Heels togetner, knees braced back, waist drawn inf back hollowed, head thrown well back, arms bent, hanas clenched and in front of the shoulders. Fili the lungs-
(1) Bend smartly forward from the hipa and at the same time stretch the arms forward and downward towards a point a few inches in front of the toes, stretching the fingers Exhaling.
(Z) Recover smartly to the ready position. Inhaling.
This completes the exercise once.
NOTĘ- Keep the knees straight and make the hip joint the principal hinge of movement.
Muscles chiefly brought into play:-Rectus abdominis (7) Erector spinae (16) Gluteus maxiraus (17) Trapezius (13) Rhomboideus (14).
Perform this exeroise daily. lst Week ® Times.
2nd ,, g 3rd ,,
4th ,, u
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a38(2) 2EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Stand erect, knees braced back, chest raised, arms stretched baok,c14 (1a) READY POSITION. Stand erect, knees braced baok, cheai, raised, waiat drawn in, aros exb2(4a) EXERC1SE. 4 READY POSITION. Body stretohed‘upward, knees and hips braced back Chest raised,&na42(2) 2EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Stand with the knees and hips braced back, the feet together e7(3b) ioiiEXERCISE. 3 READY POSITION. Sit upright on a chair, with the hands graśping tne seat.&nbsc17(1b) EXERC1SE. 1READY POSITION. Body upright, knees and hips braced back, chest raised, arms e16(5) 6EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Sitting on a chair with the heels together and the handa grasping&c12(1) EXERCISE.- Body stretohed upward, heels and knees together, arms extended forward in linc5(6) EXERCISE. 6 READY POSITION. Lie on the 1’loor with the legs atretched and together, the arma&na19(7) EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Lłe on the floor with the lega atraight and together, the arna a40(3a) EXERCISE. - READY POSITION. Stand erectj with the feet about 18in. apart, the upper&nbsa8(6) 6EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Lie on the floor with the legs atretched and together, and the e11(4b) 4EXERC1SE. READY POSITION. Sit upright on a ohair, with the cheat raised, and the arras e14(2a) 2EXERCISE. READY POSITION. Stand on the left foot holding the baok of a ohair with left hande3(6a) EXERC1SE. READY POSITION. Sit upright on a ohair, the feet a little way apart; body upright,&img052 Datę Name. Startlng Position: Sit on heels with hands on top of bali. Lean forward letting thdpp54 POSITION 2 READY TO JKRK OYF.RHEADdpp54a firm position ready to sink below the weights and to move your teet to enable you to dip benedpp61 OXK MANT) MI LIT ARY PRESS Stand in position shown in illustration. legs straight. heels togetwięcej podobnych podstron