
the World Book), and that the gospog Japanese intelligence sources have all
are commanded by three to five rav- confirmed major construction projects
Agent Mimieux /Suzi Helfer (Covert
agons, who are in turn commanded by about 50 kilometers northwest of
Operative): DEX 10, STR 8, TOU 9,
Ujeratza, a ravagon veteran of three Avignon, apparently building a launch
PER 9, MIN 10, CHA 11, SPI 9.
invasions, two in the service of the site more sophisticated than any cur- Skills: reality 10, dodge 11, fire
Gaunt Man, one with Baruk Kaah. rently on Earth. All sources agree that
combat 11, energy weapons 11*, lock-
the Cyberpope has suddenly taken an
picking 11, stealth 12, disguise 12**,
Ujeratza (Ravagon Veteran): DEX 9, increased interest in space explora- find 10, first aid 10, land vehicles 10,
STR 13, TOU 10, PER 10, MIN 8, CHA tion. Given the tech axioms of the
langauge 11, test 12, charm 13, persua-
9, SPI 12. realm, this could prove devastating to
sion 15, taunt 13, intimidation 10.
Skills: reality 15, flight 15, maneu- Core Earth, and pose a problem for the
The asterisk notes that energy weap-
ver 15, stealth 13, unarmed combat 12, other High Lords as well. Even given
ons is not a template skill for covert
find 15, language 16, tracking 13, trick Cyberpapal blessing, money and mir- operative; she learned it while in the
12, test 9 (12), persuade 12, taunt 10 acles, the first mission should be a few
Cyberpapacy. The agent had earlier tian Empire with largely obsolete tech- not armed, carrying a visible sidearm
learned disguise while in the field. nology may be a lesser evil than the (usually a .45 colt automatic) when he
Possibilities: 6. other realms. There are desperate is armed.
Equipment: IriMesh armor (+3/ hopes for convincing Dr. Mobius to Goals: To rise in power within
armor value 12), Perforator II Rocket turn on the High Lord with whom Mobius s organization, and to be popu-
Pistol (Tech 24/damage value 17/ friction has already become apparent: lar and respected by the people he is
range 3-10, 25, 60), 4 Magcoder ID Pope Jean Malraux. presently victimizing.
security badges for the launch com- The ambassador is Ohan Marruk,
plex; only one of her covers has been urbane, charming, with an aristocratic Captain Achmedi: DEX 10, STR 11,
blown. bearing. His task is to establish good TOU 12, PER 9, MIN 8, CHA 8, SPI 8.
Goals: Get back to Germany. Keep relations with the United States, a dif- Skills: reality 9, dodge 11, fire com-
calm in the launch complex until the ficult if not impossible task given the bat 13, heavy weapons 11, melee weap-
search cools down enough to brave fact that Mobius and Baruk Kaah have ons 12, unarmed combat 12, land ve-
the cordon the Inquisition has estab- cooperated, at least loosely, on a num- hicles 11, persuasion 9, trick 11, taunt
lished. ber of projects. 11.
Marruk s plan is straightforward Possibilities: 7.
Dr. Etienne Balczesak: DEX 7, STR 8, he plans to build faith with the public Equipment: Achmedi is of evil in-
TOU 9, PER 11, MIN 12 (17), CHA 8, of the United States by fighting and clination. 9mm Luger (damage value
SPI 9. destroying a tribe of edeinos. His meth- 15, range 3-10, 25, 40).
Skills: reality 9 (0 adds), dodge 8 ods are convoluted. His contacts with Goals: To loyally serve Dr. Mobius,
(+1 chip for value 9), unarmed combat Baruk Kaah have provided him with and to never again have to serve under
9 (+1 chip for value 10 ), air vehicles 12, totems and jewelry from the Furrek- that buffoon Wu-Han.
evidence analysis 12, space vehicles Dah tribe, confirmed enemies of Core
12, trick 12, medicine 18, science 20 (+2 Earth United States. He plans to send
chip for value 22), test 18, willpower a company of shocktroopers into the
19, taunt (12), faith 14 (Cyberpapacy), Living Land to destroy an encamp-
intimidation 13. ment of edeinos who oppose Baruk
Rumors are unconfirmed reports
Possibilities: 9. Kaah and  skin them to the last scale .
and discoveries. It is up to you and
Equipment: EpiphaNeur, slashers The victory is to be costly; if the edeinos
your players, and the other campaigns
(STR+4, damage value 12), neuracal, do not provide enough opposition,
in the Infiniverse, to determine
chipholder 3 (with chips as mentioned the captain in charge has orders to
whether or not the rumors are true.
above), interdermal plating (+6/ ar-  arrange for higher casualties among
They are the gossip, the whispered
mor value 15), manofique. Cyber value his men. The Furrek-Dah items will
fears overheard by traveling Storm
11. then be seeded in the edeinos camp for
Knights. Rumors may be adventure
Etienne Balczesak became a stormer the benefit of the press (and US mili-
hooks, locations, encounters, scenes,
moments before he was confronted by tary inspectors). Destruction of the
items, events ... just about anything
a cyberpriest. Unfortunately for the enemy, coupled with the high casual-
possible, and probably a few which
doctor, the priest invoked a reality ties taken, are the tool Ohan Marruk
are not. When characters, items, or
storm, which Balczesak lost, trans- needs to build sympathy in the United
other information is given, it is the
forming to the Cyberpapacy. Cap- States.
best information available to Storm
tured and put through the GodNet,
Knights. Items may not be all they are
Etienne quickly and fervently con- Ohan Marruk: DEX 9, STR 8, TOU 8,
cracked up to be, and characters may
verted to the faith of Jean Malraux. PER 11, MIN 10, CHA 11, SPI 9.
prove to be tougher, or simply non-
Recognizing his usefulness, a cardinal Skills: reality 10, beast riding 10,
gave him a blessing vow which radi- dodge 11, fire combat 10, stealth 12,
The rumors are numbered for use
cally increased his mind as long as he find 12, first aid 12, land vehicles 12,
in the response form (see page 13).
loyally served Jean Malraux. langauge 12, trick 17, test 12, charm 13,
Goals: Establish a permanent space persuasion 15, taunt 13, intimidation
station, extend the reach of the God- 10.
Net to the whole world. Possibilities: 11.
Equipment: Marruk is of evil incli-
In Ohio, there is rumored to be a
nation. Solid gold cigarette case and
spring which has become a collector of
lighter, each inlaid with three half-
possibility energy. It is not an eternity
carat diamonds, several specially tai-
shard, and Possibilities cannot be
The Nile Empire is trying to estab- lored silk suits (each with a weird
drained from it, but reports suggest
lish diplomatic relations with the
science lining (Tech 25) which acts as
that it can help the miracles of healing,
United States. While most of the coun- +4 armor/armor value 12, activates
refresh, and the ritual of purification,
try is opposed to this, including even
when Ohan fingers a button on his
granting a focus and faith bonus of
some members of the Delphi Council,
coat, and the ID device inside recog-
perhaps as high as +7. It is almost as if
certain people believe that an Egyp- nizes his fingerprint). He is usually
the spring were a community of faith, military activities could involve a Maletretius powers, hoping to make
not just of the Living Land or of Core search for gold in the area. him immune to the effects of sunlight,
Earth, but a community of pure faith If the rumors of personnel move- garlic, running water, and all physical
waiting to believe. Transformed hu- ments and increased activities are cor- attacks. If the cultists are successful,
mans living in the area have claimed rect, they could have disturbing rami- Maletretius would be completely in-
that spirits now live in the spring, and fications for Core Earth, the other vulnerable, and could then go on to
more are gathering each sunset. realms, and the planet as a whole. create a race of super-vampyres that
could overrun the realm without fear
of opposition. If true, it is believed that
2 Field Major Hopten-Ra: DEX 9, STR
it will be some time before the rituals
9, TOU 9, PER 10, MIN 10, CHA 11,
can be completed. The cultists would
SPI 8.
There are unconfirmed reports of
require a great deal of silver and the
Skills: reality 9, beast riding 10,
heavy Nile shocktrooper activities in
rare intedores siana plant, which is
find 12, fire combat 10, heavy weap-
the Land of the Dead, under the com-
found only in still-untainted New
ons 10, intimidation 10, land vehicles
mand of Field Major Hopten-Ra, con-
Guinea. The rituals would also have to
10, taunt 12, unarmed combat 10.
centrating on the exploration of under-
be done in secret, lest the other crea-
Inclination: Evil.
ground tunnels that may link the Nile
tures of Orrorsh grow jealous and at-
Possibilities: 10.
Empire with the Living Land and pos-
tempt to disrupt the ceremonies.
Equipment: Kevlar armor (Tech 22
sibly other realms as well. Witnesses
+5/armor value 14), .357 Desert Eagle
report the movement of great num-
(Tech 22/ damage value 16, range 3- Maletretius: DEX 12, STR 16, TOU 18,
bers of men and vehicles, as well as the
10, 15, 40). PER 11, MIN 14, CHA 14, SPI 9.
creation of an airfield capable of ac-
Goals: To achieve military victo- Skills: reality 18, acrobatics 20,
commodating transport aircraft. It is
ries; to one day attain a promotion to dodge19, maneuver 17, running 17,
suspected that Dr. Mobius is trying to
the staff of an Overgovernor and be- stealth 20, unarmed combat 20, climb-
ascertain just how far and in which
gin accumulating political power. ing 19, alteration magic 15, find 14,
direction the tunnels go, and hopes to
language 15, scholar 16, trick 16, test
put the information to use for military
Takken Soth: DEX 8, STR 8, TOU 8, 23, willpower 23, charm 26, persua-
PER 11, MIN 11, CHA 9, SPI 9. sion 21, faith 12, intimidation 17.
In potentially related rumors,
Skills: engineering 14, evidence Possibliities: 9.
Takken Soth of the Theban Ur Guild
analysis 14, find 14, mathematics 13, Natural Tools: fangs (damage value
has been reported in the Land of the
persuasion 10, scholar 12, science12. 18).
Dead, and there are hints that  weird
Inclination: Evil. Goals: To attain complete invul-
scientist Dr. Nasca Belar and a con-
Goals: To put his knowledge of nerability to physical and non-physi-
voy of trucks departed from a research
mathematics and engineering to work cal attacks; to father a race of vampyres
center for that area at roughly the same
to gain power for Mobius, and by ex- possessed of ultimate power.
tension, himself.
The coming together of a major ex-
Typical Mordian Cultist: DEX 9, STR
ploratory expedition, an engineer, and
Dr. Nasca Belar: DEX 7, STR 7, TOU 7, 9, TOU 9, PER 9, MIN 9, CHA 9, SPI 12.
a prominent weapons scientists in so
PER 14, MIN 14, CHA 10, SPI 7. Skills: faith 14, find 11, intimida-
mysterious an area would suggest a
Skills: reality 8, evidence analysis tion 13, language 11, melee weapons
number of frightening possibilities.
16, find 16, persuasion 11, scholar 15, 11, scholar (occult lore) 11.
Worst among them is the theory that
science 18, weird science 18, willpower Equipment: dagger (Tech 7/ dam-
Mobius hopes to plant some sort of
15. age value STR+3).
explosive beneath the surface of other
Inclination: Evil. Goals: To use arcane ritual to gain
realms in preparation for some future
Possibilities: 11. power and influence in the realm of
invasion. At the least, the presence of
Goals: To create and test bigger Orrorsh.
a major destructive weapon beneath
and better (i.e., more destructive)
neighboring areas would allow Mo-
gizmos in the service of Dr. Mobius.
bius to blackmail other High Lords
and sate his financial ambitions. This,
in turn, would allow him to step up
This much is fact: dozens of years
the activities of his research and devel-
ago in the Terran cosm, a crucial battle
opment centers and his search for eter-
In the horror realm of Orrorsh, a was fought. On one side was the
nity shards.
new terror lurks. A 150-year-old dreaded villain Blackpool, and his
It is also possible that the depar-
vampyre known as Maletretius has minions, and on the other The Whis-
tures of Soth and Belar have nothing to
taken over a cult of demon-worship- per, mysterious avenger of injustice.
do with the military operation, and
pers known as the Mordians. Using a When the bloodshed was ended,
may instead involve the construction
ritual known as the Demonorum Blackpool had been buried by a cave-
of a new research and development
Majestrix, these cultists plan to increase in, and his mad schemes with him.
center in the Land of the Dead. The
The Whisper had been seriously The Whisper: DEX 9, STR 7, TOU 11, At the same time, sightings of  mon-
wounded, and his assistants killed. PER 13, MIN 15, CHA 11, SPI 6. sters have been on the rise in and
The evil one was never seen again, and Skills: reality 10, charm 12, evi- around Belfast, and the creatures have
the hero retired, apparently consumed dence analysis 17, fire combat 9, in- reportedly cut swaths of destruction
with grief over the heavy toll the battle timidation 9, persuasion 12, scholar through the area. It is a new kind of
had taken. 15, stealth 9, taunt 13, trick 14, will- terror that witnesses tell of, and the
Since that time, Mobius has dropped power 17. savagery has reportedly seriously
his maelstrom bridge and invaded Inclination: Good. shaken the morale of those still resist-
Earth. And stories have floated out of Possibilities: 11. ing in the area.
Thebes that the High Lord has a new Natural Tools: super attribute (ad- It is only lately that the Irish tale-
ally: Blackpool. Frightened servants venture cost 3); see The Nile Empire tellers have begun to make the con-
of Mobius claim that the High Lord s sourcebook for details. nection between the Viking raids and
supporters in Terra discovered Black- Equipment: twin .45 Colt auto- the stories of huge monsters. Although
pool, still alive and in suspended ani- matics (Tech 20/damage value 16/ they cannot prove it, many now be-
mation at the site of the cave-in. (He range 3-10, 15, 40). lieve the Viking ships are acting as
had supposedly plunged into an un- Goals: To redeem himself; to free ferries for transformed Earthers, most
derground river, the mysterious prop- himself of the guilt caused by the often trolls, gathered from Norway
erties of which preserved him until he deaths of his friends 20 years ago. and sailed to Ireland as part of a new
could be revived. Now, more mania- offensive.
cal than ever, Blackpool is determined Blackpool: DEX 11, STR 11, TOU 14, If this is true, it represents both a
to go through with the plan the Whis- PER 14, MIN 15, CHA 17, SPI 15. threat and an opportunity. The threat
per foiled all those years ago: the deto- Skills: reality 10, dodge 13, melee lies in the inability (so far) of the resis-
nation of a device, known as an weapons 15, unarmed combat 11, tance to overcome its terror and suc-
Allorizer, which would send out an scholar 16 (politics), science 19, will- cessfully battle the huge creatures.
electromagnetic pulse and effectively power 11, persuasion 18, taunt 20, in- The opportunity lies in the fact that the
shut down all machines in an entire timidation 17. sinking of Viking longboats could
nation). Inclination: Evil. prove devastating to the troll popula-
The rumors state that Blackpool Possibilities: 10. tion (since it is rumored that trans-
has been supervising construction of Natural Tools: super attribute formed people-trolls, at least, are un-
the weapon at a weird science research (adventure cost 6); see The Nile Empire able to swim.)
center outside of Cairo. With the fi- sourcebook for details. Whether or not there is any con-
nancial backing of Mobius, Blackpool Equipment: rapier (Tech 15/dam- nection between the raids and the
will set off the device within the Cy- age value STR+5). monster sightings or indeed any truth
berpapacy realm, destroying the to the reports of trolls in Ireland re-
GodNet and all cybernetic devices and mains to be seen.
rendering the whole area ripe for con-
Troll (transformed human): DEX 11,
The stories may be just that sto- It is difficult to separate fact from
STR 18, TOU 18, PER 6, MIN 8, CHA 5,
ries, intended to frighten Terran na- fantasy in the realm of Aysle. The low
SPI 5.
tech axiom has made communication
tives who still shudder at Blackpool s
Skills: taunt 9, dodge 13, fire com-
name, and possibly keep the Cyberpa- between countries difficult, and much
bat 12, melee weapons 14, unarmed
is wild rumor and speculation.
pacy authorities looking over their
combat 14, lifting 20.
Much of this speculation is cen-
shoulders. But if it is true, only one
Possibility Potential: Some (55).
man has ever been able to stop Black- tered on Ireland, which is divided be-
Equipment:The trolls supposedly
tween a mixed zone and Core Earth,
pool, and he hasn t been seen in 20
spotted in Ireland were carrying large
and an uneasy resistance continues to
clubs (Tech 6/ damage value STR+3).
battle in the north. Lately, Viking raids
The Whisper has become a legend
along the coast have increased in fre-
over the years, and the legend has an
quency. Yet while fierce, the
epilogue of sorts in the back alleys of
Norsemen s attacks have been of
Cairo, they say, there is a derelict who
has the same piercing eyes and thrill- shorter duration than normal. The Vi-
ing voice that terrorized Terra s crimi- kings have suffered heavy losses and
nals for years. If the stories are accu- taken little plunder, yet they continue
to return.
rate, lost in a fog of drink may be the
one mind capable of ending
Blackpool s threat.
New Stuff
e will be premiering new scratched and bloody, gibbered of can see perfectly well at night, and
source material, new strangling roots, dark, clammy fin- have problems only in the brightest
rules, new characters, gers of moss, a maze of hulking, ma- sunlight, an unusual condition in Sh-
W places, and evil plots in levolent trunks. Often, they wandered erwood Forest. Bogoblins rarely leave
Infiniverse. Some will for days after leaving their shattered the confines of the forest, unlike ghouls
foreshadow events which will be pub- houses before they stumbled upon the and goblins which make almost
lished later in a more expanded ver- forest s edge. nightly forays into human-held terri-
sion, some of the material will only Though the new Sherwood Forest tories. Speculation is a bogoblin can-
appear in these pages. Sometimes covers thousands of acres, those not wander too far from the bog which
which is which depends on how events trapped inside feel it is far larger, end- is his home. Bogoblins are surpris-
go in your campaign; if the villains are less. The trees are huge and densely ingly intelligent, and have a vicious
foiled here, certain products will be packed, allowing only shallow lines of cunning.
altered (or simply not released). Al- sight. Daylight is diffused through lay-
ternately, if the bad guys get the upper ers of leaves, making it almost impos- Bogoblin: DEX 10, STR 14, TOU 20,
hand here, some products will give sible to determine the sun s location. PER 8, MIN 10, CHA 4, SPI 4.
Storm Knights a far more vicious time Dusk comes early, and night lingers Skills: dodge 11, melee weapons
than we had originally planned. It s a long. The few trails are narrow, low 11, stealth 18, unarmed combat 15,
truly collaborative campaign, between animal tracks, often ending abruptly find 12, tracking 12, trick 14, test 13,
you, the other gamemasters of In- in impenetrable brambles. taunt (10), intimidate 10 (20).
finiverse, and West End Games. And then there are the denizens of Natural Tools: Claws +3/damage
the woods. Skeletons and fey crea- value 17, teeth +4/damage value 18.
tures shriek in the shadows of night, Equipment: large stumps to club
Templates: Villains
and often the woods are not large things with (+4/damage value 18),
and Heroes
enough for them. They come looking occasionally really big stumps to club
for prey and sport in Nottingham, at things with (+5/damage value 19).
From time to time we will be in-
least until the half hour before dawn.
cluding new template types which you
No one with sense ventures near the
can choose to add to your campaign.
Cherylicid s Grimoire
wood after sundown.
These will be created by the staff at
One of the unusual features of
West End Games.
Sherwood Forest is the Starry Birch
We will also occasionally ask for
The Bogs
found somewhere within the forest.
Storm Knights or villains to be sub-
There is a strenuous debate about The Starry Birch is notable for two
mitted from subscribers campaigns,
whether there is more than one bog in reasons; the small luminescent flecks
along with background, picking one
the forest, or whether there is a single which adorn most of its leaves, and
or two for publication in Infiniverse.
large bog with a sinister enchantment the fact that birch trees are not native
Now, on to the first of the new stuff.
which fools wanderers into believing to this Sherwood Forest. It was at the
they are elsewhere in Sherwood until Starry Birch that the first entires of
they come across the bog. The bog is Cherylicid s grimoire were found.
Sherwood Forest,
known to be the home to goblins, The first entry was found by an
England ghouls and the occasional skeleton. Aylish woodcutter, whose unidenti-
There are also the large goblinish fied body was found with scraps of
Overnight, springing up in land
creatures that seem to be made of the parchment on which only the heading
long since covered by suburbs, Sher-
muck, christened bogoblins by the  Spells of Cherylicid could be read.
wood Forest rose in Nottingham.
mayor of Nottingham. Bogoblins are The second person known person to
Huge, dark trees burst full grown
large, but are almost impossible to find the Starry Birch was Settleford-
through the plain brick development
detect when they wish to remain hid- Dunne, who made it out of Sherwood
houses, shattering walls and windows,
den. They can even disguise their carrying the mottled, grimy parchment
flinging roof tiles to the suddenly for-
distinctive odor through use of their with the spell of iron wood upon it, as
ested ground.
stealth, an innate magical ability their well as a stylized seal containing the
The few residents who escaped,
smaller goblin cousins lack. Bogoblins name  Cherylicid.
No one has heard of a mage named inanimate forces, air, fire, avian, en- on-again, off-again ability to dream
Cherylicid; many people suspect that chanted, folk, range, speed. premonitions has blossomed into full-
the tree is from another cosm entirely, Spells: bleeding blade, cleanse, con- blown divination magic. She migrated
and that the parchment arrives through jured fireball, floater, lightning, iron from the center of the Aylish pure
a dimension gate spell, or possibly the wood, mage dark, multiple selves, stay zone in Scotland to Sherwood Forest
herald group power. Why (or whether) voice, sunstore, water scry. as a result of her visions. She had a
Cherylicid is sending these spells is Miracles: cure disease, enhance repeated vision in which Errol Flynn s
not known. food, ward danger, ward enemy. Robin Hood is transformed into a gib-
Equipment: usually none. bering, hulking bogoblin, which goes
Goals: Find the others of her people. on a rampage through the forest until
it reaches the Starry Birch. In some
Iron Wood
Ydreffim bears a vague physical versions of the vision the bogoblin
Axiom Level: 10
resemblence to the winged, flower- falls asleep in the glow of the birchlight,
Skill: alteration/plant 19
loving fairies of children s tales. It looks to awaken as Robin Hood again. In
like a small girl with long hair, about a the other the bogoblin never awakens,
Backlash: 18
meter tall, swathed in swirling locks. but it transformed a second time into a
Difficulty: 10
The hair hides its wings, which fold up grassy mound.
Effect Value: 20
like a grasshopper s when not in use. Since arriving in Nottingham,
Bonus Number to: duration
It is not sure where the rest of its Elspeth has used her abilities to warn
folk got to, and it is searching for them against the predations of Uthorion s
Range: touch
among shadows of Sherwood. In a minions. While useful, Elspeth would
Duration: 18
playful mood, Ydreffim can be de- rather not have these abilities, as her
Cast Time: 15
lightful, but it is not overly fond of sleep is all-too-often shattered by hor-
Manipulation: none needed
humans. They are too big and coarse. rible nightmares of destruction and
It is nocturnal, and most often encoun- injury. She is researching all of the old
Iron wood allows the mage to
tered at dusk, searching for its folk, or lore to find a way to tone down the
strengthen saplings and twigs to with-
gathering supplies. It takes offense visions, and focus them for her own
stand attack, sufficiently strong to pre-
easily at curiosity and rudeness alike. use.
vent most melee weapons from doing
It will talk to humans, dwarves and She is a small, sturdy woman of 28,
any harm. The mage taps all of the
other large folk if they are polite, and with auburn hair and wide gray eyes.
wood he wishes to strengthen with
knows enough about the woods to She is engaged to Hamish MacRae,
the flat of an iron blade, muttering
warn Storm Knights of times or places currently missing.
 cut not in the old language, shaping
which are particularly dangerous.
them into a small domed hut 5 meters
Miles Brian Settleford-Dunne: DEX
across . The hut has a Toughness of 20,
Elspeth Fenella MacVaig: DEX 11, 9, STR 8, TOU 8, PER 11, MIN 10, CHA
and no attack can harm a character
STR 7, TOU 10, PER 12, MIND 9, CHA 11, SPI 9.
inside the hut until the hut has been
9, SPIR 8. Skills: beast riding 10, dodge 11,
destroyed (taken four or more
Skills: melee weapons 12, swim- fire combat 10, missle weapons 10,
wounds) or has been breached (a KO
ming 12, climbing 8, divination magic stealth 12, find 12, first aid 12, land
result or 20 or more shock points of
15, find 13, land vehicles 13, water vehicles 12, trick 12, faith 10.
damage taken). The mage can pass in
vehicles 13, artist (drawing) 13, artist Possibility Potential: Some (25).
and out of the hut, an action which
(dance) 13, test of will 11, persuasion Equipment: Longbow (+6/ 14), Lee
requires an alteration magic total of 8 to
10, reality 10. Enfield MK1 (damage value 19), field
Arcane Knowledges: living forces, glasses, mayoral costume, camouflage
earth, water, folk. gear, camping equipment, ammuni-
Spells: known to have detect magic, tion, bullet proof vest (+6/ armor value
Characters Around
pathfinder, possibility shadows, wa- 14).
Nottingham and Sherwood
ter scry; based on Unwilling Seer tem- Goals: Keep Nottingham together.
Ydreffim: DEX 13, STR 10, TOU 12, plate  see Aysle Sourcebook.
PER 10, MIND 11, CHA 11, SPIR 9. Possibilities: 11. Miles is the Sheriff of Nottingham,
Skills: acrobatics 14, dodge 14, Equipment: herbal teas, scrying and has been in policework for nearly
flight 16, lock picking 15, manuever cups, mace (+4/damage value 11), 35 years. He may not have seen it all,
15, melee weapons 14, prestidigita- leather armor (+2/armor value 12). but he s seen a lot, from quiet neigh-
tion 15, stealth 15, lifting 12, alteration Goals: Be at peace with her visions, borhood beats to mobs and protest
magic 11, language 12, tracking 12, find her fiance, protect Nottingham marches, even to invaders from some-
trick 11, apportation magic 12, conju- from the creatures in her visions. place else, now.
ration magic 12, charm 13, taunt 12, The invaders are by far the strang-
faith 11, focus 11. Elspeth is the MacVaig of clan est, most dangerous threat to peace
Arcane Knowledges: time, true MacVaig, the cheiftain of her family. and order that he s ever faced. With
knowledge, darkness, light, magic, Since the invasion, what used to be an
the dark new Sherwood Forest at his hometown taverns. They didn t treat a conjured fireball, disguise self, iron
doorstep, Miles is stretched to the limit girl gentle. And they didn t pay very wood, lightning, mage dark, multiple
to keep his city from toppling into well, either. She crossed the sea to selves, stay voice, open lock, water
chaos. He has relied on the advice of London, but Core Earth was too scry, weakness.
Ramasingh Chamshad, who seems to crowded, too strange. But some of the Possibilities: 15.
have a good grasp of the weird which transformed lands in the interior Equipment: Clothing enchanted to
has struck Nottingham. sounded exciting. act as armor +5 (armor value 19), gri-
Here in the new towns, there are moire written in miniature on bones
Gariad Corcairja: DEX 11, STR 8, plenty of new marks, both for her (writing must be magnified many time
TOU 10, PER 9, MIN 9, CHA 11, SPI 10. physical charms, and her thieving to be read; Chamshad uses a spell of
Skills: beast riding 13, dodge 14, wiles. She owes no loyalty to Uthorion, his own devising).
lock picking 13, manuever 14, melee and would rather oppose his designs. Goals: recontact Uthorion.
weapons 12, running 12, stealth 14, Magic still intrigues her, and rumors
unarmed combat 14, alteration magic of Cherylicid s griomire have reached Ramasingh Chamshad (RA-ma-
12, divination magic 12, trick 12, charm her. She has lifted spells from what- sing SHOM-shod) often passes for a
14, reality 12. ever source comes to hand, mixing Pakistani in the ethnically mixed city
Arcane Knowledges: darkness, dwarven and elvish and what-not of Nottingham. He s pleased that his
magic, living forces, earth, plant, wa- freely; a tree should prove no great natural coloring fits in so well with the
ter, acquatic, folk. challenge. natives, for it makes his undercover
Spells: detect magic, fog, increase work much simpler. Chamshad is not
charisma, iron wood, pathfinder, turn Ramasingh Chamshad: DEX 12, STR sure what happened to his High Lord,
to stone, water scry, water spray. 7, TOU 14, PER 15, MIND 11, CHA 12, but he is confident Uthorion will con-
Possibilities: 13. SPIR 12. tact him soon.
Equipment: Fine elven enchanted Skills: acrobatics 13, beast riding In the meantime, he travels up to
leather (+5/armor value 15) which 13, dodge 14, maneuver 15, melee Sherwood Forest, keeping in touch
she boasts she stole from a Elven mage weapons 15, prestidigitation 14, run- with the fell beasts that have made the
(actually she paid two years service ning 14, stealth 15, alteration magic 12, brooding wood their base, and pa-
for the armor), longsword (STR+6/ divination magic 13, first aid 12, scholar tronizingly sympathizes with Settle-
damage value 14), dagger (+3/dam- (mythos) 12, trick 11, water vehicles ford-Dunne, the ineffectual human
age value 11). 11, apportation magic 11, artist 11, who likes to think he has stuck his
Goals: Gold and excitement to ex- cojuration magic 11, test of will 11, finger in the dyke. He also is cu-
cess, companionship in moderation. persuasion 13, taunt 14, intimidation litvating Settleford-Dunne for the time,
11, reality 13. almost inevitable now, when he shall
Gariad Corcairya (GAIR-ee-add Arcane Knowledges: true knowl- become a stormer.
cor-CARE-ya) came over the water edge, darkness, light, inanimate forces,
bridge after Uthorion s vikings. She living forces, fire, metal, plant, water,
figured her trade was likely to be in folk, earthly, enchanted, entity, con-
higher demand in the invasion area, trol, duration, state.
and she was tired of the brutes of her Spells: away sight, bleeding blade,
elow are some additional huge sense organ nerves that run venom does damage on the following
creatures which are not the length of its body can sense vibra- round. The venom does no direct
listed in the World Book, tions and guide the worm unerringly physical damage, instead it has a spe-
nor are they listed in the to its prey. Slitha are omnivores, eat- cial effect; the shock points of damage
sourcebooks. They are ing anything they can find,and they done (it makes only one attack) act as
bonus beasts with which you may con- kill their prey by crushing it beneath a negative bonus modifer for all Dex-
found your players. their bulk. Slitha grow to a length of 15 terity related actions, until the poi-
meters. soned character generates a Toughness
total equal to or greater than the dam-
age value of the venom.
Slitha: DEX 8, STR 24, TOU 21, PER 8,
Living Land
MIN 4, CHA 3, SPI 3.
Skills: tracking 11, tunneling 12
(speed value 10), unarmed combat 11,
trick (13), test (13), taunt (18), intimi-
A sashar is a large mammal resem-
date (25).
bling a cougar which makes use of its
Possibility Potential: none.
phenomenal eyesight to hunt in the
Natural Tools: armor +3/24.
The aviax is the  missing link be-
Deep Mist. It is a fierce predator known
tween the reptile and the bird. Though
for killing more than it needs, almost
still possessing the talons and razor-
as if it derived sheer pleasure from the
sharp beak of their lizard cousin they
bloody act itself. The sashar grows as
boast feathers instead of scales. This,
large as eight meters, and has a gray
Beleterox are insects that inhabit
and their slightly smaller size, grants
coat that allows it to blend in with the
the Eastern Land. They resemble huge
them greater speed and maneuvera-
mist. Its four claws are used to slash its
hornets, and possess eight legs, wings,
bility than flying reptiles like the lakten.
prey, and its bite has been known to
and a sharp stinger. The beleterox feed
The aviax has a wing-span of three
tear the leg off a bargon.
on small dinosaurs and have been
meters and grows to a length of two
known to prey on edeinos and hu-
meters. Aviax always attack in flocks
mans. The beleterox attacks by sting- Sashar: DEX 15, STR 17, TOU 16, PER
of six to eight, which allows them to
ing its prey with a venom that causes 9, MIN 8, CHA 5, SPI 5.
bring down large prey.
paralysis. It can then consume the catch Skills: acrobatics 16, climbing 17,
at leisure or, during spawning season, dodge 16, , maneuver 16, running 17,
Aviax: DEX 13, STR 8, TOU 10, PER 8,
wrap eggs and victim in a cocoon to stealth 17, tracking 11, trick (12), test
MIN 7, CHA 5, SPI 5.
give the hatching young something (12), taunt (8), intimidation 7.
Skills: dodge 15, flight 15, unarmed
on which to feed. Beleterox stand up- Possibility Potential: none.
combat 14, maneuver 15.
right, have a wing span of four meters Natural Tools: claws, damage
Possibility Potential: none.
and grow to a height of three meters. STR+2/ 19, teeth, damage STR+3/ 20.
Natural Tools: beak, damage
STR+3/11, talons, damage STR+3/ 11,
Beleterox: DEX 9, STR 9, TOU 13, PER
wings ( speed value 13).
6, MIN 6, CHA 3, SPI 3.
Skills: climbing, 11, dodge 11, flight
Skrittecks are small rodents that
12, maneuver 11, running 10, unarmed
feed on carrion left behind by larger
combat 11, trick (10), test (15), taunt
animals. Skrittecks travel in packs of
(7), intimidate (15).
Slitha are huge earthworms that
up to 150, and grow to about a meter in
Possibility Potential: none.
make their homes in the volcanos that
length. Their primary offensive
Natural Tools: armor +2/ 15,
dot the Living Land. Their hides are
weapon is a set of needle-like teeth.
stinger, damage STR+3/ 12, venom
especially tough and capable of with-
Skrittecks live in tunnel networks un-
(damage value 18), wings (speed value
standing the extreme temperatures in
der the surface, and will attack a living
their natural habitat. Although practi-
creature only if their tunnels are dis-
Note: if stinger causes damage,
cally blind, the slitha is essentially one
turbed. Then they swarm above ing, they are able to sense the body izing their victims.
ground with frightening speed, and heat of a living creature and thus know A sentinel ghost is capable of pass-
have been known to devour the flesh where to attack. Their strength is pro- ing through solid objects, and cannot
of a full-grown edeinos in two min- digious, and once they have a grip on be harmed by a physical attack, nor
utes. Skrittecks have been rumored to a humanoid being (which is whenever can it initiate one. A sentinel ghost
carry diseases. the Faceless One scores a knockdown may appear as a white blur or may
or a wound level), their victim s fea- resemble its physical incarnation. Since
tures are transferred on to them. The it is incapable of action on the physical
Skritteck: DEX 12, STR 7, TOU 8, PER
victim loses all facial features, becom- level, the ghost s primary offensive
3, MIN 3, CHA 3, SPI 3.
ing as smooth the Faceless One was weapon is the fear it sparks in its vic-
Skills: climbing 13, dodge 13, ma-
before; as this prevents breathing, see- tim.
neuver 14, tunneling 15 (speed value
ing, or hearing, the victim dies in six
3), unarmed combat 13.
rounds after the transfer. A Faceless Sentinel Ghost: DEX 3, STR 1, TOU
Possibility Potential: none.
One can retain the features of their 11, PER 11, MIN 10, CHA 15, SPI 15 .
Natural Tools: teeth, damage
victim for one hour (or until they are Skills: stealth 22, find 20, tracking
killed; at which time the features are 13, persuasion 16, trick 12, taunt 16,
transferred back to their original intimidation 23.
owner), during which time they pos-
Orrorsh sess the knowledge and memories of
their victims. They will often use this
knowledge and a now trustworthy
Incubae and succubae are  male
appearance to claim other victims.
and  female demons, respectively,
They gain all of their victim s skill
that thrive by draining the life-force of
adds, except where the skill adds are
living beings. They have great strength,
less than their own.
but more often work by taking on the
A zuvembie is one of the walking
A Faceless One can be destroyed by
appearance of an attractive member of
dead, a reanimated corpse slave to the
exposing it to a mirror while it is in its
their victim s species and luring it to
bidding of the one who made him rise.
natural state.
destruction. The shape-shifting abili-
Zuvembies are created through the
ties of these creatures are limited by
use of complicated magical rituals, and
Faceless One: DEX 10, STR 15, TOU
their gender (i.e.,an incubus cannot
are often used as servants and labor- 14, PER 9, MIN 9, CHA 7, SPI 5.
appear as a female, and a succubus
ers. They have tremendous strength
Skills: unarmed combat 11, charm
cannot appear as a male). The demons
and do not feel pain, continuing to
8,persuasion 8, stealth 12, tracking 12,
communicate with each other through
pursue a goal until they achieve it or
trick 11, test 12 (20), taunt (20), intimi-
a keening wail which has often been
are utterly destroyed. It is impossible
dation 15.
mistaken for that of the banshee. Once
to taunt, charm, or persuade a zuvem- Note: A Faceless One can take on
an incubus/succubus is in contact with
bie, as they are virtually mindless.
the Skills of his victim for one hour,
its victim, it takes little time for it to
Their skin is usually chalk-white, their
although the creature s attribute val-
drain the living energy that resides in
movements stiff, and their eyes blank.
ues do not change. Example: a Face-
the body. This energy is commonly
They are incapable of speech.
less One with a DEX of 10 slays a
drawn through the eyes, and the vic-
Zuvembies can be destroyed by
Victorian with a DEX 11 and a lock-
tim of such a demon will have charred
physical attack.
picking skill value of 13, the Faceless
eye sockets in place of eyes.
One would get the two lock-picking
These demons can be destroyed in
Zuvembie: DEX 8, STR 20, TOU 20,
skill adds for a value of 12.
physical attacks, but only if struck with
PER 1, MIN 1, CHA 3, SPI 10.
" The Faceless One is hit by an attack
weapons made of iron.
Skills: climbing 22 (speed value 8),
with a damage value of 25 whenever
dodge 9, unarmed combat 10, lifting
he catches his reflection in a mirror.
23, trick( 25), test (25), intimidation 11
Natural Tools: wings (speed value
Incubae/ Succubae: DEX 11, STR 14,
TOU 11, PER 12, MIN 11, CHA 14, SPI
Skills: alteration magic 15, gaze 13,
The Faceless Ones
Sentinel Ghosts
charm 16, dodge 12, trick 13, unarmed
combat 12, intimidation 12.
The Faceless Ones are creatures
Sentinel ghosts are the spirits of the
Natural Tools: gaze attack (dam-
with humanoid appearance, reptilian
dead, which have remained on the
age value 23), must catch the victims
wings which are ill-suited for flight,
physical plane to plague the living, or
gaze. If the victim is avoiding the
and perfectly smooth, featureless faces.
warn others of the presence of the
creature s gaze, the succubus must get
Although they are incapable in their
living. In Orrorsh, all sentinel ghosts
a  setback or  player s call result on
 normal form of speech, sight or hear- are malevolent spirits, bent on terror-
a trick in order to make the attack.
Your Letters
nfiniverse is the publica-
damage before falling over (say 10 We re nervous about this part. Not
tion which links your
points), regardless of Toughness. We so much because the players could
campaign with West
rather liked that idea, but playtesters end the war tomorrow; we do have a
I End s plans for the Possi-
pretty much universally disliked it; rough outline of the campaign through
bility Wars. Your feedback
they wanted to feel that tougher char- 1992 and beyond, with enough contin-
is valuable to us, and part of that feed-
acters could take more points of dam- gencies built in that we are confident
back is your letters. We will select and
age, and didn t at all buy our argu- that we can keep gamemasters and
publish letters which raise questions
ment that tougher characters could players everywhere on their toes.
about the rules or the mythos, specu-
take more damage, as the blow which But someday it will end. Eventu-
late as to what might be happening in
gave 1 point to a troll could clobber the ally either the Storm Knights or the
Torg, or comment on what we have
average human. So greater Toughness High Lords are going to get enough of
done so far.
increased the amount of shock dam- an upper hand to effectively settle the
Here are some of the comments
age you could take, and KOs entered issue on Earth, once and for all. It
from the playtesters who had advance
the picture. could take a while, but the Possibility
copies of Torg and our answers.
Wars have been designed to be won
Do Core Earth clerics get all of the by one side or the other.
Core Earth miracles? What bothers us is what happens if
Q. Why are there three kinds of
 E. Aldrich the Storm Knights lose? It is possible
damage (wounds, KO-condition, and
that the High Lords could completely
shock damage)? My players would
Technically the rules say that they
crush Core Earth and most of the Storm
really appreciate it if you could get rid
do. This is because otherwise we would
Knights in every realm not prob-
of one category.
have had to list the miracles of every
able, but possible. What a rotten way
 M. Fortner
for the story to end. But that s not
If you are familiar with the mythos
Nothing like starting with a tough
going to happen, right?
of a particular religion, you can make
one. The reason is we wanted the Torg
a judgment prior to the start of the
scale and system to handle combat
What if players just want to play a
between characters regardless of at- game. If a miracle is mentioned in the
single genre, say pulp fiction or fan-
religious text, or other body of lore
tributes and skill levels. With
tasy. Won t all of this Possibility
character s (particularly ords) of dam- from that faith, then clerics of the faith
Wars stuff just get in the way?
can use that miracle. It s up to you.
age values of 12 andToughness of 9,
 R. Winninger.
say, the KO-condition seems to come
Gee, this sucker is big. If you and your players are in-
into play at about the same time as
 C. Kubasik trigued by the Infiniverse, but would
falling over from shock damage. But
rather concentrate on one genre, there
as the attribute levels increase, this is
Yes. Part of what made this project
is nothing to stop you. The gamemas-
no longer true. If we ever did a super-
so exciting was putting together a large
ter could pick and choose what ele-
hero variant of Torg, say where Tough-
mythos, linked from top to bottom
ments of the Possibility Wars she
ness of 40 is not unreasonable, without
with plenty of interconnections at dif-
wishes to incorporate in her campaign,
the KO-condition we would either
ferent levels. The game system grew
maybe some skills, a monster or char-
have to have a separate table for those
to accomodate, and the source mate-
acter or two, maybe a plotline, and
characters, or concede that almost all
rial expanded to try to cover the whole
then leave the rest behind. Part of
combats would end in the death of one
of the Infiniverse. And we aren t even
what is fun about the Infiniverse is
character. This is because the shock
close to done yet.
that somewhere the world works just
damage needed to take a character out
as the gamemaster wishes it to (techni-
increases while four wounds always
Are you really going to let players
cally, according to our game mythos
kills them. Eventually you reach the
decide the course of the Possibility
the Earth in which we publish Torg
point where receiving four wounds is
Wars? We mean, what happens if they
fits into the Infiniverse as well); such a
far more likely than knocking a char-
end it? What do we sell then?
place may not be in the mainstream of
acter out through shock damage. This
 Nervous Guys in marketing
the Possibility Wars, but it is still a
could be avoided by saying all charac-
legitimate part of Torg.
ters take the same amount of shock


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