Chef Homestudy
Home Study Courses
Hi Maria,
Your membership currently covers the f ollowing courses:
Chef Homestudy, Desserts Homestudy, Christmas, Cheese, Mexican, Chocolate, No Dehydrator, Thai
This is a text-only section with no video
Fermented f oods are so benef icial to add to your diet. Not only are they very easy to digest, but they also
provide your body with lots of really benef icial bacteria, enabling you to get more nutrition f rom everything
you eat. They also provide your body with lots of really benef icial bacteria. In this module I've given you
recipes that are a lot of f un to make and see literally come to lif e. Don't be scared of getting in and trying
these out—it's normal to be a little apprehensive about making something to eat that actually grows
(unless it's something as normal as a vegetable).