Assimil Dutch6

Assimil Dutch6

113 'Se rd

. maar ik heli .... geld


Herhaling en opmerkingen

T. — Demonstralive Adjectives — Dozo tdit wilh neuteur

singular nouns) poinls to things close to the speaker: dit>

'.dni witfi neuter sangu'a' nounsi pomls tc things ai some

(i'Stance from the speaker

de lOngęn    net huis

dn?e longen ithis boyi dit huis (tnis housei

d>e /ongen (that boy)    dat huis (Ihat house)

Din and dat a te nlso used in a generał sense without indication of distance Irom the speaker. Here. they are sometimes translatod as he'. shn' or they 1

1 al - beroemd. — 2 Waarover - minste - van. 3 ogenblikje klaar - 4 altijd - kleien reoareren. - 5 zou • betalen - gaen


\ohco nese irregjlar plural fo"ns. do

Fraosman. do

i de Engel smar*.

de Enge<sen T1

ic piurai of ae

»r't.' s ae ree en [zAY.nj

a perfeetly nom?

il p jra encep:

na: two dots above the

third e show v

idiere the new

syllab.o begins

3. — Wat — This word ca

m have different mcanings.

(a) What Wat wenst u?

What do you wai

nt2 3 4 5 Weet u win

::-t! ,voord cetekonl'-' Do ycu ktow what tha: word (b) Sonę Heefr u nag wat tijd?. Do yoa st have some

IV,i? iiiay not be proceded by a preposition. Instead. a woni is jsed consisling of waar plus ihc preposition

>V-jara,-i o denkt a? WMnt are you thmkirg about5 Waa'■ • ■"■■■■ ipreek! ze?- Wba: is sne :alkmg    Waamee

Wiat s m ccming w>th?


— Piurai — lo ccrtam nouns :,io short vowel ot the

smgu'ar becomos long .h the p'ura' Sonetimes it even

cnanges to anotner Vowel

do dag |daHG], do dagen [daahg:n]

het glas [hglas], de gluzen (de hglaa/:n|

do oorlog (oorloHGJ. de oorlogen [oorloohgn]

de weg [vweHG], de wogen [vwAYhg.n|

de stad '.statl de stnden [stAYc n).

Hemember that the plura1 o: het kina 15 de kmderen. Sonetimes the plural lorm ot a word tias a cifferenl moaning than the Sitigi.iar form. Some words have differ-<;nt piurai forms depondmg on the meaning.

The plural of het kleod (rug or carpei) is kleden. Het ktnod (singular) cari also rnean 'dretss'

But kteren (a contraotion of ktederen). the other plural torm of this word. means olothes' For th.s meaning thero is no smgular form: one mjst say ee.o kiedmgstuk (a piece of clothmgi


— Of/Als — Ot usually means or but can also be used


Uii if m tbe sense of whelher1. Ik wnet niet of hij veol V"ii: ti/d heeft: i don't know il (whelher) he has much


,rve Ime Hij vraagt o> ze ook komt He asks 'f fwhether: -iiso is eon ng Fo- if :sta:ieg a cood-tion' ais is Hi; cnwangt ii onniiddeiii/k. ais ni: •/": rs He li see -noied ately if ho s ‘ree Ais het weer módl Wifft. we morgen wandolnn If the weatner stays nice. we ro going for a walk tomorrow.


28" LES


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