Ciarkę E.—'Waitfli mul Albert fdolcn, 322
Ciarko E. A.—Jewc-Jkry and clothing stolon, 417 Ciarkę E. IG—-jśoeehing; <lis-chniged, 272
Chuke E. W.—Wal cli, Li\, stolon, 538
Ciarko i'. W.—Jowc*lłcJ‘v stolon, G2S
Ciarko G. J.—Stejilłng, 623 Ciarko II.—Wateh stolon, r» 1 -t Ciarko 11. (1.—Wafch a ml jowel-lery stolon, 26!*, 423 Ciarko Ił. i>.—Forgcry intent dcfriwd; fulsc pietencfs, 525; larccny, 632
Ciarko J.— Break, onlor, and steal, 673
Ciarko J.—Clot&ing stolcu, 192 Ciarko X, alias C. J. Clark o.
—8t<ttdi»ę, 203, 400 Ciarko J., nlias J. Coivh*.—-Break. onior, nud 3to:;l, 587; reeoh jng, GS4
Ciarko -T. ft.. alias 1. J. For-gllSOii, alias K. K. Kreci ing. • Break, enfor, mul sieni. 123, '173, 222, 231 Ciarko Ti. J.—Ktealiug, 501* Ciarko N.—Ilnndbag and mnney stolon frem person of, 551 Ciarko N. H.—Break, onter, and stcaJ, 450, 538
Ciarko P.—«Towoll?rv stolon, HO
Cl,arko Publighing Company,
S. J.t 200, 34 V
Ciarko li. II., alias II. M*tli<>rs, &<\—fllore bronłiing, 412, 44‘J Ciarkę W.—.Steal in dwolling: Inrecfiy, 245; sioal in <i*.voU-ing, 249
.Ciarkę f>. .1. PiiM.sililig Company, 290
Ciarko W.—Disr-bcy magisteria! order, 69
Ciarko W.—Disobcy mngiatertai orderu, 72
Ciarko W.—Biorclo stolon, 187 Clarlcc W. alias W. Clmk.— Rtcal from person; dia-charged, st.oaling, 150, 392 ClarkMm J. Iv.- -Wifc* ilosoitin-; disobry magisteria! order. 165, 178
Clarkom N.-- Banglea stolon, 668
Clary (or Cleary) N.—Btealing, $72, 44(1; P O., 4.77 Ctaxton A. IV.—lircak, enler, mul stcrtl, 473, 558 Clay H. O.—fifenllr.g; KO„ 531 Clayborough J. li.—Missing, 081
•OLiyo K,—Break , en ter, mul #lcal, 473
Clay ton E.—Money stolon, 43-1
Claylon (0V Miller) E. E.— ^Kiding. F.O., 546 Clnyton It.. :dkis J. 'Mor.W, &c.—Asaault intent rob, 110, 301
Clay ton V. E.—W.itch, &i\, aiolrn, 426
“Oieary/' Sydney.—Kegislorcd ietter stolcu. 01$
Cleary A.—Tii<|inriug rc miss-Ing inna, 44
Cierny F.—Ring stolcu, 226, 291
Cierny G.—’Wnteh stolon, 502 Cl pary J. 1). alias Flet eh eiv— Falso prctoucps, 42, 359 Cleary Mis.—lmpiiring rc misa-ing tvard, 73
Cleary N\—Stealir.g (kto
Cleary T. A. li. (or T. II. A.).
— Sictilsng. 291; KO., 208 Cienrv T. TT. A —Btealing (see
T. A. II. Cleary)
Clearo A. T.—Motor cyele stolon, 325
C’egg C.—-Aasnult; breaeh pou-ditions rdcaso; lnrecuy, 481 Clegg 11. E.—Brueelct, stolon, 106
Clegg L. A.—Mtssing, 030 Ogg fi.—Assaultrrl, 203 Cienieni M. F.—A&sault.; $boot-ing with intent; maltaiona damage to pro)>crty; 3iavo inilieensed guo, 203, 2-15 Clemeuts E. A.*—.Towollery sfo-lei». 24
Clenients .1.—Cboiiuo drawn by stolon, 77
Cloiiieuts P. (2.—Mis*ii:gf 413 Clemeshn A.—Walili, iłiu., stolon, Ó14
“Clemnmn"—Gucrncsey, Eng-
lmxl, rcgitffercd Ietter stolon, fi 17
('ieoMorc T.—Stcaling, lorged 42)
Clerke W. O —Carnai!v know-ing. 371, 384
OloYerlpy A.—Assanlled, 584 C!:.rf C.*—Bicydc stolcu, 227 Olilfeid A. Ilonscbicaking on. 33
Pi i fiord C.—Oclił iug recoYei ed,
Cłiffoid C U-—Sil;-lig liijuor w# i ho id breiis.?, 2!)1 CI‘6fovd J.— Ealse jirctonces on, 600
CliiToril J., al.as J. PciliYnn.
\c. —t>tcaf in dwHiiiig, 122 CiilTood M. VI. Banglo, &c.. fito-Ku, 241
it.—(1Ii..h;uc dronn by stiflen. 115
Cii (ton !>. j{.--fndccent nssauH, 472: aeqi.it I od. 6S5 Ciiftou C.i. A.—Watek, iV:c.. sto-M., 213
Ci i Hf m T.— Wifc drserter, 229 Olifton J.—Karring stolcu, 848 Ciiftou P. K. (ConataMe)-— A-ssanllod, 53
Cauch J. R.— Ar son ot:, 321 Oljjig.an J. W.- - Wity deser tor, 44
Gloso O. E.—Inffaired for; loft vr:fO and (diildrcn without monns r.c Kapporl :n Tasmania. GOI
Clothier C. E— Laroeny; reec-iY-ing, 13
riongii I.. — O in a ned • bod v not irc-OYoiPil, 327
Clough W.-' - Wilk- desortor, 370 t.Mout G. Albert, ond key stolon, 330.
Clout U. D.—EuibcZiUirteol, 44fi; nprjulitcd, 5-13 Clow, I).—Eiiil>czzlPm«'łi1, 275. Club rioa.K’ Hotel, Narrabvi, 63 Clubb ii. li.—BiHObcy magisteria 1 order, 200 nugat mi f.— Pdi*vi‘le stolon, 593 Ciimo V.'.—Propeity stal'u, 71.
Ur.ua P.—J>isohev M.O., 43. 124 Clanne II. A.—Jewellery stolcu, 593.
Clo.mio T. U.—FaJse pndenses on, iwii.
Cliii ferbuck K.—Stcr«l :noiov car, 3.1.
ChUteH.am W. E. — Assault a ud
robhorY. |
23'i |
, 370. | |
C Udo |
D. |
T.— |
-Fulse protenses. |
397. |
33: |
> * • | |
Glvde |
Em^ |
ring CoiunaiiY.—• A % | |
445. |
ClYde SiLtwmilliiig and .Sliijiping Co., Sydney, 190.
Cl cno M.—.Shopbrćoking on,
Cłyim R. S.—CarnjBP; knowing, 459 .
Oindy A. .T.—Assanlt; wlfu deserI er, U 8, 110,
Co.ody J. U.—Pisobey magis-terial order, 545 Comly M. 11.•—Budy of, l*oi. ud in rarramatła Rirer, 305. Cosdy W.—Assaultod, 118. Coastal Far mors' Co-opevativo Co., Ltd., \VavcrJoy, 05. Coasl.nl Fanners* C'o-upeiativo Socicty, 282, 300.
Coatcs Bros.—Mcrino hoggots stolon, 557..
“Ooatos” Sydney.—BegisWrcd
let.iOY siole>i, 017.
"Coafces,” Sydney.-—Urgistcred __ Ietter stolon, 618.
Coatcs *T.—Wateh stolon, 028. * Coates (M.L.C.) J. F.—ClotU iiig and rug atolen, 349.
Gont es X.—Coty stolon, 369. Conti-a I,. Ił. .Bicyclc stolcu, 394.
Car.'.os B. E—Struli«g, 41. CobArgo Police Stntiou.— Vac-ancy at, 551, 603.
Cobb IV. II.—Escaped mon tal pationt; arrest.ed, 90, 247. Cobley T.—Wifc deserler, 354. Coburg Tramway Norihern System Band, Yiotoria, 69. Coehran A.—Cattle stolon, 315. Coolnane & Compurt', Sydney, 30.
Cochranc A. t\—Navul deserter, 72, 52 J.
Coohronc- F. (#eć F. A. J. Coeh ranę).
('ochra na V1.—Money .stolon,
07 r.
Ul •>*
Coo.Urune F. A. Z., (iliaa F. A. Russell, &e.—•Steni i ng, roceiv-ing; diseliargid, 201. CWhfftin V. W., 30.
Coehrane J.—Gcldin^ stopu, 105,
Coekburn .T.—Watchoa, &c., slrdon. 102.
“Ooe-kiicy Joo," niins ,T. Ke\v,
Robbery with violc:u.v; wifc maintoiianee: dic
rluirgcd on icenoo, 3X3; dis-oliey M.O., 532; :ivs.u:l(, 584. 613
Caoks W. II.—■Al?io2t s:.olcn, 416.
CodringtoU II. A.—Signuturo forgod to elietpu', 314, 435. Codrington P. R.—Stcaibig, 221 Codringtou W. B.--,Skins stoh n, 435
Cody A. .7., alias -T. Curr.— Wifc dcs-eriur (S.A.), 361, 121
Coc W. J.—Pisohcy lnnior.en-anco order; nonpayment of eofcls, 146
Co nr vnr d on Al. Yutt., >.f. Car-lairs, ic.—Fr.audulc.?Lt mis-appropriatiou, J 73, 367; falsc pioicno.es, 434. 443, 558 CooYordim M., iilins; M. Carla i rs. &r.—PraudubuH mi«. appiopńatiou, 173, 357;
fnlsc pre443-1, 4-13, :>f>s Coey Chan l)b*k.—Dreaeb Imm;-gryfioir Rcstriclioii Act (Sec W;.:ig Wah)
OofCcy K. J.—Steni motor c.nrs, 149, 370, 109, 135 Cofnę Al.—Brooi?h stolcu, 01.6 CcifTs Tluibour Jockey Club, 449 Coggius B. E.—P.teul motor C» rs, 149, ć>70, 409, 435 Coghlan 11.—Break, onter and stec;, 888, 518
Oegblan 7>f.—Af^noltod and rybbed, 53-1. 600
‘•Cohen/' Sydney.-- Rogistered Ietter ttolen, filS Cohen A.--Fabo nridei.^.s on, 612
Ct-lson A.—Bteulirig, F.O., 673 Cohen A. Clothing stolon, 399
CiJmn B.—False piutensea, 000;
1U> bill. C51, 684 Cohen C-—Bing sfol. n, 348 Cohen 1). & Company, 97 Cohen T>. M.—Brooch fitolcn, 003
Coheu Cu, iiliuii <*•'. Christie.— .Fulso pretemtes, F.O. dis-c-harged, 3H7
(.V>hen jJ.- Hoisc stolon, 01 C<*bcii G.—As^aultod ic rohbod.. 357
Cohen S.—Clolhing. &i*., sluU-n. 1G9, 190
Colirn V. F. Fnlsc pretcnecs and stcaling on. 611 Cohoifs Pawu Oflice, GU-bc, 554 Colmids Pawn Office, Lei cli-łmrdt, «57
C.kiitcr R. A. - A'jut.1 deserter, SI, 94
Oo‘l»urn 11.—Brooch xt-ol»?n, 322 '•Cole,” mim named refuso p-ay for ineals and oreommodiWhni to S. Soiomon, Star Tlo*el, Su»sex-street, Kydncy, 93 ‘•Cole." alias II. S. Od.*, .kr.— — FaLe pretciK-i-s; brenek eoiulitkmfc releace. 000
Cf.le A. II.—NuyuI deserter, 143 Co;e C. A.—Wątcli stolec, 213 Odo (1. H., oli^s TI. Ocidiug. —Wifc deserter, 329. 373 Cole O. S. Einbosudonieul., 12 Cole C- W.—Watyh, jowelloiY. &e., 479
C<de F. J., Sydney.—Regisjcrcd lert-r stolon, 618 Cole F. N. Marni deserter, 551 Cole H. S. i. F. Mnlley, &v.— F::lsr- pret:*it«-es, 42 Colo If. G., alias n.i-isi.l.':*‘S«»ii. aiias P, Ma ller, alias ()’Mal-ley, alias (1ole. rlins Liddoll. Balsę profeuei-s: rou-
ditloiK r«‘h»:ixi«, OfH)
Oo*e II. \Vr.—Ilousiducuking o;i. 08
Gole J. Comjdt. fiaudnt. < on -r^rsiou, 372
Colo -T.—Fouml ut night. i a session honsebreaking iniplc-mciitSj *"l l : no bill, 635 Cole L. W. Monity ntfdon, 447 Colo M.—Steuling, 561, 664
Cole N.—T1‘tycie stolon, 579 Colo A.—CńcYous bod iły
hurm on, 445, 588 Coicbrook N. II. — Sten ling,
KO.. 44
Ckdcbrook W. II , alias G. Winni, &e.—Bui ęrlary; dischnrgrd cii rceiifło, 493
Colce M.—Ring fitolcn, 538 Oolcman K.—Misaing, 215
Colcmujt E. E.—Fórgory mul
nl.tcring, 221, 371 Coleman F. Assanltcd and TObhcd, 50
Celoman G.—Juwcllcry K-oU-n, 321
Cnlonmn .T. C. alias G. Lrirnunt. —Stcłiiing, STU
Colemnn 1.. O.—Forgory :md ultoriiig, 221, 285; dis-
cliargod, 467
Coleman W. ‘Ił.-—Gto.aliug, KO., 219
Coleridge C. J.~Thoft (Can-min), arreyh-d, 304 Colhmler, Rcy. Fathcr J. JC.— lloifer stolon, 33U Colkudiuu Siat km, 143
CYdlclt S. Ij.—Wifc deserter. 32 S
C:jllcv .T.—Eisorn-y magisterial order, 82, 191
Galicy h. R.—Diftobpy mngU* tcrial onlor, 220 Colley M.—-Ring stnlen, 186 Callcy T.—Nenio forged to clic<]uc, 307