Torg Infiniverse Magazine 21

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Volume 1, Number 21 C A M P A I G N G A M E March, 1992  $2.00
Hello once again from the Poconos! juices are flowing in the same direc-
(Or, depending upon how you look at tion as your desires. So send us your
it, the middle of a Living Land zone, in wish list!
which case we aren t able to figure out
CONTENTS where we are, and come to think of it,
 You Asked For It!
it has been real foggy lately & )
We hope all of you are happy.
This month in Infiniverse we are
Tharkold has finally arrived in book
doing things a little differently. Inside
Rumors and News ....... 2
and hobby stores, and let s just say
is the first ever Torg trivia contest.
that we warned you it wasn t a nice
While we have given hints for each
Torg Trivia Quiz ............ 3
place. From the knockout Nick Smith
question, we warn you right now that
cover, to the background of this most
it isn t for Ords. And, oh yes, have fun
Dispatches ..................... 7
deadly realm, the sourcebook is a real
with the essay question.
 knock-your-socks-off product.
Also included with this month s
Your Letters ................. 11
Learn all about the techno-demons
issue is a questionnaire. We at West
society and power structure, the tech
End really want to know what you
of the Race, and the incredible magics
Herald Messages ........ 12 folks want to see in the future for Torg.
of this techno-horror realm. Hats off to
The cosmverse is such a big place, and
Paul Hume and Greg Gorden, who
there are so many different avenues
have devised a realm more feared and
that can (and will) be explored, we
deadly than Orrorsh. Enjoy!
want to make sure that our creative
Contributors This Issue:
Greg Farhstey (inclination), Cathleen
Hunter (inspiration), John Paul Lona
(procreation), Bill Smith (no
relation), Ed Stark (exultation),
Grant Goleash
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Rumors and News
2. Kanawa Officials displeased with and renewing hope for the faithful.
irst Indication reports on
a new competitor, International In- True (13).
the newest batch of ru-
vestment and Holding Company,
mors to which you have
which is outbidding Kanawa for land
The Wrap-Up: Issue #17
responded. Continuing
and construction rights. Sacramento
1.  Anglach Dornorin, Aysle s
Report updates the rumors as more
officials refusing to investigate. True
 Day of Night and Night of Day, may
responses come in. The Wrap Up gives
see the honorable become corrupt, if
you the tally after the rumor has rever-
3. Ghazi Rafek, staff reporter for the
Uthorion has his way. Slight increase
berated throughout the Infiniverse for
Cairo Clarion, investigating the myste- to finish at True (19).
about three months. The wrap up will
rious Thebes Importers. Mobius also
2. VX images of Knights Templar
be the last report for that rumor in
curious about recent goings-on. False
making life in the GodNet difficult for
Infiniverse. (12).
the Inquisition. Getting some extra
4. Seraphim Angels have been in- strength down the home stretch 
Rumor Report
jected into Rauru Block computers in
True (30).
Japan. It looks like the Cyberpapacy
3. Magna Verita prepping for revo-
The results are given a true or false,
has begun to strike back against their
lution due to Malraux s absence. Rises
followed by a parenthetical number.
 friends in the Orient. True (15).
to finish at True (55).
That number represents the strength
4. Tharkoldu occultech device un-
of the truth or falsehood throughout
Continuing Report: Issue #18 earthed in the Soviet Union, and ra-
the infiniverse. For example, a state-
1. Brazilian workers sent to Japan diation levels indicative of a second
ment which is False (15) is false unless
dealing with prejudice, but worse, are invasion. Yeah, yeah, as if we didn t
the gamemaster decides to test the
they infected with the Comaghaz vi- know this one would be popular. You
statement; on a roll of 15 or better, the
rus? If you re in Japan, it s time to buy wanted it, you got it  True (100).
statement is actually true. Roll again
stock in sealed environment suit manu- 5. Nippon Tech ninjas also bringing
on 10 and 20 when testing the truth or
facturers. Increases to True (25). the Comaghaz virus back to Japan.
falsity of a reported rumor.
2. Elves in Finland and Sweden have Don t trust oozing CEOs, that s what
voted to split off from the Dark forces we say. Barely survives at True (13).
First Indication: Issue #19
and establish their own territories. It 6. Madame K., an Orrorshan
1. The half-folk of Aysle have peti-
looks like the United Nations will be spiritualist, claiming to have contacted
tioned the British government for full
adding even more members to its ros- the spirit of Lord Bryon Salisbury.
rights, while Pella Ardinay refuses to
ter at True (40). Needless to say, she ll be very
discuss the matter. London has been
3. Jakatts develop new and more surprised & any time now. A last
the scene of protests and a dramatic
powerful miracles. Just what the Spar- minute reversal and finishes at True
increase in the crime right. Hey, Cen-
tans need. Rises to True (65). (17).
taurs are people, too, and start at True
4. Secret Islamic mosque in Orrorsh
reported to be easing Power of Fear
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Torg Trivia Contest
4. Name the designer of the Five Realms
elcome to the first Torg
game. 10. The famous Ayslish theoretical
Trivia Contest! Simply
mage who discovered that the act of
read through the questions
W a. John McLafferty
making a pattern permanent lowered
below, circle your answers b. Bill Smith
the natural world s resistance to that
c. Greg Gorden
on the sheet provided (page 6), and
pattern was:
d. Rick Adler
mail said sheet (or a reasonable fac-
e. Jeff Mills a. Pixaud
simile) to:
b. Kenipat
Torg Trivia
5. The mental institution to which c. Thorvald
West End Games
Maya is sent in Crucible of Pain is called: d. Mathea
RR 3, Box 2345
e. Gutterby
a. Oasis
Honesdale, PA 18431
b. Horus House
Deadline for the contest is May 11. The religion of the Ravagons is:
c. Mobius Memorial
30, 1992. Winner will be the entrant
d. Heritage a. Sacellum
with the most correct answers  if
e. Honesdale b. Slavicsekism
there s a tie, we ll have a drawing.
c. Secular dwarvenism
Winner receives a $25 gift certificate
6. What is the name of the lord of d. Irishantism
toward the purchase of WEG mer-
vampyre bats encountered in High Lord e. Magmar
of Earth?
12. When the god of The Land Below s
a. Camazotz
Pyrian Fire Tamers is in a good mood,
b. Ahulane
1. Who was pitching for the Mets when
he is called:
c. Manwaring
the bridge from Takta Ker crashed
d. Pacal a. Bob
into Shea Stadium?
e. Huitzilopochtli b. Karruk
a. Dwight Gooden
c. Darok
b. Bob  The Bullet Jenkins
7. What is the largest demesne in the d. Hevvil Gok Tek
c. Dave  Fireman Jensen
Tharkold cosm? e. Amethia Cor Tal
d. Walter  The Truth Jones
a. Sterret
e.  Ace Decker
13. The Parisian street gang whose
b. Apocularum
members dress in rags and carry rabies
c. Malgest
2. What is the name of the library
d. Mizatyan
demon in The Possibility Chalice?
e. Dzis a. The Warewolves
a. Septimus
b. The Crucifaces
b. Chislethwaite
8. The nearest Tibetan village to the c. The Tri s
c. Laxius
final resting place of the Possibility d. The GOP
d. Gibberfat
Chalice is: e. The Carrion Dogs
e. Azazel
a. Tangkula
14. What is a  queenswrath?
b. Jilibulake
3. What is the actual hardpoint in Fort
c. Lhasa a. A type of succession
Eugene in Operation: Hard Sell?
d. Xigaze b. A royal decree
a. The former Jackson residence
e. Kathmandu c. An execution
b. The Spartans barracks
d. A form of exile
c. A model of the aircraft carrier
9. 3327 s mentor on Marketplace was: e. Bill Smith s favorite rock band
U.S.S. Enterprise
a. 7710
d. An autographed picture of Lee
15. The creature from the stalenger
b. 6365
homeworld whose body is covered
c. 9012
e. The basketball court
with thick mucus, whose eight to 16
d. 1099
e. 2174 limbs each have their own sub-brain,
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
c. an Akashan
and who likes to steal small objects is 22. Which of the following is a group
d. a Lorbaat
called: power?
e. a Terran Martian
a. A grotuk a. stelae sense
b. A portochk b. pathfinder
29. Which of the following is not pro-
c. A restra c. common ground
duced by the Cyberpapacy?
d. A rufka d. possibility shadows
e. A burger rex e. the Heart of Coyote a. SpiritChips
b. MemChips
c. DatChips
16. Which of the following is not a bio- 23. At what Tech axiom do watches
d. SpellChips
tech weapon? and bifocals become possible?
e. None of the above
a. A volent a. 15
b. A jiros b. 19
30. Which of the following is not an
c. A mitositer c. 21
alteration spell?
d. A calaki d. 7
e. A hastur e. 16 a. ritual of mind preparation
b. sweet water
17. The two youths who travel with 24. At what Social axiom does democ- c. stone tunnel
d. sunstore
Father Christopher Bryce in the Torg racy become possible?
e. weather control
novel trilogy are named:
a. 10
b. 15
a. Rat and Coyote
31. Third-planting Orrorshan gospog
c. 20
b. Yogi and Boo-Boo
are called:
d. 23
c. Tolwyn and Tancred
e. 30 a. Caretakers
d. Rick and Tal-tu
b. Others
e. Ren and Stimpy
c. Wraiths
25. A Magic axiom of 12 allows you to
d. Were-tigers
18. Dr. Mobius has also been known conjure from  nothing as well as:
e. Ghouls
a. Create wards
b. Cast  wish spells
a. Pharaoh Mobius
32. Sabathina, Nightmare from
c. Impress spells
b. Deathhawk
Orrorsh, is originally from the cosm
d. Change living beings to inani-
c. Sutenhotep
mate matter
d. Madib Al-Hebpsa
e. None of the above
e. All of the above a. Gaea
b. Lereholm
26. Which of these is, on average, the c. Dairoga
19. The Gaunt Man s real name is:
d. Magna Verita
smallest of the Ayslish dragons?
a. General Avery Wellington
e. Ahjebax
b. Lord Stanton Cheltenham a. Draconis Teutonica
c. Professor James Moriarty b. Draconis Metallica
33. The Cyberpapal bureau which
d. Lord Bryon Salisbury c. Draconis Terra
handles all legal matters and litigation
e. None of the above d. Draconis Aquatica
e. Draconis Crotalaria
20. Elves and giant who disconnect are
a. the Penitentiary
27. 3327 has had his agents searching
most likely to fall prey to: b. the College of the Way
the mountains of Manchuria for which c. the Church Police
a. an inclination change
d. the Chancery
eternity shard?
b. the Comaghaz virus
e. the Seidenary
c. Ahjebax
a. The Potala
d. the wasting disease
b. The sword of Genghis Khan
34. Rec Pakken means:
e. influenza
c. The Tobukai Algorithms
d. Mao s Red Book a. Darkness Device
21. The most powerful of the evil se- e. The El Kharga Dagger b. Dead Tree
c. Black Forest
cret societies in Orrorsh is:
d. Dark Blood
28. Which of the following aliens is
a. The Sanctum
e. King of Darkness
most likely to possess the frenzy skill?
b. The Sign of Four
c. The Order of the Purple Eyes
a. a Draygakk
35. Gaea s kingdom of undead is called:
d. The Order of the Golden Dawn
b. a Larendi
e. The Sign of Six a. Victoria
b. Ch in
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
c. Nippon a. House Daleron
d. Rumostria b. House Vareth 45. The hippo-lion-crocodile demons
e. Jonestown c. House Gerrik that haunt the tunnels beneath the Nile
d. House Bendes Empire are called:
36. According to Pixaud s Practical e. House Tancred
a. Busus
Grimoire, the  raw material of a spell
b. Corpuls
is the: 41. Yakuza syndicate operations in
c. Ustanahs
Hokkaido are headed by which mob
a. Pattern knowledge d. Swarmers
 family ?
b. State path e. Monoliths
c. Result knowledge a. Ashimoto
d. Mechanism knowledge b. Corleone 46. The creatures from The Land Below
e. Pattern skill c. Haragawa known as arhet croms are:
d. Sebaru
a. wasps
37. In Full Moon Draw, the werewolf s e. Tottori
b. rats
rampages are connected to what?
c. bears
42. The singer who sacrificed his life to
a. A crystal ball d. crocodiles
destroy a bridge from Takta Ker to
b. Wolfsbane e. leopards
Earth in the Torg novel trilogy was:
c. Tarot cards
d. A Ouja board a. Christopher Bryce
47. The giant ape that stalks Merretika
e. Jonathan O Leary s home b. Eddie Paragon
is named:
c. Rick Jones
a. Borr Aka
d. Douglas Kent
38. The cybernetically controlled husks
b. Ungrosh
e. Quin Sebastian
of people who have been chipped into
c. Rodar
the GodNet are called:
d. Torgo
43. The enforcement arm of the Human
e. Lathiar
a. Cygoyles
Factor, a Core Earth/South American
b. Cartagras
group, is known as:
c. Hospitallers 48. Merretika s largest volcano is
a. The Sons of the Soil
d. HOGs
b. The Peace Through God Party
e. Slinkers
a. Ungrosh
c. Catequil
b. Abominari
d. The Comaghaz
39. Which of the following is an Ayslish
c. Kihiti Dok
e. Nazca
minor god of balance?
d. Caleacon
e. Tanta Kallar
a. Mesus
44. The figure of central authority in
b. Sarila
the Sacellum religion of Gaea/Orrorsh
c. Kalim
d. Areel
a. Pope Willis IV
e. Ulka
b. The Archibishop of Canterbury
c. The Deacon of Lourdes
40. The first of Aysle s great Houses to
d. The Gaunt Man
fall in line with the Dark forces in
e. None of the above
centuries past was:
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Torg Trivia Quiz Answer Sheet
NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________________________________________ ZIP ___________________________
1. a b c d e 17. a b c d e 33. a b c d e
2. a b c d e 18. a b c d e 34. a b c d e
3. a b c d e 19. a b c d e 35. a b c d e
4. a b c d e 20. a b c d e 36. a b c d e
5. a b c d e 21. a b c d e 37. a b c d e
6. a b c d e 22. a b c d e 38. a b c d e
7. a b c d e 23. a b c d e 39. a b c d e
8. a b c d e 24. a b c d e 40. a b c d e
9. a b c d e 25. a b c d e 41. a b c d e
10. a b c d e 26. a b c d e 42. a b c d e
11. a b c d e 27. a b c d e 43. a b c d e
12. a b c d e 28. a b c d e 44. a b c d e
13. a b c d e 29. a b c d e 45. a b c d e
14. a b c d e 30. a b c d e 46. a b c d e
15. a b c d e 31. a b c d e 47. a b c d e
16. a b c d e 32. a b c d e 48. a b c d
If a Cyberpapal man and an Ayslish woman, both Storm Knights, mate, and their child is born in the Nile Empire,
of what reality is the baby? Would the child be possibility-rated?
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Dispatches and Rumors
suit  and s/he is able to disperse into personality and inclination are in ques-
a fine red mist. The Mist, in this form, tion. She apparently disdains male
is able to travel normally, and s/he is heroes, thinking them egotistical and
D very hard to hit. chauvinistic. For this reason, she has a
The Mist does not talk  it is not stymie flaw every time a male success-
known whether s/he can or not, just fully taunts her. Also, she must attempt
that s/he doesn t. S/he is, however, to taunt/trick or test/intimidate male
able (and very willing) to write with opponents when the combat line says
Some strange force has entered the
his/er inky jets on walls, paper, and so. If she is unsuccessful, she gets a
war in the Nile Empire. Two new pulp
people. stymied result. She is wonderfully sar-
adventurers lurk in the streets of Cairo.
The Crimson Cloak, currently, castic.
They go by the names of the Crimson
strikes without warning all over Cairo.
The Red Mist
Cloak and the Red Mist.
It is likely that any group of Storm
True Identity: Unkown
Truly, it is unkown whose side these
Knights engaged in activities could
two adventurers fight on. One day,
run into her and the Mist at any time.
Dodge 14, fire combat 13, pulp power
they can be seen duking it out with
So far, she has refused to assist Storm
(mist blasters) 16, stealth 14, unarmed
gangsters or super-villains in Mobius
Knight groups, except coincidentally,
combat 12
employ, and the next, they use their
and supposedly sneers at all offers to
powers against Storm Knights and
join or work with groups.
pulp heroes.
The Crimson Cloak
Of the two, the Crimson Cloak is
True Identity: Unkown Evidence analysis 16, find 17, first aid
the obvious leader. A female of
DEXTERITY 12 (15) 14
unkown origin, she wears a dark red
outfit that leaves little to the imagina- Acrobatics 14 (17), dodge 16 (19), flight MIND 13
tion, and, strangely, no mask. How- 16 (18), fire combat 13 (16), missile Survival 14, test 16, weird science 16,
combat 17 (20), stealth 16 (19), un- willpower 14
ever, she also wears a long, billowing
armed combat 14 (17) CHARISMA 8
crimson cloak that seems to flow
around her with a life of its own. It is
Jumping 12 Intimidation 14, reality 16
unknown whether her powers are hers
TOUGHNESS 9 (15) Possibilities: 14
or come from the cloak.
PERCEPTION 10 Inclination: Unkown
Her hair is short and blonde, and
Evidence analysis 11, find 12, trick 13 Powers: dispersal power
she is considered attractive. However,
MIND 9 Equipment: Red Mist costume (ar-
she seems to wear a perpetual sneer
Survival 12, test 15, willpower 14 mor value TOU+7/19) equipped with
when encountered in her Crimson
CHARISMA 8  mist blasters. Mist blasters cover the
Cloak guise (and no one has met her
Taunt 15 target in an inky mess, obscuring vi-
The Red Mist is the more mysteri- SPIRIT 10 sion. A character who is hit by a nor-
Intimidation 15, reality 17 mal mist blast is automatically stymied
ous of the pair. Obviously deferential
to the Cloak,  he follows her instruc- Possibilities: 18 the next round (from both sight ob-
Inclination: Unkown scurement and disorientation) and, if
tions to the letter  but  he is fully
able of acting independently. Actu- Powers: super attribute (DEX) the target is hit with a vital blow to the
Equipment: Crimson cloak (boosted eyes, he automatically suffers a setback
ally, it is unkown even what sex the
armor value +6/22) with flight power the next round. If, however, a charac-
Mist is, for his (or her) costume is
(value 9) built in; throwing blades ter who has been hit by the mist blaster
baggy and covers his/er entire body
(damage value boosted to +6/16); bow gets an  Inspiration on the next con-
like a half-inflated balloon. S/he wears
and arrow (damage value boosted to flict line, the stymied or setback goes
a mask.
+8/18); Crimson Cloak costume. away, and the Red Mist suffers from
The Mist has two apparent powers:
Description: The Cloak is an attrac- his stymie weakness.
s/he is able to shoot an inky mist from
tive woman about 5' 6" in height. She is Description: Silent and supportive,
his/er hands at will  it is presumed
blonde with hazel eyes. The Cloak s the Red Mist has an obsession about
that this substance comes from the
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
 correcting evildoers  or heroes earlier Akashan visitors. CHARISMA 8 (18)
whom the Crimson Cloak points out Rumor has it that Sur Allaan has Taunt (20)
as wrong. S/he follows her direction found something horrible in Colum- SPIRIT 13
without question  so much so that bia, but no one knows for sure. Ru- Intimidation 17 (25), reality 21
s/he never suffers a break result while mors of a biotech horror terrorizing Possibilities: 15
the Cloak is present  but s/he is villages in the region have reached Psionic Powers: Akite Group (all);
smart and able to act independently Storm Knight ears. Kinesis Group (containment, energy rout-
as well. Unfortunately, the Council refuses ing, telekinesis); Psionic Defense Group
to believe. They have heard so many (general resistance (self), psychic screen);
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
lies since coming to this world that Psychic Senses Group (awareness, life
have been asked by the Mystery Men
they want proof before they act. The sense, psi detection)
to defeat the Red Mist and the Crim-
Storm Knights must get that proof. Natural Tools: Protoplasmic limbs,
son Cloak and hold them at bay long
(damage value STR+7/25; character is
enough to perform an Inclination Se-
stuck to the creature and suffers diges-
duction (see The Nile Empire source-
tive juice damage  see below  every
book for details) on them. Since the
Sergei must spray-paint
round until he makes a successful
Crimson Cloak and the Red Mist are of
Strength total to struggle free); diges-
his initials on one of the
questionable inclination, the Knights
tive juices (damage value 19 on con-
get a -1 to the DN of this attempt.
medium synthecyclers
tact with anything  if a character is
However, for each male in the Knights
hit, his armor takes damage as well, as
that prowl the streets.
group, they get an additional +1 to the
long as it is physical armor)
DN. A -1 to the DN is awarded for each
Note: Because of the fluidity of the
creature, the gravitic ray (and similar
If the Knights are able to convince
The Akite Sur Allaan discovered a
weapons or spells) has very little effect
the pair to be Good, then they get a
buried, forgotten lab dating from the
on the creature. Increase its Toughness
Good (6+) result. If the two cannot be
time of  Those Who Wait. In it, he
by 10 if it is attacked by such an item,
convinced, or if they evade capture,
found early biotech experiments
because the creature will, one round,
then it is a Bad (2-) result.
placed in stasis. He planted a reality
crash to the floor in a pool of slime and,
tree with the intention of entering it
the next, get right back up.
and then coming out nine months later
Description: Sur Allaan has been
to study the biotech lab.
totally covered by this protoplasm. He
The dark side of the Space Gods is
But something went wrong. Some-
is almost totally submerged in the
beginning to show through. Initially
how, feeding off of the tree s (and Sur
consciousness of the biotech creature.
helpful to Storm Knights and even
Allaan s) possiblities, the lab s defenses
If, however, the creature suffers a break
ords, the Akashan High Council has
were activated. A hidden door
or setback result, then for the next
been growing increasingly aloof. Mem-
slammed down, trapping Sur in the
round, all paranthetical values go away
bers of the Delphi Council and the
lab. Then, the biotech creatures and
as the creature assumes Sur Allaan s
other western governments have been
experiments awakened. Somehow, the
true form. It will still be mad with pain
denied access to the Council with no
lab has become a talisman of sorts of
and hate, but it will be much easier to
reason given.
Akashan reality, and also a horrific
kill during that round.
The reason is simple: after sending
out single Monitors and other agents
The lab is littered with ancient 
Sur Allaan, despite his knowledge
to observe Earth and the so-called  Pos-
and sometimes useful  biotech
and power, was overwhelmed. The
sibility Wars, the Akashans are dis-
equipment. The Knights can use this
biotech has merged with him, forming
pleased. Instead of seeing a people
to kill the creature possibly, or it might
an inhuman blob of protoplasm. Un-
united in their fight against the invad-
just help it. The creature will try to lure
able to hold humanoid form for more
ers, they are seeing lots of little self-
the Knights inside and trap them be-
than a few moments, it shifts back and
interested power groups.
fore fighting.
forth between Sur s pained features to
And this seems to have affected the
For an added wrinkle, it is rumored
a disgusting blob.
Akashans as well. After shoring them-
that Kanawa agents are also trying to
Sur Allaan/biocreature
selves up against Comaghaz infection
find the lab, in the hopes that they can
as well as they can, certain high-rank- DEXTERITY 11 (14)
capture either the creature or the
biotech weapons 16 (19), unarmed
ing Akashans  including a Council
reality tree for study. They will
combat 14 (17)
member or two  have set out to
undoubtedly interfere with the
STRENGTH 12 (18)
pursue their own agendas.
Knights if they can.
The most blatant such case is in
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
Columbia, near the northern border.
mission is twofold. First, they must
Psi manipulation 20, trick 15
An Akashan Akite leader named Sur
find the lab and gain entrance and
Allaan is delving into old Akashan
defeat the creature  or at least bring
Psi resistance 21, test 16
sites searching for information left by
back proof to the Akashan Council
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
that it exists. Of course, once it is aware in the arena, possibly knock the HOG Sergei, it appears, has made a deci-
of the Knights, it will be obsessed with out of the game  perhaps perma- sion. He wishes to send his wife and
killing them; it is obsessed with killing nently. Then, when he was exposed, eight-month old daughter home to her
possibility-rated people. If they can the Canadians could disavow knowl- parents in Florida, now that things
do this, they must then go to the edge of his nature and perhaps get a seem to be getting worse again in LA.
Akashan Council and convince them  sympathy vote that would allow But he has no money. He has decided
that the solution to their problem is them to stay in the race for the medal. to enter the LA Challenge.
not to withdraw from the wars, but to Sergei has been assigned one of the
HOG Ice Hockey Star
help those who truly fight them. most difficult tasks ever chosen by the
See page 87 of The Cyberpapacy for
If the Knights can accomplish all cruel authors of the sadistic game
the HOG s stats, and he is possibil-
this, they get a Good (6+) result. Other- show; he must spray-paint his initials
wise, the creature, defeated or not, on one of the medium synthecyclers
does no good in helping the Akashans that prowl the streets of LA at night.
join the Knights in fighting the wars. After shoring themselves For this he will be paid one million
This is a Bad (2-) result. dollars.
up against Comaghaz
Of course, the LA Challenge crew
infection as well as they
has rigged this; several gangs have
been paid to antagonize the synthe-
can, certain high-ranking
cycler before it gets to the point where
The cry goes up! The Winter Olym- Akashans have set out to
Sergei will meet it, and it will be hard
pics have begun in Spain!
to deal with.
pursue their own agen-
But all is not well. Disgruntled at
Nora pleads with the Storm Knights
not being invited to attend (though he
to help Sergei both beat the LA Chal-
would have declined anyway) Cyber
lenge crew at their own game and make
pope Jean Malraux I has decided to
sure they pay off. She will offer them
mess up the Olympics for everyone &
much of the money if they wish (but
ity-rated, with 2 Possibilities per
if he can.
not all  if she has to pay it all out,
Storm Knight. He has six more stat
Using his new territory in Québec
she ll figure these aren t heroes, they re
points than a normal HOG and 6
(which is really pretty secret to all but
just mercenaries whom she cannot
adds in ice hockey, a DEX skill.
a select few), Malraux has managed to
trust. Play it by ear).
Equipment: The HOG has several
get a  ringer placed on the Canadian
Critical Event: A Good (5+) result is
nasty surprises underneath his
Hockey Team. This ringer is a HOG
obtained if the Knights keep Sergei
uniform (and skin!), but he will try to
specially trained to play ice hockey,
alive and manage to help him spray-
be as subtle on the ice as possible 
and he is very, very good. Possibility-
paint the synthecycler (and collect the
even after the Knights blow their cover.
rated, he is buring up the ice.
money); a Bad (2-) result occurs if they
Only if he is danger of dying or already
The plan is simple. Using this power
fail or if Sergei dies.
exposed will he reveal his true nature
forward on the ice has made the Cana-
Note: This whole sequence will be
& and his weapons.
dian team an early favorite. Jean
televised. If one of the Knights rolls
Critical Event: Exposing the HOG
Malraux wants his agent to help the
60+ on any  interesting action versus
player while preventing the Canadian
Canadians win the event, and then,
the synthecycler, the Knights automati-
team from being disqualified is a Good
during the awards ceremony, the
cally get a Glory result.
(6+) result. Not exposing the HOG
HOG will decry decadent civilization
player is a Bad (3-) result.
and its hedonistic practices and ex-
pose himself as a follower of the
Cyberpope. Then, he will blast his
A New Rumor Scores True (100)!
way out of the ceremony, probably
LA Challenge is ready to roll!
Well, maybe not.
killing dozens of innocents  on in-
The Storm Knights have been ap- But, it is true that we are now ac-
ternational television.
proached by a woman in her late twen- cepting Reader Submission Rumors
Fortunately, one of the Canadian
ties. She is Nora Tambukin, a Los An- for publication in Infiniverse! If you are
coaches accidentally caught a glimpse
geles resident. Her husband, Sergei, is
interested in having a rumor you use
of the HOG s cyberequipment. He has
a Russian immigrant who came to the
in your campaign checked out across
informed the Québec Liberté, and they
U.S. just before the Possibility Wars
the Near Now, simply enclose the
have passed the word. While expos-
broke out.
Rumor with your normal Response
ing the HOG as an agent would dis-
When the bridges dropped, the
form  but on a separate sheet! Include
qualify the Canadian team (something
Tambukins fortified their LA home
your name and address on this paper
that made the coach think twice before
and prayed. When the people started
(though we won t print it if you don t
leaking the word), if the Knights could
coming back to LA, they rejoiced. Now,
want) and we ll see about putting it
infiltrate another team, they could
with the new Tharkoldu realm in place,
into future issues of Infiniverse.
compete against the Canadians and,
they are frightened.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
All submissions to Infiniverse be- necting to the GodNet through the form one league: the Consolidated
come property of West End Games remains of the datchip of sensover North American League. They are
Ltd. and West End Games has the images of Kadandra. made up of teams in cities outside the
right to publish the submission in any Malraux is concerned but doesn t Living Land and by old teams, such as
manner they see fit. understand how the Kadandrans (if the Yankees, who moved.
that is truly who these strange deckers Two new teams have joined the
are) can reach the GodNet. He has sent CNAL; the  Mexico City Banditos
cyberknights to find out who is be- and the  Québec TempÄ™tes.
Kanawa has declared war on the
hind this and to retrieve whatever in- Now the rumor: some controversy
Cairo underworld! After being sty-
has sprung up. The catcher on the
mied in the West by Tharkold, Ryuchi
Tempętes,  Babe LaCoste, has a cy-
Kanawa is looking for new profits 
bernetic left hand. While he is willing
All the Nazca lines in
in a hurry. The word on the streets of
to risk disconnection to play in Core
Cairo is that he is moving in & through
Earth (rumor has it that he has access
the realm glowed & and
independent operatives, of course.
to a Cyberpapal talisman anyway),
a small vessel of some
Spreading wealth and using muscle
the CNAL is divided on whether they ll
has always been an asset for Kanawa,
let him play.
unkown sort was seen
and in Cairo it seems to be working.
Prosthetics were allowed in the old
disappearing up into
 Legitimate business concerns have
American and National Baseball
been bought out by the Nippon High
Leagues, but this is different;
the atmosphere.
Lord s operatives, and the Yakuza are
LaCoste s hand is, in many ways, bet-
working the other side of the street.
ter than his original. However, the
There is a mint in Cairo if 3327 can
fact that he and his team came for-
formation they can before the situa-
grab it.
ward and asked whether or not he
tion gets too out of hand.
But considerable resistance is form-
could play, rather than hiding the fact,
 Christopher Hudson
ing. Storm Knights and pulp heroes
is in their favor.
North Merrick, NY
see the Kanawa operatives as  just
more bad guys in suits and pajamas.
They fight them normally. Unfortu-
nately, the 3327 s subtlety is helping
Many reports have circulated
him gain unexpected victories in the
through the Akashan realm. Last Mon-
realm of action.
day at midnight, all the Nazca lines in
However, the underworld is not so
the realms glowed  this is for cer-
easy. Used to dealing from the bottom
 continued from page 12
tain. What is rumored is that, at that
of the deck, the Cairo gangs are devel-
time, a small vessel of some unkown
A cosm is the totality of everything
oping an  us versus  them philoso-
sort was seen streaking north-south
in that particular universe, including
phy. Though they usually can t wait to
along the lines, disappearing up into
alternate dimensions and such. The
stab each other in the back, Kanawa
the atmosphere.
 nature of a cosm varies from cosm to
has scared them into some semblance
So far, no confirmation of this
cosm: on Core Earth s cosm, which most
of cooperation.
 UFO sighting has been forthcom-
resembles ours, there are possibly bil-
ing, either from the Akashan High
lions of galaxies. On Aysle s cosm, there
Council or independent sources.  No
seems to be simply  the world, the
comment is the word of the day.
sun, the Limit, and the stars. It isn t
As if Parisian deckers and strange
Most rumors state that the Akashan
known if there is anything beyond the
entities in the GodNet weren t enough,
High Council has tried to send a small
a new problem has arisen for
 mini-lightship through the stargate.
Cyberpope Jean Malraux I to deal with.
Others believe that one of the client
Accounts of deckers owing no alle-
species is using the Akashan biotech
giance to the Resistance or the
to construct a vessel.
Cyberpapacy  or any group, for that
Most people just aren t sure.
matter  have been reported in
Cyberpapal constructs and vaults in
Attempts to capture these deckers
This much is true: Another baseball
have met with failure, but jackpriests
season will soon be underway! But not
were able to trace the intruders pulse
the way it once was.
trails. What they discovered was puz-
The remaining National and Ameri-
zling. The pulse trails were originat-
can leagues have joined together to
ing from beyond the Deep and con-
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
Your Letters
1. When a weird science gadget is 1. The map should have had a Real- Regarding West End s NPCs, we
used, are Possibilities drained from the ity Tree indicated at the center of each have to design these characters for the
capacitor every time the gadget is acti- mixed zone. widest possible audience, and thus,
vated, or only once per adventure? 2. Interstellar travel is beyond the some characters will be lower-powered
2. How often may a Storm Knight scope of the game at this point, but for than others. In a situation like this, the
attempt to reconnect? those who wish to boldly & gamemaster must be willing to custom
3. Will there be any character tem- The axioms of a realm are relatively design characters, much like adventures
plates for Orrorsh featuring monsters constant throughout their cosm. There- are custom designed to match the tastes
(other than the werewolf from the basic fore, use of an Akashan lightship in of the players and gamemaster.
set)? Earth s cosm is a contradiction, but us- Now, on to the larger issue at hand.
I am really enjoying this game sys- ing them in the Star Sphere doesn t  Reality Boy is bound to be unpopular
tem. So far, I ve bought all the cause a contradiction. with his/her friends after a while. If his
sourcebooks and adventures. Keep up You ll notice that some of the Star reality score is that high, his compan-
the good work. Sphere species (for example, the ions are going to be tossed around like
 Wade A. Warren Gudasko) don t have a social structure rag dolls in the ensuing storm. This will
Lakeland, FL or tech level as high as the axiom of the make them an unhappy bunch of Storm
realm  this indicates that they simply Knights.
1. The Possibilities are drained once
haven t developed to the maximum Because of the effect values involved,
per adventure. The gadget cost is paid
allowable level for the cosm (just as on when such a character starts a reality
for immediately upon the first use of the
Earth, there are many places where storm, its highly improbable that his
Tech 23 equipment is extremely rare companions will be close enough to
2. A Storm Knight (or other charac-
or unknown). lend any aid (either because they took
ter) may attempt to reconnect once per
cover several zip codes away, or were
round (in a round-by-round situation, Questions regarding invoked reality
flung away from the battle sight). Re-
such as combat). If not in a round situ- storms &
member that reality storms do more
ation, the character may attempt to re-
Some of WEG s NPC s have better
than just damage  some might do
connect once per scene, and if not in a
reality scores. However, these are few
mental attacks, others might move
story (the adventure ends with the char-
and far between. A player of mine spent
things with a Strength equal to its effect
acter still disconnected), once per day.
most of his early Possibilities on rais-
3. At this time, we haven t done other
ing reality & and constantly starts
This is very important once the storm
templates with  monstrous abilities,
reality storms against NPC s. Ninjas
is over, since the losing NPC still has all
although we may introduce such
make excellent targets & do we stop
of his other skills once the battle is over.
characters at a later date. Of course,
using ninjas in campaigns, or just give
He s transformed you say? No problem
Storm Knights cannot be  true
them reality scores of 17-20 each?
(unless this is a Pure Zone) since he ll
monsters, with corruption and horrific
You can t equip every reality-rated
only have to worry about a one- or four-
NPC with high enough a reality to
case situation. Any of the more power-
1. The map of South America, on match the highest reality in a group.
ful dragons of Aysle, a wizard with
page 32 of the Space Gods sourcebook, For one thing, if the NPC s are losing a
access to some nifty spells, a well-armed
shows the Akashan mixed zones and fight, they will simply invoke a reality
and upset Akashan, a techno-demon
the locations of the Reality Trees. How- storm & then you ll have a lot of trans-
with an attitude or a cyber-goon will do
ever, there seem to be many more mixed formed Storm Knights on your hands.
zones than trees. Is there a tree at the  Steve Crow
Another nice trick is to give the NPCs
center of each zone, or is there another N. Liberty, IA
a mode of transportation faster than the
way of spreading Akashan reality?
Storm Knights, so they can arrive on the
The problems of a  Reality-Boy
2. What are the axioms of deep space?
scene first and beat the stuffing out of
character are similar to the problems
When an Akashan lightship travels
the  Reality Boy character before his
encountered with some super hero
from one star to another, is there a
games with characters of widely differ- friends show up. This shouldn t be con-
danger of disconnection? (And must all
ent powers. Nonetheless, our sugges- sidered delibhHxtely loading the situ-
pilots therefore be Possibility-rated)?
ation as much as a reminder that there
tions remain the same.
 Dennis Matheson
Kennesaw, GA
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 21 / March, 1991
is ALWAYS someone more powerful
than you.
Herald Messages
Reality Boy s technique is also go-
ing to fail miserably the first time a
Nightmares gnawing at your neck? By order of the Akashan High Coun-
storm is invoked on a non-reality rated,
Ghouls giving you grief? cil:
but nonetheless powerful, NPC  no
Is the Big Vic after you (having played Wanted: renegade Coar bioengineer,
storm, all of the Storm Knight s friends that nemesis/campaign combination)? Hzetl. The miscreant was sentenced to
 Montgomery Hill Lightning Associ- imprisonment for immoral biological ex-
are hiding (since they ll be expecting
ates offer their services as expert vampyre periments and escaped. He has been traced
one), and here come the NPC s friends.
hunters. Call them now! to the Living Lands near Sacramento,
Also, any character with that high a
When the stakes are high  a where we believe he is refining mixed-
skill who invokes a reality storm against
vampyre s about to meet his True Death realm plants into new addictive sub-
everyone is going to get the attention of
 Morgan Nash stances.
a High Lord very quickly, and un- Cuffley, England  Steve Crow
N. Liberty, IA
doubtedly some of the most powerful
A group of dimension travelers call-
NPCs ever to grace your particular
ing themselves  Vulture Warriors "! have Lord Geoffrey Salisbury, a descendent
cosmverse will be unleashed upon the
appeared in Southern California. Al- of the Core Earth version of the Gaunt
character and his friends, with the sole
though they are heavily armed and pos- Man, appears to be the current favorite of
intent of kidnapping or killing the pesky
sessed of an Extreme Paranoia"!, they Drakacanus.
troublemaker. claim to be unaligned with any of the  John M. Kahane
This character is also Darkness De- High Lords"!. Indeed, they seem to be Ottawa, ON, Canada
concentrating on the acquisition of vari-
vice-fodder the first time he tries to
ous pieces of Computer"! equipment.  I don t know & I think a knife in the
help remove a stelae and fails (see pages
 Dennis Matheson back is a mighty funny way to find  eter-
76 77 of The Storm Knights Guide to the
Kennesaw, GA nal peace. 
Possibility Wars).
 Calum the Mage
Finally, the bottom line is that if any
Lost: one tra (well, that s what it is
character, tool or other factor is unbal- now). Never listen to a sales pitch from a
Last seen near Muncie, Indiana. May Possibility-rated brush salesman.
ancing your game, then it is well within
answer to  Zephyr-3. If found, contact  Karl Hiller
your discretion as gamemaster to do
Tukul through the Home Guard in Aysle. Cincinnati, OH
something about it. Explain the situa-
 Donnie Blagg
tion to the player to see if he/she has
Fayetteville, AR
any mutually agreeable suggestions
 maybe the character can be allowed
to retire with dignity; maybe he ll get
to be slain by a headman s axe & 2. Full auto fire uses seven combat
transformed and once again be reduced
rounds worth of ammo. Please note that
to  mere mortal status; maybe he ll be
the Torg Rulebook indicates that ammo
The Knights mission is a failure and
asked to head up a Storm Knight or-
listings are for combat rounds worth of
they return to the Liverpool Magicians
ganization of some kind.
Guild. The Knights will find it difficult
 Nuff said.
3. When firing upon multiple targets
to obtain their aid in the future.
Dispatch #2 in issue 16 doesn t lead at full automatic, the attack is a One-
1. My Knights managed to play all
directly into dispatch #2 of issue 19. on-Many, but only the seven combat
four Glory cards on a single action with
Did a dispatch get skipped? rounds of ammo is used, regardless of
a roll of 100!
 Karl Hiller whether the Storm Knight is attacking
2. Regarding the rules for ammuni-
Cincinnati, OH one character or a dozen.
tion on page 77 of the Torg Rulebook.
Sorry! We assumed that everyone What is the extent of a cosm? Is it
When the book says  chalk off seven
would ve have gotten their Good/Bad one planet, one galaxy or what? Would
rounds worth of ammo, does this mean
results from dispatch #2 in issue 16. aliens with a higher level of technology
seven combat rounds worth of ammo or
For those who didn t, here s a brief re create a contradiction?
seven rounds as in  bullets?
-cap &  Allen Woodward
3. If making a One-on-Many multi-
Houston, TX
Good/Average action attack, must the total ammo
After defeating the gospog and finding used be multiplied for the number of
the mysterious loop, the Knights encounter targets?
an aged hermit. The hermit, actually a  Michael Levay
mage, explains that the band has a powerful Roscommon, MI
teleportation spell, and that it also has a
1. Only one Glory card may be player
 continued on page 10
taint of evil about it. The Knights then use
for any single action (which must be in
the band to follow after Frieda. As they
a Dramatic scene and significantly con-
come through, they emerge in a dark dun-
tribute to the plot; see pages 78-79 of The
geon, and in front of them is Frieda, about
Storm Knights Guide to the Possibility


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