Torg Infiniverse Magazine 05

Infiniverse is growing a little faster partments. Originally planned for
than we had expected, and in different January, we would say that a one
directions. For example, almost 17 month delay is pretty likely. We will
percent of our subscribers are over- keep you posted.
CONTENTS seas! Postal services being what they The Cyberpapacy Sourcebook is mov-
are, this fact causes some interesting ing along. It is currently scheduled for
consideration when dealing with re- February which, in the parlance of
sponse forms, particularly the rumors Torg rumors, is True (14).
Rumors and News ....... 2
and dispatches. We shall continue to The Nippon Sourcebook begins de-
experiment as long as we feel we are velopment in earnest next week, ahead
Mystery Men................. 3
making an improvement. of schedule. Yeah, that s right& so it
looks good at this point.
Product Update
Dispatches ..................... 7
The Orrorsh Sourcebook is on track,
The Aysle Sourcebook will be released
although author Chris Kubasik is do-
in November. This issue of Infiniverse
Your Letters ................. 11
ing some other material before de-
ships scant days ahead of the
signing the World Laws, so there will
sourcebook. By the time you read this,
Herald Messages ........ 12 be no World Laws in this issue. We
chances are your hobby store has the
will publish them in Infiniverse as soon
as we have had a chance to do a modi-
The Nightmare Dream, the final novel
cum of testing on them.
of the trilogy, is set for release in No-
Other products which are still jock-
eying for position in the pipeline are:
Queenswrath is a 64-page supple-
" The High Lord of Earth, a 64-page
ment in which the Storm Knights take
adventure in which you get to become
up missions on behalf of Lady Pella
& nah, we wouldn t want to give it
Ardinay against many of the worst
enemies in the magical realm. It is
scheduled for December, it s on time, " Ghost in the Machine, a release
and should be there. Fairly nasty chap which could give new meaning to the
on the cover, too. phrase  long-awaited adventure.
Possible Problem Alert: The GodNet
Contributors This Issue: " We have just commissioned a
supplement, which will be 96 pages,
sourcebook from Jim Bambra on the
Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden,
has run into a possible scheduling
seventh realm to arrive on Earth. Keep
Michael Stern
problem. As an additional product, it
tuned to this station for further devel-
has run afoul of previously planned
products in editorial and the art de-
Daniel Scott Palter
Associate Publisher:
Steven Palter
Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly
Mary Galant, Wendy Lord
Secretarial Assistant:
Paula Lasko
®, TM & © 1998 West End Games.
All Rights Reserved.
Rumor Report and News
number represents the strength of the Continuing Report: Issue #2
nfiniverse keeps evolving as
truth or falsehood throughout the 1. Drs. Watteau and Teller are attempt-
we see how you are using it.
infiniverse. For example a statement which ing to create a cyberpsychosis inducing
There have been several
I is false (15) is false unless the gamemaster weapon. True (17). An increase in Truth
questions about whether or
decides to test the statement; on a roll of15 value.
not you could send us ru-
or better the statement is actually true. 2. Baruk Kaah has sent an elite team of
mors past the  deadline for the issue
Roll again on 10 and 20 when testing the edeinos to kill storytellers. True (19).
when they were due. Mail speed, playing
truth or falsity of a reported rumor. 3. Sightings of seal-like creatures with
time, and amount of rumors to which it is
metallic parts. True (18). An increase.
First Indication: Issue #3
possible to respond indicated that we
4. The formation of Hantu Limited.
1. Modern-day incarnation of the
should extend the reporting time for ru-
True (17). An increase.
Knights Templar at Carnac. True (20).
mors. We shall do so. You now have about 5. The Nocturna, a fabled book of dark
2. Rama Gatrun has gained possession
magic, had been smuggled into Indone-
three months in which to report the results
of the only complete copy of the Book of
sia. True (16). A reversal of last issue s
of your rumors, two months if you live
the Dead. False (12).
overseas. 3. Stone Lions in Shizuoka, Japan, re-
6. Martians have invaded Terra. True
sembling the karashisi of Buddhist
Each month we will print the rumor
(12). A decrease; apparently the probabil-
temples. True (18).
report which will consist of three parts.
ity of the invasion decreases as it ripples
4. Volcanic eruptions in southern Cali-
First Indication reports on the newest batch
throughout the Infiniverse.
fornia caused by a Keta Kalles miracle.
of rumors to which you have responded.
False (17). The Wrap Up: Issue #1
Continuing Report updates the rumors as
5. Nippon agents planning a raid on 1. The healing spring/possibility col-
more responses come in. The Wrap Up
the Potala, the famed golden palace in lector in Ohio. False (15). Even more false.
gives you the tally after the rumor has
Lhasa, Tibet; rumored to hold one or more 2. Major Hopten-Ra s expedition in the
reverberated throughout the Infiniverse
eternity shards. True (13). Land of the Dead. True (26). An increase.
for about three months. The wrap up will
6. Viking berserkers attacking Den- 3. Maletritius has taken over a cult of
be the last report for that rumor in Infini-
mark in the vicinity of Arhus. True (13). demon worshippers. True (21)
verse. 7. Demon guardians of hell from Hindu 4. Blackpool and the Whisper in the
mythology, rakshasa, spotted in the Nile Empire. True (19). An increase.
Rumor Report
Celebes. True (18). 5. Vikings ferrying transformed-hu-
8. Nile agents searching the New York man trolls into Ireland. True (19)
The results are given a true or false,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, against the The Stillworld has been avoided. True
followed by a parenthetical number. That
wishes of Baruk Kaah. True (13). (51). An increase.
The Mystery Men
he Mystery Men of the Mystery Men. Only sworn members of 12), boom belt (teleportation value of
Nile Empire are an orga- are given the secret hand signal which 10).
identifies them as a Mystery Man. (The Skill Notes: Dr. Frest has super at-
nization of heroes from
T signal is two fists flat against each tribute added to his Perception and
Terra. The organization
other, knuckle to knuckle.) Mind, for an adventure cost of three.
was conceived, orga-
The public is aware of the existence He has a power setback and a stymie
nized and led by Doctor Alexus Frest.
of the Mystery Men, as well as some of flaw. Whenever a villain mocks or chal-
Mobius had held Frest s family, threat-
their more notable accomplishments. lenges Frest s scientific acumen, and
ening to kill them if Frest did not coop-
Mobius propaganda machine has makes a successful test, trick, or taunt
erate with the Pharaoh s twisted
done its best to belittle these daring against Frest, he loses his confidence,
schemes. Working under the threat of
deeds, but they have only fueled the and his super attribute for the dura-
this terrorism, Frest designed or built
fire. Empire officials have branded the tion of the scene. The stymie applies to
literally dozens of gizmo prototypes Mystery Men  outlaws and  terror- all of his mental skills for the duration
ists, and they have posted rewards of the scene. The flaws are worth nine
for Mobius.
for information leading to the appre- Possibilities each scene they are in-
Frest s family was rescued by one
hension of these brave beings. voked.
of Terra s famous costumed heroes,
the sensational Guardian. Upon hear- The symbol of the Mystery Men is a
Dr. Frest rarely ventures into the
ing of the Guardian s feat, Frest him- stylized rendition of the same two-fist
field anymore, although he is con-
motif represented by their hand sig-
self escaped Mobius laboratories.
stantly on the move to avoid the zeal-
From that moment on, Frest dedi- nal. Most members incorporate the
ous attention of the Nile Empire s
cated his life, and his considerable tal- symbol into some part of their attire.
Overgovernors, particularly Janya
The original founders of the Mys-
ents, to fighting Mobius. Using the
Paterski. He has a keepsake, a pair of
Guardian as a spokesman, Frest se- tery Men are their leaders on earth. Dr.
safety goggles with a 9mm Walther
Frest coordinates the actions of the
cretly organized a meeting of Terra s
P38 slug embedded in its left lens, as a
organization as best he can, while the
most renowned heroes. He told them
reminder of just how close Paterski
Guardian sees to it that they are car-
of Mobius secret invasions of other
has come to accomplishing her mis-
ried out.
cosms, and of his planned invasion of
Earth. Frest asked them to join him to
Dr. Frest has two projects to which
Dr. Alexus Frest
fight Mobius evil, wherever that evil
he devotes time when a gizmo is not
might be. He asked them to take a
urgently needed. The first is the de-
Dodge 7, lock picking 8
solemn pledge:
sign of a Mountain Fortress, one which
 We, the Mystery Men of Terra, do
could act as a secure base for the Mys-
pledge ourselves to each other and
tery Men. He is extremely interested
our quest. We shall fight to end Mo-
in contacting any character s with
First aid 17, land vehicles 15, lan-
bius reign of terror, even at the cost of
Egyptian engineering who might be
guage 18, scholar (cosm theory) 19,
our own lives!
sympathetic to his cause.
scholar (engineering) 19, trick 16
Dr. Frest built an extremely compli-
The second project is AE-7, a self-
MIND 15 (13)
cated gizmo which gated the heroes to
aware weird-science robot  at least
Medicine 18, science 21, survival
the cosm of Core Earth, a gate which
that is what Dr. Frest hopes it will be.
16, test 19, weird science 22, will-
could be used only once before the
AE s one through six were less than
power 16
gizmo would be destroyed by the flow
successful, although AE-2 still putters
of intercosm energies. The Mystery
around the lab trying to be helpful, but
Charm 11, Persuasion 15
Men volunteered to leave their own
it acquires the correct tool, compo-
world to save another.
nent, material or notebook less than
Reality 11
half of the time.
Inclination: Good
Possibilities: 11
Equipment: slide rule, beaker of
The Mystery Men are strictly an
chemicals (fog screen value of 12),
underground organization. There are
hyperlenses (x-ray eyes value of 14,
very few ords who know any of the
mega-sight value of 16, ultra-sight value
membership or whereabouts of the
The Guardian Leader of the Mystery Men is not a The Guardian allows independents
position the Guardian covets. The to use their own methods and con-
Acrobatics 19, dodge 17, long jump- Guardian is not even the hero Dr. Frest tacts. Only occasionally does he call an
ing 16, maneuver 22, melee 19, run- had originally chosen to lead the group. independent in for a special assign-
When the Guardian and Dr. Frest first ment; most of the time a Mystery Man
ning 18, stealth 16, swimming 16,
met to discuss the group, they each works on his own or with his own
unarmed combat 27.
agreed that Dr. Mystico would be the team. However, if the Guardian calls a
STRENGTH 15 (14)
best choice to lead the group. But Mystery Man, he (or she) is expected
Climbing 18, lifting 17
Mystico vanished, and rumors from to answer the call with all speed. The
sources close to Mobius advisers claim Guardian would never call a Mystery
that Dr. Mystico has been killed. Frest Man if the need were not urgent and
Disguise 15, find 14, first aid 13,
urged the Guardian to become the the task more difficult than current
land vehicles 15, language 13, trick
leader as the need for the Mystery agents can handle.
Men was apparent. The Guardian
agreed, but often wonders whether or Mary Ann McKay
Test 11, willpower 12
not he is the best hero for the job. Mary Ann McKay is a spunky
The Guardian holds a personal young reporter who at one time
Charm 11, persuasion 11
grudge against Pharaoh Mobius. Mo- worked for Terra s New York Sentinel.
bius sources could not locate the She won the Terran Pulitzer Prize for
Intimidation 11, reality 11
Guardian s family, or even ascertain a series of exposes on Dr. Mobius, but
Inclination: Good
whether the Guardian still had a fam- unfortunately was unable to print her
Possibilities: 44
Equipment: diamond-tipped cane; ily. But the evil mastermind did dis- last story, describing Mobius discov-
damage value STR+5 (22 max), has cover that the Guardian had roots in a ery of the cosmverse.
five charges of electric shocks, inflicts village called Allendale, and that the Mobius captured the intrepid re-
stun damage value 18 on target upon hero still had an interest in the village. porter and brainwashed her into
contact (this damage is in addition to So Mobius had every villager killed changing the thrust of her newspaper
the damage done by the blow), shoots on the off-chance that he would kill column. Mary Ann began to write
50 feet of coiled rope with spring-re- someone important to the Guardian. scathing critiques of what she called
leased grappling hook); fabri-steel coat The hundreds of goons and villains the  psychotic vigilantism of Terra s
adds +6 to Toughness; steel-heeled who performed the task were given costumed heroes.
shoes, damage value STR+3; ultra- specific instructions to cause as little The Guardian and Dr. Frest worked
sight mask (ultra-sight value14). damage to the properties as possible, together to free Miss McKay s mind.
Skill Notes: The Guardian has two to leave the town standing. The last act Everything came back to her suddenly,
super attribute powers for an adven- was to replace the signs one read upon and she tried to expose Mobius
ture cost of six. The Guardian is under entering the town with signs which cosmverse schemes, but it was too late.
a special curse inflicted by a High Priest said: Mobius had left Terra for good.
of Anubis. Whenever a character with The Guardian invited Mary Ann to
faith in the Egyptian religion gener- join the Mystery Men, knowing that
Population: 0
ates a focus total equal or greater than her special skills might be of great use
Dr. Mobius, mayor
the Guardian s Spirit, he loses his su- to them on Earth.
After that ghastly night, Allendale
per attributes for the rest of the scene. Since the invasion, Mary Ann has
became a ghost town as no one dares
This power flaw is worth 12 Possibili- joined the realm-wide daily, Nile
resettle there.
ties each time it is invoked. Newsday, based in Khartoum. Using a
special code developed by Dr. Frest,
The Guardian wears a long dark Other Known Mystery Men
Mary Ann sends hidden messages to
blue coat and a dark blue mask with a
There are quite a few Mystery Men
the Mystery Men in the articles she
gold letter  G embroidered on it. He
who have earned a reputation since
writes every day. The Guardian uses
carries a long black cane with a strik-
traveling to the Core Earth cosm. The
her column as his primary communi-
ing diamond tip. The Guardian is in
majority of them work independently,
cations source.
superb physical condition, and has
although some work in small groups
Mary Ann is also a very knowl-
unparalleled hand-to-hand fighting
of twos or threes.
edgeable source concerning Mobius
and his operation. Through her inves-
The Guardian is a natural leader of
tigative research she has uncovered
this intrepid group, because he battled
more about the evil Pharaoh than any
Mobius for years on Terra and is inti-
other person outside Mobius inner
mately familiar with the evil genius
tactics; no Mystery Man has fought
evil for more years than the Guardian.
Mary Ann McKay
The Guardian s presence and experi-
ence demand respect. The other Mys-
Dodge 10, fire combat 11, lock pick-
tery Men give him that respect.
Kwok, were captured after a week- Murphy has super attribute with an
ing 13, maneuver 12, stealth 11,
long pursuit and a series of desperate adventure cost of three.
swimming 10, unarmed combat 10
encounters with the forces of Doctor
The Wraith
Mobius. There they were thrown into
Climbing 9, lifting 9
To most, the Wraith is known as a
the  Pit of Dread, an ancient well,
mysterious being who, for some un-
filed with ravenous crocodiles blessed
known reason, is dedicated to protect-
by Sebek.
air vehicles 16, disguise 15, evidence
ing the human race from the cryptic
But Mobius had underestimated his
analysis 20, find 16, first aid 15, land
evils of the occult. Hundreds of thou-
foe, forgetting that Diamond Jack was
vehicles 17, language 14, scholar
sands thrill to his exploits as chronicled
(Dr. Mobius) 20, trick 16, water ve- perhaps Terra s greatest escape artist.
by C. Michael Stone, probably the best
If not for Sebek s blessing, it would
hicles 15
known pulp author in the Nile Em-
have been a relatively easy trick for
Artist (writer) 15, artist (photogra- Jack to escape with his assistant. As it
In truth, the Wraith is actually Dr.
pher) 13, survival 12, test 12, will- was, they just managed to escape.
Mystico, a hero who disappeared
Jack s right hand is indented with the
power 12,
about two years ago. Dr. Mystico
scars given him by a crocodile s bite.
fought a glorious, doomed battle
When they escaped, however, Jack
Charm 15, Persuasion 13
against Ahkemeses, Rama-Tet, Muab
and Kwok were stunned to find out
and dozens of minions. The trio suc-
that they were no longer on Terra! This
Faith (Christian) 14, intimidation
ceeded in banishing Dr. Mystico to the
mysterious isle of Khem was actually
13, reality 11
netherworld. When Mystico was ban-
in a different reality, a different cosm.
Inclination: Good
ished to that limbo, a creature from the
Separated from the tremendous re-
Possibilities: 26
netherworld was simultaneously sent
Equipment: portable reel-to-reel sources and backup talent of Facets of
to earth in exchange, to  keep the bal-
tape recorder, note pad, 22. revolver Justice, Jack and his youthful sidekick
ance, as the ritual required.
(carried in purse) with special weird struck out from Khem in search of
But Mystico had anticipated his
science ammunition designed by Frest; their own home cosm. Instead, they
defeat. He had long studied the Book
damage value 18, hairpin (gives +1 found themselves in an embattled re-
of the Dead, and understood the reli-
bonus to lock picking). ality known as Core Earth.
gious magic of the Nile. He prepared
Before long, Jack and Kwok made
several hundred pages of mystically
 Diamond Jack Murphy contact with the Mystery Men. The
imbued papyrus. He discussed an
 Diamond Jack is a world-famous Facets of Justice came to Earth with the
outline with C. Michael Stone. C.
crime-fighter, adventurer, big game rest of the Mystery Men, and now
Michael Stone then wrote an 80,000
hunter, architect and escape artist. His mentor and team are reunited.
word origin story for the Wraith,
reputation as a millionaire playboy is
chronicling his ascent from the
 Diamond Jack Murphy
equally as impressive, and his society
netherworld to possess the body of the
connections have always allowed him
netherworld beast, escaping the hor-
Acrobatics 15, dodge 17, fire com-
to rub elbows with the elite.
rors of the netherworld. The demon
bat 18, long jumping 14, maneuver
But the side of Diamond Jack that
that was sent to earth had retained its
13, melee 15, running 15, stealth 18,
very few know is that dedicated to
evil visage, but it housed the incred-
unarmed combat 17.
serving the common good. Jack did
ible mind of Dr. Mystico to become the
not squander his hard-earned millions,
Wraith. Writing the story upon the
Climbing 12
rather he used the money to surround
mystic papyrus mimicked the spells
himself with brilliant men and women
in the Book of the Dead, only in re-
who could all help him to  give some-
verse; Dr. Mystico s soul was given
Air vehicles 14, find 15, first aid 14,
thing back to society.
safe passage to Terra where he took
land vehicles 14, language 16,
This elite group of intrepid adven-
possession of the demon.
scholar (architecture) 15, trick 15
turers is known as Facets of Justice.
Once back on Terra, Mystico de-
They are a diverse group, represent-
cided to use his  death to best advan-
Artist (painter) 13, science 12, sur-
ing a wide range of talents and abili-
tage. He took on the persona of The
vival 13, test 15, willpower 13
ties, many of them Terra s finest at
Wraith, and was able to pick up his
CHARISMA 12 (10)
what they do. They work out of the
work where he had left off, with none
Charm 18, persuasion 15
team H.Q., a high-tech yacht known
of his old enemies suspecting that
as  the Island.
Mystico was alive again. Other than C.
Intimidation 14, reality 12
Not long ago, Jack got involved in a
Inclination: Good
treasure hunt, leading him to an an-
Possibilities: 19
cient wonder which was buried be-
Equipment: pearl-handled colt re-
neath the Great Pyramid of Giza in
volver; damage value 15, lock picking
Terra s Egypt. There he stumbled upon
set (+3 to lock picking skill).
ancient magics which opened the way
Skill Notes:  Diamond Jack
to Khem. Jack and his young assistant,
Michael Stone, no one knows of his Skill Notes: The Wraith has three
Alteration magic 17, divination
new persona  not even his former
magic 16, disguise 14, Egyptian re- super attributes and the following
student and sidekick Kid Mystico. powers darkness 19, fear 12, fog screen
ligion 16, hieroglyphics 16, find 15,
Naturally, C. Michael Stone s story
first aid 14, language 16, mathemat- 18, mega-scent 18, ultra sight 13 for an
can never be published.
ics 18, scholar (arcane lore) 18, track- adventure cost of 24. Whenever the
As the Wraith, Mystico has found Wraith gets involved in a violent con-
ing 14, trick 16
himself to be possessed of new and frontation, there is a chance that his
potent powers, brought on by his de- Apportation magic 15, conjuration
emotions will give the demon s per-
mon persona. Darkness and fear are sonality a chance to reassert itself. The
magic 15, hypnotism 16, test 11,
the weapons of the Wraith, and he demon (who is Possibility rated with 6
willpower 17
uses them to battle those who would Possibilities) generates a Spirit total
bring these same weapons to bear upon from a value of 15. The total is com-
Persuasion 11
unknowing humanity. pared to the faith value of the Wraith.
The Wraith joined the Mystery Men Result points are read on the Intimi-
Faith (Egyptian) 15, intimidation
on Terra, journeyed to Core Earth, and date/ Test column. If a stymied results,
17, reality 15
now roams the dark alleys and shad- Inclination: Good
the Wraith is stymied for the scene;
ows from Luxor to Alexandria. this counts as a stymie flaw for all
Possibilities: 26
Equipment: netherclaws have dam- powers, worth 24 Possibilities. A set-
The Wraith
age value of STR+6, but are used only back or worse allows the demon s evil,
when the demon personality takes violent personality to take over for a
Acrobatics 19, dodge 15, long jump-
hold. scene; this is a setback flaw for all
ing 16, maneuver 13, running 13,
Mathematics Spells: Animate powers worth 48 Possibilities. The
stealth 19, unarmed combat 15
mummy, calculate weakness, commune demon personality gains a Possibility
with crickets, contemplation, crocodile le- each time he successfully stymies the
Climbing 15, lifting 15
gion, death shout, detect magic, dream, Wraith, or worse.
find water, mesmerize, prepare mummy,
rot, sundew, ward off evil, wing of the
Dispatches and Rumors
head west for the mountains and If they succeed in defeating the
Amethyst s stronghold. The villagers priests, the Knights discover the VX
implore the Knights to go after the image of a prominent NASA scientist
D creatures and rescue the woman. confessing his sin to the Nuncio. As
penance, he has been ordered to di-
Ghouls and Trolls: See page 32 of
vulge information about the U.S. spy
the Torg World Book.
satellite program, including specific
Goals: To obey their master, Am-
orbital paths and schedules.
ethyst, in return for the sheer pleasure
With or without the Star of India,
Critical Event: The Storm Knights
to be found in destruction.
Amethyst is determined to proceed
must persuade the scientist to leave
with his plans. He still requires a num- Critical Event: The Storm Knights
the Net and not provide the Nuncio
ber of items  the herbs black helle- must rescue the maiden and, if pos-
with the information he requests. Do-
sible, recover the standard of the Home
bore, burdock, artemisia, and vervain,
ing so garners a Good result (6 or above);
Guard unit which fell in battle. Doing
objects made from copper, brass,
failing to prevent the scientist from
both gives the Knights a Good result (6
quicksilver, and gold, and a virgin
relaying the information, but gather-
or above); rescuing the woman only is
maid. However, the recent events in
ing solid evidence that the nuncio is a
an Average result (3-5); and failing to
London have left him aware of Storm
spy and convincing Core Earth au-
rescue the maiden or recover the stan-
Knight involvement in this affair, and
thorities of that is an Average result;
dard is a Bad result (1-2).
the need to be a bit more subtle in his
failure to do either is a Bad result.
2 Cyberpapal Nuncio Andre Clairveux
Thus, he has decided to cloak his
agent s thefts in the guise of a general
In the aftermath of the incident at STRENGTH 8
rampage by creatures of the Dark
the rocket base, the Storm Knights are TOUGHNESS 9
Forces. He has marshaled a band of
asked by their net raider contacts to PERCEPTION 10
trolls and ghouls and sent them to
enter the GodNet and investigate ru- Cyberdeck operation 13, find 12,
pillage and burn the lands east of
mors of a connection between the trick 12
Mount Redenstok. Included in their
Cyberpapal Nuncio in Houston (the MIND 9
number are a select group of Vikings,
current U.S. capital) and Malraux s Test 10, willpower 12
charged with gathering the needed
plans for his space program. There is a CHARISMA 10
herbs and elements and kidnapping a
strong suspicion among the raiders, Charm 11, persuade 12, taunt 11
maiden for use in the ritual.
and members of the Delphi Council, SPIRIT 12
Unfortunately for the Ayslish wiz-
that the Houston Nuncio may be en- Faith 13, focus 13, intimidation 14,
ard, his plans were imperiled by the
gaged in some sort of espionage activ- reality 13
violent impulses of his troops. Con-
ity, but no positive proof. And as he is Possibilities: 9
fronted by a Home Guard unit near
Equipment (as VX image): attack
technically a diplomat, Core Earth
Arvisjaur, the ghouls battled and slew
+2 program; defense +3 program
authorities are reluctant to take direct
all but one of them. This one escaped
action against him, preferring to main- Goals: To attain higher status in the
to the south and sent a message to
church by performing this service for
tain  plausible deniability about any
Ardinay, who dispatched the Storm
Cyberpope Malraux.
fact-finding mission.
Knights to investigate and avenge.
The Knights are told to seek out a
The Storm Knights arrive and make Cyberpriests: See page 36 of the
VX image of the Cathedral of San An-
their way to the Finnish border, the Torg World Book.
tonio, the link to Houston. They find it
apparent destination of the creature
Dr. Richard Jansenn
with little trouble, but also find them-
columns. They arrive at the village of
selves confronted with three VX
Overtornea in time to see a mob of
Dodge 9
cyberpriests. They make no attempt to
ghouls, bearing the standard of the
attack physically, for VX combat is
dead Home Guardsmen, attack and
made impossible by the power of the
set the village aflame, then carry off a
cathedral, so all conflict must take place
young and beautiful woman. Their
Evidence analysis 13, find 12,
using mental and spiritual skills.
prey in hand, the ghouls turn and
Goals: To successfully deceive the
scholar (computer science) 14 MIND 8
Knights as part of a test of their abili- Test 9
ties in combat.
Science 12, test 12 CHARISMA 10
CHARISMA 10 Charm 12, persuasion 12, taunt 11
Edeinos: See pages 22-23 of the Torg
Charm 12, persuasion 11, taunt 11 SPIRIT 9
World Book.
SPIRIT 10 Intimidation 10, reality 10
Goals: To capture the leader of the
Faith 11, reality 11 Possibilities: 9
Core Earthers.
Skill Notes: Lumina has the pulp
Possibilities: 5
Goals: To achieve absolution for power Dazzle 12 (see page 46 of the
his sins and redeem himself. Torg World Book), adventure cost three.
Personality: Lumina was a mayor
The Storm Knights have been con-
in the cosm of Terra, who angered
tacted by a wealthy Jordanian mer-
Mobius by refusing to have her town
chant (secretly in the employ of Dr.
The Storm Knights come before
pay  protection money. She was kid-
Mobius), Tazi Sarad, who has asked
President Dennis Quartermain and the
napped, and believed to have been
them to perform a service for him, in
Delphi Council and are informed that,
killed in the explosion of a weird sci-
return for virtually unlimited finan-
in the interests of national security, it
ence machine. Instead, the gizmo s
cial support for their activities in the
has been decided to compel all Storm
destruction left her with the dazzle
Nile Empire. The task is a simple one,
Knights to register with the govern-
power, and the burning desire to de-
he says: travel to the city of Petra, in
ment, so that their identities and
stroy Mobius and any who stand with
the Valley of Moses. There they will
whereabouts will always be known.
him. When she learned he was alive
find the Khasneh al Faroun, the
The Storm Knight Registration Act
and working his evil on Earth, she
 Pharaoh s Treasury, a two-story
requires all Knights to give the Coun-
came to this cosm to continue her ven-
building carves from a sandstone cliff.
cil all pertinent information on them-
On top of the pavilion on the second
selves and their activities on a regular
story is an urn, and within the urn is
Tazi Sarad
rumored to be a vast treasure. The
Before the Knights can respond,
Knights are to retrieve this treasure
Dodge 10, fire combat 12, stealth 11
they hear the sounds of battle. A mob
for him, but beware  Mobius is aware
of human Jakatts is attacking the town,
of its existence, and has sent an agent
and the town s garrison seems to be
of his own to retrieve it.
overwhelmed by the attack. The
Unknown to the Knights, Sarad has
Find 11, scholar (Egyptian lore) 11,
Knights are ordered by Quartermain
also contacted the mysterious masked
trick 12
to defend the town.
heroine known only as Lumina, and
In truth, the attacking  Jakatts are
made the same request of her. He has
Test 11
Spartans in disguise, using weapons
also described the Storm Knights to
and clothing stolen from the warriors
her, identifying them as agents of the
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 11
who guarded the jungle base the
Pharaoh who wish to steal the trea-
Knights encountered earlier. If the
sure for the evil High Lord s use.
Intimidation 10, reality 10
Knights take the time to observe their
The urn is made of seemingly solid
Possibilities: 6
foes, they will notice that they do not
rock, but in fact there is a hollow space
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
fight like Jakatts, nor do they seem to
in the center which contains a 336.5
value 15, ammo 13, range 3-10/25/60
be doing any real damage in their
carat sapphire. Sarad plans to follow
Goals: To attain high status in the
battles with the soldiers.
the Lumina to the site, observe the
Tenth Empire of the Nile.
However, a tribe of edeinos loyal to
battle between her and the Knights,
the Saar have noticed the commotion
then kill the survivor(s) and take the
in the town, and mounted an attack of
gem. He will then offer it to Mobius in
their own, with the goal of capturing
exchange for the overgovernor s posi-
tion in Jordan when the High Lord has
Critical Event: Preventing
conquered that land.
Quartermain s kidnapping and expos-
Dwarves in the vicinity of Shrop-
ing the Jakatt attack as a sham will
shire are reported to be disappearing
give the Knights a Good result. Pre-
Acrobatics 12, dodge 12, maneuver
with alarming frequency. Witnesses
venting the kidnapping only is an
12, stealth 12, unarmed combat 14
report that a few were taken just two
Average result. Failure to keep
days ago in a  horseless carriage, and
Quartermain from being captured, or
Climbing 11
the same vehicle was spotted in
to pierce the disguises of the Spartans,
Dolgelley, on the coast of St. George s
is a Bad result.
Find 9
Spartans: See page 22 of the Torg
World Book.
The tale grows stranger yet  the In retaliation, Kanawa has used one
dwarves were supposedly taken from of his numerous front firms to pur-
Intimidation 9, reality 9
the car, rowed out into the channel, chase a factory in Villeurbanne, France,
Possibilities: 6
and transferred to a waiting subma- Equipment: 9mm Beretta, damage and has begun producing cyber-parts,
rine with Nile Empire markings. value 15, ammo 9, range 3-10/25/40 which are being sold to members of
Agents in Cairo report that the dwarves Goals: To advance the cause of Ri- the Resistance. In addition, a number
are being forced to labor in the  weird chard Nathlien, and science also, if of shipments of defective parts from
science research centers, for Mobius possible. that factory have made their way into
believes their unique engineering skills the hands (and other limbs) of the
and fresh approach to technology can cyberpriests, and it is believed to be
be put to use by his realm. only a matter of time before they suf-
The Cyberpapacy has begun a mas- fer the consequences.
sive infiltration of the Italian city of
Milan, in preparation for the eventual
The Delphi Council is focusing planting of a stelae there. The Pope s
much of its resources on attempting to relentless verbal assaults on Malraux Nile agents have recently been frus-
find a way to counteract the Deep Mist and his Church have angered the High trated in their attempts to plunder the
that hangs over much of the Living Lord to the point where plans to con- tomb of Amet-Hu, former governor of
Land. Believing this fog to be some quer Germany have been put aside in ancient Thebes. Although they easily
sort of artificially created weapon, the favor of operations against Italy. broke into the pyramid, located in the
Council is now confining friendly and famous Valley of the Kings, disaster
unfriendly edeinos to the reactivated struck soon after. A surviving
environmental research center Bio- shocktrooper claimed that a statue of
Strange, circular designs that look
sphere II, located in Arizona. There the god Amon came to life and at-
they are using various forms of coer- as if they have been burned into the
tacked them with a flail, and seemed
earth have begun appearing through- to be impervious to bullets.
cion to force the lizard men to provide
out Aysle. Most seem to have materi- Mobius is furious at the failure, as
them with a sample of the mist that
alized overnight in open fields, with
they can study. the tomb is said to contain a clue to the
the greatest number found in England.
The project is being overseen by Dr. location of a cache of Egyptian revital-
Originally, the Home Guardsmen
Richard Nathlien, a fanatic who sees izing potions he desires to study.
believed that they were the work of a
all edeinos as lab animals. A number Owing to the mysterious absence of
mischievous Draconis Aysle, but that
of realm runners have reported that Overgovernor Madib Al-Hebpsa,
theory has since been disproven.
the tribes friendly to Core Earth have Janya Paterski led an expedition to the
Ardinay s wizards have studied the
been disgusted by the tactics of the site and discovered the maimed bod-
Spartan squads sent to  recruit sub- affected areas closely, and have cat- ies of the shocktroopers. The statue of
jects. Entire edeinos villages have dis- egorically stated that magic was not
Amon was present also, but was just
the cause of the  black rings, as they
appeared, and none of those taken that  a lifeless statue. Paterski
have come to be called.
ever return. It is believed that Nathlien, searched the tomb, but found no evi-
in rage and frustration, has his sub- Needless to say, the people are
dence of the tablet Mobius sought.
frightened, and Ardinay is troubled as
jects killed when they say that they In an addendum to her report to the
well. She has expressed concern that
cannot give him what he asks. Pharaoh, Paterski voiced her suspi-
this may be some strange prelude to
If these reports are true, this futile cion that the attack by Amon was some
an invasion of Aysle by one of the
experiment could result in irreparable sort of trick, possibly an agent of one
other realms.
damage to the relationship between of Mobius enemies making use of
friendly tribes and Core Earth forces.  weird science devices. Whoever it
was coveted the same information
Dr. Richard Nathlien
Mobius did, and may well have ab-
The covert conflict between
sconded with it after replacing the
Dodge 10, fire combat 10
Nippon Tech and the Cyberpapacy
true statue of Amon.
has begun to heat up. There are re-
Informers in Thebes say that they
ports that Kanawa strongly suspects
have heard nothing about Storm
the forces of the Cyberpope were be-
Knights or their allies managing the
Evidence analysis 12, find 12,
hind the sudden, precipitous plunge
theft, which leaves ambitious agents
scholar (genetic engineering) 12,
of the Nikkei Stock Exchange in To-
of Mobius or representatives of some
trick 12
kyo. The Exchange dropped over 1000
other realm the most likely suspects.
points in 24 hours, and Nippon agents
Paterski has been ordered to track
Medicine 12, science (chemistry) 14,
fear that Malraux may have discov-
down the thief and murderer before
test 12
ered a way to manipulate the comput-
ers that govern the stock quotes.
Charm 12, persuasion 12, taunt 12
the potions can be put to use. This is only the latest incident of
slaughter of the undead in Java, and it
Janya Paterski
is proving a distraction for Thratchen
Three Kanawan cargo vessels bear-
and his lieutenants. The techno-de-
ing goods destined for Core Earth
Fire combat 13, lock picking 13,
mon had counted on his vampyric
California have vanished in the Pacific
melee weapons 13, prestidigitation
forces to keep the Victorians occupied
just south of the island of Honshu.
15, stealth 16, unarmed combat 12
in that area while he continues his
According to reports, the ship cap-
struggle to take control of the Gaunt
tains claimed their instruments were
Man s Darkness Device.
malfunctioning and then there was
Witnesses have reported seeing a
silence. They were still a mile from the
Air vehicles 16, disguise 19, evi-
young man in Victorian dress carry-
reality storm front, and regardless, all
dence analysis 20, hieroglyphics 16,
ing what appears to be a medical bag
captains and crews were possibility-
land vehicles 15, language 16,
in the vicinity of the warehouse. His
rated, so they would have been able to
scholar (master criminal) 20, scholar
description matches that of a man seen
pass through the storm relatively un-
(streetwise) 19, trick 18, water ve-
near an abandoned apartment build-
hicles 17
ing in Semarang a week ago, where a
This is not the first time such events
female vampyre was later found killed,
have taken place. Prior to the invasion
Science 15, test 16, willpower 14
her head hacked off and her mouth
of Earth, that area of the ocean was
stuffed with garlic.
known as  the Devil s Triangle, and
Charm 16, persuasion 17
Whether this vampyre-slayer is a
had a reputation similar to that of the
native of Orrorsh cosm or Core Earth,
infamous Bermuda Triangle. Ships and
Faith (Egyptian religion) 13
a Storm Knight or something other, is
planes disappeared in the region from
Inclination: Evil
unknown. He apparently works alone,
time to time, and most pilots and mari-
Possibilities: 17
and his trademark is the Tarot cards
ners would take pains to steer around
Equipment: 9mm P38, damage
representing Death and the Devil laid
value 15, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/60
in an  X pattern on the vampyre s
Kanawa believes that there must be
Goals: To maintain her favored
breast. Whoever he is, it is possible
a rational, scientific explanation for
position with Mobius by retrieving
that he could be a valuable ally for
the incident, and has dispatched a team
the information he desires.
Knights in Orrorsh, if he can be con-
of researchers to study the waters and
7 discover their secret. The High Lord is
hoping to be able to use that secret as
a weapon at some point in the future.
Victorian authorities have discov-
ered the staked remains of three
vampyres in a Jakartan warehouse.
Your Letters
In Infiniverse #2 a magician from Aysle. She began to World Book vary as to the stats, do
you said the Contract teach him apportation magic, and he the sourcebook stats supercede? i.e.
Ninja had some draw- has currently learned the bullet spell. miracle range, creature natural tools,
1. backs which would be All of this has been done on Ayslish etc.)
in the Nippon Tech soil. Which of the following models (if 2. How about a pronunciation guide
Sourcebook and that s not coming out any) describe how Balinor reacts when to proper names, creature names, etc?
for a while. Could you please explain casting his spell? 3. Any errata sheets for the basic
what these drawbacks are? (((the models were deleted for space game, Living Land Sourcebook, The
2. You wouldn t happen to need reasons- Ed. ))) Destiny Map, or The Possibility Chal-
some playtesters for Torg, would you? ice?
 Dominick Riesland
3. I really dislike the character cre-
Milwaukee, WI  Larry Bucher
ation system (it s not really creation
Castle Shannon, PA
it s just selection) and can t wait to
The crux of your questions was the
see the handbook mentioned in the
Law of Heretical Magic, a World Law 1. A sourcebook takes precedence.
last issue.
which affects the way Balinor could The see through mist miracle is correct
 Mike Bowling cast spells. in The Living Land, as are the creatures.
Alliance, OH A rule which got cut due to lack of 2. A pronunciation guide? What
space is that a Storm Knight may does everybody else think?
1. No, we cannot. This is because always  go with the flow of the local 3. Errata is going to appear here and
Nippon is just now entering serious reality, that is voluntarily disconnect in the occasional sourcebook. We do
development. The drawback rules  the Everlaw of One is always happy not have plans for publishing separate
need work, and the finished rules will to help Storm Knights in this way. errata.
most probably bear little resemblance This disconnects a character from his
to the ones we currently have. But by own World Laws. This is what we Can I have an explanation for  one
issue eight of Infiniverse we ought to meant when answering Tim Martin s on many as it pertains to area effect
have a better guess. question in Infiniverse #3. Of course, weapons, i.e. machine-guns, fireballs,
2. We are not currently looking for our answer failed to mention that you etc?
playtesters. must disconnect to avoid your own
 Jeff Cambell
But, since we do not often have the World Laws  sorry for the confu-
Corvallis, OR
time nor the forum to thank the sion. It won t happen again for at least
playtesters who have done a really another issue.
Area effect weapons such as fire-
good job for us in the past, we would Essentially your Model 5 was cor-
balls and explosives do not use the
like to spend two lines to do it now. rect; Balinor s spell always works ac-
One On Many chart when determin-
So& Eric Aldrich, Michael Fortner, cording to his world view, i.e. Balinor
ing effect. They do full effect on each
Robert A. Maxwell, Lou Prosperi& always operates under the Law of
target within the area (modified by
take a bow. Heretical Magic. The only way to
range in the case of explosives).
3. We think it s a good idea too. avoid this is to disconnect.
A machine-gun is not an area effect
However, it is not currently on the For the record, it is also possible for
weapon in this sense, although it can
schedule. As soon as it is, you will a Storm Knight to increase the odds
hose down a wide swath of terrain. In
hear it here first. that he will transform in a foreign
this case you do use the One On Many
cosm, although he would have to have
table, increasing the difficulty of hit-
The Cyberlaws as outlined in In- a pretty darn compelling reason to
ting all of them, and the Toughness of
finiverse #3 state that magic func- lose all of his Possibilities. If there is
those who are hit according to the
tions differently for folk from the interest we will give the mechanic in a
Cyberpapacy. The case I am about to future issue of Infiniverse. And we will
describe actually occurred in my game. give you the whole answer the first
Glad Tidings
Balinor was built according to the time.
We were very tight on space for
Obsessed Prodigy template in the
letters in this issue, but there are one
World Book. During his travels he met 1. Where a sourcebook and the
Herald Messages
Warning  the Cyberpapacy has back to a semblance of unlife. Several  If the two of you are that sweet on
shown itself willing to use biological war- large sea serpents are known to be in the each other, I know a very liberal priest of
fare. The attempt failed this time, but waters of the Ayslish domain. Dunad who lives nearby& 
beware of future tries.  John M. Kahane  Jacona the Mage, to the lovely
 Eric Aldrich Ottawa, Ontario, Canada human-uvwe couple who are ob-
Seattle, WA viously infatuated with each
 Nobody gets out of here alive! other.
Storm Knights born beyond Core Earth  Kurst the Vampyre
beware! If the American authorities dis- West-Orrorsh The Cyberpope Jean Malraux has many
cover you are a native of an alien reality, agents that have infiltrated the Vatican. If
the will probably inter you, particularly if The Dark Tome  Nocturna has fallen his plans are successful the True Pope will
you have cyber-implants or  supernatu- into the wrong hands. A Nippon agent, die. Malraux will control Vatican City
ral powers. Osaka possesses the tome, and is becom- and be selected as the next Pope. He must
 Richard Lee Byers ing prey for Thratchen, the Cyberpope, as be stopped.
Riverview, FL well as a group of Storm Knights.  Robert L. Quillen II
 Scott Mitchell Independence, MO
The spirit of Sir Lancelot is residing in Chicago, IL
a robotic construct and he is living in There are reports of an ancient scroll
CyberFrance. He (with a group of Storm A group of necromancers loyal to the detailing a new cosm that Uthorion in-
Knights) helped recover Excalibur from Gaunt Man, led by Lord Alexander Edwin tended to invade should he need the extra
Lake Michigan. Morrow, have revolted against Thratchen, energy. Recent upheavals in Aysle have
 Jeff Cambell and have tried repeatedly to trick Storm caused the scroll to be lost, but the appear-
Corvallis. OR Knights into attacking him, so far without ance of an odd Storm Knight of unknown
any success. Thratchen is as yet unaware origin has caused some concern.
After a few minor setbacks, the of the rebels identities.  Dominick Riesland
Renwick agency rescued Prof. Templeton  Kevin O Bryan Milwaukee, WI
from the gospog occupying the Empire Tacoma, WA
State Building. In desperation, the gospog The Still World is no more, the earth
called on the dreaded  Er Crakken , who Even though the Earth s rotation has once again spins on its axis. Dr. Mobius s
Jennifer Renwick sent hurtling to a fiery resumed, the world s weather patterns plot was foiled, and the Gaunt Man is
death from the top of the Empire State and ocean currents have been disrupted. gone. Because of this the Storm Knights
building. Next stop the Cyberpapacy! Terrible storms have made travel risky, involved have been hired as operatives
 Paul B. Hyson and crops are endangered. As if things by the Delphi Council, with all privileges.
Alloway, NJ weren t bad enough! If only it doesn t  Andrew D. Woodard
trigger a new Ice Age& New York, NY
Uthorion s minion Germaigne is re-  John S. Olson
sponsible for bringing dead Storm Knights Baltimore, MD
or two things underway which ex- Avian made from 120,000 stitches of thread.
cited us enough that we thought 2170 Rocky Mill Drive Their initial designs, while not com-
Infiniverse subscribers would like to Lawrenceville, GA 30244 plete, were enough to get us editors to
know, and this is the only place it (404) 822-4909 start saving our shekels so we could
would fit. FAX: (404) 995-0070 each buy one. Boy, getting jackets
" Two comic book publishers have would make us happy. And happy
The shirts have the Torg logo on the
evinced strong interest in Torg. We are editors write, develop and edit much
front upper left. The logo is made of
examining their proposals now. There faster than grumpy, snarly, editors
hundreds of stitches of colored thread,
is still plenty that could go wrong, but who are bummed because they
and your name, or any name, can be
we should have a deal inked in the couldn t buy any jackets.
placed underneath the logo.We, of
next several weeks. You will get all the Really. Trust us.
course, just had to buy some upon
details as they become official.
which to emblazon our names. We can
" A publisher has proposed a sepa-
hardly wait for our next convention.
rate Torg magazine. We are hammering
You will have to write or call them for
out the details, not the least of which is
prices, colors, and sizes.
trying to design appropriate tie-ins with
Our vested interest is this  should
Infiniverse. The proposal is for a 48-page
the shirts sell at all, Avian has agreed
bi-monthly magazine, increasing fre-
to produce satin jackets with a full
quency as demand warrants.
color Hachi Mara-Two on the back,
" A line of Torg-logo shirts is being
like the picture on the cover of the
produced by
boxed set. The Mara image is to be


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