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La reaction de 1’ONU

Boutros Boutros Ghali exprime sa vive prepccu-oaiion

Des officiels camerounais dans la pemnsule de Bakiassi en 1994

govcmma« comnraniąuc ł iłsucd in Yaounde .nday reported another starca berween Nigenan and meroooiaa troops near .barn in the disputed osa Pewnsuła, w uh one A on atber side.

The communique tiid -taco were undcrway bet--=3 Yaounde and Abuja to .ure that peacc prevails in : jxca, pending the verdict of : intemauonal Court of •uce ai the Hague for a pea-:uJ and legał seniement of

: COOflłCL

Tac frakami Affair. as it is

*    knowu. sparked off from rncumoD on December 21.

by Nigenan troops on : Bakassi Peoinsula on jnerooman lemiory. in -tan Divisioo of the South Provjłce.

The firn incident involving ops of both sides occuned the weekend of February to 19. 1994 when detach-•ats o? the Nigenan armed ces launched a senes of acks oc Camcrooman ops which nposted and for-j the assaiiaats to retreat. in me face of this situauoD J m the mterest of preser-:g peace. the govemment of mcroon undertook negotia-ns with the Nigenan vernraent for a peaceful ::emenr of the dispute. The :dent of February 18. 1994 ;urred wnen negotiations tc soi! gotng on Id ljus connection. -T.eroon dectded to okc the .aer to the Uotted Nauons :unty Councti. the rmauonal Coun of Jusoce the Hague. and the sdiauon, Conciliauon and Oitnmoo Commission of the

■Eanisanon of Afncan Unity.

•    *

Me Tibagna Nyaabia* Colette

«oMurt ó Yaoujidi-Hippodrotru -BS. 1749 . T4L 2J.5SJ9 .

Fai: 23.73.07


Capua! : F.CFA 500.000Siagt socuu : lewunde B.F. JStO

■u acrrr.es rt un acir rręu le 31 jan-er ?tr le nouLre łoumgnć. ■i issooes de la SARL POLO \r AJL. rtuiu* en oierablće gdnć-_r ciTaordjnajft om nororoć M aJ KLE MAD JOL gćrani umque de . Scc-.cl:

to asscrt her nght against the illegal occupauon of her terri-


Cameroon reaffirms her sovereignty ovet the Bakassi Peoinsula in accordance with: the Gcrman-Briush Treary of March 1, 1913; the pnndple of intangibihty of frontiers resulung from the 1961 ple-biscite which attached the for-mer Southern Cameroons under British Trusteeship to the form er Republic of Cameroon; and the Maroua Declarauoo of 1975 markmg the mantime fronuer berween Nigeria and Cameroon.

Besides the senes of bilate-raJ contacts between the rwo countnes to resolve the dispute peacefully. Cameroon mounted an Information cam-

Deux eipćdinons dudu tcie oot tiź. oeposees au Grcffe du Tnouaal de Premiirc Insunce de Yioundć couforraimem 1 la loi.

Four artraii tl Fublicasioa, Me Tióagita Syaabia Ccletu.



. ^ •* .


paign around the world to drum up suppon for its just cause. Mediauon efforts were also madę by the French govemment.    Egypuan

President Hosni Moubarak and Togolese President Gnasingbe Eyadema to bring about a peaceful settlement of the dispute. President Eyadema was even instrumen-taJ to a meeung between Presidents Biya and Abacha on the sidelines of the OAU Heads of State sumrait inTums in Junc 1994.


Meanwluic. the OAU Central Organ responsible for the resoluuoo of disputes. after its deliberauons at Addis Ababa on March 24 and 25, 1994, oo the border dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria, issued a siatemeni acknowledgmg Cameroon s complaim on the issue.

The stateraent expressed gravc concera at the escala-ung situauon and the impbca-uons for the rwo coun tn es and the Afnca region as a whole. and noted with sausfacuon the posiuon of the rwo pani es for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. In this connecoon. the Central Organ underscored the importance of achieving a peaceful settlement based oo the Chaners of the United Nauons and the Organisauon of Afncan Unity.

confidence induding the withdrawal of troops and connnuation of diałogue.

Unfottunaiely. what ts happening today does not secm to be in the spint of the OAU Declaraoon. and the fact that the incident on Saturday, February 3. 1996 - eaactJy rwo years after. took place near Idabato dcep into Cameroonian territory. shows how far the Nigenan forces have advanced tn their occupauon of Caraerootnan tem-f tory and is proof enough that! they provokai the February 3l incident to consołidate their \ illegal occupauon m pursuan-ce of their expansiomst ambi-uon.

May the ongoing contacts berween Yaounde and Abuja be fruitful id eosunng that peace prevails in the area pending the niling of the Interaauonal Coun of Jusuce.


tetneat Irooubor jurni troupea du Nifdna c* du




IcA »ur la prouvc de Icurt croupe* da aha de ata la oaadłuaaa wra ł ud itglciBeai pfifiguc de lar diffćrtnd. De crfmr. U «n*e het pafua A aiundrc la ddibdr»-Ltaai dc U Cuur UMernioottale dc Junjcc qu ot actucUenenc iaac du

It reaffirmed its arrachment

to the respect of Lhe pnncipit and the inviolability of fron-uers inhented from the colo-nial period. It also reaffirmed its atiachmer.t to the respect of the soYcreignt). temtonal mtegnry and mdtpendence of all States.

The*Central Organ called on the panies to cxercise restraint and to taJce appro-prtate measures to restore


U Dircction GćneraJe de la Sodćt6 T.K. VOYAGES SARL infonre son aimable clientele que M. KEPE-DEN KV\A\TB \YIUy Franek, ne fait plus partie de son personnd. La Socićtć T.K. VOYAGES dćcline sa rispcnsacihie pour tout engagement pris par ce dermę r

La Direction Gćnćrale


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