Torg Infiniverse Magazine 38

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Volume 1, Number 38 November/December, 1993  $3.00
When they say,  You with us?
Malraux Wonderland
 In this instance,
(To the tune of  Winter Wonder-
You can do the job, we won t be
land. )
Later on, we ll conspire,
Church bells ring,
With our feet to the fire,
Are you listening?
Next we ll get flayed,
In the lane,
That s the price to be paid,
Cyber s glistening,
For walking in a Malraux wonder-
Rumor Report
A most holy sight,
We re jacked-in tonight,
and News ....................... 2
Walking in a Malraux wonderland.
The Nameless One is Coming
Gone away,
Bride of Darkness,
To Town
Is all our hope,
Part V .............................. 3
Here to stay,
You better not pull,
Is the C-Pope,
Stelae from the ground,
Dispatches .................... 8
Our faith is so strong,
All you Knights better hide,
As we go along,
Where you can t be found,
Your Letters ................. 11 Walking in a Malraux wonderland.
The Nameless One is coming to
In the valley, we ll meet the Resis- town!
Herald Messages ........ 12
He s consuming your world,
And discuss plans to retake the
And chewing it good,
 continued on page 6
Contributors This Issue:
REALITY CHECK by Brian Schomburg
Greg Farshtey, Ron Hill & Jaime
Lombardo, Brian Schomburg, Ed
Ayslish folk adventuring in a shopping mall&
Stark, Valerie Valusek
And we found this cryptic
scroll right next to the pool where
we filled our canteens.
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis, Scott Palter
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
®, TM & © 1993, 2001 D6Legend Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
West End Games and WEG are trademarks of
D6Legend Inc.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Rumor Report and News
irst Indication reports streets of Thebes. Both vanish under a
Upcoming For Torg
on the newest batch of pile of rubble. A tight race, and True
January: The Terra sourcebook,
rumors to which you (13) out of the blocks.
written by Brian Sean Perry, author of
have responded. Con-
Continuing Report: Issue #35
the Tokyo Citybook. Explore Mobius
tinuing Report updates
1. Woman believed to be infected
home cosm, learn the secrets of Terran
the rumors as more responses come
with Comaghaz the subject of a battle
pulp magic, fight side by side with the
in. The Wrap Up gives you the tally
in Tokyo. Law of Intrigue may affect
greatest heroes and worst villains of
after the rumor has reverberated
Comaghaz cells in Nippon Tech. Slight
the cosm.
throughout the Infiniverse for
drop to True (15).
about three months. The wrap-up
March: The Clerics Sourcebook col-
2. Baseball seen as a symbol of na-
will be the last report for that ru-
lects all the miracles of the Torg uni-
tional hope renewed in the wake of the
mor in Infiniverse.
verse, along with an assortment of
Possibility Wars. Especially if you re a
new ones, and details the miracle cre-
Blue Jay fan  holding at True (18).
ation system. Can we hear an amen,
3. Orrorshan werewolves travel to
Rumor Report brothers and sisters?
the Land Above to try and gather
Ustanah for use in a new Horror. Up to
May: Infiniverse Update, Volume
The results are given a true or
True (13).
Three. And the first one not written by
false, followed by a parenthetical
4. Backlash against Storm Knights
Greg Farshtey! John Terra leads you
number. That number represents
beginning to be seen in some areas of
through the Possibility Wars 1994, fea-
the strength of the truth or false-
Core Earth.  Ords Are Heroes, Too
turing shocking surprises, sinister
hood throughout the Infiniverse.
chapter springs up. Slight jump to True
plots and the return of an old and
For example, a statement which is
adamant villain (no, it s not Ensign
False (15) is false unless the
5. Mobius believed to be targeting
gamemaster decides to test the
Spain for invasion. Adios, amigos 
September: Berlin Rezoned is the
statement; on a roll of 15 or better,
it s at True (19).
tentative title for John (Interview With
the statement is actually true. Roll
The Wrap-Up: Issue #34
Evil) Terra s second novel. This book
again on 10 and 20 when testing
1. Cyberpapal cleric infected with
follows Major Havoc and his band of
the truth or falsity of a reported
Comaghaz uses alter disease to lock
Mystery Men into the heart of Berlin,
himself into second stage. Peace
where Nile heroes clash with
First Indication: Issue #36
Through God used as a means to in-
Tharkoldu techno-demons in the dead-
1. Mobius plans to use reality tree to
fect others. Finishes at True (15).
liest mixed zone of them all.
convert Iceland to Nile axioms and
2. Ace Decker saved by aborginal
turn it into a floating battlebase. Starts
shaman Djil, now inhabiting the body
Shatterzone Quarterly
out True (19). Anchors aweigh!
of an enormous Ayslish warrior. Little
2. Ghostdancer movement springs
jump at True (17).
If you enjoy Torg and the Infiniverse,
up among Gaea s Native American
3. Storm Knights planning to seize
give WEG s new game, Shatterzone, a
population in response to the domina-
control of major Japanese networks
tion of the Gaunt Man. An impressive
and broadcast news of 3327 s identity
True (25) to start.
 actually, the whole thing is a death-
New Staffers
3. Negotiations going on between
trap. A drop, but not a preciptous one
high-ranking cyberpriests and techno-
 ends at True (13). West End welcomes new graphic
demons. Or not  #$ starts at False (18).
artists Nicole Black and Tom ONeill to
4. Colonel Cairo and Captain Car-
the fold and wishes them a long and
nage (the former Dr. Zap) clash in the
happy association with the company.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Bride of Darkness, Part V
(This is part five of a five-part Torg hanging over all. The house feels as
adventure that has been running evil as its master, as if it were sick in
Survival 17, test 22, willpower 19
through the Dispatches section of this its heart and soul. Somewhere, some- CHARISMA 10
newsletter. For those who came in late, one is screaming, and you briefly
Charm 15, persuasion 18, taunt 13
the Gaunt Man has been dispatching wonder if it might be you.
Nightmares to kidnap some of the
Faith (Irishantism) 20, intimidation
major women of power in the world,
19, reality 19
including Ellen Connors, head of the
Possibilities: 6 per Storm Knight
The Action
Delphi Council; Natatiri, Nile Powers: Resistance to normal weap-
Overgovernor; Sarila, Akashan Even if the Storm Knights teleported ons
biotechnician; and Pella Ardinay, Lady with Ardinay at the end of Part IV, the Corruption Value: 22
of the Houses of Aysle. His reason: he spell weeded them out and placed Fear Rating: 2
is convinced that one of these is the them in another part of the castle. Let Perseverance DN: 25
favored of the Nameless One, and he them wander around for a while  Weakness: Enchanted or blessed
means to determine who, the better to the layout has shifted slightly since weapons made of elemental earth (se-
manipulate her for his own ends. The Gaunt Man Returns, but with a few vere weakness)
Whether or not he has succeeded in modifications, the maps from that True Death: Occult ritual to sever
the first three kidnappings depends supplement can be used. the wings from his body
on how your group has played the Toss a few minor terrors their way, Natural Tools: Occult-treated ar-
dispatches. He has succeeded in kid- just to keep them honest. Periodically, mored skin, armor value TOU+6/25;
napping Pella Ardinay, and the Storm they hear voices and maniacal laugh- talons, damage value STR+3/20;
Knights were either carried along or ter. One voice is surely Pella Ardinay s, wings, speed value 13
have tracked her down to Illmound raised in anger; the other, softer one, Equipment: Metal sword, damage
Keep. As Part V opens, the Knights are the one that makes their flesh crawl, value STR+4/21; rank harness; occult-
in the fortress of the Gaunt Man, drawn must be the Gaunt Man s. treated crimson gem
by the faraway voices of the Orrorshan Let the Knights draw closer and
Let the Knights go a few rounds
High Lord and his Ayslish captive & closer to the Gaunt Man s laboratory.
with Parok, who is fighting to the
Note that, for purposes of the re- The voices are becoming clearer  the
death. As far as he knows, the Gaunt
sponse form, this should be consid- Gaunt Man seems to be reciting some
Man has what he wants and doesn t
ered Dispatch 1. By the way, the Perse- sort of ritual. A woman is crying,
desire an audience. The Knights do
verance DN is the Gaunt Man s own& ) though it does not seem to be Pella.
have one advantage: in the cramped
Suddenly, a passage in the wall
quarters of the corridor, Parok cannot
opens near the Knights to reveal Parok,
the Gaunt Man s ravagon servant. He
If the Knights are winning, by all
has been dispatched by his master to
means let them win and then cut to
Ravagon with the delay the Knights until the ritual is
 Gust in the Wind. If the Knights are
losing, cut to  Gust before Parok slices
them into minute steaks.
Reality: Orrorsh
Gust in the Wind
The Situation
Dodge 18, flight 17, maneuver 18,
melee weapons 22, stealth 21, un-
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Standard. The Storm Knights fight
armed combat 24
From nowhere and everywhere at
their way through the twisting corri-
once, a great wind rises. It howls like
dors of Illmound Keep to rescue Pella
a banshee down the hallways of
Illmound Keep, carrying a strange
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Find 19, language 16, tracking 19,
laughter that sounds like tree
trick 18
Illmound Keep is dark and cold
branches scraping against a window.
this night, with the chill of death
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
A gust catches Parok and carries him not been ordered to attack the Knights. If the Knights turn around, they ll
away, and now you feel the wind But she has had little exposure to them find a similar blaze behind them. Be-
tearing at you as well. since assuming her new rank, and fore the flames can reach them, they
wishes to toy with them a bit, given are extinguished.
The winds have a Strength of 19
the circumstances.
and they are blowing the Knights fur-
Read aloud or paraphrase:
ther in toward the heart of the Keep.
The Action
Let them make an effort to resist it  The woman who stands before you
grabbing hold of things, etc. Any fur- is horrifyingly beautiful. Her green
This is not so much a combat scene
niture in the hallway will become a eyes shine and her brown hair falls
as it is a  malevolent goddess at play
deadly missile. As they are drawn past her shoulders, yet she is like no
scene. Because of the events in No
into a large chamber and brought face woman you have ever seen before.
Quarter Given and other irons the
to face with Nature gone mad, cut to Her skin is leaves and bark sewn
Gaunt Man has in the fire, he really has
Scene Two. together, her nails rose thorns, her
not let Hatha off her leash since she
muscles like nothing so much as the
joined the Hellion Court. Not having
roots of trees. She smiles at you and
received any instructions from the
you feel a chill not from the wind.
High Lord about these Storm Knights,
 Welcome, little ones, she says in
she assumes they re free to anyone
They Call the Wind a voice that is the thunder that pre-
who wants to torment them. She rel-
cedes a storm, the roar of the hurri-
ishes the chance to see what her
cane, and the song of night birds.
master s foes are made of.
 Welcome to the abode of Hatha. You
Keep in mind when running this
are to be my guests for a while. If you
scene that Hatha is capable of violent
are very, very good, perhaps I will
mood swings and is mentally unstable
The Situation
give you a gift before you go. If you
at best. She may well choose a  favor-
are bad & 
Dramatic. The Storm Knights con- ite from among the male Knights and
A wall of flame suddenly spring
front Hatha, newest member of the set him aside while she tortures his
up in front of Hatha, working its way
Hellion Court. Unlike Parok, she has fellows. By the same token, she may
rapidly toward you.
Jaime Lombardo/Ron Hill
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
choose a  favorite and skin him alive of another Kantovian on Earth, though Before you can react, the Gaunt
first, as an example to his friends. This she knows not where. Man turns and smiles.  Welcome, my
is an entity of great power who s a few At some point, Hatha will pause as unexpected guests. You are just in
trees shy of a forest, and if that doesn t if listening to a voice none but she can time to witness the culmination of
scare the Knights, nothing will. hear. If the Storm Knights are still my greatest experiment. My re-
standing at this point, she will brush searches have proven beyond doubt
aside a tapestry to reveal another se- that this woman   he says, gestur-
Reality: Orrorsh
cret passage. ing toward the pain-wracked Ardinay
Read aloud or paraphrase:   is more than she appears. We will
Beast riding 14, dodge 14, melee
soon see just how much more.
 Run along, little ones, Hatha tells
weapons 15, running 15, stealth 16,
you.  The master is calling. The Knights have a couple of op-
swimming 15, unarmed combat 14
tions here. They can attack the Gaunt
The Knights, of course, will prob-
Man; they can attack Pella (which will
ably be very reluctant to go down that
Climbing 18
involve fighting the Gaunt Man); they
passage. Understandable and perfectly
can try to rescue Pella (the Gaunt Man
okay. If they choose to, they can leave
will no doubt watch in amusement);
by the front door, completely unmo-
Find 18, language 19, scholar
or they can try to rescue the other
lested. The passage would have sim-
(Kantovian lore) 23, tracking 22,
captive women before they are de-
ply gotten them to the Gaunt Man s
trick 19
stroyed by the energies unleashed here.
lab a little faster, but they can choose
By now, you re probably wonder-
their own route.
Occult 22, test 23
ing just what the hell is going on. Well,
Once the Knights make it to the
it s like this: some time ago, the Gaunt
Gaunt Man s laboratory, cut to Scene
Charm 25, persuasion 23, taunt 22
Man learned that one of the women
intimately connected with the Possi-
Faith (Kantovian nature spirits) 20,
bility Wars was the focus of a portion
focus 22, intimidation 23, reality 24
of the Nameless One s power. Up to
Possibilities: 10 per Storm Knight SCENE THREE:
now, only the Gaunt Man has tasted of
Natural Tools: fingernails, damage
this energy  but if another were to be
The Bride of
value STR+4/19
 blessed by the Nameless One, and
Powers: Hypnosis, life drain (Tough-
could be brought under the sway of
ness), magical resistance, animal control,
the Gaunt Man, nothing could stand
plant control, shape change, blur form,
in his way.
He therefore initiated his kidnap-
Miracles: All Core Earth miracles.
ping scheme, with mixed success. The
The Situation
Animal speech, fertility, inferno, plague,
ritual he is performing will (he be-
plant protection and storm from Aysle.
Dramatic. The Storm Knights get a lieves) simply speed up the transfor-
Corruption Value: 25
little more than they bargained for mation into a chosen of the Nameless
Fear Rating: 2
when they discover that Pella Ardinay One. (This is not the whole story, but
Perseverance DN: 25
doesn t really need rescuing. Note that, not even the Gaunt Man knows that
Weakness: Acid (severe weakness)
if your group managed to rescue all of yet & )
True Death: Steel spike blessed by
the other personages the Gaunt Man
a Kantovian shaman and driven
The Gaunt Man
tried to kidnap, the other women in
through her head
the lab besides Pella can be Victorians
Power Notes: Hatha does life drain
Dodge 22, maneuver 18, melee
stolen from the surrounding towns.
by attacking a victim with her finger-
weapons 20, prestidigitation 20,
Read aloud or paraphrase:
nails. She can control any animal with
unarmed combat 18
In your time as a Storm Knight,
animal control. Plant control is similar to
you have witnessed scenes of horror
animal control. Hatha can shape change
before. But never anything to quite
into any known animal or bird.
match this. The Gaunt Man stands in
The Knights can handle this how-
Evidence analysis 31, find 30, lan-
the center of the cavernous room,
ever they choose. They may decide to
guage 32, scholar (eternity shards)
watching occult energies play across
humor her until they can escape; they
32, scholar (Orrorsh realm lore) 35,
the chained, writhing form of Pella
may run for their lives while she pur-
scholar (the Nameless One) 33, trick
Ardinay. Beside her, also shackled to
sues; they may attack.
the wall, are other women, watching
Give them a chance to roleplay with
the Gaunt Man in terror. Several six-
Hatha a bit  this is a foe they re
Test 32, occult 34, willpower 34
armed giants stand guard over them,
probably not familiar with. If you re-
seemingly oblivious to Ardinay s
ally want to have fun, have her throw
Charm 26, persuasion 27, taunt 23
in the fact that she senses the presence
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 37, intimida- Fear Rating: 1 explodes her chains. Then she rises
Perseverance DN: 14 into the air, shouting,  Fool! Have
tion 38, reality (Orrorsh) 35
Weakness: Hindu holy objects you so soon forgotten that there is
Possibilities: 300
Equipment: Occult amulet protect- True Death: Cast pieces into a fire one whose power is greater than your
ing him from eternity shards; cane blessed by a Hindu priest. own?
with small living head, causes fear in a Description: Hexaphim are three The Gaunt Man raises a hand and
30-meter radius around the Gaunt Man meter tall, six-armed humanoids. They fires a bolt of energy at the hovering
(spell functions in a similar manner to can be male or female, with their skin form. Ardinay deflects it with a ges-
the fear spell detailed on page 86 of the a deep red or blue. Their eyes are ture. It strikes a table full of chemi-
Orrorsh sourcebook). aflame, burning with unholy delight. cals, which explode in flames.
Powers: attack form resistance (physi- The hexaphim are able to change  You have been manipulated from
cal, mental, and spiritual damage from themselves into statues of either stone the start, High Lord! Ardinay con-
magical attacks), regeneration, resistance or metal. tinues.  The Nameless One required
to normal weapons, silence you to pour some of your occult power
During the battle, read the follow-
Corruption Value: 61 into this vessel to prime it for tran-
Fear Rating: 5 scendence. Once that had been done,
Suddenly, an inhuman scream
Perseverance DN: 27 his own energies completed the trans-
comes from Ardinay s lips. Now what
Weakness: Eternity shards, though formation. I am everything you were
looks to be a negative image of her
this is nullified while the Gaunt Man and far, far more!
strains against the chains that bind
remains inside Illmound and wears  This cannot be! the Gaunt Man
her. The occult energy of the Gaunt
his amulet. rages.  I am the chosen of the Name-
Man s ritual is no longer simply bath-
True Death: None known. less One!
ing her, but is now radiating from
 You? You are limited, Gaunt Man!
As soon as the Gaunt Man finishes
her. Then she is the Ardinay you
You know only evil, only one side of
his little speech, the hexaphim will
have known again; then the negative;
the battle. The Nameless One re-
abandon their posts and attack the
then the two switch back and forth,
quires a servant who has walked the
Knights. Meanwhile, the occult ener-
as if battling for control of her form
paths of both the Light and the Dark.
gies continue to bathe the struggling
& or perhaps merging.
A wicked smile comes to her lips.
What is most surprising is the
 And this vessel will serve admira-
Gaunt Man s reaction. No cry of tri-
Hexaphim (One per Storm
umph comes from his lips, no shrill
She turns her almost inhuman gaze
laughter reeks through the lab. In-
upon you then.  Hear me, Storm
stead, he watches with something
Knights. No longer am I the woman
Maneuver 11, melee weapons 15,
akin to awe, saying,  By the Name-
you knew! I have ascended  I have
running 11, stealth 15, unarmed
less One, what is happening here?
completed the journey begun when
combat 15
My ritual should not produce this
Uthorion possessed this shell centu-
effect. It cannot!
ries agone. I am a goddess of destruc-
Climbing 20
tion! Challenge me at your peril!
Now the Keep begins to quake. The
 And you, Gaunt Man. Know that
hexaphim, if they are still standing,
the eyes of the Nameless One and his
begin to fall back. The chained women
Find 10, trick (18)
servant are now upon you. Crush this
scream as masonry crumbles around
pitiful cosm quickly  the master
them. The Gaunt Man is occupied with
Test 20, willpower 18
hungers for its energies. And if you
watching Ardinay, giving the Knights
harbor any foolish thoughts of treach-
the opportunity to rescue the captives
Taunt (15)
if they choose to (the quakes have
Ardinay lifts her slim, white arms
weakened the walls, so pulling the
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 12, intimida-
to the heavens and bolts of lightning
chains free requires only a Strength
tion 20
fly from her fingers, blasting a hole
total of 9).
Additional Skills: One at +1 adds
in the ceiling of Illmound Keep. Then
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Possibility Potential: some (18)
she rises through the gap and van-
Natural Tools: Thick skin, armor
The Gaunt Man wheels on you,
ishes into the night sky.
value TOU+5/25, flesh only, statue
rage burning in his eyes.  You! You
form, armor value TOU+10/30; claws,
For the Storm Knights, leaving
have done this, somehow! How did
damage value STR+3/21; fangs, dam-
would be a real good idea right now,
you interfere with my ritual? Tell me
age value STR+1/19. Ignores multi-
since the Gaunt Man has just been told
or I promise you a hell worse than has
action penalty to attack twice, but three
he s been used and probably isn t tak-
ever filled your nightmares!
or more attacks invokes penalty.
His answer comes from an unex- ing it well. With portions of the Keep
Powers: elemental alteration (stone)
coming down (though we re not talk-
pected source. Ardinay, occult power
or elemental alteration (metal), +2
ing mass destruction by any means),
blazing in her eyes, exudes only a
Corruption Value: 21
fraction of her newfound energy and
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
there s enough confusion to allow the to discuss what just happened and he has used his champion  the Gaunt
Knights to make a quick exit. what it might mean to your campaign. Man  like he was a mere pawn.
Listed below are the new stats for Perhaps the most startling aspect of Although Ardinay now has roughly
Pella Ardinay as the  bride of Dark- this whole storyline is the revelation the same power levels as a Darkness
ness. These supersede statistics given that the Gaunt Man has been manipu- Device, do not expect to see the Gaunt
for Pella in earlier Torg products. lated from the very beginning. Those Man bow and scrape to her. Rather, he
of you who read Interview With Evil by has already begun planning how to
Pella Ardinay
John Terra may have wondered just use her and her newfound abilities to
(Avatar of the Nameless One)
why the Gaunt Man made a High Lord further his master plans to become
Reality: Aysle out of Uthorion, who comes across as Torg.
DEXTERITY 16 such a complete idiot. Well, now you As for Ardinay, she is now some-
Beast riding 21, dodge 22, flight 19, know  the Gaunt Man was subtly thing beyond human. Her mortal soul
maneuver 21, melee weapons 20, manipulated by the Nameless One into now shares her body with a portion of
missile weapons 21, prestidigita- giving Uthorion this power. That de- the Nameless One s essence. The
tion 28, unarmed combat 20 ity knew that one day Uthorion would woman who led the Houses of Aysle is
STRENGTH 15 encounter a being of pure Light  no more  in her place is an entity of
Climbing 18, lifting 18 Ardinay  and possess her. (Admit it, pure destruction, one that much more
TOUGHNESS 15 you ve wondered why Uthorion both- deadly because she truly understands
PERCEPTION 33 ered possessing her body for five cen- how followers of the Light think and
Alteration magic 48, divination turies instead of just killing her and act. Her transformation will hit Aysle
magic 40, evidence analysis 43, find proclaiming himself victor in the war. hard, and it will be up to Tolwyn of
44, first aid 47, language 45, scholar Well, suffice it to say Uthorion is much Tancred to rally the Light once more.
(Ayslish lore) 42, scholar (the Name- easier to use than the Gaunt Man, and What does this mean to your cam-
less One) 36, trick 42 the Nameless One realized that.) paign? Essentially, Ardinay can be
MIND 39 The Nameless One s goal was a used to a) keep your player characters
Apportation magic 55, artist simple one: he required a servant who from having too easy a time of it in
(painter) 44, conjuration magic 53, understood both the Dark and the adventures and b) keep them from
medicine 41, survival 43, test 52, Light, something the Gaunt Man, for wandering off the map. After Ardinay
willpower 52 all his power, could not do. By tainting has appeared out of nowhere a few
CHARISMA 32 Ardinay s body with Uthorion s evil, times and kicked the crap out of them,
Charm 45, persuasion 43, taunt 36 the Nameless One banked on the pos- they ll learn to head in the other direc-
SPIRIT 50 sibility that eventually her spirit would tion. As an avatar of the Nameless
Faith (the Nameless One) 51, cor- return to its shell (after all, Uthorion One, she will appear where her deity s
ruption 60, intimidation 51, reality couldn t pull off the deception for- interests are most threatened. Things
65 ever) and she would find herself di- could get ugly &
Possibilities: 500 vided between good and evil. A per- Only time  and your responses 
Arcane Knowledges: Pella Ardinay
fect tool & will tell what other effects these events
has all arcane knowledges at 10 adds,
Once this happened, it remained will have on the Possibility Wars.
and knowledge of all Ayslish spells.
only for the Gaunt Man to be prodded
Equipment: elfmail, armor value
into believing that the  bride of Dark-
TOU+6/21; elf longsword, damage
ness would be at roughly his power
value STR+8/23
level or slightly below and a potential
ally in his quest to become Torg. By
continued from page 1
seeking her out and unleashing her
Critical Event
latent evil through an occult ritual 
one of sufficient power that the Name- He s Destruction incarnate,
Surviving and rescuing the other
less One would be able to seize control And that s understood,
captives is a Good result (6 or above).
of it  the Gaunt Man allowed Ardinay The Nameless One is coming to
Not rescuing any of the other captives
to ascend to her new role as demi- town!
is a Bad result (3 or less).
goddess of Darkness.
He sees you when you re sleeping,
What does this mean to our major
He knows when you re awake,
characters? Well, the Gaunt Man has
He drains your possibilities,
What Just
seen, for the first time, the hand of the
Till there s no more to take.
Nameless One intervening in the Pos-
So you better not storm,
sibility Wars & and he s not happy.
Cause the realms will not budge,
Like a hungry shark, that deity is hov-
He hasn t got a form,
ering on the fringes of the cosmverse,
Okay, now that you ve seen her
But he s sure got a grudge,
waiting for the moment to consume
new measurements, put your eyes back
The Nameless One is coming to
all. And so intent is he on victory that
in your head, gamemasters. It s time
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Dispatches and Rumors
Perseverance DN: 18
Weakness: None
True Death: Suspended like a pup-
Alteration magic 16, divination
pet from an oak tree at sunset
magic 14, find 14, language 15,
Description: The puppeteer ap-
scholar (Victorian culture) 16, trick
pears as a four-meter-tall thin man,
Note: Looking for Dispatch #1, fea-
with long, pointed fingers. He wears a
turing Part V of the  Bride of Dark-
striped blazer and straw boater, and a
Test 23, occult 16, willpower 23
ness storyline? Turn back to page 3,
perpetually wide grin.
it s this month s feature.
The puppeteer is capable of con-
Charm 26, persuasion 21, taunt 16
trolling a victim once he has some-
2 thing of theirs (a lock of hair, an item of
Intimidation 18, reality (Orrorsh)
clothing, etc.) and will then use his
puppet frame to force them to perform
Possibililities: Four per Storm
A cheery carnival has begun rolling
a wild dance. Every hour in which the
through some of Australia s smaller
Powers: life drain (Strength), infec- victim dances, they suffer damage
towns along the eastern coast, bring-
tion, regenerate, shapeshift (bat), up con- value 12 plus a bonus number. It is
ing happiness, joy, laughter & and
dition (night) possible to drop dead from exhaus-
Corruption Value: 21 tion as a result of the puppeteer s at-
The carnival  known as  Mr. V s
Fear Rating: 2 tack.
Circus of Wonders  has been draw-
Perseverance DN: 21
ing huge crowds and playing to packed
Weakness: Cross, holy water, stake
houses for the duration of its run.
Reality: Orrorsh
through heart, stymie condition (day)
Unknown to all (but a few unfortunate
True Death: Decapitation
Storm Knights, sadly no longer with
Dodge 11, melee weapons 11, pres-
Natural Tools: Fangs, damage
us), it is a tool of Orrorsh, planting
tidigitation 16, stealth 12, unarmed
value STR+1/18
stelae as it travels. In addition, they try
combat 12
to spread a little fear wherever they
go, like good Orrorshan Horrors
Reality: Orrorsh Climbing 15, lifting 15
 Mr. V, owner and ringmaster, is
Dodge 16, maneuver 15, stealth 14, PERCEPTION 13
in fact vampyre Victor Manwaring (the
unarmed combat 16 Find 15, trick 15
Gaunt Man does not fully trust
Manwaring to get the job done, but
Climbing 17 Test 12, willpower 12
with the betrayal of Wellington, the
failure of Cheltenham, and the other
PERCEPTION 12 Taunt 12, hypnosis 25, persuasion
Nightmares committed to the  Bride
Tracking 14, trick 13 12, taunt 12
of Darkness kidnappings, he s short-
handed.) He s backed by clowns (kill-
Test 12 Faith (Orrorsh) 12, intimidation 12
joys), a freak show (featuring the knot
CHARISMA 8 Additional Skills: One at +2 adds
man), and other entertainment for all
SPIRIT 8 Possibility Potential: some (35)
ages (like the puppeteer).
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage value
Faith (Orrorsh) 9, intimidation 12
Additional Skills: One at +2 adds
Victor Manwaring
Powers: Hypnosis +3
Possibility Potential: some (35)
Natural Tools: Fingernails, dam- Corruption Value: 25
Acrobatics 20, dodge 19, maneuver
age value STR+2/16 Fear Rating: 2
17, running 17, stealth 20, unarmed
Equipment: Oak puppet frame Perseverance DN: 15
combat 20
Power Rating: 1 Weakness: Anyone who manages
Corruption Value: 21 to withstand a killjoy s hypnosis and
Climbing 19
Fear Rating: 2 who generates a prestidigitation total of
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
14 or higher invokes a stymie weak- STRENGTH 13 3
ness  the killjoy will be totally en- TOUGHNESS 16
grossed for one round, plus for every
A Tharkoldu demon based in the
subsequent round as long as a suc- Find 11, tracking 12, trick 12
Tharkold/Nile mixed zone in Berlin
cessful trick is made against it (charac- MIND 7
has begun studying 1920s German
ter gets +5 modifier to trick).
Test 14, willpower 19
horror films in search of a better un-
True Death: Using a prop to kill the
derstanding of his enemies. He is par-
killjoy, for example: beating it to death
ticularly fascinated by  The Cabinet
with its mallet; drowning it with a
Intimidation 18, reality 14
of Dr. Caligari, in which a mad doc-
seltzer bottle;  finding a knife behind
Possibilities: 14
tor unleashes a somnambulist on a
its ear and stabbing it to death Power Rating: 6
city to commit murders. Although the
Description: Killjoys appear as hu- Corruption Value: 26
sleepwalker is at heart a normal man,
man-sized clowns and dress in gaily, Fear Rating: 4
he becomes a murderous fiend when
bright multi-colored outfits. Their faces Perseverance DN: 24
under the doctor s hypnotic influence.
look to be covered in red and white Weakness: Holy water
Inspired, the Tharkoldu has man-
makeup (in truth, this is their natural True Death: Occult ritual (game-
aged to capture a Storm Knight from a
skin color). master s discretion)
group that passed through Berlin and
Killjoys use their hypnosis power to Description: The Knot Man re-
bent his will using occultech machin-
root their victims to the spot. Once this sembles a human twisted inside out.
ery. By night, he rises and obeys post-
is done, they perform gruesome tricks His exterior is swollen pink tissue,
hypnotic commands to kill high-rank-
on their victims (i.e., a pie filled with throbbing with veins. The body is
ing officials in the city government. In
blood in the face, a large rat  found shaped into stunted contortions, with
the morning, he is completely unaware
behind the ear). They may kill them the limbs twisted into knots. He bleeds
of what he has done and is, in fact,
with their sharp teeth. from every orifice. His eyes can t be
investigating the killings.
Killjoys have never been known to seen due to the streams of blood pour-
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
speak. ing from his eyelids.
must uncover this unwitting viper in
Critical Event: Nice and simple:
their midst and stop him before he
Knot Man
 Mr. V s Circus of Wonders must be
kills again. Doing so is a Good result (6
Reality: Orrorsh
destroyed. Doing so is a Good result (6
or better); failing to do so is a Bad result
or above); failing to do so is a Bad
(3 or less).
Dodge 10, stealth 10, unarmed com-
result (3 or less).
bat 13
Valerie Valusek
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
increasingly apprehensive about the Kanawa holdings in Japan to Seoul,
Gaunt Man s intentions toward him, South Korea. The rate of transfer is
and has thus taken steps to divert the said to be amazing, and the question
The Nile Empire has hijacked a ship-
Orrorshan High Lord s attention.) If on everyone s lips is: what does 3327
ment of reality tree seeds and intends
Storm Knights do not expose this de- know that we don t? And what s go-
to plant them on the islands of the
ception, New Orleans could become a ing to happen to Japan in the near
Caribbean in hopes of bringing back
battlefield between Orrorshan Hor- future?
the Coast Brotherhood (in other words,
rors and Tharkoldu.
the pirates). Mobius sees these as a
potential extension of his army and a
highly mobile force to boot. In the
meantime, Mobius would take a per-
Dr. Mobius had been watching with
centage of their loot.
As if the people in Aysle didn t interest, prior to his invasion of North
The first seed is in the hands of a
have enough to worry about, now they America, the debate over violence in
dozen gangsters, who are on board a
have to worry about the sanity of their the media. Is it possible that violence
clipper heading for the island of
own people. The constant onslaughts on television could transform an en-
Tortuga. One of the gangsters will take
of the Army of the Dark have driven tire nation into fighting-mad killers?
his place inside the tree for the nine- many people over the edge, including And if so, how best to use that to his
month period it needs to grow to full
the members of a newly-formed band benefit?
of Storm Knights. All of them have lost Accordingly, Mobius has unveiled
(Inspired by a herald message from
one or more people they cared for, and one of his most fiendish plots: with the
Thomas Devine of Shallotte, NC.)
now they care only about destroying aid of kidnapped Nippon scientists,
the realm of Aysle. he has constructed a  weird science
Critical Event: The Knights must
The group recently left Oxford, head- space capsule. A trio of captured Storm
intercept the clipper and prevent the
ing for nothern England. Their plan is Knights will be placed on board and
gangsters from planting the reality tree
frighteningly simple: since there is no shot into space, supplied only with
seed on Tortuga. That is a Good result.
longer anyone they love in the realm, dehyrdrated food and lots and lots of
Anything else is a Bad (3) result.
they see nothing to prevent them from Grade-B movies. Mobius intends to
uprooting stelae, tales of glory or no call the capsule back in a year and see
tales of glory. They have an eternity if the Knights have transformed into
shard with the group power stelae sense madmen and if it makes them better
and plan to use it to help them find conversationalists.
(Note: Rumors #1 4 were provided
stelae to pull. Unless this group is either
by the prolific pen of Greg Detwiler.)
persuaded for forced to stop, thousands
of people may be burned to death as the
reality of Core Earth is prematurely
Rec Pakken has begun his search
brought back to Aysle.
for a new High Lord for the Living
A series of bloody massacres have
Land, now that Baruk Kaah is no more.
taken place in New Orleans, the work
It is believed that it is eschewing Land
of a self-proclaimed  voodoo cult.
Below/Land Above natives in favor
Over a hundred people were slain be-
With the imposition of Nile axioms of a Living Land Storm Knight it can
fore Storm Knights caught up to the
on Texas, it seems that the Wild West corrupt to its cause. Rec Pakken feels
cultists. Several fought a rear-guard
has come back to life. Those people that only one who has fought on the
action while the rest fled, but those
who can get their hands on horses are front lines of the Possibility Wars has
killed by the Knights were found to
riding them, as nearly every car in the any hope of resurrecting the Living
have large amounts of cyberware in-
state functions at a higher Tech level Land.
stalled in their bodies. The popular
than the Nile supports. Inevitably, Meanwhile, Jezrael s fragile alliance
belief is that these cultists are pawns of
some of the riders have proven to be with 3327 has been shattered by their
the Tharkoldu  but popular belief is
outlaw gangs along the lines of the spies reports that Kaah never returned
Dalton gang or Quantrill s Raiders. to the realm. With no High Lord op-
The cultists are religous fanatics,
Thrilling bank robberies and shoot- posing their assaults on the Living
but their religion is that of the
 em-ups straight out of Western pulp Land, and the edeinos warriors largely
Cyberpapacy. They were deliberately
magazines (of course) are now taking in disarray, there is no longer any need
planted in New Orleans to commit
place all over the conquered area. for a Tharkold-Nippon non-aggres-
mass murders in the manner of the
sion pact. The sole exception to the
Tharkoldu. Since such events are po-
resumption of hostilities is the Nippon-
tentially detrimental to the Ecology of
Tharkold mixed zone in Las Vegas,
Fear, the Gaunt Man is expected to
where it s felt that violence in the streets
Rumors are flying about the trans-
disapprove and retaliate against the
would be bad for business, so a truce is
fer of personnel and equipment from
Tharkoldu. (Jean Malraux has been
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Your Letters
1. About the Nile pit that ends in estates. Very few Gaean Storm Knights 9. The character using mind control
the Land Below (Merretika)  is that will even believe that he is a High Lord, must be within five meters of the tar-
entrance known publicly? even when shown some evidence. get, and he must be able to see the
2. Do Victorians know about the Only if he reveals his true self will- target when the control link is estab-
Gaunt Man s stronghold? ingly will most people of the realm lished. After that, the controlled char-
3. What happens when a Storm ever believe he is the Gaunt Man. acter may be instructed to leave the
Knight or possibility-rated game- 3. The reality skill is not a contradic- character s field of vision  but the
master character rolls a one on the tion anywhere. Most likely, the Storm character does have to give instruc-
die while trying to reconnect to his Knight just failed to reconnect & mis- tions as to what the mind controlled
own reality? erably. character is supposed to do.
4. What happens to armor when a 4. When  normal (non-powered/ 10. All damage values for maneu-
Storm Knight disconnects? non-magical) armor is worn by a char- vers include the STR+2 bonus already,
5. Can a Storm Knight create a acter who disconnects under an axiom so don t add it on again.
reality storm while he is in a reality too low to support its use, it is consid- 11. As with pulp powers possessed
bubble? ered to be of the highest value actually by people, gadget powers only have to
6. What happens when you roll a supported by the axiom. As a be paid for once during an adventure
one in a reality storm? gamemaster, I would roll a die every  when they are used.
7. Please, if you can, describe Mo- time the character wearing the armor
bius physically. ends a scene disconnected  if a one 1. I hate to spoil the fun of those
8. I knew Kaah would end up as comes up, the armor actually physi- who won in No Quarter Given, but
the first  on-the-run High Lord  cally transformed. Powered armor, or how long will it before the Gaunt
you North Americans are so patri- armor with magical or other special Man can summon the Carredon from
otic. I wonder if Rec Pakken will find abilities, loses all its extra advantages the Waiting Village again?
a replacement in Merretika or give when the character disconnects as well. 2. If the Berlin mixed zone pro-
Kaah a second chance. 5. A character can invoke a reality vides little possibility energy, then
9. Do you have to see the target of storm in a reality bubble, unless pro- why did Mobius bother in the first
the Nile pulp power mind control? hibited by other rules. place and antagonize the Tharkoldu?
Does it affect animals? What is the 6. You probably fail miserably to 3. When will you take submissions
minimum Mind a target must have to attack or defend yourself. Other than for the next creatures book and what
be controlled? that, see answer number three. realm will it cover?
10. Do you add to the unarmed 7. Let s let the famous Dr. Zap (be-  Greg Detwiler,
STR+2 damage of martial arts at- fore he became Captain Carnage) do Williamsburg, PA
tacks when you receive the bonuses that:
of special maneuvers? 1. The Gaunt Man is going to be a
 Well, he s pretty big and
11. When you use a power in a gizmo, little busy repairing his bridges, fixing
muscular for an Egyptian. His
do you have to pay the adventure cost Illmound Keep (see  Bride of Dark-
skin is dusky, and he always
every time you use the power? ness, Part V, earlier in this issue) and
stands in some sort of pose. I
 Some of the questions becoming Torg. Besides, the Carredon
don t know what#$ his face looks
asked by has failed him twice & he might not be
like,  cause he always wears this
Alexis Diáz-Pérez in any hurry to resurrect him.
weird towel on his head. Beats
2. Mobius is a great chess player,
me how he can see through it.
Take a deep breath and plunge in & Greg, and saw an opportunity to check
 Oh, and he wears a skirt.
1. The entrance to the Land Below Tharkold. Why let them have a pure
Sigh. Well, there you have it.
(located in Ethiopia) is not known zone and a bridge so close to the al-
8. Take a look at Infiniverse Update
publicly, or even by most Storm ready weakened Cyberpapacy, espe-
Volume III for more information on
Knights. It should only be revealed if cially when Mobius already has Greece
Baruk Kaah and Rec Pakken (and the
they discover it. and is eyeing southern Europe?
Land Above, for that matter). Sorry to
2. The Victorians think the Gaunt 3. At present, there are no plans for
make you wait so long, but we have to
Man is Lord Bryon Salisbury, a lord of further creature books in the near fu-
have our secrets!
a rather impressive manor house and ture.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 38 " November/December, 1993
Herald Messages
Q: What s red and green and still ex- (An argument between Kratak, an  Unless I miss my guess, that pyramid
panding? edeinos, and Daman, a cyborg:) should be unskilled right now.
A: Baruk Kaah in a reality nexus. Kratak:  I m not stupid, human!  Lee Minh Chen, after
 The Green Mountain Boys Daman:  I m not human, stupid! maneuvering against a flying
(as reported by John Olson  Pete Venters pyramid in the Nile Empire
of Baltimore, MD) S. Glamorgan, UK (as told by Jim Ogle of Socoro,
 If I want any of your lip, monkey-  You took it out to get it washed?!
welp, I ll rip it from your face and eat it.  Dr. Mobius, after the Wildfires in California believed to be
 the Techno-demon s retort RoboSphinx Mark II the result of a Nile experiment to create
(Supplied by Garrett Taylor) wandered away from the sentient fire creatures, much like the Liv-
Houston White House ing Land flame warriors. If the scientist
Storm Knights in Southern England Grant R. Davis responsible for this disaster did not per-
have foiled an attempt by agents of the Little Rock, AR ish in the blaze, he must be apprehended
Warrior of the Dark to revive a gospog immediately.
field that had lain dormant since Ardinay s  Targets terminated. Files destroyed.
return. However, the cleanup operation Comments: working with frigid cyber-  Back to the hell that spawned you,
will draw badly needed troops from the jocks and paranoid Sacellum priests, and you abomination of nature!
front lines & Nameless One priests to uproot Nile vil-  a Storm Knight s taunt
 Jim Ogle lains and topple forty-story fire-breath-
Socorro, NM ing lizards makes me reconsider the vir- Efforts by the Manhattan Protectorate
tues of Akkite philosophy. Macabre, En- to reestablish some normalcy in New York
 I M Dr. Zap! sign Egypt, Godon, and Godandra were in the wake of the Eastern Land s collapse
 No, I M Dr. Zap!! better companions than my  allies.  and the Land Above s ascension have
 a heated debate ensues  Monitor Report failed. Mayoral election had to be can-
between two men claiming (as told by Daniel Pogoda, celled after both candidates were kid-
to be  the official artist s Walthem, MA) napped by Darooni Wasp Riders and
reference to the famous Dr. thrown from the World Trade Center. No
Zap (when they met in, of all one in the city seemed particularly dis-
places, Philadelphia) heartened by this occurrence.
Valerie Valusek


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