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the raw chef | Apple Strudel
Module: Breakf ast & Brunch
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Module: Breakf ast & Brunch
Video: Apple Strudel
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Desserts Homestudy
Apple Strudel
Serves 4 to 6
1 cup raisins, soaked 30 minutes
1 cup yellow squash
1 cup pecans, soaked 4 hours
¾ cup oat f lour
½ cup coconut f lour
½ cup f lax meal
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ cup date paste
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
¾ cup water
1. Grind all ingredients except raisins in a f ood processor until completely broken down.
2. Transf er to a bowl and mix in the raisin by hand.
3. Spread on a non-stick dehydrator sheet in a square and dehydrate f or 8–10 hours at 115° F.
4. Remove the non-stick sheet and return to the dehydrator at the same temperature, f or a f urther
1 hour or long enough to make it dry to the touch but still pliable.
½ cup date paste
1 cup chopped apple
½ cup raisins, soaked f or 30 minutes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Pinch salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl by hand.
2. Spread on to the pastry.
3. Caref ully roll up the pastry with the f illing inside.
4. Return to the dehydrator on a mesh tray f or 6 to 8 hours at 115° F.
5. Slice and serve with ice-cream.