o oj
Yarn Quantities
Madeira Silk |
Metres | |
deep gold |
2211 |
75 |
med gold |
2213 |
65 |
light yellow |
0105 |
45 |
Madeira Decora | ||
med gold |
1571 |
115 |
light gold |
1525 |
70 |
Madeira Metallic | ||
gold 9803/3008 |
20 |
♦ Cut the canvas, allowing a border of 5 cm (2 in) all round. Bind the edges - see Carwas, page 138 for details.
♦ Outline the approximate size and shape of the design with a tested, waterproof indelible ink marker, inciuding the center border design.
♦ Spray paint the canvas ochrę (deep yellow) to unify any color showing through.
♦ Once established, this intricate bargello pattern is uncomplicated but needs close attention to follow its basie lines.
♦ The stitch chart shows the basie design for this wali mirror and should be repeated as many times as necessary to complete the example stitched. This pattern can be adjusted to any size or shape desired.
♦ Begin stitching from the base upwards, first establishing the half diamond pattern, then stitching the complete row. Work one color at a time, completing each row in seąuence.
♦ The center border design should be stitched last, after the outside frame pattern has been completed.
♦ For instructions, see Stitching, page 138.
♦ Use Madeira Metallic doubled. Use Madeira Silk and Madeira Decora as supplied.
♦ Here smoked glass has been selected for the mirror. It is advisable to have the bargello pattern mounted on cardboard and framed by a framer who is familiar with handling canvas or textiles - see Supplters' Addresses, page 141.