A Select Bibiiography
"Sur Ic rapport dc la physiąuc avcc la psychologie," L'Annie Psychologique, 12 1906), 303-318.
"Invcntors 1 Have Met," The Moniśt, 22 (1912), 230-242.
"Einigc vcrglcichcndc ticr- und mcnschenspychologischc Skizzen," Naturwis-ser.schafiliche Wochcnschrift. 15 (1916), 241-247.
"Sorr.c Skctchcs in Comparativc Animal and Humań Psychology," Open Court. 32 (1918). 363-37Ó-
"Die Rasscnfrage." In K. D. Heller, Ernst Much: Wegbereiter der modernen Physi{. Vicnna, 1964. Pp. 99-102.
“The Significancc and Purpose of Natural Laws.” Trans. Frederic Schick. In Philosophy of Scence. Arthur Danio and Sidncy Morgcnbcsscr, cds. Clc\c-land, 1964. Pp. 266-273.
"On the EfTcct of the Spatial Distribution of the Light Stimulus on the Rctina." Trans. Floyd RatlifT. In F. Ratliff, Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 253-271.
"On the Physiologica! Effect of Spatially DUtributcd Light Stimuli." Trans. Floyd RatlifT. In F. RatlifT Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 272-284. First of thrcc artides.
"On the Pliysiologic.il Eflccl of Spatially Disuibuicd Light Stimuli" Trans. Floyd RatlifT and includcd in his Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 285-298. Sccond of three artides.
"On the Physiological Eflcct of Spatially Distributttł Light Stimuli." Trans. Floyd RatlifT and includcd in Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 299-306. Third of thrcc artides.
"On the Depcndcncc of retinal points on one anoihcr," Trans. Floyd RatlifT and includcd in his Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 307-320.
"On the Influence of Spatially and Tcmporally Varying Light Stimuli on Visual Pcrccption." Floyd RatlifT and includcd in his Mach Bands. San Francisco, 1965. Pp. 32I-332
"Ober der relativc Bildungswert der philologischcn und der mathcmatisch-naturwissenschafdichcn Untcrrichtsfacher der hóhcren Schulcn", Physikalische Blalter. 22 (1966), 49-67.
"Ludwig Boltzmann," Die Zeit, no. 1420, Abcndblatt, Scpt. 7, 1906.
“Ludwig Boltzmann," Neue Freie Presse, no. 15,103, Morgcnblatt, Scpt. 8, 1906. "Einigc Wortc iiber den ueucn Syllabus," Neue Freie Presse. no. 15,413, Mor genblatt, July 21, 1907.
“Morsens AngrifT auf die Univcrsitaicn/ Neue Freie Presse. no. 15,416. Mur-genblatt, July 24, 1907.
"Josef Poppcr-Lynkcus," Die Zcit, no. 1944, Fcb. jg, 1908.
"Der Kampf urn die Universitat," Neue Freie Presse. no, 15,732, Morgcnblatt, Junc 7, 1908.
"Erinncrungcn 3n Darwin und die Entwicklungslchrc," Neue Freie Presse. no. 16109, Morgcnblatt, Junc 27, 1909.
"Die Organisicrung der Intclligcnz," Neue Freie Presse. no. 16.494, Morgcnblatt, July 24, 1910.
"Ein Ersucljen von Ernst Mach an die 'Neue Freie Presse’ in scincm letzten Willcn," Neue Freie Presse. no. 18,500, Abcndblatt, Fcb. 22, 1916.
StaIlo, J. B. Die Begrifje und Theorien der moderr.cn Ph\stl{. Trans. Hans Kleinpctcr. Lcipzig, 1901. Pp. iii-xiii.
Kulkę, Eduard. KriliĄ der Philosophie des Schdnen. Lcipzig, 1906. Pp. x-xiii. Lacmmcl, Rudolph. Die Rcjormation der naiionalen Erziehung. Zurich, 1910. P. iii.
Jacob, Josef. Pra/^tiscbe Methodil^ des mathcmatischcn Unterrichts. Vienna. 1915. Pp. iii—vii.
Achinstcin, Peter, and Stephen F. Barkcr eds. The Legcey of Logical Pontimm. Baltimore, 1969.
Ackcrmann Antiquariat, Theodor. Rthliothek Ernst Mach. Tetl /. Kstdog 6)4. Munich, 1959.
-. Bibliothc\ Erns: Mach. Teil 11. Katalog 636, Munich. 1960.
Adler, Friedrich. Ernst Alachs Dbcrwindung des mcchanischen Materialismtu. Vicnna, 1918.
Avcnnrius, Richard. Kritil^ der reincn Erfahrung. 2 vo!s Lcipzig, iS$ 8-1890. Boltzmann, Ludwig, Poptdare Schriften. Lcipzig, 1925.
-. Lectures on Gas Thcory. Trans. Stephen G. Brush. Berkeley and Los
Angeles. 1964.
Boncclj, Josip. Jozef Stefan. Ljubljana, 1960.
Boring, Edwin G. A History of Experimental Psychology. New York. 1957. Bouvicr, Robert. La Pcnsćc d‘Ernst Mach. Paris, 1923 Broda, FngclbcrL Luduig Boltzmann. Berlin, 1957.
Cohen, Robert S., and Raymond J. Secger, eds. Ernst Mach: Physictst md Philosopher. Boston Studics in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 6. Dordrecht. The Ncthcrlands, 1970.
Dingler, Hugo. Die Grundgedankcn der Machschen Philosophie. Lcipzig. 1924.
-. Der Zusammenbruch der Wissenschaft und der Prinat der Philosophie
Munich. 1926.
Drucc, Gcrald. Tuo Czech Chemisft. London. 1944. On Bohusby Brauncr and Franktiśck Wald.
Duhcm, Picrre. The Aim and Structure of Physicjl 1'heory. trans. Philip 1 -Wiener. New York, 1962.
Easton, Loyd D. HegeTs First American Follouers. Athcns, Ohio, ię66. Includes four lettcrs from Ernst Mach to J. B. Stallo.
Eichlcr. Richard W. Liebenau im Sudetenland. Munich, 1966.
Einstein. Albert, Einstein: F.ssays in Science. New York, 1934.
--. Out of My luiter Years. New York, 1950.
Ewald, Oskar. Richard Aeenarius ais Begrilnder der Em pino-Kritizism t*s. Berlin, 1905.
Ecchncr, Gustav. Elements of Psyehophysic Vol. 1. Trans. Helmut E. Adler. San Francisco, 1966.
Frank, Philipp. Between Physics and Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass., tQ4»-
-. Einstein: His Uje and Times. New York, 1947.
Frank, Philipp, ed. The Yaltduion of Scientifie Theories. Boston. toW