83 drieer':ac*t:g
Herhaling en opmerkingen
1. — Spelling — Ceriain ru'es gowern the speinng d 'ong arc stor: vowel souncs
(a) Long Vowels. Double vowels are always long. In a closcd syllabie (one ending in a consonani) a long sound is reprosented by two lolters: uur. laat. locrdlng. straat. In an opon syllabie (one ond-og ir. a vownii. a single vcvte has a c^g sotnc. a *onsf. zo. !o per: Thus in cifle'en: torns of a word the same scund might be wn:;en with eithe' one or iwo letters. depend.ng on the iype ot syllabie loipen i.onc o m an open syllabie): ik loop. zc loopl (double o in a closed syllabie).
(b) Short Vowels. A short vowe'-sounc is a>ways iepre-sented by a single ette' which it empnas /oc -rust oe
a ciosoo sy abie. bank. uan bed. tf.-phf Somcl nr.es a consonani musi be douDled to keep the previouS syl.able ciosed oven tnougn only one consonant :s nearri gemak/ keh/k. 7eg:gon. Review Lesson 13. Commenl 14 2. - Compound Nouns - In Dufch. many ncw worcs are formed oy combming twe '*:jun» fen ooHogsidm a war tov e oo hLuSdeor tnn noust; door: eer. taatloraar. a langt.nge teacher: een niaia/esscheoi a girls1 school. Compound nouns always havo the gender and plural ending of Wie second woni. De politie. hel btireau: het politieburoau. Het dorp. de straat: de dorpsstraat (the main Street of the vii'age). Dc wr/ri. het glas: het wi/ngias.
3. — Singular or Plural — When unita of measurc and the words uur and >aar are preceded by a number. the singular form is used excep1 for special emphasis. Hat is
twintig kitometor ver it's (wenty kilometers itrom here) Geef m<i ario hter meik Givo nip twee lifes c* m.'k Het •s nu z es uur i?'s now six o cór* Ze -s aefithen /.tur 5c.e s e:gntre-i years .cle] iPeview Lessoo Commen! .* and Lesson 19 CoTmenl 5i 4- — Names ot Languages — Ihe names ot languages are always nouter Spreekt u Duits > Je. ik spreek net The article is always jsed atter :n. m hot Sngeis n f-nylislt. ■ci het Spuaus nn Spamsh- Samos of a-goagrs are a ways cap<tan?M Spreem u Hngois?, Dc yoi. speak ehgiish? Ik versta geen Pools. I don t jnderstand any Poiish (Review Lesson 17. Comment 2).
5. — Er-t-a Preposition — You a-o ta'niliar wite the Unra person p-oeojns hem haar het Kent u Ć-e damę? Ja * xen haar Houat u van ćie ■ongen’> Nee. ik heu ••••of v,ir. nem. Kent u not acres? Noc ik hen het met. Tiinse pronouns are never used willi a preposition to replace the name ot an manimate obicci. Insiead. er is usod willi the preposition Houdl u vart wi/n? tk ho u ervan il liko it) Wacht u op cle bus? Ik wacht nrop li m waitmg lor it!. Notice that m a reguła' main r‘ai.se. er is placed r get rPter the verh and ihe preposii o>-. to the end o‘- the
■ 'ause Ik not, c-rvan. Ik nou or mci ran. ik hoo or met veei van. Ik ho u et nu met vnes iran Wee is used for the preposition met Komt ze met de bus? Ja. ze komt er soms mee.
6. — Pfurals lormed by adding -s — A ,.s: of !Ce p jra. nouns enemg ■ s studied prewojsly was giver n Lesson 15, Comn ra! 5 nere are the ones <n uessons Ib :nrough 20 (a) ae tilels. de aokters (nouns ending in i and I:r]>: (b) de lilms. de burcaus. de methodes, do kunstenaars.
21’“ LES