


Hin Mg Ilau—Prohibited im-migrant, 299

Hincheliffc A.—Embezzlcment on, 547

Hindu T. H-.—Stenliiig, 242 ITindman M.—~lndce.ently as* saulted, 357

Hindmarah J.—Wataho* nnd jeWellery stolon, 35)2 Hine L. alins L. Ti. Hine*— Stealing; rcceivingj dis* cliarged, 91

Hine Wing—Prohibited lwimi-grant, 323

Hine Wilig T«on—Prohibited iimnigrant, 323

Hine You.— Prohibited Sarni i* grant, 323

ł'HineaH—Larceny as a bailoe (sec J. Bagot)

Hinea E. W. - Jcwcllory stolon, 380

Hiites Ta A.—Fraudt. mijtfippro* priał.ion, 104, 231, 301 Hinea L. L. alias L. Hine— Rtoaling; rccciYing, 91 Hincs W. (or W. H,)*—Break, enter aiul sleat, 547, G84 Ilines W. H.—Break, enfer and steal (sec W, Kinca)

Hing Ah*—Assnulted intent rob-biug (see ‘ Ab lling’)

Iling Ping—Gnods .stolon (sec Fing Hing)

Hit\g Sing (sec Sing Hing) Hininga .T.—Missing. 161 Hinkerty S.—Chcqne drawn by stolen, 657

Hinton G., nlias R. G. Smith, &o.—Steal in dwoUing, $3, 158

Hinton H.—Fulse piotenees on 583

Hinton II. W.—-Diaobey M.O., 54j

Hinton .T.—Stealing, 320 Hinton J.— flusuected. person, 440, F.O., 457

Hinton L.—Ring stolen, 213 Hipkius E. H.—Goods in cu?-tody, F.O., 583 Hipsleys Limited, 148 łlSrd H. L.—AssiUllfe and rob-bery, 40

Hirseh N., alias J. X. Hearat, Ac.—Fraud, Ca nada, 108 Hirat A.—-Disohey M.O.; vrnr-rant cancellcd, 074 Hirat J. A.—Diaobey M.O., 248 Hirst M.—Attempted c-amal knowledge on, 30, 5t Hislop F.—Burglary on, 103 Hislop P.—Burglary on, 103

intehens W,—Waldies, Ac., stolen, 528

Hivea E.—Goods 5u custodv F.O., 44

Hoad. C. J.—PropertY stolen. 264

Hcad iT.—Wafch, Sta., stolon, 140

Hoad 1?.—Complt. stonling, 306 Hoare E.—Ring atolen, 52 Hobb3 and Sons, Go a Ford, .153 Hobbs H. M.—Horgę stenling. 243

Hobbs P.—Rieyelo stolen, 669 Hobbs W.—-Pałac pretenco?, 341

Hobson E.—Wristlet watcłl stolen, 336, 423

Hebron T. and Son Newtown, 25

"Hobson** Buy/* 37, 357 Hobson’fl Limited, 390 Hcckoy A. F.—Diaobey M.O., 16, 183

Hoeking J.—Albert, Sic... stolen, 392    '

Rocklng M.—Jewellery, &c.. stolen, 142

Hoddet O.—Farrings, broocb, &c.} atolen, 348    ..• *» * ^

Hodg** and Son and Willi*, 490 Iloldswuilli M.—Rijigs stolcu, Hodge G. D. U.—Iłieobcy M.O.,    213

649    HoldUp and Finch, 465

Hodge H. R.—Cutlery, ciot bing, Holdup A. r.—Motor tyres sto* Ac., stolen, 337    lc;i, 465

Hodge J.—Diaobey M.O., 311 Ifole C.—JewcUery stolen, 227 Hodgc S. —Arsou, 253;. ac- llolea W. if.—Breaeh liccnsc; auittfid, 328; attemptod mur* escapo etistody, 13 der, 641    Holi A. E. A. alias R. Holi—

llodge W.—A ssani bid, 354, 473    Stolen ehequo in favo«r of,

Hodgcs K. J.—Have bodies    54 J; break, en lor ar.d ateal:

opossums in poseession and faJsc pretences; unlitcnsed using poison for their de- revolver, 583, 681 atruction, 562    Heli B. alias A. B. A. Holi—

Hodges K.—Ring stuku, 426 Stolen chcque in faeour of; Hodges H.y iiliiw C. M. War de—    falso pretences, 541; break,

Falsc pretences (Vic.), 286 enter und stenl; unliceitscd ro* Hodgina E.—Slealing, F.O., 457    volver, 588, 684

Hodgins I.—Sicaluig, F.O., 457 Holland A. S.—Ilouse-broiiking Jlorigkittfton L. M.—False pre* on, 250

tenccs ou, 246    Holland A. W.—1 ligo boy M.O.,

Hodgfion J. C.—Embezzlomcnt, 649 675    Holland C.—Disoboy M.O.. 305,

Hodgson *1. (<.—Wniche.s,    575

stolcu, 187    Holland    O. lf.—Soli    liqnor

Hodgson N., Wntc.1i slolen, 52S witliout liccnse; dischgcl. on Hodgsou*8 Limited,    Newcastle,    ticctise, 606

26, 73    Holland F.—Assault and rob*

Hodley L. G.—Clothing,    bety, 388; ac^uittod, 443

stolon, 427    Holland    J.— -Watthes    stolon,

Hodson H.—Faelory breaking, 336

96, 231    Holland    M.—Jowellcry    łost,

Hodson R.—Money stolen, 104    497

Flofl? A. K.—Complt. fail pro* Holland W.—Wau-h, &<•., *>to* vidc prelim. eKea., 421    len, 1G3

H<»diick A. K,—Disobey M.O., Hoilurd G.- -Disobey M.O., 341, 119, 236    37G

Hoffman 11.—Break, onter nnd Hollolwnn    A.—Oolding    rt!-

afceal, 174    eoveied, 12

Hoffman K. J.—JBioycle atolen, llolle.y E.—Bi<iy<de. stolen, 89 094    Holley 1\—Complt. wite deser-

Hoffman W.—Breaeh    IimnZg.    tion, 387

Rcstrie. Aet, 289, 342; dc* Holley, T. alias T. Bradshaw, ported, 582    alias Paddy Day—Wifo deser*

Hoffnung l?. and Co., Limite<:, tion, 509, 625 580, 663    JJ.oJli.dny li. T.« alias 1L A.

Hogan R,—Suepeetod Rtonling, Regan, nlias Curtiss—-Break, 349    onter and stonl; dischgd. on

Koga u K. alias M. Hognn, &o. lictoise, 555 —Stoaling, 434    Holliday ,1’. alias J. E. Vomig,

Ilogan G. alias R. Webb, &c.—    &c.—Assault and robbery;

AssauU intent commit rapc, discharged, 211; goodfi illeg 428; indecent nssault, 558 nlly in custody; nssuuU a».d Ilognn .T.—-Break, eułer and robbory, 423, 442

steal; acquittcd, 632    Holliday, W. Ti.—lnqniry rr.

Hogan J. alias P. Coulon—Lar-    missiug man, 249

ceny aj* a bailee, 430    Hollicr A.—Bapc; asauult willi

Hogun K. alias E. Hogan, alias intent commit rapc, 212, 371 “Helennrh”—Stealhig, 434 Hollii;gdule, nml Kessell, 580 Hogan W. P.—Money stolen, llolluigford L>. G., alias D. 6.

326    Smali—Btealing, 290

Kogg A. E.—Disobcy M.O., 670 Hollingwood G.—llorsc stolcu, Kogg F.—Wrist Wfttch stolen, 172

196    Holllngwyrth E.—Jewellory sto-

Kogg G. alias J. II. Morphy, len, 416

alias P. Holmes—False pre* Hoilingirorth T. (sec Ilollin-tonces, 59; dischgd., 351    woith T.)

Kogg H.—Falsc pretences, 584 llolltnshead P. A.—Altempted Ilogg ,T. S.—Canmlly kiiowjug, false pretem-ts on, 203 174    -JlolUuiYorth T.—Bnddle and

Kogg N.— Bicyok stolen, 130 bridic stolen, 159, 315 Hogg £.—Goods in custody, Hollis D. nlins I>. G. Hollis -F.O., 388    Assault and robbery, 144

Ilogno A.—BnHcick supp"»e<l Hollis R.—Wilful and obscene stolen, 283, rccovcrcd, 450 e.\posurc, 675 Ilogno O. E.—Disobey >f.O., '‘llojloway*’ alias J. R. Ander-27    sou, &e.—Forgcry and uttor-

Tfokin A. E.—Wife deserter, ing, 623

622    ł4llolloway” alias K. J. Smith—

Holbrook Police Statiołi— *Stcaling, 406, 600 Vaoai!cy at, 627, 679    llolloway N. (or Pmilh) —

Holden    —Wateh, &<*.. alolen. Girl abseomler,    108

552    '    Tfolitmu    J., alias    J. D:xou.    &c.

Iloldeu iT. fJ.—Wife deseiter, —Sodomy; diseharged, 272 18    Holmes B.—Dnnatural offenc.ft

Holden M.—Watah, &c., stolen, committcd on, 96 11    Holmes    E. alias J. F.    Kennedy

Holden M.—Stealing, F.O., 425    —Break, enfer and steal; dis-

Haider M.—Iting stolen, 514 e.hgd. on lirrMise, 4^8.)

Holder S. M.—Wife deserter, Holmes E. O.—Gcldinga sto* 55    Jon,    38

Huldship Timber Coy., Ltd., Holmes G. W.—Merino ewes slo-Syduey, 08    ^ . t . len, 428

Holmes II. alks F. Williama. &.C- —Break, enter and steal, 235, 260

Holmes II. J. alias J. T. Holmes,    iŁc.—False    pre*

tenccs; dischgd., 555 Holmes J.—Suit stolon, 281 Holmes J.—Wife desertion, 509, 686

Holmes .J. A.— False prctanccs

ou. 285

Holmes J. L. - Dwoiling cn-tored, 104

Holmes, J. T. alias J. H. Hamilton, alias H. J. Holmes

—••Falsc pr den ces; discbgd., 555

Holmes P. alias G. Hogg, &e*— False pieleuces, 59 Holmes It.—Assault, 133 Holmes 1?.* lnqniry ic mi33ing woman, 270

JTolirea if. M.-—-Motor cydo stolen, 111

JloJmcs V.—Rings stolen, 296

Holmes W.—PelicYcd i den ti cal Yvith man, unhuown, assaulc Oonst. McMastcr, 80; assault, 624

“llolstein” s.s., 61 Kolt B.—Suit-enae,    stolcu,

465, 525

HoK C. alias C. Ciarko. &c.— Ckmspiracy, 634 JloJton J. JJ.—Rnspnctcd steal* irg, 38L; .stealing; havc un-Jieenswl revulvt»r; falso pretences, 588

Hombseh F. N'.—Dwelling eu-tered, 136

Home Radio >Scrvice Ltd., War-wiek, Q land, 177

Homo Ifeeroations Ltd., Svdncy, 1.87

Homer E. M.—N’avnl doscrier.


Homer G.—Fmbc2zlęmcnt on, 543

Honey B.fglc Slation, 3li) Honcybone W. J.—Disobey M.O., 37li

Hynoyman T — Falsc pretences on, 136

Hong W.—Clnrnue stolen (sec ‘•Willin llciug")

Hoimcry (3.—Pulky stolen, 2.16, 251

Hoo Charjie—False preteneca om (soe “OmHic Hoo”)

Jrlood A. alias T. Mitchell,

- -Agsault; found in yard for imlawfn] purpose, 44ó Hood K. łJ-^-Passed cxamina-fion for /mp(.t 321 Hoołl T. O.—Wifo desedion;

wt. miucelleil, 135 llood W. JT.—Ir.fliot gricc. bmlify hann, 547; aeciuittcd, 590

Ilook O. W.—Watrb, &c.» stolon, 241

H(k4< VV.— Rei'u nul to pay for mcalti nnd aecommortn.' Mjp plied ł»y, 481, 5J9 Hookcr A.—PcndanL stolen, 241

Ilooker L.-*-Money stolen. 14 Hoole O. R.—-Stealing; breauli eon dna. reloase, 121; disehgd., 542

Hooug (Jlmn (sec Cha u Honng) Jfouper and IJarrison Limited, 135

Huujht F. I.—False pretenees on, 81, 146, 423 Iloopcr J<. M.—>St.ealing, F.O., 213; brcftlc, onter and bteat, 388, 518

ICooper M., alias W. J. H. Thoma.s, \<*.—Assaull; occa-sioning bodiły liarm. 317, 340 Hoopcr R. L.—FropcrU* sfolcn, 121


Podobne podstrony:
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE INDEX—1025. Downem J. alias B. TI. McGin-Jcy — Embezzlemenfc, 6U7; s
27 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE CAZETTE INDEX-1925. &c.—HteuUng; J92 disohiuged, “or wMFtruif
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NEW SOUTH WAŁES POLICE GAZETTE JNi)EX—1925 Mon uukmmn (3)—tontintied. Merccr W.—A san ul t, 176Michc
3$NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN.DEX—1925. Cyelcs—continued.    Muir J.—Man namod
KEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313 McCann M.—CJiri absconder,
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73NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZOTE 1KDEX—1925. Shyrt S. V., alias S. fil) ort., Ser.. —fifoaling; disch
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82 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE TNDEX—1925. Slickney M*.    (girl)—Break, oondns.
88NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INI>EX—1925. Wallace H.—Porgery aud utter- Wal Sb J., alias Baly
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN DEK—1925. Waterhonso H. R. (or R. Water- Wnison J., alias T. Stew
NEW SOUTH WAL ES POLICE GAZETCE INDEX_1923. 1 Uosscr II. L.—Nuval doserlcr, 437, 0C7 Roa*/ A., alia*
7oNEW SOUTH WALK8 POLICE GAZETTE INDRX—1935. Ryan T. J.—-Ałi&mg, 90    Sandle C.,

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