Yarn Quantities
Madeira Decora Metr
dark green |
1570 |
35 |
Madeira Silk | ||
dark green |
1705 |
30 |
dark green |
1314 |
25 |
dark green |
1405 |
30 |
light green |
1212 |
15 |
med green |
1214 |
15 |
red |
0506 |
5 |
red |
0206 |
5 |
red |
0210 |
5 |
red |
0511 |
5 |
lilac |
0711 |
5 |
Ulać |
0713 |
5 |
lilac |
0902 |
5 |
Ulać |
0803 |
5 |
:erracotta |
0402 |
5 |
terracotta |
0811 |
5 |
:erracotta |
0214 |
5 |
terracotta |
0403 |
5 |
sold |
0303 |
5 |
sold |
0812 |
5 |
2old |
2307 |
5 |
sold |
0113 |
5 |
♦ Cut a canvas piece 37 x 60 cm (14V2 x 24 in). This allows for a border of 5 cm (2 in) all around for finishing into a 25 cm (10 in) lampshade.
♦ Tape or stitch a binding on all sides to prevent fraying.
♦ Outline a rectangle 27 x 50 cm (10V2 x 20 in) with a tested, waterproof indelible ink marker. Make a mark 16.5 cm (6Vi in) from the top right-hand corner on the horizontal linę, and then repeat from the top left-hand corner. In the remaining space, at its center point, draw a vertical linę which divides the canvas into two parts. On this vertical linę from the top downwards mark 10 cm (4 in) which represents the top circumference of the lampshade. Draw a semi-circle between these three points.
♦ Draw a second semi-circle from the upper right to the upper left-hand corner, of the canvas to the base of this center vertical linę. This establishes the approximate shape of the lampshade pattern. The canvas now has two distinct sections: A on the left and B on the right. Divide each in half to form two further sections: C and D on the left and E and F on the right. This creates four sections C, D, E and F.
♦ At the intersections of C-E and E-F sew a white thread (later removed) to mark these divisions. In rotating the canvas, the sections between D-E and C-F are where the canvas threads are horizontal.
♦ Using a medium green fast-drying spray enamel paint, spray across the canvas surface to unify any color showing through.
♦ When not stitching always roli the canvas, design outwards, to avoid distortion from folding.
♦ This pattern is a variation of four-way bargello but here only one side, rather than the traditional four sides, reąuires the mitred design - see Stitching, page 138.
♦ The design given here is one-quarter of the pattern (C) for this 25 cm (10 in) lampshade and should be stitched one complete section at a time.
LEFT: Using a variation of the four-way bargello pattern permitted this semi-circular shape to be created, the canvas remaining horizontal for stitching its design. Here a geometrie bargello pattern harmonizes with needlepoint long and short stitches to define each flower, permitting curved shapes to be created.
This combination of needlepoint and bargello has been used for centuries, always adding versatility to its style.