Yarn Quantities
Madeira Silk |
Meires | |
gold |
2211 |
155 |
rust |
0401 |
125 |
rust |
0402 |
150 |
brown |
2114 |
175 |
red |
0511 |
210 |
rust |
0811 |
95 |
black |
black |
195 |
Madeira Metallic Glamour | ||
black |
2470 |
37 |
♦ Cut the canvas to the desired size, allowing a border of 5 cm (2 in) all around for finishing.
♦ Tape or stitch all four sides to prevent fraying, see Carwas, page 138 for details.
♦ Outline the approximate size and shape of the design with a tested, waterproof indelible ink marker, allowing for the border design.
♦ Using an ochrę (yellow brown) fast-drying spray enamel paint, spray across the canvas surface to unify any color showing through.
♦ This design is not difficult but reąuires careful attention in counting the canvas threads, a necessity in mastering the Hungarian point stitch.
♦ The stitch chart shows the basie design for this seat cushion and should be repeated as many times as necessary to complete the example stitched. This pattern can be adjusted to any size or shape desired.
♦ The bottom right-hand section of the border should be stitched first with a mitred corner (see Stitching, page 138), then the inside pattern stitched next. This single motif design is then completed one row at a time, starting within the established corner border, working from right to left until each horizontal row is completed.
♦ After finishing the lower half of the stitching first, reverse the canvas to complete the upper half of the design, taking care that the mitred corner border meets. When the center pattern and the surrounding border have been completed, outline the border sections in black metallic thread.
♦ For instructions, see Stitching, page 138.
♦ Use one thread of Madeira Metallic doubled. Use Madeira Silk doubled.
♦ To complete this seat cushion, see Finishing instructions for a cushion, page 139.