Torg Infiniverse Magazine 04

Infiniverse is back. This issue has the not offer all the details of a single-story
first realms update, as reported by adventure. Do you like the Cassandra
you, compiled by our trusty Macin- format more than standard adven-
tosh IIcx, and written up by us. tures? Less? Nice as a change of pace?
CONTENTS Those of you who were at GenCon Which do you find more useful to you
saw some of the excitement which Torg gaming style? Hey, if you don t tell us,
generated. We had 25 tournament ses- we are just going to keep guessing.
sions, with over 130 players. We
Dispatches ..................... 2 Rumor Report
enjoyed meeting the players, fielding
Here are the results of the rumors
their questions, and eating those won-
from issue #2. The results are given a
Cyberlaws...................... 6
derful concession stand hot dogs (okay,
true or false, followed by a parentheti-
would you believe two out of three?)
cal number. That number represents
Aysle Creatures .......... 10
Product Update the strength of the truth or falsehood
The Aysle Sourcebook is moving throughout the infiniverse. For ex-
Your Letters ................. 11
through the art department, and by ample a statement which is false (15) is
the time you read this should be at false unless the gamemaster decides
Herald Messages ........ 12
press. There are enough wrinkles and to test the statement; on a roll of 15 or
twists to Aysle to make it a unique better the statement is actually true.
adventure setting& and of course there Roll again on 10 and 20 when testing
is the magic system. the truth or falsity of a reported ru-
The biggest change in the schedule mor.
has been the Cyberpapacy. After 1. Dr. Watteau and Teller are at-
playtesting the large, intriguing manu- tempting to create a cyberpsychosis
script Jim Bambra wrote, we have de- inducing weapon. True (16).
cided to do a 128 page Cyberpapacy 2. Baruk Kaah has sent an elite team
Sourcebook, and a separate book, prob- of edeinos to kill storytellers. True (19).
ably 96 pages, detailing the GodNet. 3. Sightings of seal-like creatures
with metallic parts. True (14).
We would like to hear comments 4. The formation of Hantu Limited.
from those of you who purchased The True (12).
Contributors This Issue:
Cassandra Files, which should be in 5. The Nocturna, a fabled book of
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden.
stores by the time you read this. The dark magic, had been smuggled into
Cassandra Files is a collection of adven- Indonesia. False (14).
tures hooks which offers a wide range 6. Martians have invaded Terra.
of adventure possibilities, but does True (15).
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Realms Update
he Possibility Wars are
from the transformed as often as the man and Italian), agents from Magna
escalating. The High
native Ayslish. Ardinay is actively Veritas who see cybertechnology as
Lords huge advantage is
prosecuting the war against Uthorion, blasphemous, and Nippon Tech. Jean
still large. While each
T but until her army is better trained, Malraux has only very slim evidence
week adds more Storm
direct military action is useless. In- that Nippon Tech is working actively
Knights to the fray, there are currently
stead, she and her advisors sift infor- against him, and at the moment he has
about eight stormers transcending
mation gathered from all over the his hands full trying to deal with the
transformation for every Storm Knight
realm. They then select likely targets other sources of opposition. His cur-
who does so. This disparity is actually
and command, request, or otherwise rent efforts are directed as follows.
smaller than usual for the Possibility
encourage Storm Knights to act as her 1. He has launched a massive pro-
Raiders. The biggest difference is the
good right arm in defeating evil. Pella paganda campaign, seizing control or
sheer numbers of those transcending.
is the only High Lord who has prof- heavily influencing virtually every
For example, within the Living Land
ited from the unexpectedly high num- information media in France. The
at this point in the invasion, the Possi- ber of Storm Knights. Cyberpope is playing upon French
bility Raiders would normally expect
The other houses of Aysle are be- patriotism and chauvinism. The me-
something like 12 Storm Knights and
ginning to talk to Tolwyn Tancred as a dia regularly declares that the the fate
about 160 stormers to have been cre- legitimate representative of a ruling of France and her people lies in their
ated. Well, it is more like 250 Storm
house (House Tancred), if highly sus- faith in Jean Malraux I. The outside
Knights and 2,000 stormers have been
picious of the circumstances. world is painted as threatening to
created. While stormers often work
Uthorion and his agents continue France. All of this is done to increase
for the benefit of the High Lords, those
fierce resistance. In Norway they have the receptivity of the French people to
that are not under the direct control of
actually regained some of what they Malraux s world.
the Possibility Raiders remain a threat
lost during the initial confusion when The only exception to this media
to the High Lords as well as the Storm
Pella Ardinay became High Lord. The control is in Paris Liberte. The Paris
Knights, as many stormers are unwill- greatest problem has been a lack of Liberte stations are routinely jammed,
ing to docilely serve a raider as lord
coordination; other evils are begin- and Paris newspapers are not allowed
and master. While the High Lords,
ning to sense their chance for gain at to circulate outside the city. A few
excepting Uthorion, still have every- Uthorion s expense, weakening their media pirates dare to break into
thing moving more or less according
efforts against Ardinay. This problem Cyberpapal broadcasts, but the Church
to plan, a few threads are becoming
is compounded by Drakacanus, Police make the hunting down of these
unravelled here and there.
Aysle s darkness device. Drakacanus pirates a high priority.
is trying to seduce Ardinay, and is 2. The frequency and the ferocity of
being coy about whether or not the reality storms around the
Uthorion or some other agent of dark- Cyberpapacy act as a shield against
ness might also be a suitable High any major military action by the Core
The chaos which ensued after
Lord. The resulting contest is sure to Earth military, a buffer the
Uthorion s dispossession of Pella
be bloody, an agreeable result for Cyberpapacy needs until they rebuild
Ardinay is beginning to dissipate. The
Drakacanus. much of the army: many units of the
stelae area including London and Ox-
Aysle has planted no new stelae French army have gone to defend Paris
ford has been almost totally reclaimed
during this period. Liberte in direct defiance of the
by the forces of Pella Ardinay; incur-
sions within this area are less frequent
Core Earth intelligence services do
than they were. Commerce is begin-
get a number of agents into the
ning once again, and the British who
Cyberpapacy. These agents have been
have transformed are integrating quite
Jean Malraux is busy trying to get
instrumental in developing resistance
nicely, acting as contacts between
his house in order. He has resistance
groups outside of Paris. In the area of
Ardinay s Aysle and Core Earth Brit- from five sources: Storm Knights,
espionage, Core Earth enjoys a slim
untransformed French who resent his
advantage; their methods of organiza-
Pella Ardinay is forming the Army
rule, Core Earth military and intelli-
tion, recruitment, and passing along
of Light. So far, recruits have come
gence organizations (particularly Ger-
information are socially advanced past United States), three to four weeks forces are not large enough to defeat
what the bureaucratic church ever had after story seeds were successfully the US and Canadian armed forces,
to squelch on Magna Veritas. planted. If your Storm Knights have that is not their purpose. They wish to
3. Malraux, and his cardinals and not yet removed any stelae from the bog down the North American mili-
bishops, are setting up the at-large Living Land, remove only the one Ste- tary into protecting the civilian areas
agents of Magna Veritas as bogeymen. lae planted near the southern border raided, diverting them from opera-
They are carefully editing or destroy- of Virginia. tions against the Living Land, buying
ing any existing articles, video or au- The High Lord is preparing to re- the time Baruk Kaah needs before he
dio which portray the clerical agents take areas lost, and Ravagon advisors can make another large push.
from Magna Veritas in a positive way. have managed to convince Baruk Kaah Another interesting development
They now are shading the facts to of the need for backup stelae to pre- has been the systematic rooting out of
show the Magna Veritas agents as cun- vent future loss of such a huge area Nipponese cells in areas which the
ning deceivers, disciples of Satan sent with one stroke. Key interior stelae edeinos hold. This is most probably
to confuse France and get them to are now guarded, often by flame war- the result of the tentative alliance be-
reject the Cyberpope. They are being riors and gospog of the third and fourth tween Thratchen and Baruk Kaah. See
classed with witches and other super- plantings, as well as any Gotaks or Orrorsh below.
natural threats. Ravagons necessary for command. We neglected to include Baruk
4. Jean Malraux originally saw In the areas Core Earth has re- Kaah s statistics in the Living Land
Storm Knights as a scourge which must claimed, hundreds of edeinos have Sourcebook. Here they are.
be eliminated at all costs, a view which transformed. Many are giving the Baruk Kaah
the Darkness Device encouraged. But Common Ground Association and the DEXTERITY 16
as Malraux has pondered the ques- Delphi Council new information on Beast riding 19, dodge 18, long jump-
tion, he is beginning to see Storm the workings of the Living Land, a ing 18, maneuver 20, melee weapons
Knights as a challenge from his God. boon to the Core Earth agencies. The 21, missile weapons 20, running 17,
Were not Storm Knights instrumental flip side is that several of the trans- stealth 20, swimming 17, unarmed
in his new way of seeing God through formed edeinos are still loyal to Baruk combat 21.
the miracle of the GodNet? Surely there Kaah; they are gathering intelligence STRENGTH 19
was a divine reason for using Storm through their new understanding of Climbing 21, lifting 22
Knights in such a way. While acknowl- Core Earth. Even though returning to TOUGHNESS 18
edging they are dangerous, Malraux the Living Land means eventual death PERCEPTION 13
is working on molding the dogma of for many of the transforms, they are Evidence analysis 14, find 19, language
the church to viewing Storm Knights providing Baruk Kaah with crucial 17, scholar (Keta Kaless) 19, tracking
as heathens, as beings who have not information. 18, trick 16.
yet seen the true light. He is hinting to Baruk Kaah has taken the offensive MIND 12
his cardinals and bishops that with two actions. The first is the hunt- Artist (ritual dancing) 15, survival 18,
cyberpapal favors may hinge upon ing down of storytellers, which has test of will 19, willpower 18.
the number of Storm Knights they suc- become a key component to Baruk CHARISMA 14
cessfully convert, and then transform, Kaah s strategy. As storytelling and Persuasion 17, taunt 16
to the Cyberpapacy. an oral tradition are strong in the SPIRIT 20
Cyberpapal agents have dropped edeinos, Baruk Kaah has a keen un- Faith (Keta Kaless) 28, focus 25, intimi-
two more stelae, one in Germany and derstanding of their importance in the dation 23, reality 24.
one in Spain. The one in Germany was Possibility Wars. By denying Core
discovered and dismantled by Storm Earth their storytellers, Baruk Kaah
Nile Empire
Knights within hours of its planting. will gain a strategic edge in the battle
The one in Spain has not been found, for reality. He currently has 50 or 60
Mobius s plans for expansion have
and new Cyberpapal dominant area teams of edeinos, often accompanied
been run into fierce resistance from
was created, and reality storms now by Orrorshan  advisors , exclusively
surrounding Core Earth nations. He-
thunder within a couple hours drive devoted to hunting down storytellers,
roes have come over from Terra to join
of Madrid. now including authors, cartoonists,
the fight, and hundreds more Core
and others who might communicate a
Earthers have been converted into Nile
Empire heroes at every turn. Impor-
Living Land
As the gospog fields yield thou-
tant events which have gone against
sands of new troops, Baruk Kaah now
Baruk Kaah has experienced sev- Mobius include:
has the luxury of sending second plant-
eral defeats in his war on North 1. A nearly successful assassination
ing gospog in raiding parties, contain-
America. His personal setbacks caused plot against Ramses. While Egyptian
ing 10 to 100 gospog each. These
severe problems for six critical weeks, priests quickly restored the
gospog are equipped with weapons
during which Storm Knights managed Overgovernor to health, they did not
from American armories under the
to rip out two stelae from the Eastern restore him quickly enough to prevent
control of the Living Land. While the
Land, (one in Canada, the other in the rumors of his death from touching off
a premature power struggle between easier to launch strikes from than the to figure out who he can trust with the
Lord Avery, Natatiri, Neteru, and the mixed areas they replace. knowledge of the Gaunt Man s inca-
Red Hand over who should get the The Nile Empire has placed no new pacity. At the same time it is apparent
land, wealth and military resources stelae, being kept busy replacing those that Kanawa s hostility toward
allocated to Ramses. Sesestek, Al- the ever-active Storm Knights have Orrorsh is going to increase with the
Hepsa, and Paterski intervened to re- destroyed or disrupted. Gaunt Man s absence. The other High
strain the overly ambitious. Ramses Lords have their hands full, enough so
now has good reason to believe he has that the opportunity to strike Orrorsh
Nippon Tech
treacherous neighbors; perhaps one of when it is down is not worth the effort,
them is responsible for the attempt on or dealing with the consequences
As treachery and deception are key
his life. should this all be a machination of the
to Nippon operations, no one has yet
It is more likely that the attempt Gaunt Man.
discovered whether or not Nippon is
came from a group of Saudi or Nippon Thratchen is operating against
on, behind, or ahead of their plans.
backed Storm Knights. Nippon chiefly by cooperating with
However a few Storm Knights have
2. Storm Knights have stolen at least the High Lords in their efforts to guard
noted a sense of desperation in some
one reality bomb from Nile weird sci- against Kanawa deception. His most
of the Nippon Agents; whether this
ence laboratories. The bombs are hard notable success has been in the Living
reflects problems higher up in the
to manufacture, and the loss of even Land, where Orrorshan advisors have
Kanawa organization is not known.
one derails the High Lords plans for a been able to put several Nippon op-
Nippon Tech has expanded their
least a couple of weeks per bomb. In erations in the red, forcing them to be
holdings, through Korea and across
addition, Storm Knights have pre- shut down.
the Yellow and East China seas to the
vented at least three artifacts from fall- In Orrorsh Thratchen is encourag-
Chinese mainland. Coastal cities as
ing into the hands of Mobius. Chief ing the immigrations of Victorians, by
far north as Nantong, as far south as
among them is the Book of Isis, a tome having agents duplicate the feat of Dr.
Fuzhou, and including Shanghai, are
of Egyptian magic which would have Well s  gate  there are now many
not dominant Nippon reality. The
allowed Mobius to find his patron deity such  gates, guarded by the Victo-
pattern of crime and controlling cor-
Sebek, and bring him into the Nile rian military and located in railway
porations which has taken hold in Ja-
Empire. stations. The aristocracy and the press
pan is repeating the cycle in China,
However, Mobius has a personal- on the cosm of Orrorsh have been
only this time their is more violence.
ity which shrugs off defeats as annoy- trumpeting on about the Great Cru-
Nippon Tech is now producing
ing flaws in his otherwise perfect mas- sade, and how on Earth the battle
under license, or producing their own
ter scheme. He is making progress in against evil may yet be won. The pro-
versions of, nearly 30 percent of the
two areas paganda, and the promised economic
armaments supplied to the North
1. His weird science laboratories opportunity have stimulated emigra-
American military. This percentage is
are becoming more numerous, al- tion from Victoria. Each day over
expected to grow. The Soviet Union
though they are usually smaller af- 4,500 Victorians leave the cosm of
has resisted Nippon aid, while Europe
fairs than the full-blown installations Orrorsh and arrive in the hell on Indo-
accepts it cautiously. African and Arab
which Mobius first built. Their job is nesia. This figure does not include the
nations opposing Mobius are request-
to provide the increasing number of military expeditions, just those who
ing, and receiving, large amounts of
stormers with gizmos, the better to have come to colonize Indonesia, bring
goods from Nippon. While many of
prepare them for battle with Storm civilization to the poor, blighted na-
the transactions are for cash, their are
Knights. As the stormers are automati- tives, and fight evil as is their proper
many cases where the payment is in
cally evil under the Nile Empire s Law duty.
real estate, upon which Nippon Tech
of Morality, the larger number of As the Victorians flood in, the cities
promptly builds. Their are rumors of
stormers created aids Mobius as it does to resemble those left on Victoria, with
other, more shadowy forms of pay-
no other High Lord. Even those Victorian tech replacing that of Core
ment being arranged between Nippon
stormers who have no love for Mobius Earth. The political, racial and reli-
and desperate buyers.
find it had to resist an opportunity to gious attitudes of the Victorians are
eliminate a pesky Storm Knight or prompting violent resistance from the
two. Indonesians, but Transformation, dis-
2. Mineral finds in the Sahara are connection, and the horrors or Orrorsh
Twice Orrorsh has tried to expand
encouraging mining activities which are taking their toll.
add money and important raw mate- its boundaries north into Indochina,
and twice the stelae have been found
rials to Mobius s war machine. More
important, as thousands of opportun- and destroyed& by agents of the
Kanawa Corporation. Thratchen finds
ists head for the desert boom towns,
more and more of the Sahara is becom- himself in a precarious situation. He
ing dominant Nile reality. The domi- has to build a base of loyal lieutenants
to control and expand Orrorsh, trying
nant area are both easier to defend and
irst we would like to issue to raise the skill to the next level. tional rules help keep game balance
a caveat. The rules which Example: A character wishes to im- when you have fewer or more than
appear in Infiniverse are in prove his running from +3 to +4 in three to six players
L development, which running. It would require four Possibili- One Player. The player receives
means they might change ties to raise the skill. The value of four is eight cards. Each time she starts a card
before they are published in a game six, so the athlete would have to train six pool, she may play three cards. Play of
supplement. Some of the rules may months to raise his running skill to +4. a leadership card allows the player to
take considerable time before they see The same rule applies for learning add two cards to her own pool, then
print, so if you are playing with a the first add in a skill, so training for +1 refill her hand to eight. A rally card
gamemaster who does not subscribe in alteration magic, without a teacher, also completely refills the hand. Sup-
to Infiniverse, you are just going to would require 10 Possibilities, or 100 porter cards may be played to support
have to show him or her your copy. months to train. a gamemaster character, or the player
A Storm Knight may either train for may discard them for another card.
a skill add, or spend Possibilities for Two Players. Each player receives
Increasing Skills
the add. He may not mix-and-match. six cards. When each player starts a
The only skill increases possible for an card pool, each may play two cards
Over Time
ord are through training. into their pool. Leadership cards al-
low the player to refill her hand to six.
The skill rules cover the spending
A rally card completely refills each
of Possibilities to increase skills, and
Card Play and
players hand.
this is the quickest way for a Storm
Three to Six Players. Card play is
Knight to advance. But a Storm Knight
Group Size
may also train to gain skills; training is
Seven or More Players. The maxi-
the only way an ord may improve his Group size does affect the prob-
mum number of cards a player may
skills. abilities of card combinations being
trade and/or receive through play of
To train, a character must devote played from player s hands. We bal-
leadership cards in a round is six. So
himself exclusively to training in that anced the card deck for what we con-
if a player receives two cards from the
skill, spending eight hours a day, at sidered to be the most likely sizes of
play of a leadership card, she may
least 25 days a month to count as one groups, which are three to six players.
only trade four cards that round. This
month of training. The number of From the Infiniverse responses, it is
limit balances the superior card selec-
months needed to improve a skill is apparent that a good number of you
tion a group of seven or more players
equal to the value of the number of are playing with groups which do not
has over smaller groups.
Possibilities which would be required fit in this range. The following op-
Dispatches and Rumors
the Knights a choice: fight by the side group was searching for a mystical
of the people of Cairo, or ally with talisman of great power known as the
their enemy, the High Lord.  Black Eye, but died before he could
D The element of surprise makes the give any more information.
attack a success, and the revolt spreads The Knights trailed the band of kill-
to other sections of the city. Soon Wu ers deep into the jungle, finally com-
Han s troops have been driven out of ing upon the tribe that bears the  Black
Cairo. Eye. The Eye is an Orrorshan magical
With Mobius apparently unwilling
object, and it is being worn by the
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
to take any action to restore order to
tribal chief in place of his true left eye.
must prevent Deathhawk from send-
Cairo, Overgovernor Wu Han decided
The Eye has the possibility shadows spell
ing innocent civilians to their deaths
to take action. He declared martial law
focused into it, enabling its users to see
in the attack on the camp, either by
throughout the city, and in a desper-
into the near future. Unfortunately,
convincing the people to stay out of
ate attempt to find Deathhawk, or-
the constant slipping from present to
the battle or by doing the bulk of the
dered his troops to take any and all
future-sight and back again caused by
fighting themselves. Deathhawk had
costumed heroes into custody. He also
the Eye often drives its user mad after
planned to send the people against the
commanded that the crime syndicates
a brief time.
most heavily-defended areas, feeling
be disarmed.
The chief who possessed the Eye
that they were the most expendable of
The gangs resisted, naturally, but
had gone insane, vowing to use its
his forces. If they can talk the people
Wu Han s forces were more than a
power to conquer other tribes and
out of sacrificing themselves for
match for the weakened crime lords.
eventually Orrorsh itself. As the Storm
Deathhawk, the Knights can end with
Soon, Wu Han controlled the entire
Knights observed, Thratchen s raid-
an adventure result of 6 or better. If
city, with shocktroopers making mass
ers mounted an attack on the village,
they must carry the battle to save the
arrests of any  suspicious or undesir-
hoping to steal the valuable artifact.
people s lives, they get a result of 3 5.
able characters. This designation ap-
If they are unable to prevent innocent Sambato (native chieftain)
plies to anyone from outside the realm,
lives being lost, they cannot get an DEXTERITY 10
including the Storm Knights, but the
adventure result higher than 2. Beast riding 11, dodge 11, melee weap-
Knights managed to narrowly evade
ons 12, missile weapons 13, unarmed
capture. Wu Han declared the city
combat 11
 politically quarantined, and his
troops blocked all roads into and out
The mysterious killer who terror- TOUGHNESS 9
of the Cairo. Making full use of their
ized Singapore has escaped to Borneo,
connections in the city and elsewhere,
(along with Kibos and Balezar, if they
Trick 11
the Knights manage to open  pipe-
escaped at the end of the dispatch in
lines to ferry information and refu-
issue two), with the Storm Knights in
Test 11, willpower 11
gees out.
pursuit. When the Knights reached
In the midst of this chaos,
the heart of the island, they made a
Charm 15/10, persuade 16/10
Deathhawk reappeared. He had orga-
horrifying discovery: whole villages
nized a group of costumed heroes and
of primitives had been ritually mur- Intimidation 11, reality 10
began his new campaign of terror by
dered, their bodies laid out in circles in
Note: Sambato s Charisma-based
breaking into Wu Han s armory and
the center of their settlements.
skills have been affected by the mad-
handing out weapons to civilians.
Further investigation brought the
ness brought on by the Eye. While he
The Knights receive a tip instruct-
Knights to a small village under attack
is in possession of the object, use the
ing them to go to the major
by the Core Earth killer from
former values  if it is taken from
shocktrooper encampment just out-
Singapore, other renegade Core
him, refer to the latter values.
side of the city. There they find
Earthers, and Orrorsh gospog. The
Possibilities: 10
Deathhawk and his army, planning to
appearance of the Knights was enough
Equipment: throwing dagger, dam-
attack the camp as the first blow in an
to deter the attackers, and a wounded
age value STR+3/12, range 3-5/10/
all-out revolt against Mobius. Once
villager told them that the murderous
15; spear, damage value STR+4/13,
again, the mysterious vigilante offers
range 3-5/25/40; dagger, damage main branch of the Bank of Hong Kong, no proof, or let the majority of the
value STR+3/12 with the destruction of Taihachi the gangsters and the ninja escape, they
Goals: To lead his tribe to ultimate only item on the agenda. cannot get an adventure result higher
power. than 2.
Critical Event: The Knights have a DEXTERITY 13
choice: they can attack themselves, in Acrobatics 14, dodge 14, fire combat
an attempt to get the Eye, or do noth- 14, maneuver 14, martial arts 16, mis-
National Park Service rangers have
ing and let Thratchen s army take it. If sile weapons 14, stealth 17
reported strange happenings in Grand
the Knights do the former and suc- STRENGTH 8
Canyon National Park in Arizona.
cessfully capture the mystical object, TOUGHNESS 10
Strange, hairless humanoid creatures
the chief will regain his sanity, and the PERCEPTION 9
with pale reddish skin have been spot-
Knights get an adventure result of 6 or Tracking 10, trick 10
ted along the banks of the Colorado
above. If the Knights attack, and the MIND 10
River, and there have been incidents
Eye is destroyed in the battle, they get Test 11, willpower 11
of visitors to the park and rangers
an adventure result of 3-5. If the CHARISMA 9
being assaulted by them. When the
Knights do not attack, or attack and SPIRIT 10
creatures are pursued, they disappear
are unable to prevent Thratchen s Intimidation 11, reality 11
into the most turbulent section of the
forces from claiming the Eye, they can- Possibilities: 8
river, and do not emerge. The Delphi
not get an adventure result greater Equipment: throwing stars, damage
Council has expressed concern that
than 2. value 11, range 3-5/10/15; 13mm
these beings may represent some new
Chunyokai, damage value 18, ammo
species of Living Land creature, and
9, range 3-10/40/50
have requested that Storm Knights
Goals: To carry out his mission, and
investigate the matter.
The situation at the Sons of the Wind
not to be captured alive.
In truth, these creatures are not na-
temple allowed Kanawa Co. to gain a
Typical Yakuza Gangster
tive to the Living Land, but are an
controlling interest in the Do-Lung
Aysle species known as manes. Sub-
Conglomerate. Soon, the old, more tra-
Fire combat 11, maneuver 10, melee
terranean tunnel dwellers in the Aysle
ditional buildings that Do-Lung
weapons 10, unarmed combat 11
cosm, they migrated down the bridge
owned were replaced by modern sky-
and found a home in the Land Below.
scrapers of glass and steel. Whole city
Following those tunnels, they found
blocks became a nightmarish neon
themselves at the peak of a dormant
Find 10
volcano which juts out of the bottom
Under the influence of Kanawa, Do-
of the Colorado River. This peak serves
Lung began purchasing vast amounts
Test 9
as an entrance to the Land Below, and
of real estate in and around Hong
the manes have been exploring this
Kong. This prompted the other local
Charm 9, persuasion 9, taunt 9
new territory.
magnates to merge into a conglomer-
The manes do not mean to harm
ate of their own and make land deals
Intimidation 10
others, but are virtually incapable of
in an attempt to prevent Do-Lung from
Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai, dam-
communication and will respond as a
owning the entire area.
age value 18, ammo 9, range 3-10/40/
mob if attacked. If the Knights show
In addition, Kanawa has sunk its
50; blackjack, damage value STR+4/
the manes they do not wish to hurt
financial hooks into the Bank of Hong
them, the creatures will respond in
Kong. The bank s central branch has
Goals: To turn a profit
kind, and may allow the Knights into
been converted into a Nippon
Critical Event: Crashing the meet-
the Land Below.
hardpoint, and ruthless business
ing of the Yakuza and Nippon s repre-
Unfortunately, the manes do not
moves  foreclosing on mortgages,
sentative, doing enough damage and
realize that they were followed to Core
denying loans to low-income families,
gathering enough proof of Kanawa s
Earth by a wyvern, a dreadful worm-
etc.  have become the norm, in ac-
involvement with the bank to throw
like creature of Aysle, roughly 10
cordance with the Nippon  Law of
plans for Hong Kong into disarray. If
meters in length, that crushes its prey
the Knights uncover evidence that the
with its tremendous bulk before swal-
News reaches the Storm Knights
bank is a Nippon hardpoint, and/or is
lowing it whole.
that Do-Lung views the opposition
being prepared to receive a maelstrom
conglomerate, Taihachi, as an irritant Manes
bridge, they get an adventure result of
that must be dealt with, and they plan DEXTERITY 11
6 or better. If the Storm Knights are
to use the Yakuza to do it. An infor- Dodge 13, melee weapons 12, stealth
able to stop the contract ninja and a
mant tells the Knights that a Nippon 14, unarmed combat 12
sufficient number of the Yakuza to
contract ninja, Hoto, has scheduled a STRENGTH 6
lessen their involvement in the matter,
late-night meeting with five top Climbing 13
and they get an adventure result of 3-
Yakuza gangsters, to be held at the TOUGHNESS 7
5. If the Knights lose the battle, gather
PERCEPTION 8 Nippon has reportedly succeeding of the ill-fated Joyita s last voyage.
Trick (9) in bribing the security guards at the Local superstition has led many to
MIND 7  weird science research center in El believe that these creatures are, in-
Survival 10, test (9) Mansura, and their agents are primed deed, the missing people from that
CHARISMA 8 to slip into the main laboratory and ship. Legend has it that the barriers
Charm (11), persuasion (11), taunt (11) make off with a large stock of the between Earth s cosm and the demon
SPIRIT 5 powerful weapons. The bombs will realm were weakened by the high
Intimidation (7) then be brought by truck to Port Said, number of atomic tests in the Pacific in
Goals: To find a home they do not and loaded on to the Chilan in the the 1950s, allowing some creatures to
have to share with dwarves, trolls, dead of night. The next morning, the slip through and capture those sailing
and other beings; to live in peace ship will be gone, and Mizufune will on the Joyita. Now the axiom wash
give the official explanation that Mo- from Orrorsh has allowed those
bius price for the oil was too high. people, now hybrids of human and
Nippon scientists will then analyze demon, to return to this plane.
Unarmed combat 11
the bombs to try and discover the se- If, indeed, this story is true, it raises
cret of their construction. questions: why did these demonic be-
ings come back? Are they seeking some
sort of twisted revenge for their fate by
Tracking 10, trick (13)
attacking sailing ships, or are they in
Residents of a Paris Liberté district
torment, and trying to find some way
Test (13)
have informed the Underground that
to escape it? There is no telling when,
a denizen of Magna Verita has been
or if, the answers will ever be known.
Taunt (14)
captured by the Inquisition and is cur-
SPIRIT 4 Ndatos
rently being held in Montmarte and
Intimidation (25) DEXTERITY 10
tortured in the GodNet, in the hope he
Critical Event: To convince the Dodge 11, flight 12, maneuver 11,
will reveal the whereabouts of his com-
manes they will not be hurt, and thus stealth 13, unarmed combat 14
panions. How large his cell of cosm
prevent further violence between them STRENGTH 12
conspirators may be is unknown, but
and innocent people in the park. If the Lifting 13
it is certain he would possess a good
Knights can do this and defeat the TOUGHNESS 12
deal of valuable information on the
wyvern, they get an adventure result PERCEPTION 9
resistance movement that would aid
of 6 or above. If they befriend the Tracking 10, trick 11
Malraux. If this is true, the man, Viliers
manes, but cannot defeat the wyvern MIND 9
by name, must be rescued before the
and must close the entrance to the Test 10
Inquisition makes him crack.
Land Below, they get an adventure CHARISMA 10
result of 3 5; if they lead the manes to Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt (11)
regard them as enemies, thus not gain- SPIRIT 9
ing access to the Land Below and Intimidation 14, reality 10
In October of 1955, the 25 passen-
dooming the manes to destruction by Possibilities: 2
gers and crew of the Joyita, outbound
the wyvern, they have failed the ad- Natural Tools: wings, speed value 14;
from Samoa, vanished without a trace
venture. claws, damage value STR+3/15; teeth,
 the boat itself was found over a
damage value STR+4/16
month later, badly damaged but still
seaworthy. The fate of the people who
set out on the last voyage of the plea-
sure-boat has remained a mystery for
The villages that dot the Bavarian
almost 40 years.
Alps have remained largely untouched
Now mariners from the South China
by the Possibility Wars, save for some
A Kanawa Co. freighter has docked
Sea to the Gulf of Carpentaria have
Core Earth troop maneuvers in the
at Port Said in Egypt, preparing to
reported sudden attacks on their ves-
countryside. They have been content
take on a load of crude oil to be trans-
sels by horrific beings, things that kill
to let it remain that way, but the plans
ported back to Japan. But an assistant
their crewmen and attempt to wreck
of the High Lords may have intruded
to Nippon s ambassador to the Nile
their ships. The creatures, christened
on their serenity at last.
Empire, Syn Mizufune, has leaked
 Ndatos by the sailors, appear to be
Someone  or something  has
word that there may be more taking
human in most respects, but their
taken up residence in the halls of
place on the docks than even Mobius
hands are misshapen claws, their teeth
Neuschwanstein, the magnificent
is aware of. The rumors are that the
hideous fangs, and leather-like wings
19th-century castle which clings to a
cargo hold of the Chilan will not be
sprout from their backs. Strangely, the
rocky crag overlooking the River
filled with oil, but something infinitely
descriptions of their human features
Pollat. The castle was constructed by
more valuable: reality bombs.
tally with those of passengers and crew
King Ludwig II of Bavaria, but many
believe that supernatural forces were ing off. Similar accounts have come in to trade a henchman or two to another
at work when it was built. Some point regarding langatok, quarteks, gang to obtain the personnel required.
to its resemblance to the castle of leg- pakottons, bonthkra and abentallos. Besides making criminal operations
end which housed the Holy Grail, oth- All of the stories have described the run more smoothly, this system al-
ers to the fact it is built on the site same group of men, and have been lows Mobius to keep track of what
where the hero Lohengrin is said to emphatic in stating that they did not major criminal coups are planned. If a
have lived. Putting aside those old resemble Spartan squadrons. There particular gang is believed to have
tales, the facts (as best as they can be have been no sightings of the men, the been aiding Storm Knights, the High
gathered) are that mysterious lights creatures or the trucks in Core Earth Lord can lay a trap at their next target
have been seen in the hallways late in areas, but the last report from the re- and eliminate them as threats.
the eve, and a spectral being of gigan- sistance communities was that the ve- The Icarus Club is run by Paul
tic proportions has been seen on the hicles were headed south. Bennington, formerly the pulp villain
battlements. The Delphi Council has denied any known as the Asp. After a disastrous
Under normal circumstances, these involvement in the happenings, and run-in with the Silver Scarab on Terra,
sightings might be dismissed as hyste- has pointed out that the transport of Bennington decided that the risks of
ria, but with the bizarre events of re- dangerous creatures across state lines open villainy were too great. He then
cent months, no chances can be taken. is forbidden by Delphi Act 4527. Some conceived the idea of a  crime ex-
A platoon of American infantry was council members have expressed pri- change, and put it into practice with
assigned to surround the castle, but as vate fears, however, that they may great success in Mobius home cosm.
they reached the German-Austrian know who is responsible. Shortly af- When Mobius invaded Earth,
border, a strange fog rose around them ter the U.S. government relocated the Bennington followed down the bridge,
and they were unable to find their way Houston, Delphi was approached by bringing the nucleus of his organiza-
to the edifice. an Atlanta geneticist, Dr. George R. tion with him. It took some time to get
Agents from all but one of the vari- Bartholomew, who believed it would established in post-axiom wash
ous realms which have emerged on be possible to cross-breed Living Land Thebes, but the business is now run-
Earth since the invasion have been beasts and create new creatures that ning smoothly. While buffoons like
spotted in Austria, and some have could serve as an army for Core Earth. the Ice Master and the Scorpion run
already mounted expeditions to His idea was dismissed as too danger- around attracting attention to them-
Neuschwanstein. The Nippon and ous, but there are concerns that he selves, the Icarus Club maintains its
Nile teams made it to the castle, but may have found a source of funding in image of respectability, its criminal
returned empty-handed. The Orrorsh the private sector and have embarked operations too quiet and too artfully
creatures were found in the Pollat, upon his experiments. Delphi scien- done to draw the interference of do-
their bodies torn to shreds. The Aysle tists believe that, if this is so, gooders like the Mystery Men.
and Cyberpapal squads never Bartholomew may end up creating It is possible, however, that
emerged from the castle. new and more destructive monsters Bennington might be willing to let
Exactly what is inside the castle, if rather than ones that could be con- Storm Knights avail themselves of his
anything, is unknown. But the evi- trolled by Core Earth men. service  if the price is right.
dence suggests that it is something of
value, since the High Lords have
shown interest in it  it also appears
From all outward appearances, the
to be highly dangerous, judging by the
Icarus Club in Thebes is a gathering
fate of the Orrorshan agents. Storm
Knights are advised to exercise ex- place for the well-to-do of the Nile
Empire. Wealthy traders, royal coun-
treme caution when investigating this
cilors, even overgovernors have been
seen entering its golden doors.
But the truth may be a far darker
one. The Cairo underworld has hinted
The Living Land is infamous for its that the Icarus Club is a front for a
huge variety of creatures  but now, sophisticated criminal organization,
strange as it seems, they have begun to modeled after the London and Tokyo
disappear. A resistance community in stock exchanges. Gang leaders and
Mount Laurel, NJ sent word through a costumed villains contact Icarus and
realm runner that a squadron of uni- explain their needs  maybe a safe-
formed men gassed and captured a cracker for a job in Alexandria, or a
colony of meskobats, loading the poi- torch to light up a paper that s been
sonous insects aboard trucks and driv- criticizing the Empire  and will offer
Your Letters
ow! We have a slew of bilities instead of the usual three? Power plants cannot energize pow-
letters and herald mes- Also, how about more details on ers; only possibility capacitors can
sages this time around. As Orrorsh, especially a World Law re- energize powers. An airplane does
Wusual we print as many as garding fear, in future newsletters? not have the flight power; its ability to
we can, but we are having fly is perfectly explainable through
 Steve Tanner
to be pretty selective now. Some let- normal science. Powers are those abili-
S. Glamorgan, U.K.
ters were edited for length. In this ties which are not explainable through
issue we are still printing herald mes- normal science, and therefore require
Yes. Without the limits on card play
sages in their entirety; next issue we weird science.
set in this issue, it would become pretty
will probably have to edit for length. Uhm& gulp! The sound gun was
easy for a large group to get several
designed before the Gizmo rules were
glory cards played on a single action. So
A few questions: written. Some weird science even we
if you play without those limits we
1. How high up do the stelae bound- cannot explain.
would suggest you only allow one glory
aries extend? We do not have official rules for
card be played on an action. However,
2. Is the ninja s stun attack suc- other ray guns, although to help
no matter how many glory cards are
cessful on a good attack result or dam- guestimate you could use the follow-
played on a single action, they still only
age result? ing: each point of adventure costs gets
count as one glory deed for the pur-
3. Where are the falling damage you four points of limit value and or
poses of seeding an area, per page 104 of
rules? maximum range. For instance, electro-
the Torg Rulebook.
ray has a limit value of seven, and a
 Bradley Heinrichs We should have Orrorsh world laws
maximum range of 60 meters (value
Surrey, Canada next issue (cross our hearts and hope
nine) for an adventure cost of four. A
to& well, maybe not, considering this is
sonic disruptor might have maximum
Stelae boundaries normally extend Orrorsh we are talking about).
range of 25 meters (value seven) and a
15 kilometers above the surface, and
limit value 13 for an adventure cost of
150 meters below the surface. A High Congratulations on Torg; it's my
five. Short range ends at a value four
Lord may have the Darkness Device favorite roleplaying game. In the Nile
less than maximum, medium range
expend energy to maintain the axi- Empire Sourcebook, it states that
ends at a value two less than the maxi-
oms levels at a greater altitude. In the possibility capacitors provide energy
mum range. The gamemaster is just
cases of Nippon and the Cyberpapacy for powers in gizmos. If instead a
going to have to decide how, qualita-
they have each extended their realms power plant was installed, what
tively, a sonic disruptor differs from
to include near earth orbit (250 kilo- would happen to the adventure cost
an electro-ray gun.
meters). and the limit value of flight. Also, in
Pending testing on the Nippon The Destiny Map adventure, how was
I really liked the props found in
Sourcebook the answer is the good re- the sound-gun constructed? Finally,
The Destiny Map adventure, and was
sult refers to the damage; beating a how would you go about building a
disappointed not to find them in The
character s Toughness ( or armor value) ray gun, without using the electro-
Possibility Chalice. The props add a
by three or more results in a stun. ray power? For example, a weird la-
great deal to the enjoyment of the
The rules for falling damage are ser? How would you determine its
game, and I hope to see more of them
cleverly hidden on page 52 of the Torg range, effect, limit value, etc.?
in future modules.
Rulebook, under the description of
 Malcolm Shoals
climbing; weight value plus distance  Steven Allo
Cleveland, OH
value fallen equals damage value. The Dallas, TX
greatest distance value which may be
added is 14, the value of terminal ve- Okay, round one (of three) of feed-
locity. back for this issue of Infiniverse. Props
come at the expense of adventure text
Question: If a player has two Glory or illustration. What sort of mixture
cards in a pool can he play them both do you folks prefer? Do let us know,
on a 60+ roll, thus gaining six Possi- or you could get  Parking Lots of the
High Lords as a supplement.
Can a Storm Knight use something the ord damage table (as there are no High Lord so wishes, the Ravagon can
foreign to both Core Earth and the realm reality rated machine-guns). A  KO be transformed by the Darkness De-
she s in (assuming she is in a dominant means the weapon is jammed. vice. While this reduces the Ravagons
or even a mixed zone) for the price of a Unjamming it requires use of the Possibilities to zero, the Darkness De-
simple contradiction check or would weapon skill against a difficulty of 12. vice can transfer the Possibility energy
she have to create a reality bubble? I.e. A gun which has taken four wounds back in a matter of hours.
using cyberware in the Living Land  cannot fire until it has been repaired The Gaunt Man created gospog to
neither the Living Land nor Core Earth (weapon skill against a difficulty 15, provide serviceable troops, no matter
axioms will support it. time ten minutes if all parts are avail- what cosm were invaded. The key
 Michael Levay able.) A gun which has been mortally realization was that while all living
Roscommon, MI wounded and is fired explodes, doing things were part of one reality or
its damage value to everyone within a another at all times, the unliving could
Yes, a contradiction check is all that six meter radius. be mixed, as the existence of mixed
is necessary to support cyberware in 4. We always like to keep our play- zones proved. Orrorsh was uniquely
the Living Land. Creating a reality ers on their flippers. suited to producing unliving troops.
bubble guarantees that the cyberware Gospog are  walking, personal mixed
functions for the duration of the I have a few questions for you: zones , a mixture of the invading and
bubble; a contradiction check adds Do Ravagons in the service of High the invaded cosm. They may use the
the possibility of disconnection. Lords exist under Orrorsh axioms, or tools of either cosm. Whenever they
those of the reality they are stationed enter a third cosm they must roll for
First of all, you are doing an excel- in? Do all Ravagons practice disconnection only if the task would
lent job of attending to the needs of Irishantism (as mentioned in cause a contradiction in both of the
your customers. Thanks! Now for the Infiniverse)? May Ravagons know cosms which make up a gospog. They
questions: magic? do not count as mixed zones for other
1. Can a player spend a Possibility In the Torg Rulebook on page 90, characters, i.e. an edeinos could not
to reduce damage to his vehicle or gospog are said to never be possibility stand on a gospog and cast miracles in
mount? rated. Yet the Living Land Sourcebook Core Earth without fear of disconnec-
2. In a chase, do vehicles and says the gospog of the first through tion.
mounts suffer from an action card fourth plantings may use firearms un- It took the Gaunt Man s ingenuity
generated fatigue? der the Living Land reality. How is this and a great deal of effort to produce
3. Do weapons which fire exclu- possible? beings with all the useful traits (from
sively on full auto gain the +3/+3 the Gaunt Man s perspective) of liv-
 Patrick Flanagan
bonus? How about heavy weaponry? ing beings while still counting as
Freehold, NJ
4. Concerning The Possibility Chal- unliving for the purposes being a
ice adventure, Act I, Scene 3: under- mixed zone. This very property is what
Most Ravagons exist under the axi-
water and in full scuba gear, I could makes it impossible for a gospog to be
oms of Orrorsh, but this majority is due
hardly speak or dance a lick. Some- reality rated, for the unliving is never
in part to the fact that most Ravagons
times saving the world means doing reality rated.
still reside in Orrorsh. If the Orrorsh
the impossible.
High Lord is willing, and the receiving
Keep up the good work!
 Jeri Haley & Brian Mudd
Twin Peaks, CA
Herald Messages
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
New South American invasion U.S.S. aircraft carrier Forrestal
3. Yes. Weapons which fire only at
reported in issue #2 of Infiniverse vanished without trace off
full auto are assumed to be firing in
has been destroyed with the aid of Argentinean coast. Storm Knights
bursts rather than holding the trigger
a stolen Nile Reality bomb. It seems actively searching for further infor-
down for a continuous stream of fire.
to have been only a side effect of mation.
An optional rule which we cut due to
Dispatch #2  the attempt by Possible hardpoint/eternity
lack of space should also be used if
Thratchen to gate in another shard discovered Bodmin Moor,
you are going to give the +3/+3 bonus
technodemon. The 0 axiom levels Cornwall. Details sketchy, but ru-
to machine-guns and heavy weapons
were a side effect. Thratchen is at- mored to be very powerful.
capable of auto-fire: Each round of
tempting to repeat the experiment  Steve Tanner
auto-fire produces a great deal of heat
& just to use the side effect. S. Glamorgan, U.K.
and wear and tear on the barrel of the
 Martin Wixted
gun. Each round, the gamemaster rolls
Roxbury, MA
for damage to the gun, rolling a
Herald messages continue on page 12.
straight bonus and interpreting it on
Herald Messages Continued from page 11.
FOR SALE: PBY Seaplane, re- In the easternmost half of Blair plans to become Terra s next High
cently  acquired from the Nile County (in central PA), all the fields Lord. Dr. Mobius is trying to pre-
Empire. Has sustained some com- in the area from Roaring Springs to vent support for Deathhawk by any
bat damage, but still flies well. Fully the Huntington County border are means.
Armed. filled with corpses for Gospog of  Scott Maxwell
WANTED. AIM-9L Side-winder the first planting  some 30,000 of Hayden Lake, ID
missiles or AIM-132B ASRAAM. them. At least 200 will have shot-
Need 4 four mounting on some- guns and hunting rifles (looted from In Cairo there is a mad scientist
what modified L24 Learjet. Contact the area). called the Evil Dwarf that has made
Hummingbird, in Paris, France.  Gregory W. Detwiler a gizmo that controls the minds of
 Michael Levay Williamsburg, PA mammals. Doesn t seem to work
Roscommon, MI on lizards or people containing
We beat Mobius to the Infernal cyberware. He has killed or taken
The Temple of the Destiny Map Engine. Though we could not re- control of several Storm Knights.
in India has been destroyed by forces verse its function it was consumed Somebody has to take care of him
unknown  Captain Achmedi of by its own energies. The earth turns, soon.
the Nile was slain in the ensuing be it however slowly. A new force  Patrik Sahlstrom
chaos. has appeared from the heavens to Oslo, Norway
In the Living Land, specifically shield us from the sun. They call
Indiana, a reality storm of immense themselves the  Wanderers . Be- The destiny map has been found,
proportions rages. The storm has ware the Cyberpope! leading to the Possibility Chalice.
taken on a semblance of existence,  John Day Agent Osato of the Kanawa corpo-
constantly extending its boundaries Lincoln, NE ration was left for dead, but his
in search of more Possibilities. body mysteriously disappeared.
 Patrick Flanagan Have any of you ever tried A hard point has been found in
Freehold, NJ recalibrating a reality bomb for the what used to be Grant Park (Chi-
Nile Empire? Say, setting it to Core- cago-Ed.); the Buckingham Foun-
 & Need a breather  my F-15 Earth standard axioms and letting tain.
cuts out on me while fighting with go? Dr. Mobius won t like it at all.  Scott Mitchell
this mothballer, takes everything I  Duane Tant Chicago, IL
got to operate the ejector, then I Fairfax, VA
climb up here on the tail of this heap  Hantu Limited is shipping hi-
when it crosses my chute. Well, it Dr. Mobius makes extensive use tech equipment into the Pacific
can t get any worse& Oh great, of pharaoh hounds. They never Northwest for the remaining Core
that s just great! bark, but they are intelligent enough Earthers. They are giving technical
 Grayson Steward to plan and work in teams (like the help to the resistance.
Somewhere over the Nile Dobermans in  The Adventure of  All efforts to follow this devel-
Remo Williams ). opment are blocked by a mysteri-
To: Delphi Council Operatives  Jeff Cambell ous erasure of all computer records.
From: Delphi Council Corvallis, OR  Why are they doing this, and
Re: Robert Masters, Col. USAF re- how does this sit with Kanawa and
tired. During a battle 20,000 feet above Baruk Kaah?
Report all contact with Masters. the Empire of the Nile, a Nile me-  Scott Shafer
Involved in incident involving Mo- chanic was thrown from a seaplane Delaware, Ohio
bius. Wanted for trial. Top Priority. at a Nile spitfire. He plummeted to
 Kyle Lucke his death. Or did he? Given the Storm Knights investigating dis-
Grand Forks, ND strange nature of the accidents in appearance of a statuette at the New
the Nile Empire he might have sur- Smithsonian in L.A. discovered an-
The Delphi Council has been in- vived. He will probably want re- cient race (but possibly new invad-
filtrated by servants of Kanawa Cor- venge. ers) on Easter Island. High Lord
poration. Storm Knights be careful  Malcolm Shoals Uthorion has surfaced in a new
in dealings with the Council. You Cleveland, OH body. He seeks the Eye of Morgath-
have been warned. ni, and now seeks it in an alien
 John Christopher There is a real  Deathhawk, but cosm& beware!
Gloucester, NJ his motives are less than pure. He  John M. Kahane
Ottawa, Canada


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