Torg Infiniverse Magazine 16

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Volume 1, Number 16 C A M P A I G N G A M E October, 1991  $2.00
As we emerge from the September, January brings Lou Prosperi s
postconvention, post-Gorden-leaving, much-anticipated Storm Knights Guide
preSpace Gods/Tharkold, pre-Christmas to the Possibility Wars, a volume we ve
editorial crunch, here is how things very high on and one we think players
look, folks: and gamemasters alike will enjoy.
Halloween brings ghoulies, And February  hearts, candy,
ghosties, and long-legged beasties in flowers, techno-demons & um, well,
the form of Creatures of Aysle, our first yes, I suppose if you re feeling par-
book crafted largely by Infiniverse sub- ticularly romantic, you could snuggle
Rumors and News ....... 2
scribers. We confidently predict con- up to one of the denizens of Tharkold.
tributors (and everyone else) will be The demoniacal brethren of Thratchen
Space Gods Axioms blown away by this book. and their hated human rivals will be
All that extra work on Space Gods on hand for the Tharkold sourcebook,
& World Rules .............. 3
( Convention? Was I at a conven- by Greg Gorden and Paul Hume. Just
tion? ) pays off in November, when in time for Valentine s (makes you
Dispatches ..................... 7
the sourcebook hits the stands. It s kind of wonder what we re going to
new, it s different, and it marks a grand do for Arbor Day, doesn t it?)
Your Letters ................. 11
new phase in the Possibility Wars. Also in February, look for Shane
Also in November comes Kanawa Hensley s Temple of Rec Stalek. An
Herald Messages ........ 12 Heavy Weapons, guaranteed to give edeinos worshipper of Death has de-
Storm Knights new and better ways to signs on the office of High Lord of the
blow large holes in things. Living Land, and Baruk Kaah is in his
Looking ahead, December means way & but for how much longer? This
Cylent Scream, our latest adventure is the first work by a very talented new
compendium, featuring the work of writer, and could mean big changes in
both veterans and newcomers to the the realm of the Jakatts.
gaming field.
Contributors This Issue:
Greg Farshtey, Ed Stark (but no Bill
Smith! Bill? Bill, come down from
there& )
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Rumors and News
tional security reasons. Good, strong
irst Indication reports on The Wrap-Up: Issue #12
and True (20).
1. Edeinos Storm Knight has un-
the newest batch of ru-
2. Weird science submarines sink- earthed the crown of King Pellinore,
mors to which you have
ing Cyberpapal ships in the Mediter- and roused the legendary Questing
responded. Continuing
ranean. Solidly True (17).
Beast. Both headed for the Cyberpa-
Report updates the rumors as more
3. Dr. Sconce sewing gospog vic- pacy. Ends at False (20).
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
tims together to create a new horror.
2. Victorian officials losing control
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
Maybe yes, maybe no  False (15).
of their bodies and slaying themselves,
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
4. Yakuza operative attempting to
possibly as a result of the occult. A
about three months. The wrap-up will
undermine Haragawa. Watch your
final jump to True (45).
be the last report for that rumor in
back  True (19).
3. A mysterious net-runner named
 the Phantom operating from a ter-
Continuing Report: Issue #13
minal hidden in the Paris Opera House.
1. Orrorshan mad scientist has dis-
Rumor Report
A slight rise to finish at True (20).
covered means of trapping human
4. American media making celebri-
The results are given a true or false,
souls in marionettes. Storm Knights
ties out of transformed edeinos,
followed by a parenthetical number.
murdered by demonically-possessed
through such avenues as Things maga-
That number represents the strength
compatriots. Flips to True (16).
zine. Almost a great comeback, but
of the truth or falsehood throughout
2. Jeff Mills, creator of  Five Realms
False (16).
the Infiniverse. For example a
game, fleeing the Delphi Council and
5. Members of Orrorshan Hellion
statement which is false (15) is false
currently in hiding in Oregon. Hope
Court convinced Tharkold plans a sec-
unless the gamemaster decides to test
he likes pines  it s True (19).
ond invasion. Thratchen disturbed. We
the statement; on a roll of 15 or better,
3. Hypnotic billboard in Thebes forc-
get the hint  True (75).
the statement is actually true. Roll
ing dignitaries to surrender classified
6. Soviet ambassador to Japan kid-
again on 10 and 20 when testing the
info to Mobius. True (15).
napped by Mobius, who hopes to learn
truth or falsity of a reported rumor.
4. Ninja vampyres stalking Tokyo.
secrets of psychic powers. Mobius will
Nobody doesn t like ninja vampyres,
First Indication: Issue #14
be pleased  ends at True (18).
apparently  a whopping True (40).
1. President Quartermain attempt-
ing to suspend 1992 elections for na-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Space Gods Axioms & World Rules
Zinatt, Aka, and Coar to have a pro- Council s stated aim is to eventually
ere s a quick preview of
found effect on daily life. Bounded by see representative governments estab-
the Space Gods source-
reality trees instead of stelae, the realm lished on all the client worlds.
book, due out in Novem-
of Akasha is a critical addition to the Their history as shepherds to other
ber, and sure to change
Near Now. races has colored the Akashan s poli-
the face of the Possibility Wars forev-
cies toward neighboring worlds. The
Akashans live in harmony with one
The Akashan  Space God realm
The Four Axioms
another, and believe that this harmony
possesses high Social, Spiritual, and
is the natural and correct state of be-
The rules that govern the reality of
Technological axioms, which make the
ing. Akashans are occasionally heavy-
Akasha are called axioms. Like other
use of psionic powers possible, and
handed when dealing with other races.
cosms and realms, Akasha has four
allow the philosophical concepts of
The Coar Akasha believe they know
basic axioms that govern interaction
what is best for all the races in the Star
between the living and the nonliving.
Sphere, and that it is their duty to
These axioms are Magical, Social, Spiri-
elevate the other races to the level the
tual, and Tech. In Torg, each of these
Akashan s enjoy. It is possible they are
axioms is rated on a scale of zero to 33
right, but some other races would
(zero representing a low development;
rather find their own way than be put
33 representing the highest develop-
on the  correct path to enlightenment
ment possible). When a character, crea-
by the Akasha.
ture or thing crosses the energy lines
Within the Star Sphere, many races
surrounding the two realms, he, she,
operate on social levels far less struc-
or it is no longer subject to the axioms
tured than those of the Akasha. The
of Core Earth.
Akashans hope that one day these races
Below, each of Akasha s axioms are
will achieve the total democracy that
described. In addition, see Everlaws
they themselves enjoy.
and Axioms, pages 91 102 of the Torg
Linked to the Social axiom, psionics
Magical Axiom: 7
are a mainstay of the Akashan way of
The Akashans have little knowl-
life. Over 50 percent of all the species
edge of magic, even though their axiom
of the Star Sphere possess psionic pow-
set supports a low level of magic use.
ers, and, with these powers, many so-
Within the Star Sphere, magic is prac-
cial problems have been avoided. Still,
ticed by few races; the relatively small
psionics are not a perfect tool, nor
Magic axiom has prevented sorcery
does everyone have access to their
from becoming more than an esoteric
use, but they do contribute to life
pastime. Magic is extremely difficult
within the Star Sphere.
to manipulate and of limited useful-
ness. Alteration magic is only avail-
Spiritual Axiom: 13
able through rituals, and the effective-
ness of psionics has limited the devel- The cosm of the Star Sphere has a
high Spiritual axiom that recognizes
opment of divination magic.
all deities as facets of Apeiros or the
Nameless One. As such, there is no
Social Axiom: 27
dominant mythos  all religions can
The Akashans have a very high So-
exist freely within the spiritual axiom.
cial axiom (27), which supports their
Miracles are fairly plentiful, but
form of government. The High
usually not as  miraculous as those
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
found in other cosms. The Spiritual weaponry is designed to cause physi- right job, even when that tool may be
axiom also allows the Akashan beliefs cal damage not only to its targets, but more destructive than is necessary,
in the concepts of Zinatt, Aka, and Coar also to the environment. Chemical and and she has imparted that philosophy
to have a dramatic effect on the way biological weapons are frequently used to the group mind she controls. While
skills and psionic powers are used (see by the Comaghaz. somewhat shortsighted, this approach
Alignment). The Star Sphere spans all levels of has been lethally effective against
technological development. As such, many planets in the Star Sphere.
all lower levels of technology are sup-
ported by the Technological axiom. Core
Axiom: 30
Earth, Cyberpapacy and Nippon Tech
Although Akasha s reality is non-
equipment works perfectly well un-
The technology of Akasha is mark- destructive, it is possible for those of
der the Technological axiom of the
edly different from that developed on other realms to disconnect in Akasha,
Akashan realm. The many species rep-
Earth. The Akashans make use of the as well as vice versa.
resentatives brought to Earth by the
science of biotechnology, which em- The  Link Difficulty Chart shows
Akashans have their own levels of
ploys latent possibility energy to cre- the reconnection totals needed for the
technological advancement and their
ate tools and equipment from living  Space God realm.
own varieties of equipment.
organisms. Nanotech and bioengineer-
ing have combined to produce living
Attitudes towards
The World Rules of
factories and tools that can modify or
repair themselves. Equipment is pow-
ered by a being s internal energy or
Even though Akashans have access
vitamin/mineral packs. The
to fantastic equipment and biotech In addition to the four axioms, the
Akashan s technology is  clean ; it
organisms, and even though this Star Sphere cosm and the Akashan
causes no damage to the environment
equipment does no harm to the envi- realm has a number of specialized
and returns to its natural components
ronment, most Akashans tend to do world rules that further differentiate it
when no longer needed. Even the
things by hand if they are able. They from other realities. The basic axioms
Akashans lightships and geomantic
believe that working without much function as reality limits within the
shuttles are constructed of living tech.
equipment brings them closer to the realms, while the world rules define
Comaghaz hosts are far less scru-
environment and to Zinatt. how the realms work within those
pulous about the type of equipment
They are not fanatical about this limits. As with the basic axioms, any-
they use, caring only that Sarila s com-
belief and, as war grows in the realms, one who crosses into Akasha becomes
mands be carried out as quickly as
they are beginning to see this mode of subject to the world rules immedi-
possible. Their gear often leaves be-
living as a luxury. More and more, ately, unless she is possibility-rated
hind waste by-products and pollut-
they are interested in devising new and carries her reality with her.
ants, often causing direct harm to the
and better biotechnologies to combat
environment. They have no compunc-
the growing threat of the Comaghaz.
The Law of Religious
tion about making use of fossil fuels,
Among the Comaghaz, the attitude
fission and explosive gases to drive
is entirely different. Being a scientist,
their vehicles and vessels. Comaghaz
Sarila believes in the  right tool for the
As the Akashans believe all reli-
gions are part of the cosmverse and
contain elements of Apeiros and the
Nameless One within them, there is
no dominant mythos. Characters from
different religions may work together
to perform miracles, and miracles may
be successfully performed on mem-
L ink Difficulty Chart
bers of other religions without a spiri-
tual struggle occurring (see page 124
Akashans in Other Realms Characters in Akasha
of the Torg Rulebook).
Character is in: DN Character is from: DN
Core Earth 11 Core Earth 3
The Law of
Living Land 25 Living Land 12
Aysle 16 Aysle 13
Nippon Tech 10 Nippon Tech 3
Cyberpapacy 12 Cyberpapacy 7
One of the most powerful laws in
Orrorsh 13 Orrorsh 11
Akasha and the Star Sphere is the Law
Nile Empire 12 Nile Empire 8
of Acceptance. Unlike most cultures, as
Akashan culture evolved, it did so on
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
the basis of first accepting the un- He s wrong. The Scarab still func-
known, and then coming to under- tions under his own cosm s laws,
Aka-aligned characters are more
stand it. Few cultures have been so but only as it pertains to himself and
introspective, looking after their own
able to assimilate others beliefs into others of his cosm. If Tina was a Nile
personal needs and  minding their
their own structure. This belief is tied hero (or villain), the Scarab could
own business. They are very
into the philosophy of Zinatt and is so make the check. As she is from Core
individualistic and tend to refrain from
ingrained into every Akashans psyche Earth, and has no inclination her-
any kind of group action. They prefer
that it has become a world law. Even self, he s stuck.
to find nonviolent solutions, or not
Sarila, in her mad desire for conquest,
The Law of Acceptance only affects
take any action at all. Aka emphasizes
accepts this world law. She accepts the
world laws, not axioms. If something
meditation and introspection very
ways of others and then perverts them
is not governed by the axioms of
for her own ends.
Akasha, it can cause a contradiction,
As a result, when in the realm of
Aka Principles
just like in any other realm.
Akasha, characters from other realms
Example: Disappointed by his in-
are not only subject to the world laws
ability to determine Tina s Inclina-
of that realm, but to their own as well.
Individual over All
tion, the Silver Scarab turns to his
Precise control of oneself
Example: The Silver Scarab is try-
friend, the Scarlet Mage. The Mage
Creation for the Sake of Creation
ing to locate a missing person last
is an Ayslish Storm Knight who
and/or the Individual
seen entering the realm of Akasha.
just happens to possess Azzerack s
Since the Scarab is from the Nile
truth tell, a spell that forces its
Aka-aligned characters gain the
Empire, he is usually subject to the
victim to answer a question truth-
following benefits from the Aka
Law of Action (among other Nile
fully. The Scarab figures that, if the
world laws). However, outside of
Mage throws the spell on Tina, they
the Nile realm, use of these world
can get to the bottom of the mystery. " They gain a +3 bonus modifier when
laws would create a contradiction.
The Scarlet Mage agrees to throw
performing the following skills:
But upon entering Akasha, the
the spell, but she reminds the Scarab
Storm Knight can abide by the world
that she could disconnect while cast-
laws of his home realm and those of
ing it; the spell is axiom level 10 (it
Biotech weapons (only for active de-
Akasha without fear of a contradic-
actually conjures forth the truth from
the subject) and the Akashan realm
The Law of Acceptance allows has a Magic axiom of 7. Since the
Energy weapons (only for active de-
characters in Akasha to operate by ability to cast magic stems from the
their own world laws (and the laws of axiom limits and not from Aysle s
Akasha) while they are in the realms world laws, the Mage can cause a
Melee Weapons (only for active de-
without causing a contradiction. Their contradiction.
world laws do not supersede the laws If, however, the Silver Scarab
of the Akasha, nor can they be used could come up with a weird science
against a native of another cosm. gizmo that would act as a lie detec-
tor, this would not place him in peril
Example: The Scarab finds the per-
Unarmed Combat (only for active
of disconnecting  the ability to use
son he was looking for, a Core Earth
weird science is a world law, not
reporter named Tina Rey. The Scarab
an axiom measurement. Strength
believes that Tina has joined the
Sons of the Soil and is spreading
The Way of Zinatt
biased media stories about their ac-
tivities in and around Akasha.
The way of Zinatt is more than just
But he isn t sure. Tina says she is
a philosophy; it affects all actions taken
simply reporting the facts, and that
within the realm and cosm of Akasha.
the Scarab should mind his own
Mathematics (Nile Empire skill)
The concepts of Aka and Coar actively
business. The Scarab, however, has
Meditation (Nippon Tech skill)
govern how possibility energy may be
an Alertness card, and he wishes to
harnessed and used. All Akashans
make an Inclination check to see if
strive for enlightenment through these
Tina is Good or Evil. His player
forces, but there are always those who
Business (Nippon Tech skill)
asserts that, because the Law of Ac-
are aligned so far to one side or an-
ceptance makes the Silver Scarab
other that they lose sight of their true
subject to his own world laws as Charisma
goal. Alignment is used to keep track of
well as Akasha s world laws, he Charm
how great a character s connection is
should be able to do this.
to the three major Akashan belief sys-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
a character s actions are performed to
Spirit " They gain a +3 bonus modifier when
bring accord and harmony, and to
performing the following skills:
achieve communal ends which benefit
The +3 bonus modifier is lost if the
all members of a group equally. In the
character is stymied or setback.
Beast Riding
Star Sphere, this is a relatively new,
Biotech weapons
but popular, concept. It has only
Energy Weapons
" Aka-aligned characters may use a existed for the last few centuries. All
Fire Combat
holders of the office of Rotan must be
Possibility to remove four packets of
Heavy Weapons
followers of Zinatt.
damage rather than the usual three
(see page 18 of the Torg Rulebook).
Zinatt Principles
Melee Weapons
Example: Tina is Aka-aligned. She Missile Weapons
is in the blast radius of a grenade Unarmed Combat
Community for All
and suffers a 2Wnd KO 5. She can
remove both wounds, the K-condi-
Harmony of Creation and Destruc-
tion, and three shock points with a
tion for Enlightenment
single Possibility.
Zinatt-aligned characters gain the
Test of Will
" Aka-aligned characters may not re-
following benefits from the Zinatt
ceive any cards from other players as
the result of leadership cards. They may
" They gain a +3 bonus modifier when
not give or receive the benefits of a
performing the following skills:
supporter card.
Coar The +3 bonus modifier is lost if the
Evidence Analysis
character is stymied or setback.
Characters who are aligned to Coar First Aid
believe that aggressive assertion of Medicine
" Coar-aligned characters may use a
one s own will is the way to true en- Scholar
Possibility to remove only two pack-
lightenment. They also believe in put-
ets of damage rather than the usual
ting the group before the individual as
three (see page 18 of the Torg Rulebook).
a societal norm, and are very much in
favor of the Akashans acting as
Example: Scuzz is Coar-aligned.
pultaaks for other worlds. This is the
He takes a hit and suffers a 2Wnd O
oldest philosophy on Akasha, and
4. He can remove two wounds, or a
dominated that world prior to the di- wound and three shock points.
saster on Earth. After that, Akites split " Zinatt-aligned characters gain the
away from the Coar group, and Zinatt
ability to restore the balance. They may
" Coar-aligned characters may  buy
was born as a compromise between
cards from other Coar-aligned charac- counter Coar-aligned characters per-
the two.
forming Coar actions by performing
ters. The purchasing character spends
Many species of the Star Sphere,
Aka-aligned actions. Zinatt-aligned
a Possibility, which is transferred to
believe Coar to be the correct road not
characters may counter Aka-aligned
the  selling character. The selling
only to enlightenment, but power.
character who are performing Aka ac-
character must agree to the sale of the
Coar Principles
tions by performing Coar-aligned ac-
card. If the action is in rounds, the
cards purchased must be in card pools.
Actions which restore the balance
No more than three cards may be pur-
Group over All
receive a +3 bonus modifier. If the
chased in this way in a single round,
Zinatt character s skill total is higher
and all cards purchased must imme-
Right of Superior to Guide Inferior
than the skill total of the Aka or Coar
diately be played in support of an
Destruction for the Sake of Destruc-
character, the result points are read on
tion and/ or the Group
the Taunt/Trick column of the
Interaction Results Table.
Coar-aligned characters gain the
following benefits from the Coar
The ideal for most Akashans is to
achieve a state of Zinatt, in which all of
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Dispatches and Rumors
had been totally destroyed. There was The goal for the Knights is to track
evidence that some sort of energy down the four strangers and stop them
weapon had been used on the scene, from wrecking Cairo. This will be dif-
D but, as usual in the back streets of ficult, as they seem to vanish after each
Cairo, only the victim was a witness." attack. While they have yet to actually
kill anyone, they have put several
 Reprinted with permission of The
people in the hospital.
Cairo Clarion, October 13, 1991
As the Knights go along, they will
 Four strange beings visited a gin
be given clues to their quarry s iden-
If the Storm Knights decide to in-
joint on Bleaker Street in Cairo last
tity  the four are Terran Martians
vestigate this strange event, they can
week  and trashed it.
(see page 108 of The Nile Empire source-
go to the gin joint and question the
 Arriving at about 10:30 pm, the three
book for details and statistics). When
men and one woman gave the proper
the Knights investigate, supply clues
Even though the place was pretty
password, walked into the joint, and
to their identities slowly, and provide
much destroyed, the owner apparently
started to calmly ask questions of the
a situation, after they ve figured it out
has enough  outside interests to re-
patrons and the pub s owner. The
or been hopelessly confused, for them
construct the establishment. When the
manager, who survived the attack with
to encounter the Martians.
Knights arrive,  Harry s Place is back
only a broken collarbone and a
The four are, they believe, the last of
in business.
fractured hand had this to say:
a team of scouts sent down the mael-
The Knights will have to question
 They walk in my & restau- strom bridge from Terra. Since they
Harry, and the one or two other
rant, neat as yah please. I guess are the last, they think it is their job to
witnesses to the attack if they want to
that shoulda been my first clue. go home and report. They ve been
get anywhere. They will, most likely,
Ten-thirty in Cairo, nobody s desperately seeking the heroes, be-
provoke another fight if they aren t
neat an tidy; everybody who cause the four have heard the three
extremely careful, and they will be
comes in looks like they been men have found a way back to Terra.
sold (nothing s given away) lots of
walkin behind a camel-cart th If the Knights find and stop the
misleading information along with the
whole day. Martians rampage, the four will join
following truths:
 Anyways & they walk in an up with the Storm Knights (all four are
" The attackers acted perfectly calm
ask  Where s the Silver Scarab? possibility-rated) for as long as it takes
all through the fight;
 Where s the Whisper? to find the heroes they are searching
 Where s Colonel Cairo   as if for. This is a Good result (6+). Killing
" They displayed unusual, if not su-
any o me an mine d know where all the Martians (the Martians can
perhuman, physical prowess and
them fancy-shmancy heroes understand one or two casualties) or
might be. so alienating them that they wouldn t
 Well, then the trouble started. " One of the witnesses, a drunk named join the group is a Bad result (2-). Not
But who s fault is that? Come finding the four is also a Bad result.
Willy, swears that after one got hit
inta a downtown gin-joi & I
with a barstool, he looked  like a gian
Gamemaster Note: If the presence
mean restaurant, an start askin
of four Terran Martians acting as non-
questions like that. You re just
player characters in your Storm
" They were unusually pale;
askin t get a chair broken over
Knights group seriously unbalances
your head.
" The female used a ray gun on a
your campaign, feel free to eliminate
patron who drew a gun.
 That, apparently, is what hap- some without making the Knights re-
pened next. One of the patrons at- sponsible. One way is when the
Over the next few nights, these oc-
tacked one of the four from behind Knights  find the Martians, the four
currences continue. The four walk into
with a chair, while another seized the are in a battle with pulp villains who
gin joints, restaurants, and even a small
female of the group from behind. were also lying in wait. The four have
police station and repeat the perfor-
 Then all hell broke loose. When taken casualties (one to three) and the
mance. Nobody knows where the three
the authorities finally arrived, there Knights arrive just in time to save the
heroes are, and the four continue the
was no trace of the four, but the joint survivors.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
but seven weeks. While this is not the don.
fastest a spell has ever been produced If the Knights go to the inn, they can
by a young mage, it is definitely one of question the innkeeper, the local guard,
In the city of Liverpool, in the
the most powerful. Add to that the fact and the residents. Since this area is in
United Kingdom, a young mage has
that Ms. Robertson was not originally the Light, most of the people are help-
just passed the entrance exam for the
of Aysle, and you have an extraordi- ful and friendly  but nobody really
local Magician s Guild  with flying
nary occurrence. knows anything. Freida left the inn
Naturally, the magicians of about six in the morning a week be-
The entrance exam is the following:
Liverpool were eager to sign on the fore, but did not arrive at her next stop
 Within four months, come up with
young mage and add her spell to the that evening.
a useful spell that shows your
library. But something went wrong. When the Knights trace the route
understanding of and your adeptness
On her way from London back to Ms. Robertson took, they will need to
with the Laws of Magic. The spell then
Liverpool, Freida Robertson disap- make six tracking totals. The Knights
becomes part of the Magician s Library
peared. need to find where Freida left the road.
and you become a member of the Mage
Rumor has it that Ms. Robertson If the Knights obtain an overall av-
Guild of Liverpool.
was abducted by the forces of the Dark. erage of totals exceeding 12, they are
The young magician, a transformed
Her last known location was an inn able to determine where the attack
Core Earther named Freida Robertson,
called the  Call to Arms, located about occurred. They see several slightly
concocted the spell not in four months,
midway between Liverpool and Lon- scorched trees, a few holes in the road,
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
and a few broken weapons. Making (interspersed strategically about the tortured and abused by his captors (a
two more tracking totals of 10 or higher, building); and the party guests are all gang called the  Sacramento Satans )
the Knights are able to follow a trail up dressed in costumes similar to the Sun in the hopes that he can lead them to
to a cave. Kings and Queens. more prey.
Inside the cave are six second-plant- Rescuing the guests and driving off Currently, the Storm Knight is be-
ing gospog and one third-planting the gang members is a Good result ing held in a bar in the mixed zone,
gospog (see the Aysle sourcebook for (6+), while allowing Louis XVII to kill along with several patrons and the
details). They are hidden in the cav- off guests or extort money from the owners (who just happened to be in
erns, waiting for any pursuers. If the Parisians is a Bad result (2-). The Sun the way). If the gang members can t
Knights defeat the gospog, they can Kings and Queens are all heavily get him to help them find more edeinos,
search the cave and find several items armed, but only their leader and one they ll kill him soon. There are at least
that belonged to Freida Robertson: a or two of them are Possibility-rated two gang members per Storm Knight,
suitcase, a hand mirror (broken) and a and are thus afraid of disconnection. If and the leader and his lieutenant (at
set of fiction novels. the Knights can separate them from least) are Possibility-rated.
There is also a strange object on the their leader (or, better still, from the
Red Caspian, Gang Leader
floor. It looks like a circle drawn with guests) they may choose to flee for the
chalk but, if one of the Knights touches Cyberpapacy without extracting their
Dodge 15, fire combat 14, maneuver
it, it is revealed as a solid object. It is extortion money or revenge.
14, melee 17, stealth 13, unarmed 14
two meters in diameter and weighs
almost nothing. Anyone making a divi-
nation magic skill total of 10 or higher
knows it is some sort of magical con- Certain private interests in the city
Trick 14, land vehicles 12
of Sacramento have set up a profit
struct, and anyone with an apportation
motive for revenge. After the  Miracle
total of 14 or higher realizes it was
Survival 14, test 13
of Sacramento, the returning Core
used to teleport someone away  to a
Earthers (and the Nippon immigrants)
specific location. No one knows how
Taunt 14
have been rebuilding the city and driv-
to activate it.
ing the Living Land creatures from the
If the Knights defeat the gospog
Reality (Core Earth) 13, intimidation
surrounding mixed zones. Now, the
and find the loop, they get a Good (6+)
city is reasonably safe from the Living
result. Any other result is Bad (2-).
Possibilities: 2 per Storm Knight
Land, and the  hunts have died down
Equipment: Spiked chain (damage
in the mixed zones.
value, STR+4/15); studded leather
But that does not appear to be
jacket (armor value, TOU+4/14); large
Just last night, a group of Sun Kings enough for someone. Recent reports
knife (damage value, STR+3/14); .44
and Sun Queens crashed a costume have stated that independent finan-
S&W Magnum (damage value 17,
party held in the offices of a Paris cial trusts have been set up to fund and
ammo 6, range 3-10/15/40); cigarettes;
publishing house. Little is known reward  edeinos hunts. As far as the
about the group except that they are Storm Knights can gather, the offers
The Knights have to sneak past the
well armed, extremely well organized, stand at one thousand dollars per
perimeter guards (or eliminate them)
and led by Louis XVII and his two edeinos head and one hundred for
and rescue the patrons and the edeinos.
lieutenants, Louis XXI and Marie. any other Living Land creature.
If they succeed, they get a Good result
The gang has taken the party-goers To the impoverished majority of
hostage and is demanding one hun- Sacramento residents, this is a god- (2-) and find out (from the edeinos)
that the Delphi Council and certain
dred million Francs in gold, silver and send. Desperate men and women have
Kanawa subsidiaries put up the money
jewelry be delivered to a drop location taken up arms and are going into the
outside of the Paris city limits. The mixed zones  and sometimes be- for the trust. If the edeinos is killed, or
just not rescued, or if most of the bar s
local government wishes to get the yond  to hunt the edeinos.
patrons are killed, the Knights get a
publishers and their guests out of the Unfortunately, the hunters often do
Bad result (2-).
building (the party was held on the not distinguish between transformed
top floor of a twenty-six floor sky- edeinos and Living Land edeinos. In
scraper), but refuses to pay ransom. fact, many prefer the former (they ve
The Sun King leader has vowed to kill lost access to the miracles of Lanala
one party guest each hour if his de- and are often poorly equipped and
mands are not met. alone).
There are several disadvantages to The Storm Knights have heard that
the Storm Knights rescue attempt: the a fellow Storm Knight, a renegade
More problems for Pharaoh Mo-
gang is very cyber-enhanced (espe- edeinos (with Nippon axioms) named
cially the leader, who is on the verge of Gathka Hoshi has been captured by a
As if contending with Terran and
going cyberpsychotic); there are at least group of hunters in the mixed zone
Nile Empire heroes, Israeli freedom
three gang members per Storm Knight just north of Sacramento. He is being
fighters and scheming Overgovernors
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
was not enough, now the mad Doctor people. While the Jakatts and their Hachiman Arms specifically  has
has a new foe to contend with  pub- allies have not organized for rebellion, made quite an impression on the forces
lic embarrassment. there is considerable grumbling among fighting the Possibility Wars. Where
Radio and newspapers are staples the creatures of the Living Land. before, realms with low Social Axioms
of entertainment and information Some say that Kaah has betrayed have not had access to mass-market
among the citizens of the pulp realm, the tenets of Lanala by bringing them goods, now all the armies within each
but their favorite media enjoyment is to this dead world. Others feel he is realm are able to purchase weapons
film  Saturday matinees, Friday not favored by the goddess, and that on a grand scale.
night premieres, and mid-week after- is why they are not conquering the As a result, Armies of the Light and
noon festivals are the true  opiate of  soft hides. There is even a rumor Dark in Aysle are better equipped than
the masses in the Pharaoh s realm. that some edeinos, heartily sick of ever before, Orrorshan Victorians have
But, as one might expect, these enter- Baruk Kaah and his leadership are access to greater numbers of  their
tainments give rise to some  less starting to look to another, more adapt- kind of weapons (even though they
wholesome activities. Namely, there able, leader. believe them to be of  inferior qual-
has been a rash of  stag films circu- ity ), and those fighting the War or
lated in the Cairo and Memphis dis- defending their homes have much
tricts. Normally, this would not con- greater access to much more powerful
With continuous warfare on the
cern the villainous Pharaoh, but these weapons than ever before.
eastern front, sabotage from the south,
films have a special star & For Hachiman, this has resulted in
and indecision from the north,
A man dressed only in a very good unprecedented profits  and some
Cyberpope Jean Malraux I has had
imitation of the Pharaoh s hood. unexpected trouble. It seems that some
less luck than he d hoped for in the
Dr. Mobius has yet to comment. people take offense at Kanawa s neu-
initial invasion of Earth. Naturally
trality  they don t appreciate weap-
conservative, the Cyberpope has been
ons being sold to the  other side as
content to dominate his existing realm
An Orrorshan occultist of extreme before expanding further into Core
Recent reports state that some ships
power has come to Aysle. Perhaps she Earth  with one notable exception in
entering the realms of Aysle and the
is seeking refuge from the Power of Canada.
Nile Empire, and some planes enter-
Corruption, or maybe she is trying to Unfortunately, this conservative
ing the Cyberpapacy, have been in-
fill the High Lord vacancy of the realm. doctrine worked. Within the realm,
convenienced, sabotaged, and even
Whatever her reason for being in Aysle, cyberdeckers, Core Earth Storm
attacked  by both sides in the con-
she is already causing terrible trouble. Knights, and Paris Liberté have re- flict. Kanawa has not responded to
Using her occult magic, she has mained undefeated for too long. The
these attacks, except to send new ship-
managed to capture several magical people are starting to talk about the
ments with more armed guards.
creatures of Aysle and is conducting Cyberpope s  infallibility  in less
experiments on them. Apparently, she than glowing terms. It does not help
is trying to  infect them with the that even Malraux s home cosm of
horrible abilities of Orrorshan mon- Magna Verita is dissatisfied. While the city of Los Angeles still
sters. But Malraux is not ready to throw remains free from the dominion of any
Rumor has it that she has, so far, in the crucifix yet. Sending missionar- realm, its position near both the Liv-
been less than successful. Her experi- ies to South America, the Cyberpope ing Land and western Nippon Tech
ments have killed or maimed most of has had little resistance to his efforts in has not improved its society one bit.
the poor creatures, but there is one setting up a supply center of raw ma- Gang warfare is on the rise, spurred by
fearful exception. It is a creature that, terials, and his bridge in Quebec is, so influxes of ethnic and alien refugees.
with its natural abilities, is terrible far, safe from opposition. Within the Recently, the police and civil order
enough. But, after being transformed realm, the Cyberpope has assigned his departments have been hard-pressed
to the Orrorshan reality (the occultist HOGs the mission of coming up with to keep the citizens of Los Angeles
invoked a reality storm), it is a horror a devious plan to match the cleverness from killing each other. It is rumored
in its own right. It is the  necrolepus of his opponents. Whether they suc- that there are small gangs of serial
vampirum  also known as the ceed or not remains to be seen. killers within the city, organized to
vampiric death bunny. better elude the police. While this has
not caused any mass exodus from the
city, it does worry the local law en-
With the publication of the Kanawa
forcement community.
Baruk Kaah is on the ropes. Con- Personal Weapons catalog and the up-
stant defeats and setbacks have hurt coming Heavy Weapons catalog, the
the High Lord s standing among his Kanawa Corporation  and
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Your Letters
The Orrorsh sourcebook is a crown-
3. A slight misunderstanding here. The 5000 transformation figure was
ing achievement, and nicely rounds
Pixaud s Practical Grimoire states that arrived at by Greg (Lord of the Still
out the  classic six realms. When-
charm person works only on beings Waters) Gorden based on the fact that
ever I finish a sourcebook and I m still
man-sized or smaller who speak the only an hour at most will pass be-
excited about it and want even more
same language as the caster. How- tween the time the central stelae is
info & then I feel you ve done an awe-
ever, the difficulty number of 10 for pulled up and when it is replaced.
some job.
the spell does not relate to the target s As for the bridge in Avignon, yes,
1. During character creation, at-
Toughness. A ninja of average height there is a very good chance it will
tribute points may be used to increase
with a Toughness of 13 can still be collapse. But Quebec? No  keep in
a Nile character s power action value.
targeted for a charm person spell, pro- mind that (a) all bridges to Magna
Once the campaign begins, can a char-
viding he speaks the same language as Verita could come down, and the realm
acter spend Possibilities to increase a
the caster. would remain extant; and (b) despite
power? It appears that increasing
4. They don t. An edeinos would losing the bridge in the Western Land,
powers would be done at the same
know (as a simple action) whether the reality of Baruk Kaah s realm re-
cost as increasing an attribute (i.e.,
another edeinos was male or female. mains firmly in place in the Eastern
triple the cost of a skill add).
There are no external differences that Land.
2. In the Torg World Book, it states
would tell a non-edeinos what the gen-
that Nile characters may have one
der of a particular specimen might be. 1. Do victims of the Orrorsh power
attribute rated at 14. However, the
5. Would you believe, Allen will be life drain lose the number of Possi-
Nile Empire sourcebook does not seem
drawing all of Tharkold? In addition, bilities that are drawn from them?
to mention that. Is this an omission?
Mr. Nunis did all the illustrations for 2. Can a Storm Knight wear the
3. Charm person works on TOU
the Space Gods sourcebook, due out in Rijato Battlesuit?
size 10 or smaller. Since anyone can
November. 3. When a Storm Knight has a
have a TOU greater than 10, the spell
 transform result on the Reality
will not work on them. Is this what
In the latest Infiniverse realm up- Storm table, does he succumb to the
you intended?
date (issue #14), the Germans Opera- axioms of the victor only on a roll of
4. In a recent Infiniverse, I felt you
tion Central Fire is outlined. It is stated 1?
were rather flippant about external
that at least 5000 casualties are ex-  Scott Mitchell,
gender differences between male and
pected among French nationals due to Chicago, IL
female edeinos. I feel my players de-
transformation & But between the
1. No. Life drain attacks an attribute,
serve to know what the differences
surge of possibility energy and trans-
not one s well of Possibilities. The at-
are, if any. And if there aren t, how do
formation when the stelae is pulled up
tacking creature gains a Possibility as
they tell the difference?
and the one when it is replaced, the
a result of the power for every five
5. Allen Nunis is the most incred-
deaths due to transformation could
points of attribute he drains (keep in
ible Torg illustrator you ve yet pub-
range upwards from 2 million.
mind that the attribute does not actu-
lished. His full page edeinos illustra-
The only other thing that wasn t
ally go down). At this point, only
tion in Operation: Hard Sell just blew
mentioned in the outline of Operation
Ayslish Storm Wraiths are capable of
me away. Any chance of him doing
Central Fire is a beneficial bonus ef-
attacking and draining Possibilities in
fect  when the reality of Core Earth
a vampiric manner.
 Martin Wixted,
reasserts itself, the maelstrom bridge
2. No. The insides of the Rijato
Boston, MA
at Avignon will be destroyed. This
Battlesuit are so clogged with sophis-
brings up another question  since
1. Good guess, Martin. Yes, power
ticated machinery that there is no room
the Cyberpapal Darkness Device is no
action values can be increased using
for a being to fit inside it.
longer connected be a series of mael-
exactly the formula you listed.
3. No. A character is instantly trans-
strom bridges (to Magna Verita, then
2. That was an omission from the
formed to the axioms of the victor in
from Magna Verita to Quebec) to the
Nile sourcebook (though not from
an invoked reality storm. However,
realm in Quebec, will that realm re-
some templates therein). Yes, Nile
he must a contradiction check to de-
vert to Core Earth reality?
characters can have a single attribute
termine if he is physically transformed
 Michael C. Levay,
at 14.
as well  on a 1, that takes place.
Roscommon, MI
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 16 / October, 1991
Congratulations on the Orrorsh severe weakness or True Death, as all arts style of ninjutsu (see the Nippon
soucebook. It was everything I hoped of these are connected to Orrorshan Tech sourcebook for details on that).
it would be. But it did leave me with world laws. Please put out a map of the Near
three questions: 2. If the character was in human Now that I can use to keep track of the
1. If a character from outside form when he disconnected, yes, he stelae boundaries!
Orrorsh becomes a vampyre, werewolf would no longer be able to use his  Stephen Kenson,
or similar beastie via infection, does shapeshifting skill and would, in es- Merrimack, NH
he retain his own axioms and world sence, be free of his curse. By the same
Well, Steve, tell you what we re
laws, or does he transform to token, if he was in wolf form when he
going to do &
Orrorshan reality? disconnected, he would be unable to
We determined that our putting out
2. If a werewolf disconnected out- revert back to human form.
a map would end up being prohibi-
side Orrorsh, could he live his life free 3. Yes, they do cause a contradic-
tively expensive for our players. So
of the curse of lycanthropy, as long as tion, being an outgrowth of Orrorsh s
here s our suggestion:
he didn t reconnect? world laws.
Do what we did, and pick up a big
3. Do Orrorsh horror powers crea-
map of the world (they re relatively
ture a contradiction any time they are Can a Possibility be spent to roll
inexpensive). Then look in the up-
used outside their own realm? again and avoid disconnection?
coming Infiniverse Update (due out in
 Richard Lee Byers,  Tony Perkins,
April), where latitude and longitude
Riverview, FL Layton, UT
coordinates for all the stelae in all the
Good questions, Richard. This is a question we ve gotten from realms will be provided. That will
1. Yes, a character turned into a a few sources, and the answer is no. allow you to plot the realms out on
vampyre, etc. would retain his own Once you roll that 1 and disconnect, your map (we suggest pins, so you
axioms and world laws. The infection that ends that action. No Possibilities can move them easily). In future, we ll
power does have not have the ability may be spent to increase that roll. provide such coordinates whenever
to transform a character s reality. You can spend Possibilities in an we announce a stelae placement or
Therefore, a non-Orrorshan vampyre effort to reconnect, providing you do removal, so you can keep your map
would not have access to horror pow- not possess knowledge of the martial
up to date.
ers, the Power of Fear, or suffer from
Herald Messages
Ayslish Corsair ships equipped with GodNet raider Pierre LaPorte has The Tarot Gang has more members
magically-strengthened hulls have sailed found location where stelae are created. than apparent! Beware Sun Man, a gadge-
from England to engage Mobius subma- Plans to raid location in conjunction with teer with a heat ray gun and a blinding
rines.  Operation Central Fire are going light coming from his costume, and the
Score thus far: Corsairs 2, Mobius 1. smoothly. Moon, an Egyptian able to inflict madness
 The Freedom Reavers  Jim Pulles upon his opponents.
Regina, Canada  Dale Hitesman,
Dragons? Ha! Give us something tough San Francisco, CA
to fight! After gaining new allies, an edeinos
 Fangs of Reality and a Cyberpapal rebel, the Storm Knights Missing: one Storm Knight answering
succeeded in destroying the Mystic Flame to Sir Eric Fireshaft. Last seen in pursuit of
(Truth of the matter is, we got REAL in the Northern Land, and thwarting the Nile villain, Dr. Shocker, in the depths of
lucky.) experiments of a mad scientist and an evil Sherwood Forest. Leave message at the
 F.O.R. elven mage trying to design a  spell chip. Royal Arms Hotel for Jameson Starkey.
Long live the Storm Knights!  J. Starkey,
The Aysle stelae northeast of the Oulu  Scott Mitchell, Huntsman to the World
bridge in Finland has been removed. Chicago, IL
Mobius plan to disrupt Aysle has been Today, Dr. Mobius leveled the Islamic
defeated soundly. The Syndicate of Sin Be not afraid to try odd things. holy city of Mecca with five blasts from
has been wiped out (Cerebrum is cur-  Sai Hakimoto his artificial sun. When asked why five
rently in jail in London, as is Raze. The blasts were used, he replied,  Because I m
others were killed in battle with the Storm Here s an interesing tidbit  has any- such a genius.
Knights.) one noticed all those ATM machines bob- It seems our dear Cyberpope has good
Alexander Pelkington has fled into the bing about the Pacific Ocean, kinda close sources. While German forces were dis-
Living Land. His talismans have all been to Japan? They make for great heavy weap- abling his main cyberfactory, Malraux was
destroyed. His contacts in the Spartans ons practice (or lightning bolt practice, or busy setting up a stelae in Germany 
have been exposed and defeated. spear throwing practice, etc., ad nauseam). and a bridge! Collateral casualties reached
 Tony Perkins,  Windigo 12,000; operational casualties were 7200.
Layton, UT  Dominick Riesland,
Milwaukee, WI


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