17 Notes de lecture 193
words, a proneness to neologisms boirowed from French, a naturalistic Outlook on the reality, some shiny metals like gold, silver, and even Steel (with a hint at Bacovia’s ‘lead”) are the new values of this second trend, which marked profoundly the subseąuent evolution of Romanian poetry. The system of values described above could be easily identified throughtout the history of twentieth century Romanian literaturę. Even today, the poems of Ana Blandiana or Mircea Dinescu bear witness to the vitality of this trend. Only two main themes / values will retain our attention.
The “Closed Space” theme emerges as an obsession from many poetical works. For Rumeana Stanceva, this theme bas THE EGG as the basie symbol. This symbol is, without any doubt, closely related with łon Barbu’s dogmatic egg whose main purport is THE INNOCENCE and, paradoxically, THE CONCEPTION, althought the poet of hermetism refused to it the meaning of “fulfillment” or “coming into being”. The conception leads eventually to death, that’s why the poet withholds the process in a closed World beyond the life and death, the egg becoming a miniaturę model of the human world, utopian petrifaction of its most beautiful condition: the espousals. After the First World War, the author discovers the antithesis between innocence and culpability (a Christian motif), but especially the “closed world” theme in Lucian Błagać Mirific Seedy later in Nichita Stanescu’s Autonomous Zone> in Marin Sorescu^ łona (the prisoner of the numberless bellies of the mythical whale), in Ana Blandiana’s lyrical poem The Egg - where the original harmony dwells, a mythical place broken tragically in the end, in Mircea Dinescu’s lines. The representation of the egg, of the closed space, of powerlessness is viewed by Rumeana Stanceva as “the convergent point of the two trends of Romanian poetry: the optimism, the submission, the hope, the criticism, the revolt. This is the most fruitful inner dialogue of the whole modem Romanian literaturę”.
The second theme, analyzed in a very interesting manner, is the representation of tradition or the Oedipus compIex in Romanian and Bałkan (Bulgarian especially) poetry. “The national tradition and the European tradition of the Bałkan literatures are the two parts of the same whole. The aesthetically outeomes are evaluated under the criteria of the two traditions, national and European. The provincial complex present here is not the inferiority complex, but the Oedipus complex. Who can deny the love for his mother? It is obvious that the European tradition is, in this metaphorical analogy, the mother. The rival father is represented by the modem or contemporary tendencies. The literary xenophobia expresses then the parricidal instinct. We could even say that the Bałkan literatures, having a painfui experience of the EUROPE problem - conceraing the presence of tradition in our times - have the chance to be nourished with this tradition, which is a part of them because of their common European origin (Antiąuity, Christianity)”
The two trends of the Romanian system of literary values (the classical trend starting with Eminescu, the modem one with Macedoński) entitle the author to State that, not only from a geographical point of view, but also from a psychological one, the Romanian and Bulgarian writers (a permanent term of comparison for the Romanian modemism) belong to the European cultural whole through their classical and modem literary conscience, through their power to take a free choice.
El en a Siupiur
16 mois en URSS “CAHIERS PANAIT ISTRATI”, n° 11, 1994, revue editee par TAssociation des amis de Panait Istrati, Valence, France, 327 p.
II y a ąuatre ans, Serguei Feodossiev, professeur de litterature franęaise a Plnstitut de Hmlejnitski (Ucraine), preparait une these de doctorat sur Jean-Richard Bloch, obscur ecrivant franęais, le seul juif ayant vćcu aupres de Staline mais, ce qui est plus important, celui qui a corrige les manuscrits de Panait Istrati, devenu celebre en 1924, aprós le parution de Kyra Kyralina. S. Feodossiev a eu la chance de faire des recherches dans les Archives du KGB oti il a trouvć des