o homonimii tieklinacyfnej w polszczenie XVI wieku. Rzeczowniki żeńskie i nijakie 321
tem charakterystycznym żywego języka naturalnego, w tym jego naczelnej odmiany formalno-funkcjonalnej. czyli języka ogólnopolskiego. Jest to - jak wszystko zdaje się wskazywać — element stały.
Rzecz wymaga dalszych szczegółowych i zarazem uściślających badań z zastosowaniem metody jakościowej i ilościowej, z uwzględnieniem dynamiki rozwoju systemu językowego, uzusu i konwencjonalnej normy językowej oraz zewnętrznych warunków funkcjonowania i rozwoju języka. Może to w sumie wzbogacić i tym samym wzmocnić podstawy klasyfikacji fleksyjnej kategorii nomen substantivum.
A Fe w Remarks on Declinational Homonymy in 16th Century Polish. Feminine and Neuter Nouns (Su mm ary)
This article is the second in the series devoted to declinational syneretism (homonymy) in the 16* century Polish. The first article was devoted to masculine nouns (A Jew Remarks on Declinational Homonymy of Masculine Nouns). Both articles constitute a smali part of a major study (including confrontati ve and contrastive studies) on inflectional syneretism.
In this article an attempt has been madę to find out the mechanisms of system changes at a spec i fi c phase of the inflectional development in Polish nouns, including case ending, as well as the related functional loads of case endings. Also, an attempt had been madę to determine the relations between developmental tendencies with respect to their form and function in noun inflection.
The inflection indicators in the ló* century Polish and in modern Polish do not differ much despite a developmental process lasting a few centuries. There is a considerable similarity in the functional load of inflectional forms. Naturally, the distribution of the load in the paradigm in modem Polish is different than in 16,h century Polish. This quantitative similarity conceals, generally speaking, different meaning.
The problem requires morę detailed and morę precise study using qualitative and quantitative methods and considering the dynamism with which the linguistic system develops, customary and conventional linguistic forms as well as extemal conditions in which a particular language fimctioned and developed.