Marcin Sieńczyk Załącznik 2
H.6 Palesch D., Sieńczyk M.. Oleksyszyn J., Reich M., Wieczerzak E., Boehm B.O., Burster T.: Was the senne protease cathepsin G discovered by S. G. Hedin in 1903 in bouine spleen? Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2011, 58, 39-44 [IF 1.491]
H.7 Reich M., Zou F., Sieńczyk M., Oleksyszyn J., Boehm B.O., Burster T.: Invariant chain Processing is independent of cathepsin variation between primary human B/dendritic cells and B-lymphoblastoid cells, Cellular Immunology, 2011. 269, 96-103 [IF 1.974]
H.8 Winiarski Ł., Oleksyszyn J., Sieńczyk M.: Human neutrophil elastase phosphonic inhibi-tors with improued potency of action, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 55, 6541-6553 [IF 5.614]
H.9 Zou F., Schmon M., Sieńczyk M., Grzywa R., Palesch D., Boehm B.O., Sun Z.L., Watts C., Schirmbeck R., Burster T.: Application of a novel highly sensitiue actwity-based probe for detection of cathepsin G, Analytical Biochemistry, 2012, 431, 667-672 [IF 2.582]
H.10 Gorodkiewicz E., Sieńczyk M., Regulska E., Grzywa R., Pietrusewicz E., Lesner A., Łukaszewski Z.: Surface plasmon resonance imaging biosensor for cathepsin G based on a po-tent inhibitor: deuelopment and applications, Analytical Biochemistry, 2012, 433, 218-223 [IF 2.582]
H.ll Skoreński M., Oleksyszyn J., Sieńczyk M.: Efficient methods for the synthesis of a-amino-phosphonate fluoroalkyl esters, Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54, 1566-1568 [IF 2.391]
H.12 Skoreński M., Oleksyszyn J., Sieńczyk M.: A conuenient method for the one step synthesis of phosphonic peptides, Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54, 4975-4977 [IF 2.391]
H.13 Grzywa R., Sieńczyk M.: Phosphonic esters and their application of protease control, Cur-rent Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19, 1154-1178 [IF 3.288]
H.14 Grzywa R., Burchacka E., Łęcka M., Winiarski Ł., Walczak M., Łupicka-Slowik A., Wysocka M., Burster T., Bobrek K., Csencsits-Smith K., Lesner A., Sieńczyk M.: Synthesis ofno-vel phosphonic-type actiuity-based probes for neutrophil senne proteases and their application in spleen lysates of different organisms, ChemBioChem, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201402360 [IF 3.060]
H.15 Grzywa R., Gorodkiewicz E., Burchacka E., Lesner A., Laudański P., Łukaszewski Z., Sieńczyk M.: Determination of cathepsin G in endometrial tissue using a surface plasmon resonance imaging biosensor with tailored phosphonic inhibitor, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2014, 182, 38-42 [IF 1.627]
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