fi 4



Matthews S. B.—Embczzlemcnt Meudei-80, 221, 409    482

Matthews W. H.—Wif« deser- Mendo wa J. Mining, 071 ter, 194 .    Mcngher 11. L.—Biga my on,

Matthcwa W. H.—False proton- 059 o.C3 on, 240, 435    Meaghor ,1. (or Maltcr) —As-

Matis S.—Griev. bodily hanu Sf.ulted, 118, 204, 354 on, 459    Meimcy K. .).—Reward ln eon-

Matt.a E., alias E. Muson, &e.— ncot. flre to propty of, 487 Suapected person, 249    Moaney'3 Panu, Rnst Wardell,

Maul J. C.—Money, &c., stolon, 487 '

242    Mears    11—Rob bery,    lreing

Maxcr U*.—Bicyde stolon, 87 r.rmcd. 011 Mawson R. G.—Griev. bodilv Meurs Ti.—Wiist. 1va(eh slolen,

harm. 03G    '    204

Maxwoll C.—Wifo deserlion, Macham A.—Ring stolcu, 410 136    Aiedina A. E.—Brenek eomlns.

Mnxwoll C.—Disoboy M.O., 373* relcusc, 149, 661 Maxwell J.~ Wntch, albert, &c., Modlicott R. IV.—Watah, <£/•., stolon, 103    stolon, 4.19

M«xwcll J., alias W. Kurwy, Mediów Bath Railwny Station,

alias H. Simpson,    uliaa    If    6}7    .

Thoimis.—Howscbrcftking, 40, Mraway Ti. •T-—Muliciouh m 173    juiy to property, 173; on

Maxwell * P.    R.-Tiiilioon-wd    licrnHc, u0(>

gun; nbscond from bali, 275 Mc o. W. A. E.—Missiug, 195 Maxwcll S.—Je woliery alolen, Mceh::n II.—I o woliery stolcu,

478    254

•*Ma.v,” alias L. Guli w Di w Mtcehrm T. M.—Diitoboy ll.U,

. boy M.O.. 201    <>W» ‘WJ

May A. J.—Cliilcl desertion, Meeks C— Ring stolon, 11


May C. II.—ęuapcctcd person C75

May E.-Complt. frandu. eva* State, 3S8, 412

sion taxi faro, 372    Mognw (or Mognur) M. G.

May E.—Complt. evoximi psy- Brojn-rty m po.-wr-jw.cn, stolon mout taxi hire, 570, 601    * ontsi.lo State, 388

May 15.—Wnteli stolcu, 616 Meggett F.—Wnteli stolcu, 5H Mav F. A.—P.N. drawn bv, sto- Moilinan Lniul Syndiearc, uenr len, 263, 575    Euston, 105. 187

Mhv O.—Ring stolcu, 128 Melbourne R.8. Company, 618 Mar G. R.—Misfhig, 021    Melby II. W. L. ali:u» U W.

»r ’ tt ci .i    o-ta    Mflyillo, &<v—False preten-

w”'ecs; ev;»ł.l«* pnYnn-u* taxł May M.—-\VaUh and jcmdlery 1t,rc jrifi    250

\fN'°o 1r oi i-    MrMrum J.—Abu?) mtrred, 122

Mclfoka M.—lnquiry r<? mis-May y.-Frfludtly omit to pay ^ łM0Ili 142

SC<t* ^?i80Ilr. i ^ Meller ick J., alias .T. Hm-l*»v, M«-v .T,.IT- ^C-Cvadc —Bhophrcaking, 32, 124, 175

vr ł!łXw ‘"'r faTu’ flna    ,• T.    Melior .1.—Aid iiml nbet bug-

May W., olios Byrnea, alias Pny g.l%rv

—Conspir/icy, 446, 558    Melne Ćlmek W. J.. alias W.

M?TCOoo7b,’"CI'    **'’ 8    W Marks, nlius R W.

len, —7    . Gt.oiig, alias ,T. Vai» Bvr.--

Mnye G. (or Mavw)—Assau.t    Mur.lcr »ud robh,rv (Amer-

occasiuuuig iHMliiy linriii9 1*19. icn). C>48

n . o-    i    .    -Mcirosę B.~ T.arecny as bailee

May field A—Rmgs and xyl««-    cn 5^3

.te lwy HColc.1 (sor A. M. Mrbou {/. \V.-4jarnal1v know Mcrringtoiu    iup, 317; ncqnitted. 4D8

May field II.—-Wite deserter, 608 Melvi|1e O. W., alias I(. W. L. Maynard A., .alias A. Henio.1, M. lby, alias H. Melby, alfo"

.„.u„Awo /«>— C nl*»uctt. Men unknown (2)—ccwitintjcd. W _cn.w. Mc^tama    s ;,|d strang

*1    -    ...    /«___a jerv    ■ a.»a«4aM    ----------

Megan Polico .Statiou eloscd, 6 , Megiior TiT. G.—Pjopeity iii possession, stolcu outsido

At Polmer-strort, Syd., 50

Steni stullion fo:J, property of W. H. Baxby, At Flot,* rmy, 50

A Wormin ęu.^/cclcd stcal property of R. Dmmls at CoocrwuR Public Bclioul, T,!.tltgow, 53

Assault W. H. Willian.s ah Rand wiek, Cl ,

Asnault- and rob lt. >Vlłite At Sydney, 90

ftiispooted tmrgbny on P. nnd K. llisicp, 103

Assaull and rob F. Bovoren; assnult witb intont mb VV. łlAvoien, PU

AsRanlt and rob F. Gllcs at Sydney, 139

Snspccted stoaliug moncy, fiu* property of V. A. Boyd, nt Rosov»He, 141

Suspected stenling from shop of W. Dimdorc in company witJi v.ouian uu-kuowit, 154

Suspccted sten ling from Które of Palmer iS:    Co.,

Wnllondhcei:, 155

Suspc^tcd steal from rosi-denco S. Farley, T69

Susjicctcd Hliopbreaking on M. McCann nt Nerth Syd

ney, 171


A^snulf Con»1. Ciirf.ain Frskinovil)‘.', 176 Uso tbrcatouing words to M. L. Hawtliornu ni Sydney, 190

Assault- nnd rob Af. Tlili et.

Neufrnl Br.y, 212 Steni i« dwoiling of JT. K.

Blair :«• Potoi-Kbtini, 21-1 J-lvr.dc jmymunt ln\i !i:ro to T. «l. Pa Merson j».t Sydnry, 219

Assaoll nu l mb U. T. Koarnc* at Sydney, 225 Susnected .*;tejjling from rosi-denoc of W, Av;m, Drmu-

moyue, £27

from i\k1. Bmdford,

&e.—Palsc pretonecN, 371 Maynard F. E.—Navnl dewrter, 608

Maynard O. T.—Gomplt. fnil provide preiim. c*xes., 545 "MayneJ' (sec G. Moyc)

Marne E.—Wristlct watcb stolcu, 322

May o L.—JcWelk-ry stolon, G42 Mayor of Babuniu. 203 Mazu rak i C.—Money, &c., sio-len, 25

Mazd O. C. Watchca, &e., stolen, 186

Mead C.—Medals, &c., stolon, 52

Mend J., alia^ A. Lewis, &c.

O. WalliDgford. alias W. Mi:lvilli.-, alias C. MelviRc Fnl.so pr<-feuocs; <?vadc pay-ment t;ixl liiro, 158, 159, 176. 25(1

Melvi:lo D.—Naval    deser ter,


Melyille Ił.—Ooinpt. ro non-payiuenl ot* tnxi farę. 148

Melyillo E.—Two wntchcs and brooch .stolon. 366

Mehille W.—Ev:ido    paymout.

of ta.\i hire, 176

Mehille W., alias C. W. Mel-&c.—>'uIse pretenees;


ovadft paynieut tnxi hirc, t5fi, 159, 176, 250

—Steal by trick; atrompt Mehin R. (or R. Mo.Iiityre) — bribery; stealing; fail &l>- Kigamy, 016

Mon unknown (two)

Suspccted si oa 1 .iowdlery,

jjoar. 97, 274

Mend R. J.—-Naval dosorf cr, 568

Mead T. E., alias .f. Gwn— False pretences, 246, 358, 443

Mend W.—Money, &c., stolon, 688

Meader C.—Watc.li and iowcl-lory stolen, 186    .

Ac., in dwelling of H. .T. Sol o non nt Ralmniu, 25 A.^atilt: and rob S. F. Tray-nor, ar Albion Hotel, Gco.-Street West, Sydney, 27 Prnndiilei.lly ł.bl:ei*i money from A. Drittou ;vt West. MnitUmd, 30

Knsy.ee trd steal deurn of M 242-3

Ajjsar.lt uud rob (^. Rawa at. Sydney, 274

Assrudr u ml rob Ryau s.t Aslifirlil Hotel, Asi.field, 283

Assni.:t*'d fji 1 robbrd Edward Doli orty :.t Cfti'e?łlll!g Park, Nor tli Svdnev, on 20/5/1925. 295 '

Steni from C. U. Fuller, li-ueiisee Comtncrciul Hotel, Kyogk*. enfe centa i u‘mg £2e0, 297

A^saulled nnd roMu-d P. Landrig.m iu Omnibus-lam*, Rv<lnc.v, on 4/6/1925, 310

Asaaullcd nnd robbed J, Horton ;n York-Street, Sydney, on 10/6/1925, 321 Clofliir.g, &c*.r otolen fron. II. TheTlow at South Kensiug-fon o:. 8/6/1925, 323 Assnulled nnd robbed R.

King in Fe.vcr.iix-.st., 39) Suspic'011 jium-hed. to in corijiection roblx»ry from premisea of D. Stuart, 405 Steal from the p'r*au uf A. ScicUum :it Edgccliff on 31/7/1925, clmriue and uioney, 418

Suspcł-iod bronking and en*

ter Ing prendse* of B. P. Ueddir.g & Co. nnd W. A. Nett at Ar mi dale, 427

Lcieostcr ewc from Esperi nu.Mit.nl Farm, Temora, 440 Susper.ted su-aling motor car ot' Dr. li. Jones, at Tłoublo Bay (rceovcrotl), 455 Assaultcd and robbecl F. Goldof.ro at Darlinghurst,


Suspccted of stfinliug casc, cherjue, utoncy, iŁc., from bur of Roynl Oak Hotel, Donldo Buy, 479 As-aiilting *A. Osburn at Sbai;utore, 458, 485 Wallct and ninuoy stolen from person of S. W. Scott at Tnronga Park, 491 •Susj)<vtC(l Ktealing from vari-•>us boiels, Ac./ at Gil-gandi-a, 503

Słealing from reaidenco of A. M11H011 ut Rydc, 504 Stealiag stolca, ^c., from •Riga” Fur Co. at Sydney,


Asssuilted nnd rnbbeA L. J. Pul mer in Erskinc-atrcct, Sydney, 516

Asnaulted Conut&blo »T. Ruch-Imnun in cvccution duty :tl Sydney, 495; one man idnitieal G. P. Whalley, 525

Steal manty from A. Salon at Hondi, 327

AssnuPod P. Huydon (or Ilaydnn) al Bydnoy. 343 Stcnling from The rluntlers Limited, West Maitland,


Steal spwduelcs and nioney from jierson of W. E. Evana at. corner of Albion a ml Crown »ts., Byducy,


Assinlted li. Robertson and T. Smith nt Sydney, 561 Entcred shop of R. Roboy md assuuUckl hiin nt Fo-vi?r,u.\-s*reet, Sydney (ono bcli«'ved J. S. Wilson or (?nirns), 561

Steni frocks from K. Grccn, trnding as La Parisicnnc at Sydney, 5G7

Sukpected stealing from dwelling of P. Bruce, Vic-taria; fjnr.* nuiueu “B. G. Gordon and Roberta, 581 Steal bioydr, property of X. Brown from Muawollbrook, 617

A ssani t nnd rob R. Breoliiu, at Glebę. 641

Steni «kiff, property of Fis-iicrles Department, and mitlery a ml clotliing, &c., from huncli, property of Dr. W. C. Mansfield at Brooklyn. 643

K;nal uceklet, peuell, &c., from Dr. H. M. Mora a at BcIIcyuo Hilt. 644 Assault J. V. B. Gleoson nt Botany, 647

Assault G. Peirlm in Dangax-lane, Sydney, and rob him of moncy, 686

M»*ti unknown (three) —

Assaull and rob W. Rpardon nt Sydney, 101 Snspeeted snfe-biowing on McVi«3*s Otttorcra Lid., Wnollahra, 170 Assunit nnd rob G. TI. Baker at Sydney, 167 Assanb S. Clcgg :it Mnyfiotd 20'.ł

AasnuJt and rob II. W. Wbite, af SydneY, 225


Podobne podstrony:
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
12NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTK INDEX—1925. Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103 Burles, S. A,—
NEW SOUTH WALKS POLICE GAZETTE TNF>TCX—1925 CoIIcy W. Futoc prctcnccs on, Collins <J. T. V.—E
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE 1NDEX—1925. Flahorty J.—Watfih rccorcrcd, 65 Fliuiagan A. J.—Diaobey
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 31 GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE rNDEX—1933. % y.>2 Hule 8. J.—Neglwt nay amoutU due on M.O.,
515NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE IKDEX—1925. Hart II.—Bing stoien, 254 Hart/ Hitchcock Limited,
40NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—192$ Infanta—continuęd.    Irring Wr.—Goods
41NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE JNDEX—1925. James J. W. (or .1.’ James)— Disolicy M.O., 386 J
44NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml on
50NIOW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Magnus E.—Complfc. biga my, *295 Magnus X. J. (sec All
51NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man uuknowji (I)- ‘CGutUwol.Man unknown
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man unknnwn (I)—continucd. Słcal cash box containtog w
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese

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